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    Lee Wilson
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This story is an original work of gay fiction. None of the people or events are real. While some of the town names used may be real, any other geographic references (school, events) are purely fictional. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is completely coincidental. This story depicts sexual situations between high school aged males. If reading this is illegal where you reside, or you are not at least 18 years of age, you are reading at your own risk. This work is the property of the author, Lee R Wilson, and shall not be reproduced and/or re-posted without his permission.

Rocked To The Core - 27. Discussions and Decisions

I think this chapter may require a tissue warning. No, it definitely will.

After we had dinner and Adam went to bed, Jeremy opened the discussion.

"I can see you want to do this, Derek."

"Well, I want to help him, for sure. But we're still getting used to having Adam. And Dennis would have more than the grief issue Adam did."

"Yeah. Anger and the disability. His attitude toward his parents was a little frightening."

"True, but you could hardly blame him. And there's a third extra item."

"What's that?"

"Trauma. How he got the burns. His mother's flaming leg hit him."

"Oh. Fuck."

"Yeah. So, there would be an awful lot of challenges."

"True. With your training to be a nurse, would you be able to get some contacts for a prosthesis?"

"I suppose so."

"Most foster parents are doing it mainly for the money. A foster home may limit, or even eliminate the possibility of that. Between dad's money and the money from the house, that probably wouldn't be an issue for us."

"But we talked about putting the money from the house away for Adam's education."

"But Adam's looking at getting a lot more than that from life insurance. A hundred grand from his mother, twenty for each of his siblings. The house money could help Dennis instead."

"But that's your money. Dennis' needs could amount to a pretty tidy sum."

"It's OUR money now. And even so, wouldn't it be better to use it for a damn good reason, like helping a child?"

"Sounds like you want to do this too."

"Yeah. I do."

They would soon find out money would never be a problem again.

"OK. I'll give Leland a call tomorrow and say we're in."

"Did I ever tell you how much I love you, Derek Arriens?"

"You have, but I love hearing it. And I love you too, Bryson Jeremiah Burlington."

"Grrrrr. I love you less when you call me Bryson."

"No, you don't. Let's go to bed."

Jeremy had a sly look on his face.

"But I'm not tired."

"Neither am I, you idiot."

"Hehe. I know."

We retired to the bedroom for a long make out and lovemaking session. Every once in a while, we strayed from our norm of my only being the bottom. We took it real slow so we'd both have the energy for me to make love to Jeremy as well. We ended up having enough energy to do it twice.

Tuesday September 26

"Really? That's awesome. I'll go tell Jenny right now. I'd be surprised if she was against it. You guys are amazing. I knew I was right in asking you, Derek."

"Thanks, Leland. But one of the deciding factors was that another foster family probably wouldn't have been too keen on getting Dennis a prosthesis. We have some money, so we agreed to take him to give him the best chance."

"Is there a patron saint for gay men? If not, I nominate you both."

"Thanks, Leland. Keep us informed on how it goes."

"I sure will. Top of my to do list. Bye."


Switching to Leland's perspective for a bit.

Knock, knock.

"Hi Leland, come in."

"Hey Jenny. I see you're personalizing your new office."

"I had to remove every bit of Prescott's influence as soon as possible. What better than to surround myself with my family."

"I'm happy to see that you think of Derek and Jeremy that way. I have an idea."

"And what would that be?"

"You know my latest charge, Dennis Chun?"


"Derek works the floor in the hospital where he's been a couple times in the past few weeks. I talked to them last night about taking Dennis in. Derek just called me and said they would do it."

"Do you think they're ready? Not to mention capable? Dennis is going to need a lot of support, not the least of which is financial."

"Right, how many potential foster families do we have that would be willing to consider a prosthesis before outright saying no?"

"You have a point. And Jeremy has that money from his father. But will the court go along with it?"

"It will if we can get Judge Ridge."

"You're sneaky."

"Whatever it takes for our kids."

"I'll call her now. Go see Dennis again, let him know we're working on a solution for him. Find out if they have an idea when he'll be released. We may need a temporary order. I don't see getting a hearing soon enough. I wouldn't want to give them temporary custody only to find out it won't be permanent. That would do Dennis more harm than good."

