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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Cernunnos - 55. Chapter 55

The man’s stare was tantalizing. His eyes were silver and focused.

The buck examined him. The black hair was lengthy and misshapen, and he had a mean five-o’clock shadow. Wearing baggy sweats and a hooded sweatshirt, the man looked as if he had lost an incredible amount of weight.

Cyn’s instincts pleaded with him. No… No, that’s not a good man. He quickly grabbed a water cup, but found he had slowed his pace. Burning, his calves and thighs begged for the cernunnos to stop. No! Need to keep going!

Huffing, he tried to mentally block the pain and continue. Sam’s getting ahead! I… I need to catch up!

“Looks like you ran out of gas,” muttered a grave voice.

Familiar instincts pumped through his body. Prey! Predator! He sniffed and turned around. The man—

No, he’s a lycan! It’s him! And he’s right behind me! Cyn seethed and sprinted away. Blurred thoughts washed through his mind as he ran. He’s here! The silver wolf. Sheamus was left behind. Sam’s ahead. I—

He cried out. His legs were in agony. Cyn cursed himself for stopping for water. “Sa—”

His shirt collar was pulled back, stopping his cry for help. Falling back, he landed against Eike’s chest and was wrapped by tight arms. “You’re not going anywhere, fawn,” he whispered. “I don’t leave my prey alive.”

The words shook Cyn to his core. All of his fears from before meeting Shea and the pack returned with a vengeance. Once again, he was prey to wolves. He was paralyzed by fear and was transported back to the cold, snowy forest. The aching and burning from his lower half was no different than his wound from before. It’s… It’s just like it. He has me dead to rights. I’m… I’m going to die—

A flash of movement caught his eyes. He didn’t recall going to the ground, but the breeze was short and swift. Cyn rolled to his side and saw Eike recovering to a standing position, only to face Sam.

The leporidae was obviously exhausted. Sweat was soaked in his shirt, and his chest was heaving. “Get… the fuck out of here!”

Not knowing who he was talking to, Cyn took the statement and tried to kneel, but his ankle was grabbed. Spinning his head around, he saw Eike’s hand attached to him. As Cyn pulled, the lycan’s head swiveled in time for Sam’s foot to connect.

In a moment of awed stupor, Cyn looked around. Several people had gathered and were vocal. Many were holding their phones out towards the three. They’re… what are they doing?

A brief grunt came from behind. Eike flicked his wrist as he knelt over Sam’s body. With a snarl, he turned towards Cyn. “You’ve been a pain in my ass!”

The buck couldn’t stop staring at Sam. Through his shaky vision, he saw the rabbit breathing. He’s still alive! The body was whisked away from his sight as Cyn was grabbed. Voices around him grew louder as he was shouldered onto Eike’s body. Bounding, Cyn knew the lycan was running. Raising his head, he watched the attending crowd continue to display their devices. Why are they just watching?

A few of the bodies were violently brushed aside. Kara and Jaime emerged, rushing towards him! Seeing his friends gave Cyn life. He wriggled, aiming towards Eike’s back. “Kara!”

His vision spun. Cyn became weightless for a moment before a thick arm encapsulated his neck. It tightened, but the buck was still able to breathe slightly. His feet dangled; the shoe tips barely scraping the pavement.

Seeing ahead, he saw Kara and Jaime with their pistols out. They’re pointed at me!

“Keep calm, Cyn!” Kara called out, “We’ll come get you!”

The clinch around his neck constricted as Eike yelled, “Get back! I’ll kill him right here!”

“No, you’re not,” responded Jaime. “You want to eat him, Eike. The second you kill him, we shoot. Can’t eat your prey when you’re dead.”

Eike chuffed angrily. The arm’s strength didn’t budge. “I’ll damage him then!”

Just as the words rang in his ear, Cyn felt a fist cave into his right side, sending waves of pain through him. He coughed and gasped for air unsuccessfully. Combined with the muscle exhaustion, Cyn whimpered as he shed tears. Hurts… can’t… breathe!

Through his watery vision, he noticed another body coming from behind the Turbins. Sh… Sheam—

“Cyn!” Shea screamed as he stopped next to his subordinates. “Let him go!”

“Fuck off! The fawn’s my ticket out of here. Back off, or your little fuck-toy gets his knee snapped!”

The vulgar threat sent another billow of fear into the cernunnos’ heart. The only distraction from it was seeing Shea. He… he looks angry. And… And sad. Savoring every inhalation, Cyn focused on his mate’s anger. Sheamus…

Cyn took a sharp breath, and grunted from the internal pain in his side. Gritting his teeth, he took another. His anger broiled. Seeing his mate in emotional agony unnerved Cyn. He tried to look to the ground, but to no avail. Searching with his legs, he prodded Eike’s. There’s… There’s the left one. And the right.

