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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Finding love - 13. Chapter 13

I carved out some time to give you the next chapter.
I hope this answers some questions.

I awoke to find a strong pair of arms wrapped around me. Where was I? I struggled to turn my body as these arms were wrapped tight around me. I got my head turned enough to discover they were Brody’s arms. I look around for clues as to where I was and could hear the sound of my parents favorite late night show host and knew instantly I must be in one of the upstairs rooms. I finally broke free from Brody grasp and crept down the stairs to find my parents both asleep in front of the TV.

“Mom, Dad?” I whispered louder than I should have as they both jumped.

“Mattie are you ok?” Mom asked in a panic.

“I’m ok, what’s going on?”

“You had a panic attack buddy,” Dad said and pulled me by the arm to the couch and sat me between the two of them.

“So it wasn’t a dream?”

“Afraid not; your brother had a mental break and was taken to Pennsylvania by your grandparents.” Mom said.

“So he did ruin the room?” I said on the verge of tears.

“Yes,” the said in unison and I started to bawl my eyes out.

While mom and dad tried their best to comfort me I heard heavy feet descend the stairs.

“Is he down here?” Brody said breathlessly. “He wasn’t in either room or the bathroom.”

“He’s right here,” Mom said pointing between her and dad.

“I was worried,” Brody replied.

“Thank you for staying Brody,” Dad said.

“Who were those guys that helped your parents?” Brody asked. “They got here super-fast.”

“They work for us and can assemble rather quickly,” Mom replied.

“What exactly do you do?” Brody asked.

“It’s complicated,” she replied.

I heard another set of feet descend the stairs and Nick appeared.

“Hey guys,” Nick yawned. “What’s going on?”

“Your brother woke-up,” Mom replied.

“Hey Matt,” Nick said and then kneeled in front of me. “Look, I know I may not tell you this but I do love you. I know I give you a hard time and mostly that’s because I am trying to impress Nate but I realize now that it was wrong to do things that upset you.”

“That is very big of you Nicholas to apologize but don’t expect Matt to accept it right now. Why didn’t you tell us how crappy Nathan was treating you?” Dad asked.

“I just figured it was normal brother stuff,” I sniffled.

“None of what he did was normal bother stuff and your mother and I are angry with ourselves for not seeing it.”

“We talked with Emerson and he agreed to help us find someone who can facilitate family therapy. I think we all need it,” mom sighed.

“I think Nathan’s needed it longer,” I said.

“Your brother has struggled and sending him to my cousin Emerson instead of the hospital wasn’t an easy decision. The farm was better suited to help and if he needs it he got St. Lukes Hospital nearby and they have an excellent mental health unit.” Mom said. “On that note, your father and I are driving up tomorrow to be with Nathan for a while. Your grandparents and uncles will be checking on you.”

“Can Brody stay over?” I said with my best puppy dog eyes.

“Let us sleep on that decision. We don’t want to make any rush decisions.”

I slept wrapped in Brody’s arms and it was the best sleep I had in a while. I could smell breakfast cooking and put some clothes on and found the bathroom that had been relocated and then went downstairs. I found Asher cooking in the kitchen with mom.

“Want some eggs?” Mom asked.

“Sure and I love some bacon.”

“What do you think this is; a Waffle House?” Mom said and laughed.

“In that case, I’ll take pancakes too.”

I could hear Brody and Nick talking upstairs and they seemed to be having a good conversation. I really hope we can figure out Nathan’s issue and we go back to some kind of normal. They came down and had breakfast and my father eventually came out from his office.

“Dear, I was gathering Nathan’s medical records and found the stuff on his concussion he had when he was 7.”

“I forgot about that,” Mom said while she set some bacon and toast in front of me.

“I have the scan and the records and there are some notations about calling if we noticed any behavioral changes in him. Did we miss this?”

“Maybe we did, we were so busy between the two family businesses that we could have. I’m going to call Emerson with this news and maybe he can take Nathan and get some tests done.”

