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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

You'd Have to Ask - 42. Chapter 42

Cole is lying in the bed half awake. He is thinking about how things are going so far. He has managed to get into Mike’s world. He is comforted that the man doesn’t suspect anything. He starts to think of things he has to do. The safe in the office has a lot more than cash in it. “How can I get into it?” He asks himself, Mike understandably keeps the safe and the office out of reach. He wonders if the man keeps anything in the house. It shouldn’t be hard to snoop around here sometime when Mike and Rick are out. He is deep in his thoughts and hears a sound, and then he feels wetness on his penis.

“What the hell!” Cole says as he looks down to see the top of Rick’s head.

“Sorry to wake you, but you looked so hot!” Rick looks up at Cole, “Mike’s out and I couldn’t help myself.”

“No problem man that felt really good!”

Rick goes back to licking Cole and soon he has him inside his mouth. Cole goes to hold Rick’s head but he pushes the hands away.

“Just lay there, don’t do a thing!” Rick says and then goes back to sucking.

Cole feels really good and he starts to moan. Soon he can’t help himself, he writhing on the bed. Rick manages to keep his mouth locked on him in spite of the movement.

“Oh Fuck!!” Cole screams as he shoots in Rick’s mouth.

Rick keeps sucking even as Cole’s cock starts to soften, it is really sensitive and he tells him to stop. Rick doesn’t listen.

“Fuck I can’t take it anymore!” Cole screams. “Stop it!”

Rick still ignores him and keeps going.

“Rick come on this isn’t fun anymore!” Cole can feel himself getting mad. Finally when he can’t take it anymore he forcefully grabs Rick and pulls him off him, “What the fuck are you playing at you damned cocksucker!”

Rick releases Cole from his mouth and then looks up at the man, “I just needed to push you Cole, see what you’d do!”

“Why’s that?” Cole asks as he moves a hand protectively to his crotch.

“Well since the last time you were here Mike has managed to dominate me completely, I get off being beaten. I seem to need to be put in my place 24/7.” He looks up at Cole, “I just needed to see if you would do it too!”

“This is pretty serious Rick, why do you need that?”
Rick doesn’t answer, he is not sure Cole would understand. He is a guy that took the steps to come out and is adjusting to it. He can’t come out, as he’d hurt too many people and probably lose his job. The only way he can reconcile this is when he is forced to do stuff. The more he is dominated the freer he feels.

“Hey we should get something to eat before going out.” Cole says.

“Yeah, pretty hungry myself.” Rick makes no move to leave the room.

Cole gets up out of the bed and gets dressed with Rick watching him.

“Gotta use the can.” Cole says as he squeezes past Rick and heads to the bathroom.

As he feels the water start to flow he looks and sees Rick licking his lips while watching him. This scares Cole, “How far has Rick fallen?” He asks himself.

“Hey you guy’s got a computer, I have to check my email?” Cole asks as he remembers that the guy at the bar said the membership information was stored off site. “Maybe it’s here.”

“Sure do, nice one too!” Rick leads Cole to a room downstairs.

“Nice!” Cole says as he takes in the computer.

“Yeah, it really is, dual processors and three hard drives.” Rick smiles, “There is a ton of porn on there, I’d never have to the leave the house!”

“You mean you can watch movies on there?” Cole asks.

“Yeah here I’ll show you.” Rick sits down and signs on to his account. He goes to an icon makes a selection and a movie starts playing.

“I better check my emails before I get wrapped up in this!” Cole says.

“Maybe we can go again before we eat!” Rick says as he winks.

Cole laughs, “Nah that’s Ok Rick, just get the browser going.”

Rick kills the movie and fires up a browser. He leaves the room as Cole checks his email. He doesn’t have any, but he uses the time to explore the computer before signing off. He sees that there is another userid “Must be Mike’s,” he says to himself.

“Ready?” Rick asks as he sees Cole come up the stairs.

“Yeah and I am starved!” Cole heads to the kitchen to see what they can have for supper.

“We have to go out, Cole.” Rick says, “I haven’t had a chance to do any shopping.”

“Cool, gotta place in mind?”

”I’m easy, besides that a decision I don’t get to make anymore.” Rick looks down at his feet.