Shifting his weight, Cyn swung a leg forward and thrust it backwards, striking with his heel.

Eike’s shout was deafening and left his ears ringing, but the arm stayed in place as the two collapsed. Tucking in his chin, he created a distance between it and the arm, allowing Cyn to clamp down on the flesh.

Another sharp yell filled his ears as trickles of blood entered Cyn’s mouth. Lights and shapes came into his sight as his head was struck. When his teeth slackened, Cyn heard the footsteps clomping towards him.

A set of hands grabbed and pulled him away. He smelled Kara, but when Shea’s scent wasn’t around, Cyn gasped, “Sheamus.”

“Not now. You’re mate—”

The deer ignored Kara and glanced around until he saw Shea and Eike tumbling around on the concrete, trading blows. Cyn’s heart raced. He needed to help!

Cyn struggled against Kara’s grip, but was dragged further away from his mate. “Calm down! Shea and Jaime’s got this.”

Staring back, Cyn watched as Jaime approached with his gun drawn. By the time the lycan got to the men, Shea had pinned Eike and furiously punched the rogue’s face. The deer noticed the enforcer’s knuckles turning red, and after the third or fourth blow, Eike’s feet fell limp.

Yet Shea persisted. Cyn heard more footsteps behind him. Turning, he saw several uniformed men with gold badges branch out. “Hands where we can see them!”

“Hold your fire,” called out Kara. She reached behind her and flashed a badge of her own. “That bloody pulp is a wanted man, and these three are with me. Stand down, Officer!”

Choosing the moment of confusion, Cyn scrambled out of the hold and limped as fast as he could towards Shea. “Sheamus!”

His shout must have reached as Shea withheld his latest punch. The deer embraced the wolf from behind and felt the trembling on Shea’s body. He could smell the anger wafting. “I’m… I’m sorry,” muttered Shea.

Cyn winced and pressed his nose against Shea’s chest. “You saved me,” he whispered.

“I wasn’t… I wasn’t there for you.”

“You made it, and you stopped him.”

A hand landed on Cyn’s nape. “Get back, pup.” As he stepped aside, Shea craned his head towards the closest officer. “Need some cuffs! He’s out, but I’m not leaving him unrestrained.”

Shea flipped over the unconscious body and tightened the steel handcuffs on Eike. “Take him into custody. If he’s transported to a medical facility, he’s to be under heavy guard. Kara, has anyone gotten in contact with the chief?”

“Neither him or Kieran have their phones on. They shouldn’t be too far behind in the race.” She took off down the track's route.

An officer came closer to Cyn and Shea. “So what’s going on here?”

Shea held Cyn by the waist, but put himself between the deer and the human. “That’s Eike Thomas; the man that’s had his face plastered everywhere in a multi-state radius. He’s wanted for illegal poaching and attempted murder, but you can add aggravated assault and attempted kidnapping to that list.”

The officer looked at Cyn. “He tried to kidnap you?”

Cyn bit his lip and nodded. “Y-Yes. He… he tried to kill me a few months ago.”

“We’ll need you to make a statement.”

“Already done,” Shea interrupted. “Claude has his statement on file, as well as the witness’ as well.”

“And you are?”

“Deputy Chief Farren.”

Bewilderment on the officer’s face accompanied the awkward backpedal. “D-Deputy Chief! I knew the position changed recently, but I hadn’t gotten the chance to meet you. Forgive me for askin’, but are you two… together?”

Shea half-smiled. “This is my husband, Cyn. The case brought us together. He’s been the only light in this whole ordeal.”

Cyn shakily clutched to Shea’s clothes. He couldn’t stop staring at the lycan’s bloody knuckles. Drowning out the talking, he struggled to remain standing. His legs were numb and he could barely breathe. “Sheam…”

Darkness outlined his sight. He barely heard Shea’s response before collapsing.

Copyright © 2021 astone2292; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

5 hours ago, drsawzall said:

@drpaladin, @astone2292, this line made me think Elke had a knife

A brief grunt came from behind. Eike flicked his wrist as he knelt over Sam’s body. With a snarl, he turned towards Cyn. “You’ve been a pain in my ass!”

So glad it wasn't either a gun or a knife...

Now, let's make sure Elke is hog tied, strapped down in chains and Cyn gets medical attention in a different facility!

I think Elke has a new roommate!!!

Rob Riggle Jail GIF

Hmm. Might need to reword that line as well, but I envisioned Eike dramatically flicking his wrist from punching Sam too hard.

