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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Cards on the Table - 20. Chapter 20 Bridge

Following suit.

Cards on the Table



Chapter 20



Carson was feeling a little dopey, but also blessed. Three days had passed since the operation and the doctors were more than pleased with his progress. Carson was too. He felt whole on many levels. His body had not betrayed him after all. It had given him a second chance. So had his family. With Kendall back in the fold, Agnes had come alive again. She was just as beautiful now as she’d been twenty-nine years ago, and he considered himself a very lucky man. In spite of the numerous screw-ups he’d committed throughout their life together, actions and behaviors that had caused her pain, she was still at his side. She still loved him and forgave him his weaknesses, and that gave him the strength he needed.

Having Kendall back in their lives had filled an emptiness that had threatened to swallow them both, separately and together. His absence had almost torn them apart. The boy had become a man, and that was a process he and Agnes never should have missed out on. The responsibility for that though, rested solely with him, and he accepted the truth of it. He’d considered the start of Kendall’s transformation… one that began as a teenager, to be an affront to him as a father. In hindsight, he should have taken pride in the sheer will of the boy, instead of being threatened by it. There was a distorted part of Carson that had considered Kendall’s independence from him as something highlighting a weakness in Carson, who’d never had what it would've taken to break away from his own father. As much as he hated to admit it, he’d resented his son for being stronger and more resilient than he was. Kendall may have bent at times to appease his father, but he had never once broken, and Carson now felt the shame of trying to break him in the first place. It was petty and heartless, and so like what his own father had done to him. The difference was that his father had succeeded.

A chill went through him at the thought he’d been as hard on Kendall, in his own way, as Delroy had been on Earl. If Delroy had been there for Earl, had accepted him and not tried to change him, they would both be alive today. That awful wave of sadness threatened to swamp him once again, but he shook it off.

So many fucked-up mistakes, yet Kendall still loved him enough to give him another chance, and that was something he would never take for granted again. Despite those fuck-ups, Kendall had become a man and a son to be proud of. He was good and decent, caring and thoughtful, and best of all, strong enough to let go of the past for the sake of his family. Carson’s new lease on life wasn’t just from beating the cancer, at least for now… it was also because he had his son and his wife back, maybe more so than he’d ever had them before… and he had an amazing new son to thank for that. Carson smiled to himself at the thought of having another big bruiser for a son.


The door to his new room slowly opened and Kendall and Michael walked in, all smiles at the sight of Carson. He was sitting slightly upright, and had to be looking more alert than the previous evening.

“Hey, Dad, how are you feeling this morning?” Kendall approached one side of the bed as Michael went around to the other, propping his crutches against the wall and sitting in the chair at Carson’s bedside

“Good morning, Pop.”

“Good morning, boys... where is your mother?” Carson looked at the door expectantly.

“She’ll be here soon. She took Aunt Tessa to the doctor’s. She shouldn’t be contagious anymore, but she’s still having a little trouble breathing. Once the doctor says she’s okay, Tessa will finally be allowed to come visit you if she wears a mask; Mom will probably bring her along with her later. So, you look a lot more with it… are you feeling better?” Kendall sat down across from his partner.

“Yes, I am... a lot better. I’m controlling my own pain medication now with this button here, so my head doesn’t feel as sluggish… I just feel sort of floaty, but I can think clearly now, well, clearly for me,” Carson joked. “Dr. Bojani has already been by… he tells me I’m healing better than expected. There’s no leakage or sign of infection, so he’s talking about getting me up and moving a little bit in the next couple of days.”

“That’s terrific news, Pop. Mom will be very happy to hear that when she gets here. She’s been really excited about how well you’re healing… we all are.” Michael looked at Carson with a caring that still surprised Carson. This was a hell of a good guy his son had picked as his partner, and Carson liked everything about him. He was genuine, and it was easy to see he’d do anything for Kendall.

“Thanks, Michael. I think I should talk to you two before she does get here, anyway. This is as good a time as any.” Carson watched the shared look between his boys. They communicated with those looks all the time; he had picked up on that from the very beginning, when they first sat across from him in the den the day they’d arrived.

“Okay, we’re listening. What’s up? What do you want to talk to us about?” Kendall’s and Michael’s expressions told him he had their undivided attention.

“Look, I don’t want to overstep, so if you think I am, just tell me and I’ll back off, okay?”

