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Story Series

Series Must Contain 2 Stories to be viewed in the Browse by Series list
  1. 0300

  2. Ice Fairy

  3. Ship Logs of the Santa Claus

  4. Desert

    Jexon Kendrik and family living and working in the very harsh Pilbara an Kimberly regions of Western Australia.

  5. Escaria

  6. The Sapphire Thief

    Tales of Zafiro the thief!


    Recommended to read the Star Crossed series first for more context of the setting There are a good number of references from it.

  7. The Phoenix Diaries

    Follow Travis Turner from bullied seventh-grader to legendary superhero. But as evil's chosen one, his path won't be easy and will take him to the farthest depth of outer space and the darkest pits of hell on his journey to herohood, testing him at every step.

    Along for the ride are Pro, the alien prince Travis shares his body with, and Josh, Travis's bully turned bff and boyfriend.

    Heavily inspired by anime/manga, comics, and video games, and late '90s/early 2000s pop culture; this series will appeal to geeky peeps and LGBTQ+ folks into sci-fi/fantasy and LGBQT+ romance.

  8. Pleasant View

  9. Confounded

  10. The Moon Series

    A series about werewolves, vampires, and other species seeking their mates.

  11. Astara Royalty

    The royalty of Astara is chosen from the common folk, leaving their former lives to start anew. These are their stories.

  12. Jim and Chad

  13. Hard Won Happy Endings

  14. Nemesis

    Nemesis is the story of Dave and Nick, two teenaged boys in the small West Midlands town of Windfield Green.

  15. For Everything Series

  16. Lloyd Family Corp

    This series about the adventures of the Lloyd family and the crews of their vessels, Aquaria and Oceania.

  17. Fallen

  18. Carthera Takeover Tales

  19. The Croxburgh Chronicles

  20. The Hyperspace Enigma

    When it turns out that the prime pleasure android on an all-male starship is malfunctioning and has evolved the capacity to fall in love, many men onboard fear the change that has happened to the mandroid. The synthetic and his human lover need to make their own way in the universe, but their burgeoning relationship is bombarded by events that send things spinning into chaos! They participate in a rebel uprising, visit a city full of clones, and learn that children are being used in a twisted experiment. There are witches, dragons, and drag queens!

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