"On my way. I'll ask about his release first thing."


A few minutes later at the hospital, Leland is at the fifth-floor nurse's station.

"Hi. I'm Leland Garrett, social worker assigned to Dennis Chun. Do you know how long he'll likely be here?"

"Let me look at his chart... a small area of second-degree burns. He's actually already well enough to be released. But with no family, I suppose when is up to you."

"I was almost afraid of that. Let me talk to my boss. We're working a solution for him, but it may not happen for another day or two."

"It wouldn't be the first time a patient is kept longer. We can indicate he needs further pain management to pacify the insurance company."

"For an unlucky boy, he's definitely surrounded by wonderful people. I'll be back. Thank you, nurse."

Next up is a call back to Jenny at CPS.

"Hi Leland. What's the story?"

"Dennis can be released at any time. As soon as he has somewhere to go."

"Judge Ridge has OK'd Derek and Jeremy as temporary foster parents and scheduled a hearing for next Monday at 4. She'll listen to our recommendations but would have no reservations making it permanent if all the ducks line up."

"I'm sure we can make that happen. I've got a couple busy hours ahead of me. Thanks for the good news."

"Thanks for your efforts. Every child we can place gives us a little more time for the difficult cases. Which, this one could have been among those."

"I'll talk to you later."

Back to the nurse's station.

"Back so soon?"

"Yes. This is one of our highest priority cases. We have a temporary solution with assurances from a judge that it will be permanent if all goes as expected. I'm going to see Dennis, then check with the family. With any luck, Dennis will be going home in a day or two."

"You're among those wonderful people you mentioned before."

"Thanks. Just trying to do my best."

"Hello Dennis."

"Hi. I'm sorry, I forgot your name."

"I'm Mr. Garrett. I have some good news for you."


"We've found a family that is willing to take you in. They're aware of everything about you and have the financial means to take care of you, disability and all."

"Are they nice?"

"The nicest people I've ever worked with."

"Who are they?"

"I have a couple more things to tie down, but if all goes well, you'll meet them later and go home with them tomorrow."


"Yes, really. I know you'll like them."

"I hope so."

"Count on it. I'm pretty sure I'll be back later with them. So, I'll see you again then."

"OK Mr. Garrett. Thank you."

Another phone call.


"Hi Derek, Leland."

"Hi Leland. What's up?"

"You're approved. Judge Ridge OK'd the temporary placement and scheduled a hearing next Monday at 4. I hope you and Jeremy can make it."

"We'll make it work. Does Dennis know?"

"I told him we found a family for him, but I was thinking you'd want to tell him yourself."

"Yeah, that would be nice. When would he be released from the hospital?"

"As soon as you're ready for him."

"Wow. That was fast. I guess I can run out for a few things this afternoon. I'm sure he needs clothes. I'm sure Adam would share his toys for a while. What about the sleeping situation?"

"Officially, he would have the guest room. It doesn't have to be exactly suited for a child. Just his own room. If the boys want to bunk together, that's up to you."

"OK. I'll get him a set of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. If they don't fit exactly, they'll be good enough for a day. Underwear, socks, pajamas. Are his shoes OK?"

"Yes. I'd say he's one size bigger than Adam for clothes. Everything else you can figure out after you get him home. Can I meet you here at the hospital later? I told him I'd be back with the family and could go home tomorrow."

"Sure. I start at 7, so maybe we'll get there at 6:30?"

"Perfect. I'll see you then."

After Adam got home from school, we went shopping. Adam picked a pair of blue sweatpants and a sweatshirt with a dinosaur on it.

"Can I bring a couple books from Uncle Al and Uncle Win to read to him tonight?"

"Sure. What about underwear?"

"Um. Batman?"

"Sounds good to me. OK, we have what we need, anything you think he might want? Again, he's coming home tomorrow, so we can take him shopping then too."

"How about a stuffed animal for his own, so he doesn't have to share everything. I think he'd like something of his own."

"Sounds great. Let's go see what they have."

We went to the toy section to see the choices.

"I think the panda. Aren't they Chinese?"

"Yes, but his family is from Korea."

