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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

You'd Have to Ask - 13. Chapter 13

Cole – before the next shift

Kat is just finishing up with a client when reception tells here she has a phone call.

“Hello” Kat says.

“Hey, Kat it’s me, are you busy?” Cole asks.

“No, just finishing up with a client. What do you need?”

“Just wondering what you are doing for supper.” Cole asks.

“Oh the usual, I got a date coming over and we are going to explore each others minds”

Cole laughs he knows the chances of that happening are pretty slim. Playing along “Do you think you can ditch your date and have supper with your favourite cop?”

“Well I guess” Kat smiles “although I have been lining this date up for a couple of months.”

“Cool, you wanna come over to my place and have steaks”

“Your place, this is a first, are you gonna take advantage of me after dinner?”

“Nah gotta work tonight, got to be ready. Oh speaking of work got a new partner. Just your type.” Cole guesses, he really doesn’t know Kat’s type but he feels Kelly would be a good catch.”

“Well this sounds promising. I’ll be there right after work”

“Great!” Cole says “see you later.”

Kat hangs up. Going back to her station she wonders what’s up with Cole.

Work ends soon enough. Kat goes home and gets her car and heads west to Cole’s place. It has been a long time since she has been there. The house was not even complete the last time. Cole was living in a trailer. It’s strange she thinks to herself. Cole is probably her best friend in Lacombe and she hasn’t even found the time to go out and see his place. But she knows Cole and he probably didn’t want her to see it until it was perfect.

Kat drives up the Range Road and turns onto the winding driveway up to the house. When she turns the last corner she can see that it is almost completely finished. It is a chalet design and sits on top of a hill. The only thing missing is a deck. She can see that he has started building it.

Parking her car she gets out and goes up to the back door. She tries the handle and goes in. She can hear water running. The boy is in the shower. I guess I’ll go let him know I am here. She walks towards the sound of the water and goes in the bathroom. She pulls open the door and says “Hi”

“Shit woman! Don’t you know how to knock?” Cole says. Cole can’t see her as he has shampoo in his hair. He steps under the showerhead and washes the soap off.

Kat stares at the man’s body. She steps in the shower and starts to help him rinse his hair.

“Hey! You’re going to get all wet.”

“I don’t care, I figure I’ll just borrow some clothes from you”

Cole likes the openness of the relationship he has with her. He can feel as she starts to wash his back. It feels really good. He turns around and helps her out of her t-shirt.
She unbuttons her jeans and soon she is naked with him. She takes the soap and washes his chest and then his crotch. She can feel him start to respond.

Cole puts his arms around her and pulls her hard against him. He kisses her neck and then works his way up to her mouth. As he is doing this he can feel her rubbing his hard
cock in her crotch.

Cole can feel as she puts the head to her opening. A little shove and he is all the way in her. Kat’s fingers start to scratch his back.

“Fuck me hard cop!” Kat orders.

Cole puts his hands on her hips and starts slamming his cock into her. Kat’s right hand goes down Cole’s back. She finds his ass and pulls him hard towards her. The kissing becomes frantic and both of them are breathing really hard.

Kat puts a finger up Cole’s ass and she bites down on the side of his neck. Cole screams as the combination of feelings cause him to start shooting inside her. He can feel Kat’s pussy contracting; she must be coming too.

When they have finished cleaning off they both head into the bedroom. Cole gets a shirt for Kat. “I think I’ll have to put your jeans in the dryer. I don’t think I have a pair of pants that would fit you”.

Kat looks in his closet and sees a pair of combat pants. She grabs them and put them on.

“These’ll do, I’ll get the belt from my jeans”

Cole eyes her as she heads out of the room. “Not bad Kat”
Cole gets dressed in a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt.

“Kat, I am going to start cooking now. Barbequed steaks?”

“Right on Cole, need any help from me” she calls from the bathroom.

“I don’t think so unless you want to make a salad”

“I can do that, got Feta?”

“Yeah, just look in the fridge, everything you need is there.”

Kat heads off to the kitchen. She looks out the window and sees Cole getting the barbeque started. She opens the fridge and sees he has everything needed for a Greek Salad.