Kendall and Michael exchanged another one of those communicate-without-talking looks, and both nodded agreement.

Carson took a deep breath. “I have no idea what your long-range plans are, and I don’t want you to think I’m interfering, but I want to make you an offer.”

That caused Kendall to raise his eyebrows as Michael stared at Carson impassively.

“The thing is… things are looking good for me now, but I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. I’m not being morbid or pessimistic, but Dr. Bojani has been very clear about bowel cancer having a high incidence of returning. That’s why the need for chemo and radiation. Now, just bear with me because I have a lot to say. Agnes is the happiest I’ve seen her in years, and I don’t want to see that change. She deserves to be happy, and you two are the biggest reason for it, so I want to propose something. I know you live in an apartment now, and I know that suits you guys for the time being.” Carson, despite the medication, was starting to feel nervous.

“Listen, Pop, you can make any proposal you want to us. We know it’ll be coming from a good place. Don’t you worry about offending us or overstepping, okay? Just go ahead and tell us.”

“Thank you for saying that, Michael. The thing is, whether I survive for the long term or not, I would like for Agnes to be able to visit you boys whenever she wants… well, whenever it’s convenient for you. I mean, I know she can stay at a hotel when she visits, but knowing my wife, she would be happiest if she was with you guys… staying with you.”

“Please, don’t worry about that. We can make room for mom anytime. I have a futon in my office that folds down, and you can both visit whenever you want to, right, Ace?”

“Absolutely. We can always make room… there’s no issue with that. We could even sleep in the living room when you visit because that futon is ancient." He grinned at Kendall. "We have a bed in there now anyways. Either way, there’s options, so no worries.”

“I appreciate what you’re saying, boys, and I know you mean it, but you two need your privacy, and if your mom, or if your mom and I came for a visit, we wouldn’t want to feel in the way.” Carson held up his hand at the objections he saw coming. “Here’s where I might be overstepping, because I don’t know if you’ve even considered it. Whatever you decide, your mother and I can make do, but I need to say this. I know you guys are totally committed to one another. Any idiot can see that… you're meant to be together, so if you decide to take a next step and want to buy your own house, I would like to contribute.” Kendall and Michael shared stunned looks.

“Have you boys ever talked about that?” Carson watched them shake their heads as they continued to stare at one another. “Well, have either of you thought about it? I know it’s not my business so you don’t have to answer; we can end the conversation here and now if I’ve made you uncomfortable?” Carson wasn’t even sure they heard him say the last part, they were so focused on each other, one on either side of him.

“I’ve thought about it.” Carson knew Kendall wasn’t talking to him.

“I’ve thought about it too, Babe… a lot. It’s something I really want.” The look they were giving each other made Carson feel like he was intruding, but he was mesmerized by the current he could feel between them.

“Me too,” Kendall’s smile was laced with a longing even his father could see. “Do you think we’re ready for something like this?”

Michael’s smile slid slyly across his face, as if he was sharing a secret with his guy. “I’ve been ready since I woke up at my parents,’ finally knowing I was completely in love with you.”

Carson was captivated when Kendall teared up. He followed suit despite the pain meds, as he witnessed something beautiful and touching happen right in front of him, thankful that with all he’d missed in the past, he was able to be part of this moment in his son’s life.

“This was always a part of my dream for a life I thought would never be mine, Sunshine.” Kendall’s focus on Micheal shifted to his dad, and he blushed, causing a teary Michael to laugh as he looked at Carson. He laughed harder at the emotion spilling out of Carson’s gray-blue eyes.

“Aren’t we a sappy bunch? Look, Pop’s as bad as we are." Michael’s laugh was infectious, and Carson sheepishly joined him and Kendall as the intensity of the moment collapsed into hilarity. It was worth the discomfort in his abdomen to share a laugh like this, but he pushed the meds button that was now out of the sight of his two sons.

The laughter finally ended, until Carson uttered, “Don’t tell your mother about this,” and that set them all off again. It took another little while, but they finally got calmed down and under control, with Kendall and Michael sharing ‘secret’ looks that didn’t get by Carson… he just pretended he didn’t see them. He needed to stop laughing though, at least until the increased medicine kicked in.

“Okay, I guess that answers your question, but there is no reason for you to contribute. This is something Michael and I can work out on our own, and no, you didn’t overstep… but this is something that is between us."