"Oh. I still think he'll like it."


We checked out, grabbed some lunch, and headed home. Adam was so excited he'd have a brother again. He obviously missed Larry and his sisters. When Jeremy came home, Adam insisted he tell him the news.

"Hi Uncle Jeremy. Guess what?"

"You're happy, so it has to be something good. There was a hurricane today?"

"That wouldn't be good. Try again."

"OK. Um, Uncle Derek won the lottery."

"You're not really trying, are you?"

"I am. I have no idea."

"Dennis is going to live with us."

Jeremy looked at me.

"He's right. Leland called this morning. We have temporary custody. You'll have to get out of work a little early on Monday for the hearing with Judge Ridge at 4."

"You're kidding, right?"

"Go get the bag, Adam."

Adam showed Jeremy the clothes and bear.

"We have to meet Leland at the hospital at 6:30. We get to tell Dennis the news. Pizza's on the way, go get in the shower."

"Yes, boss."

At the hospital, Leland goes into Dennis' room first.

"Hi again, Dennis."

"Hi Mr. Garrett. Are they here?"

"Yes. Do you want to meet them?"

"I guess. I'm scared. What if I don't like them? Or they don't like me?"

"Didn't I say this morning that I know you'll like them?"


"Come on in guys."


"You should call them Uncle, like I do, brother."


"Yes. Dennis. Mr. Garrett got everything set up today. We have a hearing with a judge next Monday, but it's the same woman that let Adam come live with us, so there shouldn't be a problem."

We had to let Dennis cry some happy tears for a little while.

"Show him the clothes Adam."

Adam took everything out of the bag to show Dennis.

"This is all really mine?"

"Yes. We'll go out tomorrow after Adam and I pick you up and get you more things."

"What about Andy? He'll be over tomorrow again."

"He can come too. I'll buy him something, so he doesn't feel left out."

"Who's Andy?"

"He's my friend from school that Uncle Derek watches. He'll be your friend now too."

"I can't believe all this, it's like a dream."

"It's real though. Want me to pinch you?"

"No, Adam. I believe it. I don't think I've ever been as happy."

"There is bad news though, Dennis."

"I knew it was too perfect."

"No. Nothing really bad. I'll have to sign you up for school."

"That's not bad news. My mom and dad never did that. I'd want to go."

"Well, then I guess it's all good news. I'll leave Adam and Uncle Jeremy with you now; I have to start work."

"Thank you, Uncle Derek."

"You're welcome, Dennis. I'll see you later."

Wednesday September 27

Leland stopped by late morning to drop off some paperwork. The temporary custody order, a request for a duplicate social security card, and other legal papers that would allow me to look into life insurance from Dennis' parents. There was also a copy of the request for their death certificates, which he'd bring when CPS received them. Finally, a title for the land their house was on. We'd be able to sell it and have more money to put away for Dennis.

A few minutes after he left, I got a phone call.



"Yes. Who is this?"

"It's Al, Bry... Jeremy's brother."

"Oh, hey Al. Sorry I didn't recognize your voice."

"No worries. I didn't want to bother Jeremy at work but thought you guys would want to know this right away."

"Sure, what is it?"

"Apparently, our father had some more investments we didn't uncover previously."

"Oh? There's more?"

"Yes. Are you sitting down?"

"No. Should I?"

"I think you might want to."

"OK. I'm sitting. How much?"

"As of yesterday's market close, almost thirteen and a quarter million dollars. 30,000 shares each of Google and Microsoft stock."

"No fucking way."

"Yep. A little over $4.4 million for each of us."

"Wow. This is... shit, fucking amazing."

"I'll bring his 10,000 shares of each tonight if that's convenient."

"It is, but even if it wasn't we'd make it so."

"Cool. I'll see you probably around 6:30. I'm looking forward to seeing the three of you again."

"It'll be four tonight."


"Yeah, we're getting custody of another boy today."

"Really? Congratulations. I'll be looking forward to meeting him."

"We'll wait dinner for you."

"That'd be great."

At noon I walked to the school to get Adam and Andy. Adam was all excited, going to pick up his new brother.

"Mr. A., what does Adam mean about a new brother. He tried to explain it to me, but I didn't get It."

