Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Brothers - 27. Chapter 27
He could feel Devyn’s eyes on him as he approached the showers. The neko was dripping in sweat, he was not about to get in Lysander’s truck smelling like this. The wolf was just going to have to deal with him being naked. Surely even Devyn wouldn’t try to have sex in public.
Jason had already wasted enough time waiting for everyone to leave the locker room, not wanting to strip around a bunch of elves and humans that were just going to stare at his tail. Pulling his shirt off, Jason knelt carefully, hiding his butt as his shorts followed. The last thing he wanted was to tease Devyn; there was no way that would end well. Stepping into the shower, the neko turned on the water, hissing at the utter chill of the liquid.
A thump startled him, Jason spinning around at the sight of Devyn in human form, using the walls for support as he stepped under the water with him. The wolf shuddered at the temperature, grabbing Jason’s arm.
“Hug for warmth?” he muttered, the neko backing away quickly. “Jason, you can’t run from me. I’ll always be there to catch you.”
He wondered if Devyn knew just how creepy that sounded. Dodging a stretched hand, Jason shuddered as he stepped under the nozzle, rinsing off rapidly before darting toward his clothes. He dressed quickly, not bothering to dry off before slipping out of the locker room.
The neko could hear the wolf tapping after him, each click of Devyn’s cane sending a shiver through him. He just had to keep running, stay away from the wolf. If he could outlast Devyn, maybe the wolf would give up, and Jason wouldn’t be tempted to be with his brother.
He just needed Devyn to give up.
A horn beeped as he made his way across the field, an old blue truck sitting in the car park nearby. Lysander waved from inside the truck, Jason turning his feet toward the car. The neko wasn’t sure why Devyn wasn’t allowed to walk on his own, but now that he thought about it, the wolf always had someone with him, either himself, Margaret, or Dylan. Of course, Margaret wouldn’t be around any longer, but Jason was sure Lysander would take her place during the full moon. It was almost like they didn’t trust Devyn not to go chasing cars.
Lysander opened the door as they approached, the elf smiling at the two as Devyn slid into the middle of the truck’s only seat.
“How was school?”
The wolf gave a quiet grunt as Jason got in beside him. Jason frowned as his brother fumbled with his lap belt, sighing silently as he reached across the wolf to help him buckle up. Devyn’s hand grabbed Jason’s, the neko squeezing it as the truck started.
“Devyn, do you need potions for the weekend? I’m not completely familiar with your shifts,” Lysander said, slowly pulling out of the car park.
“No, I don’t take potions for the new moon,” Devyn shook his head.
“You have Dylan’s number, right? Jason?”
The neko shook his head, motioning toward Devyn.
“I never talk on the phone,” the wolf frowned.
“No, but Jason can text Dylan if something happens,” Lysander pointed out. “It’s better to have and not need, than to need and not have.”
The truck pulled up to the driveway, Jason pulling away from Devyn as the neko leapt out of the vehicle. He grabbed the house key from his pocket before helping the wolf from the truck, Devyn’s head swivelling toward his tree in the back yard. A quiet growl escaped the wolf, Jason growing at his brother sternly. The wolf let out a grunt, turning back toward the house. Signing his thanks to Lysander, Jason hurried toward the house, eager to escape into his room.
Not that he was happy about having to deal with the stairs.
“Dad left turkey for dinner. I’ll make pasta,” Devyn said as they stepped into the house. “After I mark the house. There was another wolf.”
Jason’s eyes widened as the wolf pulled off his shirt, Devyn letting out a grateful sigh as his kilt followed. Bending to pick them up, the wolf walked naked through the house, cane clicking up the stairs as he went to put them in the hamper. He returned a moment later, Jason doing his best not to stare as Devyn’s body rippled into his wolf form. As Devyn pushed back outside through the wolf door, the neko let out a silent breath, setting a hand firmly on the bannister of the stairs. He set a foot on the first step cautiously, before slowly making his way up the rest of the steps.
He didn’t think he was actually ready to face the stairs, but he couldn’t just leave Elroy alone in his room, and Devyn seemed insistent on keeping the stuffed wolf upstairs. Every trip up and down the stairs, no matter how harrowing in the moment, gave him a little more confidence. Margaret wasn’t here to push him again, and the stairs were sturdy. They weren’t about to break on him.
Stepping carefully onto the landing, the neko hurried away from the stairs, a relieved breath escaping him as he escaped into his room.
The wolf had a familiar smell to him; Devyn was certain he had smelled him before. Urine ran along the house, marking that an intruder was there. Devyn crouched at the corner of the house, his mind running through several thoughts at once.
Enemy, but not enemy. Claiming, but not really claiming. The urine was strongest under Jason’s window, as though the wolf wanted the neko to know he was there. But nekos couldn’t smell that well, could they? It confused Devyn, and he wondered if this wolf was trying to lure him out. The smell was lustful, but at the same time nervous, different moods seeming to clash and mixing up the base smell of the wolf roaming his territory.
