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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter
    • 1 comment

My Daily Bread Crumbs 03 Aug 2022

August 3rd 2022 - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Anniversary of the Killing of Pidjiguiti (Guinea-Bissau) Armed Forces Day (Equatorial Guinea) Christian feast day: George Freeman Bragg, W. E. B. Du Bois (Episcopal Church) Lydia of Thyatira Myrrhbearers (Lutheran Church) Nicodemus Olaf II of Norway (T


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 367

Ask An Author 3.0 #19

Well, well, well... This silly, overused introduction that sparks an uneasy feeling into weak hearts. Maybe I should add a slow-clap. Ehh, it's also overplayed. Anyway, I must say I'm proud of y'all. My tease of dropping Ask An Author into the fiery pits of Mount Doom encouraged some of you to ask questions. What I did not expect was the surge of comments from last month's altered edition. Some of you even messaged me, asking for more of the comment section-driven pandemonium. Further discussion


astone2292 in Author Interviews

My Daily Bread Crumbs 02 Aug 2022

August 2nd 2022 - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Ahudemmeh (Syriac Orthodox Church) Basil Fool for Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) Blessed Justin Russolillo Eusebius of Vercelli Peter Faber Peter Julian Eymard Plegmund Pope Stephen I Portiuncola Indulgence


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 366

Book Review: Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Santiago Nasar is to die, to pay with his life for his crime, and the twin brothers of Angela Vicario will make him pay. The whole town knows this will happen and why, but no one steps forward to prevent it. Why? This book has a fascinating premise but just fails to follow through with it. The problem lies at the heart of this novel; its structure makes for a cold and distant storytelling. It is narrated by a nameless narrator who has returned to the area twenty-seven years after the murder

Drew Payne

Drew Payne in Book review

My Daily Bread Crumbs 01 Aug 2022

August 1st 2022 - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Armed Forces Day (Lebanon) Armed Forces Day (China) or Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Liberation Army (People's Republic of China) Azerbaijani Language and Alphabet Day (Azerbaijan) Emancipation Day is commemorated in many parts of the former British Empire, which marks the day the Slavery Abolition Act 1833 came into effect which abolished chattel slavery in the British Empir


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 365

August CSR Feature: The Seventh Wing by Dark

How do you feel about dragons? They're some of my favorites! I also love to feature all different kinds of stories for the CSR. Established authors, promoted, new authors, brand new stories or stories that are the latest in a long list of author's backlist. Dark said that was the first specific MM fanfic of Anne McCaffrey's Pern stories written and shared on GA, and I thought it'd be good to return to the series roots. What did you think of it?!  The Seventh Wing by @Dark Length:


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

My Daily Bread Crumbs 31 Jul 2022

July 31st 2022 - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Abanoub Germanus of Auxerre Ignatius of Loyola Neot July 31 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Earliest day on which the Feast of Kamál (Perfection) can fall, while August 1 is the latest; observed on the first day of the eighth month of t


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 364

Seeing some light at the end of the tunnel

This is about mental health, it's something that many of us find hard to talk about, especially us men. Not talking about it only tends to make things worse and for those of us experiencing difficulties it slows and can prevent recovery. This is just a small part of my experience, yes it's the better part I don't want to depress or bring anyone down with the bad parts. Today I'm feeling good about myself and that is a feeling that I'm experiencing more often lately, the days of feeling anxi


Mancunian in Mental Health

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 24 - Jul. 30)

It's been a busy week and our buddy @wildone has went out to the wilds on vacation.  Somebody, somewhere forgot a little something... so I'm dropping this in and you'll have to check back later for more updates. -Myr  Update: That somebody was, me Cia... and I developed a migraine last night and went to bed at 7:30 PM and slept for 11 hours. Isn't that always the excuse? 😉 Too much sun yesterday, and I'm not as good as Wildone to get a nasty burn and keep on working. He's a machine! My family ri


Myr in Weekly Wrap Up

Elements That Do not Work

Elements That Don’t Work There are always going to be times when an artist, in any genre, is going to run into a few problem elements in writing their story. It happens. There’s no reason to panic, and certainly no reason for you to give up on your project. It’s a normal part of the process. Sometimes you have ideas that seem so exciting and engaging at the time while you’re planning things out...and then, once you start writing, you realize that those ideas aren’t as supportive of your stor


Comicality in Writing Tips

My Daily Breads Crumbs 29 Jul 2022

July 29th 2022 - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Lazarus of Bethany Lupus of Troyes Martha of Bethany (Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran Church) Mary of Bethany Olaf II of Norway Simplicius, Faustinus and Beatrix July 29 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Earliest day on which


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 262

Disability Pride

I’m writing this blog on July 26th, which is the 32nd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act.  July is Disability Pride Month, which honors the passage of the ADA.  The ADA prohibits discrimination based on disability and guarantees equal accommodation to people with disabilities in areas including access, transportation, and telecommunications.  I had a wonderful discussion today with one of my patients (I work with adults with developmental disabilities) about the ADA and wha


Valkyrie in Prompts

My Daily Bread Crumbs 28 Jul 2022

July 28th 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Alphonsa Muttathupadathu (Syro-Malabar Catholic Church) Botvid Johann Sebastian Bach, George Frederick Handel, Henry Purcell (Episcopal Church commemoration) Johann Sebastian Bach, Heinrich Schütz, George Frederick Handel (Lutheran commemoration) Nazarius and Celsus Pedro Poveda Castroverde Pope


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 361

Writing for Anthologies

I wrote my first anthology story for GA for the summer 2014 anthology, The Backup Plan.  It was the start of my Max and Elliot series and hooked me on writing short stories.  I’ve participated in every anthology since then, sometimes with multiple submissions, for a total of 27 stories.  I’m planning on keeping the streak going with the upcoming Anniversary anthology with at least one story.  I thought I’d give some insight as to why I continue writing for all the anthologies and the proce


Valkyrie in Anthology

My Daily Bread Crumbs 27 Jul 2022

July 27th 2022 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Arethas (Western Christianity) Aurelius and Natalia and companions of the Martyrs of Córdoba. Maurus, Pantalemon, and Sergius Pantaleon Seven Sleepers of Ephesus (Roman Martyrology) National Sleepy Head Day (Finland) Theobald of Marly Titus Brandsma, O.Carm.


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 360

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