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Only Prompts - 11. Spares

Prompt 509

Prompt 509 – Creative
Tag – The Tire
You're were called away for a business trip to the middle of nowhere. On the way home you blew a tire. When you go for your spare you remember you were going to get it fixed, but you forgot. You call the auto club and they send out a repair truck to help you. When it arrives you find yourself facing someone from your past. Who is it and what happens?




Finally! Finally it was over—two days of discussing the merits of manure spreaders, and looking at the latest models, were done. I hurried back to the Rat’s Ass Motel to see if the fleas had moved into my suitcase yet. I wanted to pack and get back home to the farm. This tiny town supported the big skiing industry, and in the off season businesses gave seminars here—it was miles, and miles, and even more miles from the next drop of civilization; the medium sized town of Vintnerburg.

Once back at the motel I packed quickly and got on the road. It was a long drive and I’d have to stop overnight in the next town as it was. Be nice to get there in time for dinner.

Mark grew-up in Vintnerburg. He says he had the perfect small town childhood. The fact he was gay came to him after he’d married his high school sweetheart. He had been eighteen at the time. He and I met at agricultural college. We found out about each other during drunken fumbling and hot kisses. Then we were inseparable, and once we’d said the ‘L’ word, we knew we were meant for each other.


I’d spoken to Mark the previous night. Poor bugger was going mad trying to keep the farm ticking over on his own. Hey, don’t look at me, I’d suggested he get in a guy to help while I was away. But, Mr. I-Can-Do-It-Alone wasn’t having any of that! The funny thing is, I work as a full-time salesman in the local farm equipment store, and he looks after the farm without a whole lotta help from me. Why he falls apart when I go on a seminar or business trip I don’t know.

Anyway, we’d discussed me driving home and it seems the weather was supposed to close in some. Well I had my snow tires on, chains in the back and a couple of bags of sand for traction. Mark also made sure I had a thermal blanket, granola bars and bottled water—all good. There was a spare tire in the back and flares—I was prepared.


I was an hour out of my overnight destination when it happened. The sudden thud—I steered defensively and pulled the car over to the shoulder. Light snow was falling as I undid the seatbelt, got out of the car, and confirmed I had a flat. I opened the trunk, prepared to jack-up the car, and hauled out the spare tire. As soon as I dropped the spare I knew—it was flat.

Needless to say, I kicked it, and cursed a midnight-blue streak.


I returned to the car and pulled out my cell. To make this perfect I was expecting to find no service, but there were two bars. I was giddy with excitement as I called for help. The auto club said they’d get a tow out to me as soon as possible. There was nothing to do but wait. I drank water and ate a granola bar. I covered myself with the blanket and went to sleep.

Tapping on my window woke me and I found myself staring at the person who hated me most in the world—Eva, Mark’s ex-wife.

The end of their marriage had not been pretty, and to say Eva hated me was an understatement. She accused me of turning him gay and breaking up their happy home. While they went through the process, Mark and I didn’t see each other, and only spoke on the phone from time to time. It had been an ordeal for all of us.


If she recognized me, Eva didn’t show it, well, not until I got out of the car.

“Steve. Great! An hour’s drive to help the man who ruined my life.”

I sighed. “Eva … please. Mark was always gay and eventually he’d have left. It would have hurt you and any kids you may have had. You can’t turn people gay.”

Her eyes darkened. “Just tell me the problem, Steve.”

“Spare’s flat.”

“Fine. I’ll check it and add air, or use one of mine. You have a jack?”

“Yes, but I can ….”

“And you think I can’t?”

“No, but ….”

“I work for the Auto Club, I’m a qualified mechanic as well. I don’t need a man to do anything for me.”

“Fine! Jesus.” I stomped off, leaving her to do whatever. I sat on the guardrail facing away from her and stared across the open fields.


“Want some coffee?” Eva asked, as she settled beside me on the guardrail. “Look, Steve. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. I’d probably feel the same way.”

“Tire is done.” She handed me some black coffee in a small Styrofoam cup. “I was pretty bitchy. It’s been a rough year.”

I sipped the steaming liquid. “Thanks.” I looked at her. “Sorry you’ve had a rough time.”