“You what!” Cole exclaims, “You can’t even decide what you are going to eat?”

“Cole it’s like this, outside of work my master makes all the decisions for me.”

“Oh!” Cole says he has seen this before in domestic disputes, he can’t imagine a cop letting himself be used this way.

“I know a place.” Cole says, “Let’s go.”

Cole goes to his truck, which is parked in front. He opens the door for Rick and then goes to his door and gets in.

Cole drives to the Denny’s, which is close to the bar. He was tempted to go to the restaurant Greg were at the other night, but he decides that is their place. Besides, it was at the Denny’s that he stumbled into this mess in the first place.

Rick doesn’t look at the menu as he lets Cole order for both of them.

“This is weirding me out Rick!”

“How is that Sir?”

“I mean you are your own guy, you should have a say in things you do!”

Rick nods in agreement.

“I know it’s not my business but are you doing this to hold onto Mike?”

Rick doesn’t answer.

“Are you afraid Mike will dump you if you don’t play this game?”

“It’s not a game Sir.” Rick says, “I am a bad person and need to be punished and Mike is the guy to do it!”

“A bad person” Cole has an incredulous look on his face, “What makes you say that?”

“I suck cock, I get fucked and I enjoy it, Sir!”

“So that stuff doesn’t make you bad, I do it too!”

“I am not like you Sir” Rick looks into Cole’s eyes, “I can’t accept this part of myself, and I don’t think I ever will, Sir.”
The food comes and both men start to eat.

“So how’s the job?”

“Fine Sir, everything is great!”

“Stop it with the Sir, Rick!” Cole says.

“Ok.” Rick says meekly.

“So this isn’t affecting you at work at all?” Cole asks he figures he may be able to change the guy’s reality if he talks about the place where Rick is in control.

“Well I guess there have been some problems, but nothing serious.” Rick feels he can talk about this stuff with Cole as they have two things in common.

“What kind of problems?”

“Well I have been flying off the handle, doing stupid things and I don’t know why.”

“What kind of things?”

“Just minor things, every cop does them.” Rick says, “He remembers hearing the stories in the locker room after a shift.

“Well I am a cop too and I am not sure what you are talking about.”

“Ok, you know when you collar a guy for something.” Rick says, “Well I probably take it to a higher level of force than is necessary.”

“No one has complained about this?”

“Well the department gets these kinds of complaints all the time and since we are dealing with scum they usually fall on deaf ears.”

“Well Rick, I have some advice for you, you better get a handle on this real soon!”

“Yeah I should I guess, I keep telling myself I am going too far, but the next time I do it again!”

“Your Parts know about this, I mean he will start to notice!”

“Yeah he said some things but he doesn’t see it as being that bad.”

“Not until a review board and then when it comes to a choice between him and you.”

“Maybe you can transfer and be my Parts and we can work on this?” Rick asks.

Cole thinks about this, it might not be a bad idea to bounce it off Boudreau. He can keep an eye on Rick and also be in the Downtown division, where the bar is. He decides he will call Boudreau at home when he gets a chance.

“I haven’t even reported in yet Rick, that’d be a stretch!”

“Hey, what are you up here for anyway?” Rick asks, “I was so excited to see you I forgot to ask.”

“A special project, the Chief wants us to get big city experience, he asked for volunteers and here I am!”

“Well the West end is good but nothing beats downtown for action.” Rick says, “Besides I have great ideas for down time!”

Cole stops eating looks Rick in the eye and says, “When I am in uni I don’t fuck around.”

Rick gets the message loud and clear, Cole is obviously one of those by the book cops. He dreads his offer of taking him on as a partner.

When they have finished eating Cole pays the bill and they head back to the truck.

“Let’s get back to the house and get ready.” Cole says. He wants to go to the bar tonight as he suspects Stevens will be there.

“Sure Cole, but I was thinking we could occupy ourselves at home.”

“A man has to get out of the house once in awhile Rick.” Cole laughs.

“Yeah, you’re right. Gotta recharge these puppies!” Rick says as he grabs his crotch.

Cole laughs with Rick, “Me too!”

Copyright © 2011 edmontongreg; All Rights Reserved.
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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