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Only Prompts - 1. Simple Questions Prompt 480

Prompt 480 – Creative
Tag – First Line
“I just have a simple question. Who the hell is asleep in your bed?”
Jason and Sam have a conversation.

Simple Questions


“I just have a simple question. Who the hell is asleep in your bed?”

“Huh?” I cracked open one eye, and looked up at Jason from my place on the sofa.

Jason glared at me. “Well?”

I groaned and swung my legs over the side and sat up. “Why are you looking into my bed anyway? It’s not your business anymore who is or isn’t in my bed.”

“Maybe not, but it’s my house, you just rent a room. So if there are strangers here, I deserve to know.” Jason had crossed his arms.

I stood up. “If you must know, his name is Dennis. He’s 27 years old. I work with him. Last night we went for a few drinks. He lost his keys, so I offered him my bed. That okay with you?”

“Is he your lover?”

“That’s none of your business, Jason.” I reached around to scratch my back and peered at my tormentor. “If he was my lover, don’t you think I’d be in bed with him?”

Jason snorted in a very un-lady-like manner. “Well, when we were together, you often slept on the couch!”

“Only because you chucked me outta bed every time you were having one of your hissy fits.”

“You never loved me, Sammy.”

Oh here we go! “That’s bull and you know it. I wanted us to be married. I guess you’ve forgotten the trip we took, the water-fall, and the proposal.”

“If that’s true, where’s the ring?”

“Right where you left it, Jason, at the bottom of Vintgar Gorge!”

I sat down. I did not want to deal with Jason and his whining at whatever o’clock it was.



I sighed. “Let me go back to sleep, okay Jason? I’m tired. Please.”

“You never slept well on the sofa, Sam.”

I lay down and pulled the blanket over myself. “Nope I didn’t.” I turned over to face the back of the couch and closed my eyes.

“You … don’t need to sleep here.” Jason’s voice was a whisper.

I lay still with eyes open – saying nothing.

There was a sound of the coffee table being moved, then I felt a hand on my upper thigh. Pressure – his chest against my shoulder blades, a soft kiss on my neck, then his warm breath on my ear as he whispered, “You don’t need to sleep here.”

The hand on my thigh dropped down and caressed my butt, and the kisses he rained on my neck became more fervent.

Believe me, the attention was affecting me; I’m a man and human. But Jas and I have been down this road once too often. We’d go to bed, kiss, make out, and I’d bottom for him. Afterward he’d humiliate me like he always does, and then we’d fight. I couldn’t do this anymore.

I turned over.

He tried to kiss my lips then and I pulled away.

Jason sat back on his heels. “Sammy?” He reached out to stroke my hair but I pulled back.

“Don’t, Jason. No more, okay? You and I are finished.”

“You are in love with that … whoever he is, Dennis.”

“No, I’m not. He is who I told you he is.” I sat up again, pulling the pillow into my lap. I regarded my beautiful ex-boyfriend and remembered how good it had once been. How happy we were together all that time ago. I smiled at him as he knelt on the carpet.

“Sammy?” Jason reached up to touch my cheek. “You’re crying. Why are you?”

He clambered up beside me, he put his arms around me, and I let him. I cried then, sliding my arms around this man who I had once loved deeply, but that I knew I could not any longer.

“Sam, please tell me what’s wrong.”

I moved out of his arms. “Jas, I need to move out. I can’t do this anymore.”

Jason gasped.

“We aren’t helping each other by staying in the same place.” I gazed into his sweet brown eyes. “We both need to move on and forget.”

“You think I want to forget you?” His voice had gone up an octave. “Is that what you seriously think, Sam?”

Is that what I thought? Did I want to forget Jason?

“Yes, I want to forget everything, until the day when the memories of you, of us don’t hurt anymore, Jas. And we can never get to that place living together like we do.”

“Well, I don’t want you to go.” Jason stood up and crossed his arms like he always did when he wanted his way. “Did you ever think about what I want?”

“Don’t start something, Jason. Do not be the whiny bitch. What you want ….” That really pissed me off and he always got away with it. “Wait, you know what? Go ahead tell me how I never thought about what you wanted. Please, go on.”

Jason looked confused. “I … what do you mean? What are you doing, Sam?”

“What am I doing? Well Jas, I’m giving you the opportunity to tell me just how I never thought of you in the eight years we were partners. So please, just let me fucking have it.”

“Stop it, Sam, please.”

“Sorry, what?” My voice was raised.

