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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Ian's Heart - 28. Chapter 28 - Adam

Riley was giggling as I snapped the buttons on her jumpsuit, I was trying to catch her hands in my mouth as she flapped her arms around. A couple times she had latched on to my beard which had finally grown back since the night I proposed to Ian. God, I can not wait to marry him.

“Morning Dad, morning Sis,” Pat said as he walked past Riley’s bedroom.

“Hey Paddy,” I called out.

He backtracked sticking his head around the door, “Yes…” he said like Lurch.

I chuckled, “Happy Birthday, Son,” I said.

Paddy grinned. “Thanks,” he said before moving on.

“Your brother turns sixteen today. What do you think about that?” I asked Riley.

A squeal was returned with arms and legs flailing everywhere.

“That’s what I say too, soon he’ll be off to college, get a job, travel, get married. Oh my god, I don’t think I’m ready for all of that, Ry, we just got him,” I said sadly. “Come on buggerlugs, let’s get you to Nan’s before she starts calling us because we are late. You know how she gets.”

I don’t know why buggerlugs, but it is a term of endearment Mrs. Wright, Ian’s mom uses. I think it is cute and Riley doesn’t seem to protest when she is called that. I picked Riley up from the changing table.

“Mwah!” I kissed Riley.

I picked up the diaper bag exiting her room to go to the kitchen.

“Morning Babe,” I kissed Ian, then he shoved a piece of toast in my mouth before taking Riley from me, handing me a travel mug of coffee.

“Morning, are you sure you don’t want us to take Riley?” Ian asked then kissed Riley, “Morning angel girl.”

I shook my head and swallowed my toast. “Nope, Pat wants to drive now that he has his permit. I don’t mind taking her.”

Paddy looked over at me, “I don’t mind, it can wait.”

Why? It’s fine; I can drop her off. Besides, it will keep me distracted from this meeting with the Chief this morning.”

Shit! I forgot I had not told Ian about it. I did not want to worry him before I knew what was going on.

“Is everything okay?” Ian asked worriedly his forehead creased.

“Yeah.” I schooled my reaction. “Crap comes up from time to time, I just hate dealing with this stuff.”

“Okay, I love you.” Ian smiled then kissed me, handing Riley back to me, “Have a good day, let me know how you go.”

“Will do, love you too,” I said to Ian. I kissed Pat on the head on my way past, “enjoy your Birthday Bud, we’ll celebrate tonight. Love you.”

“Bye Dad, love you too.” Pat smiled at me.


Payne got in the passenger side of the car, put her belt on then slumped hugging her travel mug. Her hair was barely brushed, she had bags under her eyes, she looks worn out.

“Geez Shorty, did you look in the mirror this morning, you look like shit! Rough night?”

Payne’s eyes glared at me, “I love you too, A-hole.”

“Everything okay?”

Her mouth turned into a goofy smile, “Yeah!”

“You seem happy for someone who looks like they haven’t slept in a month.”

“Shut up HotShot, have you seen what you look like after a bad night with Riley?” she chuckled.

“Explain yourself girly,” I said.

“Fine.” Payne huffed, then continued as if in a daze, “I think I’m in love.”

“Ooh, gossip, do tell. What’s she like?”

A warm sensation of happiness washed over my chest for my best friend and work partner. If there was anyone that deserves happiness in my book it is Payne. She has had a lousy trot for the past couple of years, it is nice to see her with that goofy love face. I have never seen it before with anyone she has met. Hopefully, this woman is a good one. If she is not and hurts Payne, at least I have a gun. Just kidding!

“Oh my god, she’s the one. I just know it.” Payne sighed. “Her name is Amelia, but she goes by Amy. She is a ginger, Amy has these freckles, god HotShot she’s so beautiful.” Payne grinned at me, her head fell back into the headrest. “Her eyes are the color of clover, she’s not one of these overly thin women Amy actually has a little meat on her. She is wonderful, she is honestly gorgeous inside and out. She’s very much a girl, with the curves and a butt, I love that.”

“She sounds pretty, but what about who she is, what is she like?” I asked.

“Amy is everything good. Actually, personality wise, she’s a lot like your Ian, but you know the female version.” Payne chuckled.

I glanced at my partner for a moment before turning back to the road.

“You better hang on to her for dear life then, he’s the best person I know male or female. The man amazes me still, every single day. You know what, why don’t you bring her tonight for Pat’s birthday thing?” I said.

“Are you sure?” Payne asked.