“Kendall’s right. There’s no need for you to contribute to us buying our own home. We’ll make sure we have plenty of room for you and mom, but thank you for bringing it up. It was something we needed to talk about.”

Carson sighed, almost dejectedly. “Look, boys, I understand, but I really want to contribute, for a few reasons. I’m not trying to buy your love. God knows why, with the things I’ve done, but I know I do have that. Kendall… I have a confession to make, and I should have told you this sooner, but I was a stubborn ‘prick’ as you and Dixon would say. I had a college fund for you.” That statement really surprised Kendall, and Carson knew what he was likely thinking. He's pushed the kid hard to save money for college, and he'd had taken him seriously, working nights and weekends. The look on his face worried Carson, but he forged ahead. “I was going to surprise you with it, but when you chose to go to college in Ontario, and wouldn’t listen to me at all, I got pissed off and stubborn, so I never told you. I figured if you were going to go against my wishes, then you could do it on your own. I think I knew you were trying to get far away from me, and I ended up acting like a spoiled child. I’m so sorry, son.”

The quietness of Kendall’s voice was disturbing. The calmness didn’t match the words. “Do you have any idea how tough it was for me to make ends meet for all those years? I had to work all through college, and I did without a lot. Thank god for Michael’s parents, who fed me, and always sent me back to college with a care package every time I visited.” Kendall shook his head, got up, and walked out of the room.


Carson looked devastated, and for a few seconds Michael was torn. “I’m sorry, Pop… Kendall needs me. I’ll talk to him, don’t worry, okay?” Carson gave an almost imperceptible nod, and Michael was out the door, the crutches in no way slowing him down.

Michael caught up with him at the elevator, Kendall’s eyes never moving from staring straight ahead when Michael grabbed his hand and squeezed it. It wasn’t till they got outside the hospital entrance into the sharply cold air, that a word was spoken.

“That bastard. He fucked me over royally, and I had no idea.” Kendall then turned into his partner’s waiting arms and tried to burrow into him while seeking the familiarity of Michael’s comfort, Michael’s scent. “All those years I struggled alongside those students who had their parents’ help… their support. I had nothing. So many nights I had to stay up all night after work to study and do my homework.”

“You had me, Babe. You always had me, and you always will have me. And you still managed to graduate at the top of the class. That’s just another example of how fucking incredible you are.”

“Absolutely, you were always there for me, lifting me up whenever I needed it. You always knew what to say and do, and you’re still doing the same thing for me. So what are you going to tell me this time?” They were holding onto one another, not caring about the people walking by.

“I’m not going to tell you anything. I do want to ask you something though. Are you still afraid to trust the new Carson?”

Kendall looked confused by the question. “Why are you asking me that?”

“Because, Babe. Is what he did so out of character from what you remember of the old one? Isn’t it the kind of thing you would have expected from him?” Michael leaned back to look in his eyes.

“Yeah, I guess it is… it’s typical of the old Carson. So what’s your point?” Kendall was deep in thought and that’s where Michael wanted him.

“I don’t have a point. I just want to know if you are angry or scared… scared of trusting your dad?”

“What does it matter?”

Michael heard the frustration, but pushed on. “It matters, because this whole week has been stressful for you, and I think now that things are looking okay, you’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop. You’ve been waiting for the miserable ‘prick’ to show up, because you expect him to hurt you again.” Michael wasn't sure if he was reaching Kendall or not.

“I don’t know. You could be right. Keep talking.”

“Okay. I don’t think you’re angry. I think part of you wants to believe the worst, so you jumped at the chance to run because you don’t want to be vulnerable again. But that wasn’t the old Carson I saw in there. That was the Pop I’ve gotten to know, and he was opening up even more to you. He told you something he was really ashamed of… something he wants to make amends for. You’ve been amazing about letting go of the past, and he just showed you a little more of the same past.”

“Shit, I screwed up, didn’t I?”

“No, you didn’t screw up at all. You’re human. You just needed some time to work through this. It was a big surprise. If you’re up to it, we should go back and fix this before mom gets here. We don’t want her getting stressed over you and your dad, okay? That’s if you’re ready?”

Mindful of his crutches, Kendall pulled Michael back in for a fiercely loving hug. “Thank you, big guy. Love you.”

“Ditto, Babe.”


