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    Cole Matthews
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  • 2,757 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Porcupines - 6. Chapter 6 - The Green-Eyed Monster

hr />The past is part of who we are today and who we become tomorrow, whether we like it or not.

Chapter 6 - The Green-Eyed Monster

“Kenny, you go outside right now and spit that chew outta your frickin’ mouth,” Lynora said angrily. Kenny just smiled and sidled up to her.

“Come on Nor, there’s no one in the bar right now anyway. What does it hurt? I can get the bar stocked and won’t need to take a break. It kills two birds with one stone.”

“I’m not running a trashy juke joint with my staff hawking up lueggies into spittoons. This isn’t a riverboat gambling operation and I will not have my bartender looking like a pocket gopher,” she complained.

“Nor,” Dylan said calmly. “There isn’t anyone here yet. Just let this one go. He’s just getting his nicotine fix. You understand that don’t you?”

Lynora looked at Dylan like he had just proposed starting thermonuclear war. “Huh? You hate Kenny’s chawing just as much as I do. What’s gotten into you?”

“I think we know what gets into Dylan,” Isaac said smugly. “He takes it from the whole team not just one at a time.”

Usually, this kind of insult from Isaac got Dylan fighting mad but today he wasn’t feeling it. He felt lighter. Free. He didn’t have that heavy, desperate feeling that something terrible was around the corner. Dylan felt, well, content. He let Isaac’s insult go without comment.

Sarah, the other server on hand, looked at Dylan. He didn’t EVER let Isaac’s nastiness slip by him. Today, Dylan looked comfortable in his own skin like he did before, HIM, that rat bastard Ron. He looked pleasantly calm. She walked over to Lynora and whispered in her ear.

“Did I miss something? Is Dylan a totally different person today?”

Lynora chewed the inside of her cheek. She wanted a cigarette, badly. But, Sarah was right. Dylan was being uncharacteristically quiet, but not in the sullen way he was so often. He seemed joyful. That was the word. Joyful. But why? Ever since Ron, the boy was a mass of nerves. A wonderfully nice man, but so touchy about things. Today, Dylan was practically glowing. What’s up with that?

Isaac wasn’t pleased with Dylan ignoring him. Not at all. He loved needling Dylan, getting under his skin. He liked to think he was annoyed that Dylan ended up with Ron. Dylan had pounced on the guy the minute Isaac had turned his back. That wasn’t really the reason Dylan pissed him off. It was really because Dylan was better liked and he couldn’t stand how his own aunt doted on him.

Isaac and Dylan had been friends for years but it was a different kind of friendship. More like rivals or, frenemies. Dylan drove him batty sometimes. Even that stupid oaf Kenny catered to Dylan’s every whim. Now the little bitch was giving him the silent treatment. No. Not in a million years would he take that.

“So who’s the latest victim Dylan,” Isaac said, his bright green eyes flashing maliciously. “You look like you got plowed good last night. That’s the only time you’re ever happy, lying under some random stranger.”

Dylan looked over at his white-blond haired buddy tormentor. He sighed. “Isaac, aren’t you ever going to give this up. Does calling me names make your life any better?”

Isaac grunted. Lynora usually tried to defuse the two competitors for her attention. Then the staff would have to listen to Isaac complain about Dylan and Dylan would return the fire. Today was different. Isaac wasn’t getting under Dylan’s skin. It seemed to madden her nephew even more. Sometimes she’d like to throttle that boy.

Kenny enjoyed working when the two gay boys fought like cats and dogs. It gave them something to watch and enjoy. This interchange wasn’t normal. Usually Dylan fought back and Kenny loved it. But not today. More like before…

Lynora said back to Sarah, “Do you think that mugging changed Dylan? He does seem like he’s changed today.”

Sarah agreed. Kenny looked at them, questioning. Then he looked at the little blond waiter. Isaac appeared to be scheming, looking for a way to get Dylan’s goat. Not everything had changed.

Dylan just finished his opening side work and ignored the other people who were trying to figure out what had happened to him. He was just glad he felt so much better today. He didn’t know why but he did.

The restaurant was rather busy that night. Dylan’s face had mostly healed though he still had a bit of a yellow and greenish cast to the skin below his eye. He laughed more than usual. He was more jovial with the kitchen crew and didn’t criticize as sharply. By nine o’clock, the rush had passed and Lynora was about to start cutting staff. Dylan asked if he could get off first.

Dylan didn’t ask to get first cut very often. Isaac heard that and quickly went to his aunt. “Auntie, it’s my turn to get off early.” Lynora looked at her nephew curiously.

“You get first cut all the time. What are you talking about? Dylan had an injury and if he wants to get off early, I think it’s his turn.”