“Yup, I want to meet her. If she’s anything like Ian, Amy will fit right in, and you know she’ll be made to feel welcome among the family.”

“Wow, thanks, I’ll send her a message now.” Payne was already thumbing away on her phone.

The car was silent for the rest of the ride to the Chief’s office, except little noises from Payne as she communicated with the new woman in her life. It made me happy that she was caught up in the romance of a new relationship, it suited her.

I pulled into a parking space cutting the engine, “Come on Shorty it’s time to face the music.”

As we started the trek to the entrance Payne looked apprehensive, “What do you think we they want with us. I mean it’s not like I’ve had anything to do with your FBI case, so I don’t really even know why I’m here.”

“To be honest,” I sighed, “I have a feeling this has nothing to do with the case at all.”

“Shit, really?” Payne bit her lip, “Wonder what they want.”

“Only one way to find out,” I said putting my hand out to have her lead the way.

When we reached the door, I opened it letting Payne walk through first, then held the door open for an elderly couple who smiled at me.

“Thank you, young man,” the gentlemen said.

“Yes, sir, have a good day,” I said.

They both looked happy that I had manners, I heard the lady gushing to her husband as they walked away, that made me feel good. Too many people today wouldn’t even think to hold the door open for anyone, common courtesy has almost gone by the wayside these days. I hope Pat and Riley aren’t like that. I will have to make sure Ian and I instill that in both of them. It would break my heart if they turned out like some of the kids I have had to deal with, even adults seem to be in too much of a hurry these days to do the simplest things, like hold open a door for somebody else.

This meeting has got me a little anxious, I am almost certain it has nothing to do with the FBI case now that it is nearly wrapped up. They had done the bust with the Chattering family while I was with Riley in New England, so now I am mainly here to tie up loose ends until they officially close the case. Also, there is the fact they have pulled Payne in with me, so that is another alarm bell. I really can’t think of anything we may be in trouble for so this meeting must be for some other reason.

Payne and I went to the reception area to sign in for the meeting.

“Name?” The officer on the other side of the glass reception box asked.

“Detective Adam Price,” I said.

“Detective Payne Fuller,” Payne answered.

The officer pushed an electronic device through the swivel drawer, “Sign, then I’ll need you to hand over your firearms. They will be returned to you when you leave the building.”

I signed the device, took out my service weapon double checking the safety, then put it in the drawer, pushing it back to the officer. She took my gun, tagged it then went out through the door behind her. The officer returned with a key that had a numbered tag put it back in the drawer which I retrieved. Then Payne went through the same process.

“Please go to your left down the Corridor A, go through security into the waiting area. I have notified the Chief’s office, someone will be down to escort you shortly. These visitor badges are to be visible alongside your ID and are to be worn at all times while in the building.” The officer dropped them into the drawer then shoved it through to us, then turned away going back to work.

Payne and I put on our ID lanyards sporting the visitor badges, then did as we were asked. We took a seat in the waiting room. I hate waiting. A few people were sitting in the waiting room, so we stood up against the back wall waiting to be ushered up to the meeting.

“So how did you meet Amy?” I asked Payne.

That goofy smile returned to her face, and she blushed.

“Oh Shorty, you are so in over your head.” I laughed.

Payne covered her face with her hands sheepishly, “I know,” she said muffled from covering her mouth. “I can’t help it, I’m so screwed.”

Squeezing her shoulder, “You’re not screwed, I don’t mean to get all mushy and stuff on you, but seriously Payne, take it from me; enjoy this feeling it can go away in the blink of an eye, that’s worse. Trust me.”

Payne swiveled her head to face me, “I know HotShot, I’m sorry you and Ian had to go through that.”

“Hey, don’t worry about it, it’s done and dusted, lesson learned. Next time someone tries to get between my family and me, I’ll just shoot ‘em.” I laughed.

The elevator doors dinged, another uniformed officer holding a handful of files exited.

“Detectives, Price and Fuller.”

I put my hand up to show we were there, pulling Payne by the arm while she daydreamed.

“Hello, that’s us.”

“Follow me please,” the officer said.

We three got back into the elevator going to the fifth floor.

“Listen, do you know why we are here,” I took in the mans name badge, “Officer Pyke?”

“I’m not at liberty to say,” he answered, eyes forward keeping his stoic expression. Okie Doke then, helpful.

He ushered us into a conference room, inside we found Officer Pott’s with one of our Detectives. What is his name, dammit? All eyes kind of shifted around the room. I went and stood with Officer Potts, Wade, as I approached I shook his hand.