He couldn’t smell the wolf himself; he had come and gone. Devyn let out a huff as he made his way around the corner, stopping under Jason’s window to cover the offensive smell with his own scent. Kicking up the dirt around the house to spread his scent further, the wolf let out a pleased snort. Everyone would know the neko was his, and he was going to protect what was his, even if Jason seemed to have a problem with him.
Now if he could just figure out who the scent belonged to, the wolf would be happy. It was only a few hours old at best, probably laid while they were running at school. Devyn’s nose sniffled briefly, the wolf following the scent of the intruder until it ended abruptly at the curb in front of the house. It told him nothing he didn’t already know. Their intruder was another werewolf making a claim on Jason, and that rankled his fur.
What made it worse was the realization that the wolf had been there before. He could smell his new rival’s faded scent, constantly refreshed by daily visits throughout the week, though the older smells never crossed onto the property. Today was the first day this wolf had the balls to set foot on Devyn’s land, and if he caught the intruder, he would make sure it was the last time the wolf disturbed Jason.
Stepping back into the house, the wolf shifted, awkward steps carrying him upstairs. Devyn paused in front of the door, frowning slightly at the smell of sweat and lust. The door opened silently at his touch, Jason startling in his bed as his eyes flew toward the wolf. A pillow fell over his lap, the neko scowling at his brother.
“Need help?” Devyn chuckled.
The pillow flew at him, the wolf nearly falling as he tried to dodge it unsuccessfully. He crawled toward the bed, Jason scrambling unsuccessfully to pull up his pants, and Devyn snorted. Using the bed to stand up again, Devyn reached forward, his hand brushing over Jason’s cheek, trying to show the neko he could be gentle, could be better than Brienne.
Jason stared at him with wide eyes, his body trembling at the touch. Hands cupped over his crotch, but it didn’t matter; Devyn could still see the throbbing length poking through, the dripping end that just begged for him to lick it, even as it slowly deflated.
He resisted the urge, barely, focusing on making Jason feel good. The neko was almost purring under his touch, a faltering rumble that shook his body. The wolf took it as a good sign, gently petting his brother as he crawled into bed with the neko.
Devyn realised then that he had been going the wrong way with this. Jason must think the wolf only wanted sex. He didn’t just want sex, he wanted everything the neko could offer, happiness, peace, love. And he needed to show that to Jason.
“It isn’t just sex. I can make you happy like Brienne does,” he said quietly.
Jason startled again, pulling away from Devyn almost harshly. He wriggled around, pants sliding over his waist as he scowled at the wolf. Pointing toward the door, the neko’s scowl drew into a near snarl, and Devyn let out a huff, sliding off the bed. He stepped back to the door, frowning briefly. The wolf had come inside to do something, but the door had driven it from his mind, as though opening the door had shut one somewhere in his head. Oh well, if it was important, he’d hear about it later.
Grabbing his cane, the wolf headed into the kitchen, grabbing a pot filled with water. He started boiling it, lapping at a fresh glass of water as he waited. There was a feeling of unease nagging him; whatever he had forgotten had been important, something about Jason and marking him. He needed to take a nice roll in the neko’s clothes, but there was no way Jason would let him do that-
And like another door slamming open, the memory came back.
Devyn thundered up the stairs, holding the thought desperately. He needed to tell Jason, needed to keep the neko safe. Once again, he threw the door open, sliding to a sudden halt at the sight of his brother’s back arching as seed sprayed from him.
The smell hit him all at once, the wolf’s own length instantly springing to life. He approached Jason slowly, licking his lips as he watched the remnants of the neko’s cum dripping over Jason’s stomach. The neko panted, his eyes glaring at Devyn, and the wolf swallowed drily as Jason’s hand nearly pushed him back toward the door…
The door…
“Don’t go outside, it’s not safe,” the wolf said, before fleeing the room.
He couldn’t let himself stay around the neko’s emissions, they were too much for Devyn to smell. Heading back to the kitchen, he sat heavily against a cabinet, staring at the fridge blindly. The seed was overwhelming, and he was starting to feel a little dizzy remembering how that brief taste had been the night they’d returned home. He wanted more of it, wanted to taste his mate, but there was no way he could do that, Jason would never allow it. Not unless he won the neko’s heart.
“Why are you naked?”
The phone sat in front of him as Jason stared at his brother, ears folded in near permanent shame. He couldn’t believe the wolf had barged in on him. Or that he had tried to continue, only for Devyn to do it again. What was wrong with him? With them?
“Clothes feel weird,” Devyn grunted, tearing into his pasta. “You’ve seen me naked. I’ve seen you naked. And we’ve both seen each other touching ourselves. Why does it matter?”
Jason’s hand shot for his phone, before stopping, hovering over the screen. The neko sighed, shaking his head.
“It’s because you want me,” the wolf added, sniffing the air. “Do clothes make you want me less?”