We sat in silence for a few minutes, before I asked her, “You married, have kids, Eva? You know, we always hoped you would.”

“Yes, husband and two little kids. Boy and a girl.” Her voice was flat.

I paused, and briefly wondered if I should say more. “That’s nice. You know … neither of us wanted to hurt you. We didn’t plan it.”

“They’re all dead.”

Someone hit me in the chest with a hammer, or it felt like that. “Jesus ,what?”

I turned to look at her. She sat staring straight ahead, silent tears falling, dripping onto her white overalls.

Her voices cracked as she said, “Dead. Charlie and little Brian and Jen—my parents too.”


I couldn’t speak, I felt hot tears in my eyes and no words came to me. I dropped my coffee and took hers and dropped it too. I just pulled her into my arms. She didn’t fight me, just held on and cried.

When the tears stopped she said, “You must have read about it. Huge house fire, last year.”

I cast my thoughts back. “Yes … but … the wife’s name was Maryjane Little.”

“My first name is Maryjane. I always hated it so went by my middle name.”

“I’m so sorry, Eva. My God.”


My car was ready and Eva had packed up her truck. I helped her up into the vehicle, and she thanked me. I was ready to close the door when on an impulse I said, “You know. Christmas is a couple of weeks away. You can come to us for the weekend if you want to.”

Eva smiled and shook head. “Thanks, but … well I just don’t think so.”

“l understand … you’re welcome—if you change your mind.”


The next afternoon I pulled into the driveway, never feeling so happy to be home. Mark emerged from the house, apron on—meaning something was baking! Apple pie, I hoped.

Mark pulled the car door open and bent down and kissed me. I held him there by the cheeks and kissed him back. The talk with was Eva so fresh in my mind, after we broke away I said, “I love you Mark. You are the most precious thing in my life.”

Standing up, he helped me out of the car and I just pulled him close and held him. He smelled so good, like apples, and sugar—like home.

“Hey … you okay babe?” he asked.

“Yeah … I just missed you.”


Christmas Eve found Mark and me at home. The fridge loaded with eggnog and booze. We had chestnuts ready for roasting over the fire in the living room. In the oven the turkey was nearly done and all the vegetables were prepped.

Mark was lighting the candles when I heard a truck in the front of the house. I looked out—then turned quickly and ran into the kitchen. I hadn’t told Mark, not wanting to upset him.

I took him by the shoulders and quickly told him what I’d done and why. His eyes filled with tears and we hung on to each other briefly. We kissed and walked to the front door arriving just as the doorbell rang. He glanced at me, opened it, smiled tightly at his ex-wife and drew her into his embrace.

I watched them rock together. Watched them hold on, as behind them snow drifted from the skies above—moonlight making each flake a diamond.

I followed as Mark and Eva walked arm-in-arm down the hall. It would be Christmas soon, a time for peace. I hoped that Eva would find some here.


C'est Fini

Just a quick prompt response .. thanks for reading.
All the errors in this are mine.
Copyright © 2017 Mikiesboy; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

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Short, but oh so good. I love your take on the prompt. It was unexpected, but perfect for the season. Good hearts do good gestures, and always rise to the top. Thanks for this one... cheers... Gary xoxo

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Set up perfectly, the twist of the ex was a nice surprise. I like how you often take the humorous and drive it full-speed into the emotionally powerful.


We get there here too, and also a lot of growth. It seems Eva dropped the whole 'blame' game, and Steve reached out to her as just another person in pain needing comfort.


A subtle thing that I love is how you have Steve thinking about the farm management getting more difficult when he's gone, but not realizing it's because Mark loves him to the point of distraction. When he's gone, Mark probably worries about him a great deal.


Very nicely done, as always!

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I don`t know if you use this saying in English too, but this came up my mind: Love is the only thing, which grows if you share it.

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The impact of this is far more than the prompt suggests. You remind us that forgiveness is gift we grant not only to others but ourselves as well. For Eva to have lost two families, the one she imagined with Mark and the second she'd created was an undue hurt. To accept the compassion Steve offered with his invitation and that given by Mark as wrapped her his embrace bodes well for all of them.
This was nicely done.