“How’s it going?” I asked.

“Yeah, alright I guess. Do you know why we are here?” Wade asked me cautiously.

Nope and Officer Pyke was no help either,” I answered.

“This is really weird,” he said.

“Yup.” I crossed my arms over my chest, “Are you coming to Pat’s Birthday tonight?”

“Yes, thank you for inviting me by the way.” He smiled.

“Of course, you should come around more. You know you’re welcome anytime, we like your company,” I told him.

“Thanks, I’ll try.” Wade said self-consciously, “I just don’t like to intrude.”

“If you were intruding we wouldn’t invite you over in the first place would we?” I chuckled.

“No, I suppose not.” Wade looked past me, “Hi Detective Fuller,” he said.

“Hi, Wade, and if you don’t start calling me Payne, I will hurt you.” She smiled.

“Yes Ma’am,” he answered shyly.

Payne huffed, “Now I know why they take our guns at the door, HotShot.”

“Leave Wade alone, he was being respectful.” I chuckled.


The Chief entered with another officer, we came to attention and respectfully saluted he returned our salute.

“Please take a seat,” the Chief indicated, while he remained standing.

“I know you are probably wondering why you’re here,” the Chief rubbed his forehead, “You have all been chosen for a special assignment.” the Chief looked around the room for any type of reaction. “There was a raid performed by the FBI on a property yesterday. You will be meeting some other uniformed officers to preserve and protect the chain of evidence at the crime scene. Detective Price you will be in charge.

Why the hell didn’t I know about this, I could feel my anger growing. Why the hell are we going to babysit a bunch of properties?

“I know what you are thinking Detective Price, but in a moment you will see why I requested you not be involved,” said the Chief. “Upon completion of the FBI task force CHEAT, it was apparent there were elements of local law enforcement. Now I can’t go into specifics, but there will be indictments and arrests made today. We need to keep you all well away, so you aren’t tainted by this scandal and believe me it is going to be a PR nightmare. As of today, there will be a Temporary Management Team in place until permanent assignments are made.

Now the reason you are all being kept away.” The Captain's demeanor softened just a touch. “You have all been chosen to for an acting role in the Temporary Management Team. There are going to be a lot of changes, it’s going to be bumpy. You need to prepare yourselves, I don’t imagine this is going to be received well.

“What’s going on Chief?” asked Payne.

He took a deep breath, “I’m not at liberty to say at this time, just know you have been personally selected for these temporary assignments. I expect you all to do your best, we are shaking things up. The department needs a new vision and some new blood, things have been… Anyway, the roles you have been placed in are ones you have all applied for previously and were unsuccessful but should have been given the job. Now is the time for you to all prove yourselves, apply for the permanent placements, we have faith you will all succeed.”

Officer Pyke came into the room carrying the files we had seen him with previously, placing them in front of the Chief. Pyke nodded then handed the Chief some envelopes, to which were dispersed to each one of us as addressed.

“The gentleman to my left is Lieutenant Doyle, you will all be reporting to him from now on. Inside your envelopes, you will find the documents assigning you in your temporary roles, along with the compensation, terms, and job descriptions. I will need you to sign those and return one copy to Officer Pyke by the end of next week. Are there any questions?” Yeah, a-freakin' million.

The Chief looked around the room, “No, fantastic. I’ll leave you with your new Lieutenant. Good luck, I know you will all be an asset going forward.”

Thanks, Chief,” Lieutenant Doyle said shaking his hand.

Chief Moore left the room, the Lieutenant took over.

“Hi, I’ll be quick, I promise. I’m Lieutenant Doyle, my background is Internal Affairs, but don’t let that sway your opinion. The reason I have been chosen is because of the aforementioned issue within the department. My assignment is also temporary until they have finished cleaning house. Once the permanent roles have been assigned, I will be returning to IAB.” Lieutenant Doyle paused for a moment pinching the bridge of his nose letting out a frustrated sigh. “Look I’m pretty easy to get along with, do your job, be respectful, run everything for the moment through me, that’s all I expect from you. You can call me Lieu. If it’s one-on-one call me by my first name, Sully, which is short for Sullivan.”

He opened a file on top of the pile.