“Dad, do you think this is the answer,” I asked.

“I’m not a medical doctor but I know concussions are not good and you have to be vigilant. Your mother and I really could have missed some serious signs and caused your brother to go off the deep end.”

“How did he get the concussion?” Nick asked.

“In school,” Brody said. “I remember that day and I thought I lost my best friend. We were playing on the equipment outside and horsing around and some boy said Nathan and I were weird. Now I think that they would have thought we were gay but anyhow. The one boy Marcus pushed Nathan and he hit his head hard on the wooden pole and then fell to the ground. I remember he wouldn’t wake-up and I screamed and the teacher’s came running.”

“Good memory Brody. Yes, he suffered a concussion and your grandmother watched him like a hawk for several weeks and he couldn’t go to school and his bed had rails so he wouldn’t fall out.”

“Grandma is a good nurse,” I said.

“She was Nursing Administrator at Walter Reed Army Hospital for years before she retired. She was sad that none of her children followed in her footsteps. Your mother being the oldest sort of was expected to but she loved what her father did and went into Security and Business. Your Uncle Ted was a combat medic and when he left the Army, he joined the family business. Your grandmother will tell you a combat medic is nowhere near being a nurse.”

“Are you talking about my brother?” Mom said coming back into the kitchen.

“Yes, I was talking about Ted. How is he doing? It’s been a while since we’ve talked to him.”

“Oh you know Ted; he’s out on some mission that my father sent him on. It’s a shame he never got married. Any ways, Emerson was very intrigued with the idea of the concussion causing the problem. He was going to talk to a friend at the hospital about running some tests. He did say it sounds like a possible answer and would keep us apprised of the situation.”

“So what’s going to happen while you are away?”

“Brody can stay only on the weekends. He has school and needs to attend classes. I spoke with his parents and they are going to assist in making sure you boys stick to the rules. Mr. Baker will be checking on you boys and someone will stay here each night. Grandma and Grandpa Jacobs should be coming down once Grandpa feels better. Until then it will rotate between Grandma and Grandpa Michaels and Uncle Ron and Uncle Tony.” Mom said.

“At least we’ll have the weekends,” I said.

“Yes and there will be no hanky panky or Dancing on a Star either,” Mom said.

“What’s dancing on a star?” Brody, Nick and I said at the same time.

Mom and Dad just laughed and told us it had to do with our great-great-grandparents.

Mom and Dad packed the truck and took off for Pennsylvania. Brody went home and Nick and I were just watching Netflix when there was a knock at the door. We both looked at each other afraid to open the door. The person knocked again and I went to the door and could see a figure through the glass.

I pulled the door open and nearly leap through the screen door.

“Uncle Ted!”

Copyright © 2022 AquariusGuy; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Brody is beginning to realize that Matt's parents may not be in a normal business.

You know what would be interesting is if Matt or Brody will pass on the Dancing on a Star reference their parents talked about and who ever they are talking to will understand the reference

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2 minutes ago, jaysalmn said:

Oh hell no! We're not giving that little a-hole a free pass because of a "concussion". Regardless, he did what he did and treated Mattie beyond horrible. I still say there's no excuse and no redemption.

So he doesn't pass go and collect $200? He definitely doesn't have a get out of jail free card. 

Nathan did treat Mattie horrible and he really had no idea what was going on. It's going to effect everyone. 

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Finally some semblance of peace , concussion seems just to good of a reason ,there has to have been more to it than just that , Mattie and Brody will get some me time with each other , I suppose the only direction is to go up from now on

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Matt and Brodie need some time together.

The concussion may go along way in explaining his condition, but it doesn't excuse the way he hurt his brother.

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15 hours ago, jaysalmn said:

¡Oh diablos, no! No vamos a darle un pase libre a ese pequeño idiota debido a una "conmoción cerebral". Independientemente, hizo lo que hizo y trató a Mattie más que horrible. Sigo diciendo que no hay excusa ni redención.

because the blame lies only with nhatan?