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This is an awesome story, and a beautifully written one. So many ways you could have taken this, but the road you chose was utterly brilliant. Completely agree with AC's words and sentiments. Eva is the person who needs some healing, and perhaps she will find it, or see a way to begin. And all because of a flat. Take your bows, maestro, we're applauding.

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I should be surprised, but knowing you to be the talented writer that you are, I'm not.
From feeling sadness, tragic and trepidation, I come away from this story feeling hopeful. That's what that beautiful ending did for me.
Well done tim, well done... :hug:

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That was like a punch to the gut... To lose your family like that. Maybe the Christmas can help her to find something to at least smile about. Happiness could be too much to ask for just yet. I like the idea of her ex and his husband as a kind of spare tire. Maybe not as good as the original, but it will take her a little further on her way.

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On 12/04/2016 03:05 PM, Headstall said:

Short, but oh so good. I love your take on the prompt. It was unexpected, but perfect for the season. Good hearts do good gestures, and always rise to the top. Thanks for this one... cheers... Gary xoxo

Thanks Gary. It was one of those moments you know.. when something just pops into your head, so it was with this prompt. And it has a bit of the Christmas spirit.


thanks again xoxo

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On 12/04/2016 03:21 PM, AC Benus said:

Set up perfectly, the twist of the ex was a nice surprise. I like how you often take the humorous and drive it full-speed into the emotionally powerful.


We get there here too, and also a lot of growth. It seems Eva dropped the whole 'blame' game, and Steve reached out to her as just another person in pain needing comfort.


A subtle thing that I love is how you have Steve thinking about the farm management getting more difficult when he's gone, but not realizing it's because Mark loves him to the point of distraction. When he's gone, Mark probably worries about him a great deal.


Very nicely done, as always!

Thank you AC. I'm glad it worked out. Glad you could see all the little things .. :)


Thanks for reading and the great review.

tim xoxox

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On 12/04/2016 06:37 PM, Lyssa said:

I don`t know if you use this saying in English too, but this came up my mind: Love is the only thing, which grows if you share it.

You know whay Lyssa? I don't know if I have heard that. But I sat and thought about it - and you're absolutely right. How wonderful, thank you for sharing that, I love it.


xoxox tim

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On 12/04/2016 11:28 PM, dughlas said:

The impact of this is far more than the prompt suggests. You remind us that forgiveness is gift we grant not only to others but ourselves as well. For Eva to have lost two families, the one she imagined with Mark and the second she'd created was an undue hurt. To accept the compassion Steve offered with his invitation and that given by Mark as wrapped her his embrace bodes well for all of them.

This was nicely done.

Thank you dugh. Steve and Mark never wanted to hurt Eva, but they did. Hopefully they can find some safe ground.


Appreciate your readng this..


hugs xoxo tim

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On 12/05/2016 12:07 AM, Parker Owens said:

This is an awesome story, and a beautifully written one. So many ways you could have taken this, but the road you chose was utterly brilliant. Completely agree with AC's words and sentiments. Eva is the person who needs some healing, and perhaps she will find it, or see a way to begin. And all because of a flat. Take your bows, maestro, we're applauding.

Gosh, thanks Parker. It was one of those moments when i read the prompt, it was all just there.


Eva may have decided it's time to forgive and to accept the hand of someone who just wants to help. It's a beautiful thing.


Thanks for reading and the very kind comments.


tim xoxxoo

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On 12/05/2016 04:07 AM, Reader1810 said:

I should be surprised, but knowing you to be the talented writer that you are, I'm not.

From feeling sadness, tragic and trepidation, I come away from this story feeling hopeful. That's what that beautiful ending did for me.

Well done tim, well done... :hug:

I'm glad it worked Reader ...people's stories come to me sometimes and I remember something similar about a horrible tragic fire. I wanted the end to be hopeful, and about peace.


Thank you for readiing this ..


tim xoxo

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On 12/05/2016 07:09 AM, Puppilull said:

That was like a punch to the gut... To lose your family like that. Maybe the Christmas can help her to find something to at least smile about. Happiness could be too much to ask for just yet. I like the idea of her ex and his husband as a kind of spare tire. Maybe not as good as the original, but it will take her a little further on her way.