“For the next week, you will be assigned to protect and preserve the crime scene as stated earlier. The CSI team will be going through the property with a fine tooth comb, you will be given a list of all personnel allowed to enter the property. Anyone not on that list does not enter the site, I don’t care if it’s Chief Moore himself, not on the list, they do not enter. There is no room for error on this. I will follow you out to the scene, get you situated then I’ll be coming back to the city. Your new acting roles commence the moment you leave this room. Everything you need to know about those roles are in your envelopes. If you have any questions, I will answer them when we get out to the crime scene, if I can. Before we head out, I need you guys to sign these non-disclosure forms, thanks,” Lieu said, “Oh Officer Potts, you will need to head home and change into plain clothes. Do you have a suit?”

Wade nodded, “Yes Sir.”

“Lieu,” the boss retorted.

“Yes Lieu,” Wade said bashfully.

“I suggest you wear it – Detective Potts.” Our Lieutenant smiled.

We all stood, taking our envelopes with us.

I smiled as I quickly gave Wade a one-armed hug slapping him on the back, “Congrats, Bud, you’ve earned it.”

“Way to go, Wade,” Payne punched him in the arm.

I opened my envelope as we left the room, the other three also did. Wade was the first to say anything.

“Wow, he wasn’t kidding me, thought he was joking. It’s not temporary either, I’ve actually been promoted to Detective,” Wade said dazedly.

“That’s great Wade.” I smiled squeezing his shoulder while I read mine. “Holy shit, Seargent.”

“Really!,” Payne said excitedly snatching the letter from my clutches, “Well done, HotShot.”

“What about you?” I asked her.

“I haven’t looked yet.”

“Well, there’s only one way to find out,” I said snatching the paperwork from her hand.

“Oh my God,” the other Detective gasped, “I’m Head Detective of Criminal Investigations.”

Payne quickly looked at her letter, “Holy crap, HotShot, I’m Head Detective of Homicide. How many people are they actually clearing out today.”

“You’d be surprised Payne,” Wade said, “Congratulations Detective Marsden.” That’s it, Marsden.

We all signed the non-disclosure and headed out to our “Special Assignment.”


Thankfully, Lieutenant Doyle, or Sully as he liked to be called in private, was understanding about me wanting to be home early today for my sons sixteenth birthday. I had invited him to come along since he was only here temporarily and didn’t know anybody in town. He had declined as Chief Moore, and his wife had already invited him for a welcome dinner. Probably for the best as we don’t really know each other.

When I got home, I entered the house making my way to the kitchen. Ian had his back to me, he must not have heard me come in, so I snuck up behind him wrapping my arm around his front and kissing the back of his neck.

“Mmm,” Ian said, his hand came up to cup the back of my head as he leaned into me. “We’ll have to be quick, my kids are upstairs, and my fiance is due home any minute.”

I spun him around embracing him tightly my kiss passionate, needy, and possessive. As I pulled back from the kiss I smiled mischievously, “Where do you want to do this?” I asked as I started unbuttoning his shirt pushing him to the kitchen counter. Once his ass hit it, I grabbed the back of his thighs lifting him up to sit on the bench so we could be eye-to-eye. Ian wrapped his legs around my waist as I stood between his legs, I slipped my hand inside his open shirt thumbing his nipple while biting gently at his lips. I used my free hand to palm his growing erection.

“Argh, I hate you right now.” Ian chuckled resting his forehead on my shoulder, pushing my hand away from his crotch.

Moving both my hands to cup Ian’s face, I looked into his eyes leaning forward until our lips met, then sliding my hands down his body grabbing his hips and pulling him to me so our cocks rubbed together through the confines of our pants.


“Shit!” I whispered before looking up sheepishly to see Pat standing in front sporting the mother of all smirks while he held Riley, “Did you have a good day?”

“Mhmm,” he laughed, “me and Riley will be in the car.”

Pat walked off cackling his ass off. Ian punched me in the arm, pushing me out of the way.

“Asshole!” Ian chuckled as he got off of the counter readjusting his hard-on. He pointed his finger at his crotch, “When we get back, I don’t care how many people are here you are taking me somewhere to fix this, look at it as a challenge of how quickly you can get me off.”

I grabbed both sides of his shirt pulling him closer helping him rebutton his shirt.

“Challenge accepted,” I said fastening his last button, “love you.”

“Come on, let’s go. Did you get everything set up Seargent Price? Congratulations! I would have said it earlier, but you distracted me,” he waved his hand toward my body, “with all of that.”

I laughed, “Sorry.”

“No your not,” he said incredulously.

“I know,” I said playfully, laughing harder.

Once we were in the car and on our way, I apologized to Pat, I can not believe I got so caught up in Ian that I forgot our kids were even in the house.