“That’s okay Nor. Isaac can go if he wants. I can stay,” Dylan said evenly, nodding toward Isaac.

Isaac’s green eyes flashed with anger. “No, we better let Dylan go. He needs to heal up before he trolls the streets for rough trade again tonight.”

“Fine,” Lynora said looking at both of them. “Dylan’s cut, Isaac stays. I’m glad we got that settled.”

Dylan smiled a big shit-eating grin at Isaac. He played the little blond tart for the fool. Isaac realized that and stomped off. Sarah and Kenny were laughing at the bar while watching it play out.

A few minutes later…

Chuck came in a sat down at the bar. Kenny came over and Chuck ordered a whiskey sour. “Coming right up,” Kenny said and scooped a glass full of ice. Chuck waved at Dylan. Dylan came over to his side.

“I just have a little shift side work to do. Then we can go,” Dylan said.

“I ordered a drink. Is that okay?”

“Of course. I’ll have one too and then we can go to the movie. Are we still seeing the Bruce Willis one?”

“Yeah, if you don’t mind,” Chuck said. Dylan nodded and headed back to the wait station.

Meanwhile, Isaac had been watching the interplay between Chuck and Dylan carefully. In his mischievous little mind a plot began to formulate. Dylan’s behavior tonight had been so different. Could this little slice of white bread be the reason for a happier, calmer Dylan? If so, maybe he could pay Dylan back for all the times he’d pissed him off. It would only be fair, after all. Why shouldn’t he get to cause him some trouble? Payback’s a bitch. Dylan had it coming to him, but first Isaac had to be sure.

“So Dylan,” Isaac approached him in the wait station. “Who’s that butch little stud you were talking to?”

“What are you talking about Isaac? Are you talking about Chuck?” Dylan began to hurry to get the work done. He wanted to get Chuck out of here as soon as possible. Isaac loved to cause trouble and he didn’t need that right now.

“Chuck, yes. Is that the guy you were talking to at the bar?” Isaac said casually. He dumped out three salt shakers when Dylan was turned away looking for napkins.

“What about him?” Dylan asked.

“Is he your new boyfriend?” Isaac asked sweetly.

“He’s a friend. We are going to a movie.” Dylan said and began stocking the napkins. Isaac emptied four sugar caddies while he was distracted.

“That’s nice.” And with that, Isaac slipped out of the wait station and over to the bar.

“Hi Chuck. It is so nice to meet you,” Isaac said reaching out a hand and flashing his bright green eyes at him.

Chuck reached out and shook Isaac’s hand and Isaac didn’t let go at first. Chuck thought that felt odd but didn’t know what to do.

“My best friend Dylan was telling me all about you,” Isaac lied. Kenny heard what Isaac said to the guy at the bar and watched him closely. He wondered what Isaac was up to. With Isaac, it was usually no good.

“Oh yeah,” Chuck said warmly trying to extract his hand from Isaac’s grasp. Isaac kept holding on.

“Yes, Dylan and I tell each other everything. We are so close, almost like brothers. Well, more like sisters really,” and Isaac twittered at his joke. Chuck just looked at him.

“Anyhoo, what time do you want to pick me up on Sunday?” Isaac asked sweetly.

“Pick you up?” Chuck asked, confused trying to pull his hand free. “Pick you up for what?”

“Brunch of course,” Isaac said brightly. “After Dylan is done going out with a guy, it’s my turn. Dylan only sees a guy for a week or so before he’s done with him. Two weeks if the guy is hung like a horse. I thought we could just get our date arranged ahead of time.” Isaac dropped Chuck’s hand. He then started running a finger up his arm.

“Dude, you are seriously creeping me out,” Chuck said. “I don’t know what kind of guy you think I am, but I’m not going out with you.”

“You don’t think Dylan’s going steady with you. That just isn’t in his nature. He likes to explore his sexuality, you see. He’s not monogamous at all, not since Ron. If you think he’s into you, you’ve got the wrong guy,” Isaac poured his poison into Chuck. Chuck just looked at him with disgust.

“Isaac, what are you doing?” Dylan said coming around the corner of the bar.

“Oh hi Dylan. I was just telling Chuck here what a big ole slut you are,” Isaac said smirking. “You know, since Ron.”

“Isaac, I’m going to…” Dylan began to get red.

“He’s lying,” Kenny said coming up to the three of them. “Isaac’s the biggest liar I know. He isn’t Dylan’s best friend. He doesn’t date Dylan’s old boyfriends. And Dylan isn’t a slut. Dylan’s a good guy. Isaac is a vicious little bitch.”