Thanks Pup!! When I chose the title for this short, I wondered if people would get it. You certainly did :) We all need someone to prop us up from time to time.


Thank you for reading and for your insight ful review.


xoxxo tim

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Don't know how I missed this story ! Absolutely wonderful. When I read the part about Mark having wed his high school sweetheart, I immediately envisaged him being the one in the tow truck, but even after I realized my mistake, I didn't guess Eva would be the one. But it makes sense. I bet she was a tomboy girl, strong and into guy stuff and this was what attracted Mark originally. It could also explain why she wasn't at home when the fire happened, since she was probably out on road duty. All these subtle unstated details are part of why your stories are so real, and in this case made me drop a tear or two.

Eva needs friends who care about her, and Mark and Steve can be that. And I can't help looking ahead and wonder if she'll be an even more important part of their lives as the mother of their kids, if she doesn't find someone to love for a while. It might be a meaningful way of dealing with her grief and finding hope in life. :unsure: 

Edited by Timothy M.
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Aw Tim, thanks so much.  Funny, I just reread this a few days ago. It's very emotional to me and I hope real. I think Eva's change of heart out on the roadside, when she talks to Steve was natural.  I think there comes a time when people know, it's now or never and I need you, simple as that. One human being to another. 


Pride is one of the seven deadly sins, maybe the worst of them. I don't believe in God/religion, but sins works for me because the seven are things that mainly hurt us. Pride blocks your relationships with the world and other people. And I think Eva just saw it plainly then on the road with Steve and it was very clear to her on Christmas Eve. She needed to reach out and trust others.


I love your thoughts about their future ... you never know. 


thanks for reading and your wonderful comments, Tim xoxo

Edited by Mikiesboy
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In all seriousness, tim, you have a knack of reaching into my chest, grab ahold of the feels there, and yank for all you're worth. Fantastic story, Bro. I loved every word of it.

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2 minutes ago, BHopper2 said:


In all seriousness, tim, you have a knack of reaching into my chest, grab ahold of the feels there, and yank for all you're worth. Fantastic story, Bro. I loved every word of it.

LOL..   oh my .. i need to send you $20 for a case of tissues

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4 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:

LOL..   oh my .. i need to send you $20 for a case of tissues

*snickers madly*

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I wasn’t expecting the tow truck driver to be a woman with that kind of connection. Okay, part of it is me being unconsciously mysogynistic, but part of it is because of the site. There are many stories here about Gay men who married a woman only to realize they couldn’t continue the charade and left her. We don’t usually hear about what happens to them except when she’s unbelievably supportive (and has those kids for them that @Timothy M. suggested) or dies in some freak accident.



On 4/21/2017 at 5:23 AM, Mikiesboy said:

I don't believe in God/religion, but sins works for me because the seven are things that mainly hurt us.

I’m Agnostic, but I sort of believe in a weird and twisted KarmaPoints™ system. The twisted part is that I never gain any point because I’m just doing what I’m supposed to do. I lose points because I do naughty things. Neither the good nor the naughty things are particularly unusual or anything. But I just keep sinking further and further into KarmaDebt.

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11 minutes ago, droughtquake said:

I wasn’t expecting the tow truck driver to be a woman with that kind of connection. Okay, part of it is me being unconsciously mysogynistic, but part of it is because of the site. There are many stories here about Gay men who married a woman only to realize they couldn’t continue the charade and left her. We don’t usually hear about what happens to them except when she’s unbelievably supportive (and has those kids for them that @Timothy M. suggested) or dies in some freak accident.



I’m Agnostic, but I sort of believe in a weird and twisted KarmaPoints™ system. The twisted part is that I never gain any point because I’m just doing what I’m supposed to do. I lose points because I do naughty things. Neither the good nor the naughty things are particularly unusual or anything. But I just keep sinking further and further into KarmaDebt.

thanks for you great comments my friend.  we don't hear about women much you're right.. either they are horrible, trying to trap guy with the baby thing, or they are your best friend.  I'm glad i could show something more.  thanks again.

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