When they got back to the room, Carson’s eyes were closed. He wasn’t sleeping. He was worried that his revelation had ruined whatever progress he and Kendall had made. He too, was waiting for the other shoe to drop. He listened to them as they returned to their previous seats. Opening his eyes to face the music, he saw two concerned faces looking at him.

“I’m sorry, Dad, for taking off on you. I shouldn’t have done that.” The sheen in his son’s red-rimmed eyes was noticeable, and his guilt rose even more.

“I don’t blame you for being angry. It was an awful thing I did, for an awful reason. You have every right to judge me for it… I should have given you that college fund no matter how I felt. Even when I thought it was too late, I still should have done it. I was such an asshole.”

“Actually, I wasn’t angry, so don’t go beating yourself up about it. I thought I was pissed, but Michael explained it to me… well made me see the truth of it… that I was scared. I think I’ve been waiting for the old Carson to show up now that you’re better… but I don’t think it was fair of me. Michael pointed out how you were opening up to me, the way you have been since I came back home. I don’t want to be looking for things no longer there, so I’m sorry. I’ll learn to trust you, I promise. I want us to leave the past in the past, where it belongs.”

Carson studied Kendall first, and then Michael. This was not at all what he’d expected. He had fully intended to do whatever it took to stay on track with his son, including grovelling. There was no way he was going to let his family slip away again. Yet here was Kendall apologizing to him. He’d made his life so much harder than it should have been for his college years, all because he thought he might have a way to control him. He’d realized pretty quickly that it wouldn’t work, yet he still kept the money a secret. He felt doubly shamed now. And thankful once again for Michael's presence in their lives.

“I want the same thing. I’m ashamed of the things I’ve done in the past, but I just want to move forward, and that’s why I really want to contribute to any house you two might buy. The money belongs to you, and it would be a real sign of moving forward for me, a small way of making up for leaving you out in the cold like I did. I’ve been contributing to it every month. I never stopped, even after you left for college, and it amounts to about forty-two thousand dollars as of last month’s statement… it’s not a lot, but it would give you a reasonable down-payment if you don’t set your sights too high.”

Kendall's shock was clear, and Michael looked at him with a combination of something like incredulity and amusement.

“Babe, don’t forget to breathe.”


“You looked like you stopped breathing there. Are you okay?”

“Yeah… yeah, ah, Dad… that’s a lot of money for someone on a cop’s salary. I don’t understand… how did you save... forty-two thousand dollars?”

“I started saving when you were ten, and it’s made decent returns on investment. It’s really not that much. Since I paid the house off last year, I was able to save more. So, will you accept it from your mother and I? You would make us very happy if you did. It should make it possible for you to buy a better house.”

“I don’t get why it’s so important to you. Can you explain that to me?” Kendall’s question came with a very direct stare and Carson flinched a bit before he returned it.

“You know how you said you were having trouble trusting me… this new thing between us?”

“Yeah,” he said with a sigh. “It’s so different from how things used to be.”

“Okay, so I’m kind of in the same boat, like it’s hard to believe you can forgive the things I've done, and maybe one day you’re going to wake up and want to get away from me again. Look what just happened when something from the past did come up. That’s why this would go a long way towards making it real for me. It would help me believe you really do forgive me, because I know how proud you are. So, if you accept your money, it would be like you really are accepting me… and when I told your mother about the fund last Tuesday, and what I wanted to propose to you, she told me I better make sure you agree to take it.” He chanced a grin at that, the increased meds making it a rather sleepy one.

“Okay, so what you’re saying is you’re afraid of mom. Never thought I’d hear that.” Kendall laughed, and the tension broke. Carson watched him share another look with a smiling Michael.

“All right, Dad, we’ll accept just so you won’t get in trouble with Mom.”

“Thank God, and thank you, boys… that woman does scare me sometimes.” The three men had another chuckle, but they all knew Carson wasn’t really kidding. The balance of power had definitely shifted.

Carson drifted off to sleep with a happy countenance, finally succumbing to the pull of his medication. He felt like he and Kendall had weathered another crisis, and he was content, the reassurance of it keeping him company as he let slumber overtake him.