“Uh… Sorry about before Pat, in the kitchen I mean. I hope you weren’t… we didn’t upset you at all,” I said.

“Don’t worry about it Dad, it’s way better than having parents that fight. Besides, I’m sure my discomfort will be reflected in my allowance this week.” Pat laughed wickedly.

Ian turned around to look at him from the front seat, “You don’t get an allowance.”

Pat laughed even harder, “I do this week,” he said looking out the window as we drove.

“Brat!” Ian chuckled.

“Where are we going? I thought we were going out to dinner?” Pat asked as I pulled into the vet clinic where Stephen works.

“I hope you don’t mind, I wanted to quickly check in on Stephen?” I asked.

“Nah, that’s cool, is it alright if I come in with you?” He replied.

“Sure Bud,” I said exiting the car.

Pat got out with me, bringing Riley with him. Ian hopped out and walked around to us, then we made our way to the clinic. When we entered Stephen was standing at the counter talking with one of the Vets, and the receptionist. His face lit up when he saw us.

“Hi Detective,” Stephen said, holding up a finger, “I’ll be back in a quick second sorry.”

I smiled, “Take your time.”

“Let me take Riley, Pat,” Ian said taking her from Paddy.

“Sure Dad,” Pat said as he looked around the waiting area.

I quietly thanked the Vet, he had been kind letting me keep the puppy here at the clinic for the afternoon. We were going to take Pat to the animal rescue for him to find a dog or puppy that suited. However, when I was at my assignment today, a stray puppy was hanging around. I snatched her up after speaking with my Lieutenant to make sure she wasn’t part of the investigation, so I brought her here to make sure she didn’t have a registered owner and was healthy.

Just before I had reached home, Stephen had contacted me to let me know the puppy was Pat’s if we still wanted her. Of course, I said ‘Yes.’ While they had her checked over the technician microchipped and vaccinated her. She would also be coming back when she was old enough to get desexed. The little thing was only about ten weeks old. Where she had come from, nobody could work out. I even did a quick door knock among the few neighbors surrounding the property, nobody had a clue, so I figure finders keepers, and she would make my son so happy.

We watched as Stephen returned, he put the cute puppy on the floor. She scurried around sniffing everything in her path, she rounded the counter, I watched Pat’s face as his eyes landed on the puppy. He did not leap toward her or say anything, he calmly knelt down waiting for her to come to him. She sniffed around Ian’s feet moving over to the Vet and me, she lifted her head to look at Pat then sniffing the floor all the way to him. He stretched his hand out toward her slowly, she sniffed then licked his hand – Bingo! She had found her human. The little terror then jumped all over Pat, trying to climb up him. He lifted her off of the floor, checking her sex, then holding her as she wiggled her butt, tail swishing in excitement she was trying to lick Pat’s face while he giggled.

“Who are you? Aren’t you beautiful,” Pat said. He showed us the puppy, “Dads, look how cute she is, what kind of dog is she, Stephen?”

There may have been a little interference with her picking her human, now I’m not saying there was. But, I may or may not have left her at the clinic wrapped up in one of Pat’s school sweaters he had left in the back of my car. Someone, not sure who of course, or if it even happened at all, might have asked that the puppy be kept in, on, or around the sweater while she stayed there. But you never know it could have happened something like that.

Stephen was leaning with his elbow on top of the counter, his face bright and happy as he watched Pat with his birthday present.

“She’s a Catahoula Leopard mix, I’ve got a bunch of information for you about traits,” Stephen said quickly covering his mouth.

His face went bright red. I swear I could almost see tears in his eyes. The poor kid, I felt so bad for him. Pat’s head snapped away from the puppy looking at Stephen, he then looked at me, then from me to Ian.

“Huh?” Pat looked confused.

I smiled at Ian nodding my head, “Happy Birthday Pat, she’s yours.” Ian beamed.

“But…” Pat said hugging the puppy, sinking his face into her. He looked over at me, his eyes watery.

I nodded again, “She’s yours, Bud, what are you going to call her.”

Pat’s tears fell from his eyes, but he was sporting the biggest grin I have ever seen on a person. He lifted her to his face, “I don’t know. She’s pretty, all blue and grey.” A quick laugh burst from him, “It looks like her colors ran when she was in the rain.”

We all chuckled, even Stephen who had calmed considerably. I reached out and squeezed his shoulder, so he knew we were not upset that he had slipped up. His eyes reached mine, they were full of appreciation and hope, maybe a little admiration.