All three of the boys’ mouths fell open. Then Chuck started to laugh. Dylan joined him. Isaac looked at Kenny and said, “Kenny, you should mind your own business. We were having a private conversation. I’ll tell my aunt …”

Kenny interrupted the green-eyed provocateur with a laugh and said, “Isaac, just make sure you tell Lynora the whole story, including the part where you are Dylan’s best friend. Oh, and tell her how you date Dylan’s leftovers. That should give her a laugh.”

“Shut the hell up,” Isaac barked. “I’ll get you back you know. My aunt won’t take your bullshit much longer.”

“Yeah, good luck with that,” Kenny said and turned back to his lemons and limes.


“So how much of it was true,” Chuck asked over his vodka cranberry. They had enjoyed the movie, it was a thriller, and held hands throughout most of the picture. Dylan’s faint apprehensions about Chuck faded with every hour they spent together. His former obsession with his “type” of man was becoming irrelevant. He looked at Chuck and saw someone kind and gentle. Every time Dylan wanted something, a laugh, a glance, a tub of popcorn, Chuck couldn’t get it fast enough for him. As for Chuck, Dylan was so kind and complimentary. Dylan would smile and Chuck would feel so happy. Chuck would laugh and Dylan couldn’t contain himself. But, this was very new, they both felt that. And neither of them really knew the other.

“What do you mean?” Dylan said, a little more abrupt than he meant.

“We aren’t virgins Dylan. You have a past. I have a past. I’m just curious about why Isaac said what he did. Was there anything to what he said?”

Dylan sighed and lifted his Tanqueray martini with two drunken olives floating around in it. “I have been a little promiscuous in the past few months, if that’s what you are asking. But, I’m not a slut.”

“No,” Chuck mused. “I don’t think you are that at all. I know you’ve been with more people than I have though.”

“How can you be so sure?” Dylan challenged him.

“Well, I’ve been with only three guys in my whole life, sexually that is. I know you’ve been with more than that because you’ve been with me, you had a boyfriend named Ron, and I saw you pick up a guy just a few days ago in this very bar. So, unless those are the only three men you’ve ever been with, you have more experience than me.”

Dylan looked at him stunned. “What do you mean, you saw me pick up a guy here a few days ago?”

Chuck looked at him sheepishly. “Please don’t get mad. I was here the night before you got mugged. I saw you and I couldn’t take my eyes off of you. You are so handsome and your smile…” Dylan’s cheeks reddened in spite of himself. Chuck continued.

“You were over at the bar. I was sitting at that table over there. You looked at me and you made a face, like you saw a rat or a cockroach or something. Then you started cruising some big hairy dude a few stools away. I watched as you two talked, and flirted. He touched you and you seemed so into him. I wanted to shout or scream or something but I just sat there.”

Dylan thought about what Chuck had said. The scene was set perfectly. Now, which one was he? Suddenly he realized.

“You were the guy in the mirrored sunglasses weren’t you,” Dylan said.

“Yeah. I wore those because I don’t like guys knowing when I’m checking them out,” Chuck reddened and wouldn’t look up at first.

“You’re just as much of a horn dog as the rest of us. You just don’t want anyone to know it,” Dylan blurted out.

“You know how much of a horn dog I can be,” Chuck said quietly. “I just don’t want everyone to know it.”

“Well, I didn’t think you were repugnant or anything,” Dylan said lifting his glass. “I looked at you that way because I thought it was pretentious and the kind of thing a poser would do. I didn’t think you were something nasty. I thought you were arrogant.”

“No. I’m not that,” Chuck said. “But, I watched you pick up that guy and after what Isaac said I was wondering how much of it was true.”

Dylan sat and pensively chewed on his straw. He didn’t want to tell Chuck everything, not this early on. But, he couldn’t really lie to him either. What should he say? Why not just pull the Band-Aid off quickly? If Chuck thought that made him a slut, so be it. This whole conversation was making him uncomfortable.

“I’ve been with a fair share of men. I admit. But, I like you and I don’t want to screw this up.” There, he said it.

“What is “this” we have?” Chuck asked holding out his hands.

“We are dating,” Dylan said with finality. “We are seeing each other and getting to know each other.”

“Okay. That’s fair,” Chuck said. “I like that idea. I like dating you.” Chuck reached over and took Dylan’s hand. Dylan pulled Chuck closer, and gave him a nice lip lock.

“Does that seal the deal?” Dylan asked.

“It does. Now, I want you to take me home and ravage me,” Dylan said fiercely. “How does that sound my little horn dog?”

“I like how you think Dylan, but first tell me who Ron is. I think he’s important for me to know.”