"Mr. B. and I are Adam's legal guardians because his parents died. In our case, we're called foster parents. There's another boy, Dennis, in the hospital, whose parents died too. We're going to be his foster parents too."

"Should I call you guys something like dad, or pa, instead of uncle?"

"If you want to Adam. We didn't want to make you do that if you weren't ready. We're not replacing your parents, just filling in for them."

"I don't care if you replace my dad. But since you're both guys, you can't replace mom, so calling you guys dad would be OK."

"Sure is. We can decide on exactly what you want to call each of us later. Right now it's time to go get Dennis."

"Am I going too?"

"Yes, you are Andy. You get to be his first friend if you want. Since Adam's already calling him brother."


"Very cool."

We got into my SUV, now with 2 extra booster seats in the back seat and headed to the hospital. When we got to Dennis' room, he was already dressed in the clothes we brought last night. The day nurse was waiting with him.

"Thanks for getting him ready, Lisa."

"I had to. He was driving me nuts about it."

I left a note for Andrea, reminding her I'd be taking the next two nights off to help Dennis get acclimated to his new home. Dennis was happy to make a new friend in Andy. We left the hospital and went to the store to buy Dennis more clothes and whatever else he wanted. I bought Andy a Florida Panthers sweatshirt, so he didn't feel left out. Then it was a stop at the supermarket to pick up something special to make for Dennis' homecoming and Jeremy's four-million-dollar surprise.

Friday July 7

Derek started his day essentially the same as the rest of the past 30 days. He ate his breakfast with the plastic spoon, the only utensil he was allowed. Today it was three scrambled eggs, three slices of bacon, and three sausage links, each cut into three pieces. Why Derek wouldn't eat anything not associated with the number 3 was a mystery to all. After breakfast, Derek removed the article from under his pillow. His mother brought one that was laminated since his tears ruined the first copy. He re-read the story about the day that had changed his life so drastically.

June 7, 2023

DAVIE, FL - Three men, Barry Welsh, 25, William Perch, 58, and Jeremy Berger, 20, were killed yesterday when the floor of the building they were wiring collapsed. The electricians, employed by Florida Palm Construction, were working on the fifteenth floor of the new North Davie Apartments when one entire side of the floor collapsed, sending the three men plummeting 150 feet to their deaths. The families of misters Welsh and Perch wished not to make any comments. Albert Berger, Jeremy's father simply said, "I'm going to sue their mother (expletive deleted) asses off." Dennis Josephs, one of the EMTs dispatched to the scene indicated it was one of the worst calls he's ever had the misfortune to attend. Another EMT, Derek Arriens, 19, son of police captain Alex Arriens, collapsed at the scene and was taken to Broward County Psychiatric Hospital. It was reported that Derek was in a relationship with the younger Mr. Berger. An investigation has been launched to determine exactly what happened.

Derek put the article back under his pillow. He picked up his crayon, the only writing implement he was allowed, and returned to the fantasy world he'd created to cope with his loss.

He wrote Thursday September 28.


Derek spent seven more months at Broward County Psychiatric Hospital. One week after he was released, he drove to the North Davie Apartments, and climbed the stairs to the fifteenth floor. Before anyone could stop him, he broke a window and leapt. He fell the same 150 feet to his death his lover had.

It was February 13. Derek's 20th birthday.


I hope you enjoyed my story and are not too angry with me about the final twist. I felt I needed to bring the story to a high note, the rescue of Dennis and the additional windfall, before I figuratively pulled the rug out from under you all. I promise to never end another of my stories in this manner. I think.
Copyright © 2023 Lee Wilson; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

18 minutes ago, quietguy49 said:

WOW.. That's all I can say..Unusual twist to a story, good interesting story,had me waiting for the next chapter..

Wow is probably the best possible reaction. Thanks for reading and the comments.

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30 minutes ago, mansexlover said:

awful ending   to what was a very good story

Awful as in, bad for the characters, or as in unsatisfying as a reader?

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We all like HEA but stuff like this happens also. I'm bummed but still a good story

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2 hours ago, BoyLove said:

In my opinion, both! The overall story was great, just the sudden ending was unsatisfying.