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14 hours ago, mikedup said:

Finally some semblance of peace , concussion seems just to good of a reason ,there has to have been more to it than just that , Mattie and Brody will get some me time with each other , I suppose the only direction is to go up from now on

Yes... up we go. Right to Pennsylvania... Also there will be some fun with Uncle Ted and NOT the sexual kind.

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13 hours ago, chris191070 said:

Matt and Brodie need some time together.

The concussion may go along way in explaining his condition, but it doesn't excuse the way he hurt his brother.

Oh they will and we may or may not be flies on the wall. They did spend the night together before Mattie's parents left.

True and there will be some therapy around the whole family.

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2 hours ago, AquariusGuy said:

No podemos decir mucho sobre Noah porque conocemos su relación con Matt pero no con nadie más. Sabemos lo que Nathan cree que fue la relación, pero eso no significa necesariamente que sea cierto. Los padres tienden a quedar atrapados en sus propias vidas y no son perfectos. No había controles y equilibrios en la familia.

Matt acepta la realidad de que simplemente no puede entender por qué Nathan lo odia tanto. Además de la charla sobre la conmoción cerebral, veremos una conversación más civilizada y Matt comenzará a entender a Nathan. 

if we can refer to noah since nathan indicates in his discussion in the office that he was present until matt appeared, therefore it is assumed that he was united with everyone, and from the first chapter that i see him nhatan has been a capuyo like any good brother at no time is there any view that he hates matie, it is only him in his mind, he only wants to see what he wants to see and gives meaning to his form, therefore it does not mean that Nhatan hates him and also brody is such good friend was able to beat him in the hospital when mat woke up so the misunderstood in my view is nhatan, instead the main character is overrated

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2 minutes ago, J.L said:

if we can refer to noah since nathan indicates in his discussion in the office that he was present until matt appeared, therefore it is assumed that he was united with everyone, and from the first chapter that i see him nhatan has been a capuyo like any good brother at no time is there any view that he hates matie, it is only him in his mind, he only wants to see what he wants to see and gives meaning to his form, therefore it does not mean that Nhatan hates him and also brody is such good friend was able to beat him in the hospital when mat woke up so the misunderstood in my view is nhatan, instead the main character is overrated

I am going to answer you best I can because I think something got lost in the translation.

We have seen everything from how Mattie sees it and from what Nathan said. It is very possible that those views are wrong. Noah could have tried to be the a good brother to Nathan but was shunned. 

Nathan is definitely misunderstood and I think eventually everyone including @Wesley8890 will cave and love him again. 

I come from a large family and I know the view I have of my family is quite different from that of my parents and my siblings, which is similar to this family. Not every family is perfect and this family has their flaws. I'm not sure if you've read my previous stories but families in my stories tend to have issues and you'll hate someone one minute but love them the next. I try to keep things different and not so cookie cutter.



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Just now, weinerdog said:



First, :X

Then :whistle:

A little :glomp: and :kiss:

No more :fight: and :jerry:

By the end you'll :heart:

I know a whole lot of nothing... but hey i'd read that story. 


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6 minutes ago, AquariusGuy said:

I am going to answer you best I can because I think something got lost in the translation.

We have seen everything from how Mattie sees it and from what Nathan said. It is very possible that those views are wrong. Noah could have tried to be the a good brother to Nathan but was shunned. 

Nathan is definitely misunderstood and I think eventually everyone including @Wesley8890 will cave and love him again. 

I come from a large family and I know the view I have of my family is quite different from that of my parents and my siblings, which is similar to this family. Not every family is perfect and this family has their flaws. I'm not sure if you've read my previous stories but families in my stories tend to have issues and you'll hate someone one minute but love them the next. I try to keep things different and not so cookie cutter.



I got lost, tell me in which chapter it says or refers that noah was rejected by nathan

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