Kendall watched his father for a while, thinking through their contentious visit. He, too, was satisfied with how it had turned out. His father had surprised him once again. Regardless of keeping the college fund a secret, he'd still loved Kendall enough to keep it going for all these years. It was a significant sign Carson had never truly given up on him. He had to have been in his father’s thoughts throughout the years they had cut themselves off from one another. He shook his head at the strangeness of it all. No doubt about it; his family had traveled a weird, even unfathomable path, yet here they were, building something entirely different from anything they’d had before. Looking at the man, sleeping so peacefully, the only thing he knew for certain was they both wanted to make this new family work, and his Michael had no small part in making it happen. Who would have thought?

Kendall looked up to see Michael watching him intently. He could swear the man knew exactly what he was thinking, and he loved that Michael knew him so well. He owed him everything for getting them all to this point. It was time to give something back. He motioned for them to go out into the hallway, and Michael was quick to react.

“Thank you, for saving me from making a mistake once again,” he spoke softly.

“I didn’t do anything. You would have gotten there before too long, but that’s what I’m here for. We’re in this together,” he said while leaning back against the wall, his pelvis thrust forward.

Kendall felt a twinge in his cock at the incredible sexiness of his man, which he did his best to ignore in the somewhat busy passageway. “Yes, we are, and I think it’s time we took a day for ourselves. Mom and maybe Tessa will be here soon and dad is sleeping, likely for a good while, so I think we should make a day of it. The worst is over and we… you deserve a break from all the drama. What do you think of maybe going for a workout… then lunch and an afternoon movie, before we come back to spend some time with Dad. What do you say… just the two of us?” Kendall looked at Michael expectantly.

“Well, you’re right. Pop is sleeping and Mom should arrive soon, and she’ll be here all afternoon. I just have one question.” The corner of his lip curled up in a way that made Kendall tingle. “Are you talking about a gym workout?” Michael’s tongue snaked out and licked his lips, “or are you talking about a bedroom workout at an empty house, because I’m all for one of those?” The sexually charged look on Michael’s face caused heat to rise for Kendall in two different places, and both were obvious. It had been a few days, and Kendall felt the ache in his balls increase at Michael’s blatantly suggestive question.

“My answer would be… I like the way you think, Sunshine. Let’s get the fuck out of here. I think it’s going to be a very late lunch.”

Michael looked downward and smirked. “Looks like you’re all ready to serve lunch now, Babe. I think I’m gonna want to have seconds,” he whispered, as they adjusted their coats, and headed quickly down the hallway. Michael had no trouble keeping up, and this was one time Kendall wasn’t going to tell him to slow down.

Thank you Lightning Tim, and to all those who read, 'like', and review... your support is much appreciated.
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Chapter Comments

On 04/19/2015 08:41 PM, Timothy M. said:
Bridge - I loved that title for several reasons and also the chapter description 'Following suit' - you even used it in the text, when Carson's eyes teared up at witnessing Michael and Kendall showing their love.

Back to the title: I've wondered when you'd start using Card Game names, and this one is probably one of the easier ones to fit in. And it also made me think of your other story (SaD), since the song Bridge Over Troubled Water immediately came to mind.

Because that is what Michael is, isn't it? He is the bridge between Carson and Kendall, helping them connect, spanning the difficult moments, and overcoming the troubles and hurt from the past. He helps Kendall bridge the gap between the bastard of a father he knew for most of his life and the caring dad he sees now.

When Carson's revelation of the college money threathens to crumble the foundations of their new father-and-son relationship, Michael enables Kendall to transition from his gut reaction and fear into a healthier understanding of what he feels and why. He's being the bridge between the past and the present, the bridge over the troubled water of the injustice.

But it's also Bridge in the sense of the card game, isn't it? Now I've never played this game, but I know it revolves around having a partner who can understand your calls, interpret what you mean to do, and support you in winning from the best of his ability with the cards he holds. And isn't it also about working out from the calls your partner and your opponents make, what is the best way to proceed in order to come up with a winning combination? This is what Ace and Deuce are doing outside the hospital, right? Or am I overinterpreting?