Understandable. I went for the shock value first and foremost.

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1 hour ago, centexhairysub said:

I just do not even know what to say.  The ending actually made sense in some weird way; but really changed how I felt about the story as a whole.

Again, understandable. I was aiming on the ending being unsettling. I suppose I succeeded.

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48 minutes ago, weinerdog said:

We all like HEA but stuff like this happens also. I'm bummed but still a good story

I'm just glad nobody has made reference to the "Dallas" dream sequence ending. 

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1 minute ago, Carybr said:

The Dallas dream was exactly what I thought.  Why not make this chapter a Dallas Dream and end the story properly?  You were almost there. 

Perhaps a bad analogy, but would anybody ask Stephen King to change the ending of 'The Shining' so the boiler didn't explode? Oh, wait. Kubrick changed it. No, I'm not saying I'm anywhere near a good a writer as King, heaven forbid, if it existed. But I wanted to shock the readers. I think I'll leave it as is.

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OMG, wow, that plot twist was heartbreaking. I was so into the characters and the good they were doing. Then to find out it was just the imagination of a very distraught man aching over the loss of his love. Not unhappy, but surprised, and given the title, it fits. Rocked to the Core…

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20 minutes ago, VBlew said:

OMG, wow, that plot twist was heartbreaking. I was so into the characters and the good they were doing. Then to find out it was just the imagination of a very distraught man aching over the loss of his love. Not unhappy, but surprised, and given the title, it fits. Rocked to the Core…

Hmmm, so it wasn’t just Derek who was Rocked to the Core. I rocked my readers too. I likeee.

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Why Derek wouldn't eat anything not associated with the number 3 was a mystery to all. Really?It must not have been a very good psychiatric staff. A doofus like me figured it out because of  the  3 people dying.I have to believe someone would have at least wondered that. I guess the only dessert he could eat was a three musketeers bar

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That was a shot ending.

Don't do it again.

your problem was having 3 stories on the go at once.... Up until this last part of R toC 27 everything was going well my only concern was that you brought in fantasy money.... Plus I think you got bored!

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You're a bad man....  You're a very bad man.....  but you are forgiven.....    

4 hours ago, Lee Wilson said:

Perhaps a bad analogy, but would anybody ask Stephen King to change the ending of 'The Shining' so the boiler didn't explode? Oh, wait. Kubrick changed it. No, I'm not saying I'm anywhere near a good a writer as King, heaven forbid, if it existed. But I wanted to shock the readers. I think I'll leave it as is.


Edited by GuyMark
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1 hour ago, weinerdog said:

Why Derek wouldn't eat anything not associated with the number 3 was a mystery to all. Really?It must not have been a very good psychiatric staff. A doofus like me figured it out because of  the  3 people dying.I have to believe someone would have at least wondered that. I guess the only dessert he could eat was a three musketeers bar

Three scoops of ice cream would qualify as well. Very astute regarding the three people killed. TBH, I really just picked 3 at random, but I like your observation better.

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1 hour ago, Simon41 said:

That was a shot ending.

Don't do it again.

your problem was having 3 stories on the go at once.... Up until this last part of R toC 27 everything was going well my only concern was that you brought in fantasy money.... Plus I think you got bored!

I won’t. I can’t argue with the three story comment. Although I didn’t find much time to write over the holidays, so I’m not sure it really mattered. Boredom? Perhaps. Maybe it was thinking up that ending while lying in bed, unable to fall asleep. Who knows?

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41 minutes ago, GuyMark said:

You're a bad man....  You're a very bad man.....  but you are forgiven.....    


I am, but thank you.

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There's a song I heard a lot a long time ago. It had a refrain in it that fits here.

" What a Long, Strange Trip it's Been." It is a very cheerful song.

This story has been a strange and wonderful dream of what should have been.



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1 hour ago, J J said:

There's a song I heard a lot a long time ago. It had a refrain in it that fits here.

" What a Long, Strange Trip it's Been." It is a very cheerful song.

This story has been a strange and wonderful dream of what should have been.



Grateful Dead, Truckin’. Not really a deadhead, but definitely one of their best.

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