Ian went to Pat introducing Riley to the puppy, Ian and Pat were laughing guiding her hand over the puppy’s coat, Riley’s eyes would bug out from the feel of her fur, she would then squeal delightedly. Man, I love my family.

“I have your cell number here Detective, I will send you the video,” said the receptionist holding up her phone.

“Thank you, I didn’t think to record it,” I told her.

The woman smiled, satisfied she had done a good thing. She was a lovely lady in her fifties, her salt and pepper hair the only thing giving away her age. She has always been sweet and had a soft spot for Stephen. If nothing else the latter would have been enough to win me over.

“I have a bunch of stuff for Pat, I want to give it to him for his birthday if that’s okay. There is a leash, collar, water and food bowls. Um… a couple of toys and a coat for when it gets cold,” Stephen said. “I hope that’s okay, I’m also sorry I spoiled the surprise.”

“You spoiled nothing, Bud. Don’t give it another thought, I think it went down the best way it could have. I actually think you made it better,” I said grinning while I watched my family play with the puppy. Putting my phone up, I took a photo of my family smiling with the puppy. I then sent the picture to mine and Ian’s parents, as well as Ian and Pat.

“Thank you for everything you’ve done for me Detective, I can never repay your kindness, Derek, or Theo either,” Stephen said.

“Stephen, you probably don’t believe me right this second, but, trust me on this; you have been worth every second of the time I have spent helping you. You were a kid stuck in shitty circumstances surviving as best you could. Even Liam holds no ill will toward you, you have proven what a great person you are now that you can be yourself without having to fight through every day. A lot of people have helped, they have given you the benefit of the doubt, and you’ve shown every single one of us that you are worth it. You should be proud of yourself, I know I’m proud of you.”

“Thanks, Detective,” said Stephen sheepishly, “I should get back to work, I’ll see you guys in a couple of hours.”

Stephen quickly moved away, I knew he was going to cry but did not want me to see it. I looked over to the receptionist a little panicked, she took a small packet of tissues from her drawer, “That’s probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said to that kid. You’re a good man detective,” she said before scurrying off to find Stephen. I didn’t say anything that wasn’t the truth.

“He actually is a terrific kid you know, I’m glad you brought him to us,” the Vet said. “We love him here, he’s good with the animals, great with the owners. Shiela came in one day, she’s an elderly lady in her eighties, not that you’d know it.” He smiled, “Anyway, she had a golden retriever, and it was time, you know what I mean? She lived for that dog, after we put her boy to sleep Stephen sat with her for three hours while she come to grips with losing the one thing she loved in this world. He didn’t fuss or try and placate her, he just sat and held her hand while she cried and mourned her loss.”

“He’s a good kid that’s for sure,” I said proudly.

“We put her dog down on a Monday. Every week on Monday afternoons we get a call from Shiela thanking us for the flowers. That boy buys a bunch of flowers, catches two buses every Monday and takes her flowers in memory of her dog. Stephen tells her it is from all of us at the clinic. Now he has never said a word to us about it, he still doesn’t know we know he does it every Monday.” The Vet shook his head.

“Wow, I don’t know what to say to that.” I smiled sadly.

How does a kid from his background even learn compassion like that? I do not know anyone that would do something like that for a family member let alone a lonely old lady just so she knows someone cares.

“I know, didn’t know what to say either. So this one here,” the Vet threw his thumb in the direction of where the receptionist had been sitting, “suggested I let him keep his secret and give him a raise under the pretense he had been here long enough to warrant one. I don’t want the kid out of pocket.”

A man came into the clinic with his Cockerspaniel.

“Victor, come on through,” the Vet held his hand out indicating the direction for the man.

The receptionist came back smiling, “Stephen’s fine Detective, just a little emotional.”

“Thank god, I thought I upset him.”

I gave her a sad smile.

“So what’s the damage?” I asked her.

“Nothing, its taken care of. All you have to do is book her in to be desexed in about eight weeks or so, you can give us her a name then, let the youngen’ give some thought to her name. Take this paperwork with you for the microchipping, it’s all filled out for you all you have to do is add her name. Bring it back when you get her desexed. You're good to go.” She smiled folding the paperwork handing it over.

“What do you mean it’s taken care of?” I asked confused.

“The young lady you were with earlier today, paid while you were in with the vet.” I will kill Payne.

“Thank you,” I said taking the papers.

To: Payne
Message: Thank you, Brat! Pat loves the puppy. See you shortly, bring Amy.


I sent the message to Payne with the photo I had taken, then gathered my family including Pat’s new puppy. When we got to the car, Paddy turned to me, giving me a hug.

