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  • Valkyrie

    Write, Write, Write!

    By Valkyrie

    The deadline for the 2024 anthology is just about two weeks away, which is not too late to submit a story to the proof team!  Here are a few tips about participating in the anthology: Stories can be as short as 1,000 words The link to the theme can be tangential - it doesn't have to hit us over the head.  So, keep that in mind if the theme isn't speaking to you.  Participating in the anthology is a great way to get new readers.  A lot of people read all the anthology stories, so i

Prompt 878 and Prompt 879

Well, we have made it to the end of April. May brings mother's day and lots of flowers. Today also brings new prompts. Prompt 878 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use  the following words in a story : a card, a single rose, a baby bottle, a soft blanket, and a kitten. Prompt 879 - Creative Tag - Unexpected Your mother always said things happen in threes, but you never expected such different things to happen. First was a job offer from a company you had never heard of


comicfan in Prompts

Working on something new

Over the past week, I've started working on another story. Several years ago I took part in NaNoWriMo when I was suffering from writer's block. It certainly did the trick, as I managed to write 52,000 words during the month of November. The story I'd planned out had lots of my favourite elements in it; cinemas, the supernatural, a mystery and romance. As I was writing it at a rate of about 1000-2000 words a day, it was rough in places and the ending was a bit rushed as I wanted to finish a compl


Mawgrim in Writing

April CSR Discussion Day: My Faceless Bus Stalker Alpha by Thirdly

Well, I don't know about you, but I absorbed this entire story is one sitting. I loved the dog shifter aspect, but the alpha/omega dynamics had a bit of a fresh twist too. What did you enjoy? Don't forget to share your thoughts below in the comments, but first, my interview with Thirdly!  What brought you to GA? Robin introduced me to the site around 2014, if I’m not mistaken. The GA community is welcoming, diverse, and absolutely amazing.  If you were writing a book about your li


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

The Vinyl

Like many kids my era, I collected albums, smoked a lot of weed and listened to music real loud. Unlike many of my contemporaries, I held on to my collection and treated it with great care. It sounds as good today as it did in the seventies. Jackson Browne The Pretender LP   R The Beatles Abbey Road LP   R Foreigner

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 18 - Apr. 24)

Greetings all from a cold, wet, ugly, grey corner of Canada   I know the saying is spring showers bring May flowers, but this every 3rd day of snowfall is not making me happy. On top of that I'm sick . So this will be my shortest intro in a long time. On Monday, Cia brought us the new Classic Author Feature: On Wednesday, she was back once again, but this time with the Classic Author Excerpt: Thursday, Renee dropped by to get everyone ramped up and hopefully get some more g


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Books - Dazzling Dialog

I picked up this book recently in my never ending quest to improve my writing skill set.  It's a short book that is a very quick read.  I'd recommend it as it targets a weakness that a lot of stories have and it gives practical tips on how to spot the problems and how to fix them Definitely worth the read.  It's available on Kindle as well if you like to keep your library digital.


Myr in Writing


There's an old proverb out there, and I'll have to paraphrase as I don't remember it word for word...but it says 'the Sun doesn't enjoy its own brightness. The river doesn't drink its own water. The tree doesn't eat its own fruit. And living without giving...isn't really living.' As a writer, I really do believe in that. Being able to create something out of nothing and then share it with people who really enjoy and relate to it brings me a lot of joy. That's my way of giving to my readers. And


Comicality in Writing Tips

CD Collection

I have a bunch of CDs and I had to get them organized, so I'll know what I have and where they are. I'm working on my vinyl collection too but, it's a lot more work. I'm taking them out, cleaning them covering the outside in plastic and replacing the liners that need it with an after-market product. I wanted to have this list in a few different places. Anyway, gaze upon my works and despair. Yes- there are duplications (trade bait). Location is where they are. After getting this actually done I'


JamesSavik in Music

Prompt 876 and Prompt 877

Welcome to Friday. No preamble today, just the prompts.  Prompt 876 - Creative Tag - First Line "I'm so late and she will kill me!" Prompt 877 - Creative Tag - Hero Tonight was not your normal night. First your car broke down in the middle of nowhere. Secondly, you couldn't get a signal so you had to walk for miles to get help. When you finally did find help it was one of those new costumed heroes only you never expected him to act or dress as he did. What was your


comicfan in Prompts

Reminder: Spring/Summer Anthology Due May 31st!

If you have any questions, send me a message or you can always comment on the blog or in the forum thread! Roll Call: if you have an anthology entry, comment below!  If you want, you can even share your story name and description to make your readers drool in anticipation!    ~2021 Spring/Summer Anthology~ Now, let's take a look at the themes and guidelines for the first anthology of 2021! The themes of the 2021 Anthology #1 are: Top Theme #1: On the Ro

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

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