Anyway, it was a wonderful chapter including the way it ended with a teasing anticipation of a delightful afternoon. They need that - and so do we - after all of the difficult, emotional drama. :hug:

Tim, this is a perfect review. You aren't over-interpreting...you nailed it exactly. Michael is the perfect Bridge, as well as the perfect partner. He knows what Kendall is thinking even before Kendall does. I actually used two other cards games for titles... Double Solitaire, and Game of Hearts, but this one is a special title for me because it is who our wonderful Michael is. I'm happy you brought attention to the scene outside the hospital because that was our 'Bridge at his best', knowing what K needed and coaxing and leading him there. The whole family owes him a debt of gratitude, but he does it all for his Kendall. Thank you for this. Tim... that you would think so much about this means a lot... cheers, buddy...
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Just gets better and better. Such an amazing job you doing. Thanks so much for this beautiful story.

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On 04/23/2015 10:51 PM, Jaro_423 said:
Just gets better and better. Such an amazing job you doing. Thanks so much for this beautiful story.
You're welcome, Jaro, and thank you for faithfully reviewing. Your words are very affirming for me, and they encourage me to keep going... especially when it gets tough... cheers... Gary
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'As much as he hated to admit it, he’d resented his son for being stronger and more resilient than he was.' This happens so often: Instead of being proud their children accomplished something they couldn't, parents get jealous and angry. It's such a good explanation for Carson's behavior, not an excuse though. It took quite a bit for him to get there, but he did, which is good.The college fond...ugh. The logical me says water under the bridge, what happened can't be changed, what is important is the here and now. The emotional me is very upset. If it had been a criminal offense, he would still be punished even though he is ill, he regrets what he did and he changed. Again a very good chapter, Gary.

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On 05/03/2015 02:12 AM, aditus said:
'As much as he hated to admit it, he’d resented his son for being stronger and more resilient than he was.' This happens so often: Instead of being proud their children accomplished something they couldn't, parents get jealous and angry. It's such a good explanation for Carson's behavior, not an excuse though. It took quite a bit for him to get there, but he did, which is good.The college fond...ugh. The logical me says water under the bridge, what happened can't be changed, what is important is the here and now. The emotional me is very upset. If it had been a criminal offense, he would still be punished even though he is ill, he regrets what he did and he changed. Again a very good chapter, Gary.
Hey Adi! It's good you feel that way about the college fund. It was despicable, and that's who Carson was. That is why it is such a big deal and a huge leap for Kendall to forgive. Kendall once again proves that he is the son in the line you quoted. It was a make or break part of this family's rehabilitation. In Carson's POV, we can see he is frightened at disclosing this, but knows it is something he has to do. It proves that he has changed. The fact he continued to contribute to the fund says a lot... it's too bad he was such a coward, but life has taught him some badly needed lessons... Cheers and thanks for the review...
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...and I read this on my way home!! Perfect travelling companion.
Gary.. I take notes when I read cuz my memory is, lets face is shit. I wrote this down as soon as I saw because to me, it was perfect. 'Tears sprang immediately into Kendall's eyes, battling for room with the love that already filled them.' Dude where did that come from?? Perfection.
More emotion here as you'd expect.
Then Carson drops the bomb. If I'm honest.... whether I was getting along with my father at the time, if he'd said that to me, i would have decked the fucker. I'm so serious. I'm talking about the college fund of course. That was just so wrong. Carson is one brave man.
Anyway, my opinion and well I see things a little differently when it comes to dear old dad.
But Gary nice job again. It's nice to be back with the boys.



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On 10/03/2015 06:26 AM, Mikiesboy said:

...and I read this on my way home!! Perfect travelling companion.

Gary.. I take notes when I read cuz my memory is, lets face is shit. I wrote this down as soon as I saw because to me, it was perfect. 'Tears sprang immediately into Kendall's eyes, battling for room with the love that already filled them.' Dude where did that come from?? Perfection.

More emotion here as you'd expect.

Then Carson drops the bomb. If I'm honest.... whether I was getting along with my father at the time, if he'd said that to me, i would have decked the fucker. I'm so serious. I'm talking about the college fund of course. That was just so wrong. Carson is one brave man.

Anyway, my opinion and well I see things a little differently when it comes to dear old dad.

But Gary nice job again. It's nice to be back with the boys.



When you say words just pour out of you, and you don't plan them, I truly understand. It's the same for me. I don't know where it came from, but I did feel it's power when it came out. You're the only one who commented on this line... thank you for that. I think it's because of that poet in you who sees beauty in words that others may miss. I was worried that readers would forget the man Carson was, and I didn't want that to happen. Holding that fund back for his own mean reasons, was despicable, and caused Kendall to take a much harder journey than his peers... so to forgive that was monumental, and I think showed the changes from both sides were genuine, and most likely permanent. Thanks, buddy. I LOVE this review... cheers... Gary...