“Thanks, Dad, I love her. This is the best birthday ever,” he said his voice kind of choked up.

We still had an hour to kill before we could go home, so I drove us all to get ice cream at the New Zealand Ice Cream shop, it was ideal because we were able to sit outside with the dog.

“What did you get Pat? Is that chocolate and what’s the other flavor with it.” I asked.

“Uh… orange, it’s called Jaffa or something, s’really nice you want to try it?”

“Sure, I’ll give it go,” I said leaning over taking a small bit on my spoon. “Oooh, that’s nice. I’ll have to remember that for next time.”

“What about you Babe?”

“I got Vanilla, god it’s nice and creamy,” Ian said.

Ian put the tiniest bit on his spoon to give Riley a taste. Her eyes lit up, and her posture was stiffened. Once the flavor disappeared her body relaxed. Ian did it again, and she did the same thing giving us a laugh.


When we got home I pulled into the garage, thankfully Pat was too engrossed in his puppy to take any notice of the street crawling with cars that belong to family and friends. I’d had Ian message, John and Bill, when we were on our way back. I pushed the button on the automatic door clicker so Pat wouldn’t be able to see outside as he got out of the car.

Ian released Riley picking her up. I waited at the interior door that led into the hallway. Opening the door, I waited for Ian, Riley, and Pat with his new friend to go through, closing it behind me. The house was dark and eerily quiet.

“It’s so dark in here, we forgot to turn a light on,” Pat said flicking the switch.


Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Huge thanks to Rick, Glenn, Rob, and Cameron for your never ending help and guidance. :hug:
Copyright © 2017 Bndmetl; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

1 minute ago, Wesley8890 said:

You know, its hard to write with being distracted by this great story! Loved it so much!!!!!


Thanks Wesley, don't think for one second I'm not sitting here anticipating the arrival of a new JAM chapter. Looking forward to reading it - a lot.

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Happy Birthday Paddy!!!!  So much better than last years birthday.  Patrick got his Puppy!!!! Yea!!!!  Sounds like such a cute little girl too.  I am also so glad that Stephens life has turned around so well.  He deserves a chance at happiness too.  Payne in love is adorable!!!  Thanks for an awesome chapter Joh!!!  Can't wait for more!!

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Happy Birthday, Paddy!   Hurry up with the party. I want a piece of cake. Can't wait to see what he names the puppy.  (I am going to ignore all that is going on with Adam. LOL)

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21 minutes ago, glennish said:

Happy Birthday Paddy!!!!  So much better than last years birthday.  Patrick got his Puppy!!!! Yea!!!!  Sounds like such a cute little girl too.  I am also so glad that Stephens life has turned around so well.  He deserves a chance at happiness too.  Payne in love is adorable!!!  Thanks for an awesome chapter Joh!!!  Can't wait for more!!


Thanks Glenn, happy that you liked it, Stephen definitely deserves some good things to happen to him. I do love Payne, I really do hope Amy is the one for her.

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23 minutes ago, Gomez Stanley C said:

Happy Birthday, Paddy!   Hurry up with the party. I want a piece of cake. Can't wait to see what he names the puppy.  (I am going to ignore all that is going on with Adam. LOL)


The party is coming, I wonder what type of cake he'll get. I hope he does name the puppy something cute.

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17 minutes ago, Rndmrunner said:

A really lovely chapter. Good vibes all around for Adam: professionally and in his big big family.


Thanks Rick, I'm glad you are okay with it, I was worried what you would think about it. I hope Adam gets the permanent job or he has a back up plan if he doesn't.

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1 minute ago, Bndmetl said:

I hope Adam gets the permanent job or he has a back up plan if he doesn't.

You hope this!!! Sweetie, you are the goddess of this tale - what you wants, you gets.


I hope that Adam gets the permanent position, you already KNOW 

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I also loved this chapter. I'm glad that Paddy got one of the things he wanted for his birthday, the stop to check up on Stephen was great Paddy never suspected anything. When he saw the puppy he was overjoyed that he was getting the puppy. I hope that Paddy will be pleasantly surprised by the party, unless he knew about it already. 