5 hours ago, drpaladin said:

Okay, so he's handcuffed. He's a shifter. How is that supposed to restrain him? The thought came to me earlier, but I didn't voice it.

The cuffs are a temporary restraint. More detail will be placed in the next chapter.

2 hours ago, drsawzall said:

Medically induced coma!!!!, 😂 I simply wouldn't put it past our nefarious, cliffhanger abusing author to add another twist of fate!. I could see the attendants carrying the gurney, dropping Elke over the side of the facility, accidently from the roof!!!

I'm sure the thought will cross Arric's mind now that his former enforcer is captured. 

Nefarious. I am pleased to be called this.

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And in the end it was Cyn who dropped Eike! I love it. …and if I was in his position I’d probably pass out from the exhaustion…and probably shock too. Awesome chapter!!

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1 hour ago, Geemeedee said:

I disagree. If Cyn’s never been punched he would only feel the plain, not necessarily know the source. Also, he was hella scared, so his mind was all over the place. 

I thought Eike had used his claws, then flicked back to his hand. Or yeah, a knife.  But go, Sam! 

Either way, both sentences could be clearer, based on our responses. 

I just shook my head at all the humans busy recording, but not helping. Sounds about right. 

I was surprised Enforcer Sheamus is the deputy chief! It makes sense, but he’s been seen working closely with the pack hunters, not much of a mention of humans. 

He's certain to have been butted more than once as the lowest buck in the herd. I'd say there's little difference.

The cell phone recording was too real to life. Recently in NYC, a woman was raped on the subway with lots of onlookers. No one tried to stop it. They were too busy recording it on their phones. Didn't even call 911.

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7 hours ago, Danners said:

A desperate Eike effectively taken down by a deer and a rabbit and then beaten into submission by his replacement. The wolf's ego must be more black and blue than his face -- and I'm here for it. Looking forward to the aftermath. I hope Eike is hungry 'cause he's about to eat crow and get his just dessert.

Eike's ego has been effectively popped like a balloon! I love it!

5 hours ago, Geemeedee said:

I disagree. If Cyn’s never been punched he would only feel the plain, not necessarily know the source. Also, he was hella scared, so his mind was all over the place. 

I thought Eike had used his claws, then flicked back to his hand. Or yeah, a knife.  But go, Sam! 

Either way, both sentences could be clearer, based on our responses. 

I just shook my head at all the humans busy recording, but not helping. Sounds about right. 

I was surprised Enforcer Sheamus is the deputy chief! It makes sense, but he’s been seen working closely with the pack hunters, not much of a mention of humans. 

That was my initial conclusion with the lines written, but I understand everyone's confusion from both details. We're not sure if Cyn has ever been punched, but from the perspective of being held like he was, it would have been difficult to see Eike's free arm going in for a punch. I'm satisfied with the changes though.

5 hours ago, JR Tittle said:

And in the end it was Cyn who dropped Eike! I love it. …and if I was in his position I’d probably pass out from the exhaustion…and probably shock too. Awesome chapter!!

I channeled some advice given to me by my husband. If you're in a fight, and it's not a planned one, you fight to win under any circumstances. A kick to the gonads is one of, if not the most effective way to drop a man. It speaks plenty for the fact Eike remained standing after Cyn's initial blow. 

4 hours ago, drpaladin said:

He's certain to have been butted more than once as the lowest buck in the herd. I'd say there's little difference.

The cell phone recording was too real to life. Recently in NYC, a woman was raped on the subway with lots of onlookers. No one tried to stop it. They were too busy recording it on their phones. Didn't even call 911.

I've had my personal opinion on the matter of recording events as such. Recording a video of criminal acts is vital to court cases, but not to endangered lives. The commonly viewed video of "What to do during an active shooting," that became rampant in my retail training comes to mind. Run, hide, or fight. Do any means necessary for survival. Cyn couldn't run, and once in Eike's clutches, he couldn't hide. One option remained, and while I doubt he had any training for an event, his instincts kicked in to satisfy the third option.

The NYC subway incident you mentioned is appalling. I knew of it, and thought of it as I was writing this chapter, but I had no intention of taking an opinionated stab at the response from the onlookers. While one can never anticipate these events, as a human you must be prepared to act. A few months ago, the ATM of the bank next-door to my work was stolen. I heard the noise, saw the man through the store's drive-thru window, and called 911. I don't agree with her actions, but my coworker ran to get a better look at the getaway vehicle. There could have been a much more tragic outcome, but regardless and unashamedly, something had to be done. Emergency services must be notified. 

Getting back to the story, if Kara and Jaime were not in the vicinity, there is no telling where Eike would've taken Cyn. 

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