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So there always was a underlying goodness in Carson, he just never before knew how to show it. Even when he cut ties with Kendall, he still kept saving money for him. He could have used the saved money for himself, buy a new car or something, but no, he kept it safe for his son, even though he didn't know if he ever met him again. Kendall's reaction was understandable because he obviously had tough time in college and really could have used his parent's support.
Wonderful chapter!

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On 10/23/2015 03:31 PM, Suvitar said:

So there always was a underlying goodness in Carson, he just never before knew how to show it. Even when he cut ties with Kendall, he still kept saving money for him. He could have used the saved money for himself, buy a new car or something, but no, he kept it safe for his son, even though he didn't know if he ever met him again. Kendall's reaction was understandable because he obviously had tough time in college and really could have used his parent's support.

Wonderful chapter!

Yes, there is good under there somewhere. I guess you could say there are two Carson's, and maybe there always has been. I think he was emotionally stunted by his father, and acted out a lot of what he witnessed... yet knew it was wrong. He knew keeping the fund from Kendall was wrong, but the new Carson had to follow through... come completely clean. That took a lot of courage, but it was the right thing to do. I think it was the final step to leaving 'Carson the prick' behind, once and for all. I'm glad you thought the chapter wonderful... thanks and cheers... Gary...

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Nice how the relationship between father and son improves! Michael is really important for this progress, sometimes it is good to have someone with a look from the outside. :-)

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On 03/12/2017 06:56 PM, Lyssa said:

Nice how the relationship between father and son improves! Michael is really important for this progress, sometimes it is good to have someone with a look from the outside. :-)

Exactly. Without Michael, none of this could have happened. I'm pleased to like how this has gone... thanks, Lyssa... cheers... Gary....

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Well once again we see Michael as the agent of change, between Kendall and Carson.  Carson is deeply moved by Michael and Kendall love for each. A good sign he is on the right 

track and going thru his own healing. He now has to deliver the [poison pill, the college fund.:unsure: That one act could have killed the deal, but again Michael helps Kendall work it out.

But for Carson all the years of baggage needs to be deal with if he is going to heal. Carson is trying to honest no more spiteful acts or secrets for him:great:

Then Michael and Kendall have sex wonderful, I am always in favor of sex rofl.:worship:

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1 minute ago, Albert1434 said:

Well once again we see Michael as the agent of change, between Kendall and Carson.  Carson is deeply moved by Michael and Kendall love for each. A good sign he is on the right 

track and going thru his own healing. He now has to deliver the [poison pill, the college fund.:unsure: That one act could have killed the deal, but again Michael helps Kendall work it out.

But for Carson all the years of baggage needs to be deal with if he is going to heal. Carson is trying to honest no more spiteful acts or secrets for him:great:

Then Michael and Kendall have sex wonderful, I am always in favor of sex rofl.:worship:

Michael has been the glue and the balm for this whole trip. As Carson admits, facing his own mortality has had an effect on him... he truly is a changed man, and as is often the case with kids and their parents, the roles become reversed. That's sort of what happens here, where a guilty Carson looks for approval and forgiveness for 'throwing a ball through the window.' And yes, then came the intimacy between our guys... another balm needed... thanks again for another great review, Albert... cheers... Gary....

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What a great and powerful chapter so much fear and love and later sex:yes:

Great Chapter :thankyou::2thumbs:

Edited by Albert1434
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3 hours ago, Albert1434 said:

What a great and powerful chapter so much fear and love and later sex:yes:

Great Chapter :thankyou::2thumbs:

I wonder how this trip would have gone without Michael there? I suspect it would have been a disaster no matter how hard Carson might have tried. Michael is the balance for this father and son... and yeah... he's always horny. :P  Thanks, Albert. :hug: 

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Hey Gary, I have a question for you.  I know that you took a long time to write CotT, and that you were writing other stories at the same time.  How long were you writing when you wrote this chapter?  The beginning paragraphs show a great maturity of style compared to the beginning of the story.  These paragraphs eloquently detail the change in Carson and the father/son relationship. The paragraphs are very compelling and real, touching my heart.