The neko’s ears burned, Jason nearly choking on his forkful of pasta. He swallowed, grabbing at his glass of water frantically. Gulping the liquid down, he scowled at his brother, grabbing his phone.
“I don’t want you-”
“Deny it all you want, I can smell your lust Jason,” Devyn reminded him. “I can wait for you to accept it, but I don’t want to wait. And you don’t have to either. No one is here.”
Jason gulped, realising his brother was right. No one was here. No one was stopping the wolf from taking what he wanted.
“Why are you scared?” Devyn frowned. “I told you I’m going to wait.”
The neko shook his head slowly, a shudder running through him.
“I want to sleep with you though. Someone marked your window. I don’t want them anywhere near you. I’ll protect you.”
But who was going to protect Jason from Devyn? His fingers typed shakily, the neko letting out a shaky sigh.
“Fine. But if you try anything, I’m locking you in your room.”
“I haven’t tried anything, have I? All I did was clean you,” Devyn frowned as the neko’s hands typed furiously.
“Shove butt into me, licked me, pissed on my clothes-”
Devyn bit his lip, Jason shaking his head with the slightest smirk.
“I don’t remember that… I’m sorry I guess. I mean, I remember marking you, but that was to keep you safe, and licking you, I was just cleaning you. But I don’t remember shoving my butt at you. If I did… it’s just because I want you to know I want this. I want to be your mate. I don’t care if I have to be in human form for it.”
Jason’s jaw hung slightly, the neko’s entire body rigid. He shook his head slowly, phone in hand once more.
“I’m going out with Brienne. I don’t want to fuck my brother.”
He flinched even as the phone repeated the words, Jason letting out another breath.
“Why does it matter? Mom can’t tell us what to do, and Dad wouldn’t even know. Besides, Marin is fine with it, so it has to be okay,” Devyn frowned.
“Okay to a wolf. Not okay to me.”
“I could make you a wolf. It would be okay then, wouldn’t it?”
Jason stared at his brother in horror, shaking his head rapidly. He didn’t want to be a wolf; he had never wanted to be a wolf.
“I’m trying,” Devyn muttered. “Why do you have to be so difficult? You want me, I can be good to you. And I want you too. Who cares what everyone else thinks?”
‘I’m not being difficult, you are a perverted wolf!’
The neko’s hands paused, Jason grimacing as he reached for the phone.
“We’re brothers. If we mate, it would be bad.”
“Why? We don’t share blood,” Devyn frowned. “Nothing bad would happen from us mating, we can’t even have kids. I think the two legs have corrupted your mind.”
Jason shook his head roughly.
“No,” he typed out. “I’m not ready for this.”
Silence spread through the room, the two staring at each other, though Jason kept his eyes firmly on Devyn’s chest.
Finally the wolf let out a huff, shaking his head.
“Marin said I need to claim you. And there’s another wolf around here trying to claim you too.”
“Marin did not say you need to claim me,” the phone spat out, Jason glaring at his brother.
“Either way… I can’t wait much longer.”
Devyn scooped up the empty plates, setting them in the sink as Jason tried not to stare at his surprisingly dark backside. Clearly the wolf was used to being outside, naked, and the thought disturbed Jason. Sure, if he was in wolf form, the neko could understand that, but he had a feeling the wolf wouldn’t be that tan from his wolf form.
Sighing, Jason stood up, heading to the sink to wash the dishes. He was lost. Everything told him it was wrong, that he couldn’t have sex with Devyn. The wolf was even implying that any sex they had- and clearly the wolf was a bottom with the way he threw his ass at the neko- would be in his wolf form, and that added several more layers of unease to Jason’s struggles. How could the wolf expect the neko to… to mate with him in his wolf form? It was one of the most disturbing things he could think of.
And yet the forbidden nature of it made his body shiver with desire, no matter how much he fought himself. Devyn had made his intentions clear, he wanted Jason, he was going to have Jason. The neko belonged to the wolf, he was just being given time to ease into that.
What was he going to do about Brienne? How the fuck did someone tell their girlfriend that they were breaking up so they could fuck a wolf who happened to be their brother? He couldn’t do this…
Setting the last plate aside to dry, Jason slowly made his way upstairs, pushing into his room with the intention of showering.
Devyn was in the middle of a pile of clothes, the wolf rolling all over the fabric, covering them with fur and musk. Jason scowled at the wolf, letting out a shrill whistle that made Devyn’s ears flatten against his skull. The neko pointed toward the bathroom, Devyn’s head twisting curiously.
“Bathroom. You’re showering with me. And brushing your teeth. We’ll put them together so you don’t forget,” the neko’s phone said a moment later. “I don’t want to be with someone whose breath smells like their balls.”
The wolf’s tail arched over his back, Devyn giving a wolfish grin as he trotted toward the bathroom. Jason let out a deep sigh, wondering just what he had agreed to. It was too late to back out now.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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