Kat sets the table and soon both of them are sitting there.

“Well, not a bad job on the house” Kat says “I could picture living here”

“Err, thanks,” Cole says with a grin. He isn’t looking for a roommate however if he were, Kat would be a good choice.

“So what was so important that you dragged me away from my date?” Kat asks.

“It seems that my trips to Edmonton have come back to bite my ass. Had a close call yesterday”

“How so?”

“Well I arrested this guy last night. After we were in the car, he tells me that he saw me at Denny’s with Mike.”

“Oh my God!” Kat says with more emotion than she intended. Calming down she says, “So, I guess that made you feel uncomfortable. Thank God it was Denny’s”

“Well the guy knew who Mike was and he tried to use it. I told him he must be mistaking me with someone else.”

“Whew, did he buy it?”

“He said he had a good look at me and was pretty sure about it. At the station he started up again. He got me there, it seems he noticed that Mike and I were both wearing Lacombe Police t-shirts.”

Kat decides to say nothing she reaches out and holds his hand.

“I think my partner Kelly picked up on something”

“You have a new partner?”

“Yeah, Kelly, she transferred in from the RCMP, she has been a cop for five years. Anyway, I don’t think she misses too much.”

“How did you handle her?”

“Well later at the coffee shop she started asking about it. I didn’t know what to say so I just said we’d talk about it later.”

“That was dangerous, she may come to her own conclusions. Let me say from experience that that never leads to good things”

“So what do I do now?” Cole asks.

“Well, the best is to come clean. But I can see your position. If you come out to her it will be all over the station before you know it.”

“Yeah you’re right, but I think it is only a matter of time.” Cole feels anxiety setting in.

“So what’s she like, is she married?” Kat asks as she decides to change the subject.

“Nope, she is newly divorced. Her and her husband were with the RCMP. She caught him screwing around and divorced him. Then she found out we were hiring so she transferred here.” Cole pauses. “She is a good looking woman. She is confidant and a good police officer.”

“So what’s she like to work with?” Kat asks.

“I don’t know, she is ok I guess. Hell I have never had a female partner before. I am letting her feel her way around. I just hope she doesn’t have any designs on me.”

“I guess the other guys are going to start to wonder about the two of you, spending all that time together. I would assume that the guys would start to paint a picture sooner or later.”

“Yeah, I can see that coming. These things tend to take a life of their own.”

“So what do you want from me?”

“Nothing really, just your support. This is going to be a trying time for me.”

“Believe it or not, I’ve been here before. I have had boyfriends of convenience before and I am sure I will have them again.” Kat smiles and looks at him. “At least it won’t be a complete lie this time!”

Cole’s face reddens he is speechless. He does not want to use Kat that way, but if it helps him out of this mess he may as well go with it.

“I guess I am going to have to be more careful in Edmonton. Think I should start frequenting Calgary?”

“No, a change of venue is not going to make a difference. This is just upping the timetable.”


“Cole sooner or later, whether you like it or not you are going to have to be completely out. Otherwise you are not going to be a complete person.”

“Yeah, I guess. I mean when I am out in Edmonton I feel so free. I don’t think I have ever felt truly like that.”

“Well bud, I am here if you need me.”

Cole gets up and moves to Kat. They hug and he can feel his eyes moisten. “Man, was I ever lucky the day I met you, thank you Kat!”

Cole gets up and cleans up the dishes. He checks his watch. “Well I got to go get ready for work.”

“Yeah, I guess I should go, got to get home and do some laundry” Kat smiles, “that’s why I didn’t mind getting my clothes wet!”

Kat goes to the door to get her shoes as she is putting them on she asks “Are you going to get the porch finished before winter?”

“Yeah, I suppose I should finish doing that. Other things have got in the way”, he emphasizes by waiving his hand over his crotch.

“Men!” Kat laughs. “Well let me know if you want help, I feel the need to pound some nails.”

“I sure will” Cole adds, “Drive safe!” Cole heads to the bedroom to change to his uniform.

He hears Kat’s car as it makes its way down the drive.

Copyright © 2011 edmontongreg; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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