I hope that Stephen feels better after he broke down from being told that he had been doing very well and people believe in him. I think what the vet said about Stephen was also something that he had done on his own not being told to sit with the client for 3 hours while she mourned the loss of the companion she'd had for years. Then Stephen goes every Monday and gets flowers and takes them to the lady saying that they're from everyone at the vet clinic. Stephen got a raise in order for him to be able to continue taking the flowers every week. If the lady hadn't called the clinic to thank them they would've never known anything about the flowers. I'm glad that Stephen has been able to get the support he needed to turn his life around, now he has a stable place to live, attends school again, has a good job and has people behind him including Liam, who was the one beaten by the two guys Stephen was hanging out with. It was Liam who got more people to help Stephen after he said that he didn't blame Stephen for the beating that he got from the guys in the shower of the gym. 

I hope that Adam gets the temporary job on a permanent basis, I think he deserves that after all that he's been going through. He had applied for the position before and been passed over for it. 

I'm glad that Reiley is becoming a big addition to the family, everyone seems to be spending as much time as they can with her. 

Edited by Butcher56
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1 minute ago, Butcher56 said:

I also loved this chapter. I'm glad that Paddy got one of the things he wanted for his birthday, the stop to check up on Stephen was great Paddy never suspected anything. When he saw the puppy he was overjoyed that he was getting the puppy. I hope that Paddy will be pleasantly surprised by the party, unless he knew about it already. 

I hope that Stephen feels better after he broke down from being told that he had been doing very well and people believe in him. I think what the vet said about Stephen was also something that he had done on his own not being told to sit with the client for 3 hours while she mourned the loss of the companion she'd had for years. Then Stephen goes every Monday and gets flowers and takes them to the lady saying that they're from everyone at the vet clinic. Stephen got a raise in order for him to be able to continue taking the flowers every week. If the lady hadn't called the clinic to thank them they would've never known anything about the flowers. I'm glad that Stephen has been able to get the support he needed to turn his life around, now he has a stable place to live, attends school again, has a good job and has people behind him including Liam, who was the one beaten by the two guys Stephen was hanging out with. It was Liam who got more people to help Stephen after he said that he didn't blame Stephen for the beating that he got from the guys in the shower of the gym. 


Thanks Butcher, I always love hearing from you. It is nice that people are standing behind Stephen, he's also proved that he is a good person. He certainly should be proud of himself, his true personality has come through, and what a guy he has turned out to be.

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2 hours ago, Bndmetl said:

I hope he does name the puppy something cute.

Well we know that Pat will do better than ‘Potty’!  ;-)


Paddy’s birthday has already been great! The new puppy: ‘not-Potty.’ An exotic flavor of ice cream from Middle Earth. Time with the dads and Riley.  ;-)



Congratulations to Detective Potts!  ;-)

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8 hours ago, Bndmetl said:

I hope he does name the puppy something cute.


Based on the description of the puppy's colours that looked like they were running from the rain i expected Paddy to name it Rain

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Great chapter.  The setups for upcoming chapters only serve to keep me eagerly anticipating future postings.  Your talent for telling a great story is most impressive!!!


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11 hours ago, Rndmrunner said:


Based on the description of the puppy's colours that looked like they were running from the rain i expected Paddy to name it Rain

I was thinking Stormy.


I love the descriptions of how Riley reacts to stimuli. Babies are fun.

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On 2/27/2018 at 6:45 PM, Bndmetl said:

I hope he does name the puppy something cute.


On 2/28/2018 at 3:00 AM, Rndmrunner said:

Based on the description of the puppy's colours that looked like they were running from the rain i expected Paddy to name it Rain


17 hours ago, Geemeedee said:

I was thinking Stormy.

Clever author! She doesn’t even need to solicit suggestions. Readers volunteer ideas all on their own!  ;-)

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AWESOME!! Every time I think another family might be trying to take over "best family on the site"...you go and flip the light on and remind us of what family reigns supreme!! Will/Liam's homemade family of love...and now hopefully Payne and "Detective" Wade will add to this fabulous conglomerate of a family! Certainly, Paddy's new puppy scene was a 'smiling heart' scene stealer, while the kitchen scene of "forget about breakfast" had my mocha coloring trying to blush :gikkle: Another excellent chapter, Joh...:worship::heart:

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I already said that I love this story! it is definitely one of my favorites. My bad, I read chapter 24 and silly me thought it was the last chapter so far, yes, I am a tad dense sometimes. It was a very pleasant surprise to discover that there were a few more chapters to read. Did I already say that I love this story very much?! Can't wait for the next chapter.

Edited by Job
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Well, the shoe fell, but not in the manner I was expecting; although it still could with that much housecleaning.  I think kids having pets can be a great thing.  It can teach responsibility and so much more; if it is handled correctly.  Glad to see that Stephen is doing better.

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