“Okay, Sammy. I get it. I’m a bitch and I was a rotten partner.” Jason sat down on the over-stuffed chair. “I’m sorry.”

Oh, perfect, did I have to do that to him? “No. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. There was no need for me to be such a dick.”

Jason was quiet for a few minutes and I felt like crap.

“Sam, was it really so bad?”

Shit, bugger, damn. “No of course it wasn’t, Jas. Mostly, it was brilliant.”

“I still love you, you know, Sammy.”

“I love you too, Jason.”

I stood up and went to him. I pulled him to me and held him close.

“So say you won’t go. Let’s try again, please Sam.”

“You know what Jason. I think we could.” I held him by the shoulders. “But we’ve said that each time and it’s never worked.”

“You’re going this time for real, aren’t you?”

Nodding, because I couldn’t speak, I hugged him, and went to my room to pack.

Thanks to AC Benus for his support.
Copyright © 2017 Mikiesboy; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

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Chapter Comments

I think Sam made the right decision. He needs a clean break and perhaps Jason might grow up after Sam's gone. Even without saying most of it directly, you clearly showed what was wrong with their relationship. Jason lacked trust, was jealous, insecure, temperamental in the bad way, selfish and didn't appreciate Sam's love or their relationship.

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On 02/28/2016 11:55 PM, Parker Owens said:

No happy ending here, at least not yet. Sammy has a long way to go before he can describe himself as happy. What a perfectly written glimpse into the torment both these men must have felt - unable to move on, frozen in a terrible cycle of hurt. What an incredibly powerful little vignette. Don't think Sammy would appreciate my hug, but he will eventually find a good one, a sure one, a living one. You have painted him as strong enough for that. Thanks, Tim. This us a gem.

Hi Parker. No, no happy ending. I hope they will both have one, one day but it wont be together. Thank you for reading this Parker and for your comments. I like prompts, they let you explore little moments of time, feelings. And good things can come from them.. like Faris and James...


Thanks again,



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On 02/29/2016 05:15 AM, AC Benus said:

Your prose writing often balances flashes of humorous misunderstanding with deeper emotions and meanings. This short story is probably a great example of your unique 'voice.'


The brusque levity of wanting to know who's asleep in the ex's bed comes to a crescendo with "Jason snorted in a very un-lady-like manner." That's so good…


But from there, the reader gets to slowly learn why these two were not so good together. Piece by piece, you do the hard work of building a resolution that we as readers know is right. I'm always on the side of love, but here, it just isn't going to work.


Very well done!

AC thank you. I try to make things as natural as possible, as real i guess as i can. I'm glad it worked in this case. Thanks so much for your support. Means the world to me...



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Sometimes, no matter how much you want it to be, some people just don't work together. It can be a hard realization to accept. I think Sam is ready to make that break and move on. it's incredibly sad but just like there are times 'when it's right', there are also times when nothing can fix what's broken. You did a great job in showing that in only a short chapter. Great job :)

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On 03/02/2016 04:59 AM, LitLover said:

Sometimes, no matter how much you want it to be, some people just don't work together. It can be a hard realization to accept. I think Sam is ready to make that break and move on. it's incredibly sad but just like there are times 'when it's right', there are also times when nothing can fix what's broken. You did a great job in showing that in only a short chapter. Great job :)

Hi LL. It is sad. I really hadnt planned to write this, this way but there you are. Their relationship is broken and they need to end it. I'm glad this short piece worked. Thanks so much for reading it and for your comments.



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Guest Arazon


Wow, this was a powerful piece with the tension: temptation, remnants of old times, lingering frustration, the pain of making that final decision...not easy when the heart is still invested; it was very realistic. I felt the vibes that’s Sam’s response was a difficult one but bittersweet, in terms of breaking a cycle so they can heal. I found this quite captivating, nicely written. Thanks for the read.

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On 07/23/2016 12:40 AM, Arazon said:

Wow, this was a powerful piece with the tension: temptation, remnants of old times, lingering frustration, the pain of making that final decision...not easy when the heart is still invested; it was very realistic. I felt the vibes that’s Sam’s response was a difficult one but bittersweet, in terms of breaking a cycle so they can heal. I found this quite captivating, nicely written. Thanks for the read.

Thank you for the read!! I appreciate you dropping by. I'd really wanted to write a comedy piece and I started out with that intention, however, this is what I ended up feeling. I'm pleased you like it.. Thanks again for your time and comments.

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