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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
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My Daily Bread Crumbs 27 Jun 2022

June 27th 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Arialdo Crescens, one of the Seventy disciples Cyril of Alexandria (Coptic Church, Roman Catholic Church, Anglican Communion and Lutheran Church) Ladislaus I of Hungary Our Lady of Perpetual Help Sampson the Hospitable Zoilus June 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Canad


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 330

June CSR Discussion Day: Dolphin Delivery by Carlos Hazday

Well, I don't know about what it's like where you are, but I'm stuck in a heat wave. What a time for some ocean-related story fun! I can imagine enjoying the cool water now, and if there were dolphins? *squee* I hope you enjoyed reading, or re-reading Carlos's Earth Day story, Dolphin Delivery. Share your thoughts in the comments below after you enjoy my interview with him!    Who do you like best, Jerry or Tom? Jerry Maguire or Tom Cruise? Aren’t they the same person? LOL. I

My Daily Bread Crumbs 26 Jun 2022

June 26th 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Day of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan Christian feast day: Anthelm of Belley David the Dendrite Hermogius Isabel Florence Hapgood (Episcopal Church) Jeremiah (Lutheran) John and Paul José María Robles Hurtado (one of Saints of the Cristero War) Josemaría Escrivá Mar Abhai (Syriac Orth


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 329

Weekly Wrap Up (Jun. 19 - Jun. 25)

In North America we are a week a way from celebrating two of the three county's big parties. July 1st is Canada Day, and July 4th is Independence Day. After two years of shut downs, I imagine lots and lots of people are looking forward to letting loose for a day or two. Myself, I'm heading up to a lake and relaxing and enjoying the first days of summer  What sucks is that I have to do some coverage for a boss that is away too, so I'll be logging on the laptop each day for hopefully only an


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

My Daily Bread Crumbs 25 Jun 2022

June 25th 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Arbor Day (Philippines) Christian feast day: David of Munktorp Eurosia Maximus (Massimo) of Turin Philipp Melanchthon (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) Presentation of the Augsburg Confession (Lutheran) Prosper of Aquitaine Prosper of Reggio William of Montevergine June 25 (Eas


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 328

Book Review: A Demon in My View by Ruth Rendell

It’s the mid-1970s, Northwest London, and an old town house has been divided up into bedsits and small flats. In one of the flats lives Arthur Johnson, a dull middle-aged bookkeeper. A repressed and socially awkward man, who never learnt how to talk to women, he hides a darker and violent side, but he keeps it in check by strangling the “woman” hidden in the house’s cellar. Then Anthony Johnson, a doctoral psychology student in his early twenties, who accidentally shares the same surname, moves

Drew Payne

Drew Payne in Book review

Get More Exposure via Anthologies

One of the common refrains that we hear from new authors on Gay Authors is that we are a bit cliquey here and that it is harder to get established.  That's true to some extent.  We have authors that have been here from the beginning and are still going strong, such as @Comicality and @Bill W.  Reading is a leisure activity and for many people you have to overcome the familiarity bias.  I would rather reread a story I know I enjoy than roll the dice on a new author in my natural state. It is only


Myr in Writing Tips

My Daily Bread Crumbs 24 Jun 2022

June 24th 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Army Day or Battle of Carabobo Day (Venezuela) Bannockburn Day (Scotland) Christian feast day: María Guadalupe García Zavala Nativity of Saint John the Baptist June 24 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Day of the Caboclo (Amazonas, Brazil) Inti Raymi, a winter solstice festival and a New Year in the Andes of the Southern Hemisphere (Sacs


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 327

Gimme a Cake!

Around here we’re picking berries, strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, blackberries, and currants, which means, cakes, pies, jams, preserves. Okay, I’ll stop here. What are your favorite cakes? Which cake is typical for your country? PT #59 The protagonist of your story finds a beautiful cake on their doorstep, without a card or any hint who gave it to them. Help them to unravel the secret.   PT #60 Describe any cake and make your readers want to eat it. If yo


Aditus in Prompts

My Daily Bread Crumbs 23 Jun 2022

June 23rd 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Æthelthryth Marie of Oignies Joseph Cafasso June 23 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Father's Day (Nicaragua, Poland) Grand Duke's Official Birthday (Luxembourg) International Widows Day (international)[34] National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism (Canada) Okinawa Memorial Day (Okina


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 326

Geography Club—novel vs movie

Now, this is a slightly different review because I won't suggest a book or a movie per se, but rather show the strengths and weaknesses of a story by its two adaptations. The plot diverges somewhat by taking different approaches to the topic, but not to an extent to which the overall idea respectively their similarities would become unrecognizable. That being set, let’s dive right into it, shall we? Theme Geography Club—chosen because it's the most boring club possible, so nobody


Zuri in reviews

My Daily Bread Crumbs 22 Jun 2022

June 22nd 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Aaron of Aleth Alban, first recorded Martyr in Britain (commemoration, Anglicanism)[34] Blessed Pope Innocent V Eusebius of Samosata (Eastern Orthodox Church) John Fisher (Catholic Church) Nicetas of Remesiana Paulinus of Nola Thomas More (Catholic Church) June 22 (East


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My Daily Bread Crumbs 21 Jun 2022

June 21st 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Alban of Mainz Aloysius Gonzaga[45] Engelmund of Velsen Martin of Tongres Onesimos Nesib (Lutheran) June 21 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Day of the Martyrs (Togo) Father's Day (Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Uganda, Pakistan, United Arab Emirates) Go Skateboarding Day Inte


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 324

My Daily Bread Crumbs 20 Jun 2022

June 20th 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Adalbert of Magdeburg Florentina John of Matera Blessed Margareta Ebner Methodius of Olympus Pope Silverius June 20 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Day of the National Flag (Argentina) Earliest possible date for the summer solstice in the Northern hemisphere and the winter sol


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