“I don’t know if I can do that,” Dylan said chewing on the straw again. He wanted desperately to avoid telling that story. He didn’t know how Chuck would respond to what he had to say. He was also concerned he’d break down in this public place and make a fool of himself. Dylan had tried very hard not to think about Ron but these past few days Ron had intruded on him so much. Chuck didn’t know it, but he was right to ask. He did need to talk about Ron, his dear sweet, now in heaven, Ron.

This is just your first taste of Isaac. Don't be too hasty in your judgment of him. Deep down, he's quite a little spitfire, but that can be endearing as well.
Copyright © 2013 Cole Matthews; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

You know that's too funny. Last chapter I was trying to figure out how I could be so wrong. When I was reading the first chapter and Dylan was in tbe bar I knew the guy in the sunglasses was going to be the one. I even remember the review I left thanking you for the sneak peak into the bar. Then that guy was never mentioned again, and I was wondering how could have been wrong. Granted I figured I had put 2n2 together to get the right answer, then when you introduced Chuck the Security guy I accepted it was wrong.. Now I find out I was right but just the wrong hint to get the right conclusion. Confused yet Isaac is an evil little worm, a twink trying to be an adult but comes across as a Two year old. He got a right good put down tonight but something tells me all it did was make him more focused with hurting Dylan. Great chapter can't wait for more.

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On 08/16/2013 03:42 AM, Daithi said:
You know that's too funny. Last chapter I was trying to figure out how I could be so wrong. When I was reading the first chapter and Dylan was in tbe bar I knew the guy in the sunglasses was going to be the one. I even remember the review I left thanking you for the sneak peak into the bar. Then that guy was never mentioned again, and I was wondering how could have been wrong. Granted I figured I had put 2n2 together to get the right answer, then when you introduced Chuck the Security guy I accepted it was wrong.. Now I find out I was right but just the wrong hint to get the right conclusion. Confused yet Isaac is an evil little worm, a twink trying to be an adult but comes across as a Two year old. He got a right good put down tonight but something tells me all it did was make him more focused with hurting Dylan. Great chapter can't wait for more.
I remember when you wrote that sunglass comment and I couldn't wait until I proved you right! I'm glad you're enjoying.
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On 08/16/2013 06:25 AM, charlieocho said:
Five stars, again. This just keeps getting better and better.
Thank you so much. I'm glad you're enjoying the tale!
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It's so obvious that Isaac is jealous. Maybe he has himself a little Dylan-crush? And isn't there something in two people who are constantly bickering but enjoying the bickering? Well, ok, that's just from Issac's pov; he enjoys the bickering. lol


Ok, now you have to hurry with the next chapter, Cole! I'm so curious about Ron...

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Looks like there may be a little competition for Chuck Isaac may be wanting Dylan's attention also, and is getting it the only way he can at the momend. He irritates Dylan to get a response. Chuck seems more mature now. Guess that's what love can do for you.

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I bet Isaac is the mugger ! :angry: I hope that little awful @#0*/$£@ gets what he deserves !


The story is very good - I am very glad I have many chapters left to read :D

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On 11/03/2013 12:02 AM, Slytherin said:
I bet Isaac is the mugger ! :angry: I hope that little awful @#0*/$£@ gets what he deserves !


The story is very good - I am very glad I have many chapters left to read :D

Thanks for reading.
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Isaac needs to be put over somebody's knee and spanked. Hard. After that he should get a swat on the bottom every time he's mean or lies. When he hasn't been able to sit down for a few weeks he might learn. I hate people like him, and right now I love Kenny for calling him on his act. Cool, dude ! :)

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On 01/19/2015 08:12 AM, Timothy M. said:
Isaac needs to be put over somebody's knee and spanked. Hard. After that he should get a swat on the bottom every time he's mean or lies. When he hasn't been able to sit down for a few weeks he might learn. I hate people like him, and right now I love Kenny for calling him on his act. Cool, dude ! :)
I suspect Isaac might like your punishment a little too much. Haha! Anyway, he is a bit of a troublemaker. He's also impetuous and you'll see he is an important part of the story. People aren't always their first impression. ;) Thanks Tim!
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Your characters are layered, and the dialog is tight and natural.  I appreciate your pacing and work.  I wish Isaac's immaturity and insecurities were the exceptions to the rule, but alas, no such luck.  I'm just glad Kenny stepped up, and the truth came to light so quickly.  It's fun when quick communication spikes the guns of malicious intent.  ~chuckle~  The histories you've alluded too, though we've yet to hear about, are going to require a lot of good communication and understanding, I have a feeling.  Nice to know I caught your subtle innuendo to Ron's passing.  The credit lies in your writing skills. :thankyou:  ~ Ms. V

Edited by Y0rite
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