The surprise of Carson's offer was tense and a bit sad.  Fortunately, Micheal channeled his mom once again to help strengthen the growing bond between the two men. It was fun to witness.  I did enjoy Kendall's joking with his dad about being afraid of Agnes.  To me it signalled his acceptance of the changes, and relieved the tension.

Of course, true to form, Michael gets his reward.:kiss:

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10 hours ago, raven1 said:

Hey Gary, I have a question for you.  I know that you took a long time to write CotT, and that you were writing other stories at the same time.  How long were you writing when you wrote this chapter?  The beginning paragraphs show a great maturity of style compared to the beginning of the story.  These paragraphs eloquently detail the change in Carson and the father/son relationship. The paragraphs are very compelling and real, touching my heart.

The surprise of Carson's offer was tense and a bit sad.  Fortunately, Micheal channeled his mom once again to help strengthen the growing bond between the two men. It was fun to witness.  I did enjoy Kendall's joking with his dad about being afraid of Agnes.  To me it signalled his acceptance of the changes, and relieved the tension.

Of course, true to form, Michael gets his reward.:kiss:

Not very long at all, but I think my writing evolved with each chapter, and you will really see that in later chapters... at least, I hope you do. I'm so pleased to hear how you saw these beginning chapters. I was so involved with this story arc that I didn't so much think as write what I felt. At some point, I began to shift from writing omniscient point of view to third person limited, telling each chapter from one voice instead of many. It was a slow kind of process as I got more comfortable with it. Omniscient works well, but many accomplished authors frown on it, so I took up the challenge, and am glad for it. :) 

Yeah, that was a sad scene between Carson and Kendall. It showed just how alone Kendall had felt for those years... and how tough it was for him. Thank god for Michael and his family. All's well that ends well because of Michael guiding Kendall, and in the end that following scene was rather satisfying for everyone. Once again, humor is always important in family situations. 

Michael always gets what he wants. ;) 

Thanks, buddy... this was nice... :hug: 

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Well what can I say this was a perfect trip because of Michaels magic that chanced for the better.

Great chapter :thankyou::2thumbs::worship:

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1 hour ago, Albert1434 said:

Well what can I say this was a perfect trip because of Michaels magic that chanced for the better.

Great chapter :thankyou::2thumbs::worship:

We can see here why Michael probably makes a really good cop. He sees the heart of situations, and he knows Kendall. He has also learned about his family in a very short time. I agree he does have magic, and because of him, this trip went way better than it would have. Thanks, Albert! :hug: 

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“Distorted” is such an apt description of Carson’s thinking, his logic, when he endeavored to control young Kendall. Desperate men do desperate things.

Keeping the peace is clearly Michael’s super power not just his career choice. The gentle way he points at the clock and helps Kendall recognize past versus present is masterful.

The future is taking a new shape as well.

Love keeps winning. Nice.

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3 hours ago, Dan South said:

“Distorted” is such an apt description of Carson’s thinking, his logic, when he endeavored to control young Kendall. Desperate men do desperate things.

Keeping the peace is clearly Michael’s super power not just his career choice. The gentle way he points at the clock and helps Kendall recognize past versus present is masterful.

The future is taking a new shape as well.

Love keeps winning. Nice.

Carson was an emotionally stunted child who carries the emotional scars left by his father, into adulthood. Distorted is a good word for how he treated a son who loved him. I believe hw knew he was pushing Kendall away, just like his own had done to him, and that is a very sad but common cycle between fathers and sons. 

Michael has a few superpowers, but yeah, that is his best one for their Calgary visit. He has changed this family forever, and he did it for his man. He would do anything for Kendall. :) 

Yes, love keeps winning... as it should be. Cheers, my friend and thanks for the great comment. G. :hug: 

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I very much enjoyed watching Carson POV and if I may I would have to say it worked so well! What a great chapter I just love Michael and Kendall:thankyou:

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13 hours ago, Albert1434 said:

I very much enjoyed watching Carson POV and if I may I would have to say it worked so well! What a great chapter I just love Michael and Kendall:thankyou:

It's hard to believe someone can change so drastically, so I don't blame Kendall for how he reacted to news of the college fund. This was the final obstacle to reaching complete understanding, and Michael was the 'Bridge' for it. Yeah, Carson's POV was important... we, the readers get to have that trust for him too. Thanks, buddy. This was a good chapter in the end. :hug:  

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