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  • Valkyrie

    Write, Write, Write!

    By Valkyrie

    The deadline for the 2024 anthology is just about two weeks away, which is not too late to submit a story to the proof team!  Here are a few tips about participating in the anthology: Stories can be as short as 1,000 words The link to the theme can be tangential - it doesn't have to hit us over the head.  So, keep that in mind if the theme isn't speaking to you.  Participating in the anthology is a great way to get new readers.  A lot of people read all the anthology stories, so i

Featured Story: The Cockney Canuck

Sorry all, it was a crazy busy weekend! Since I'm running behind, let's just get straight into the review! The Cockney Canuck by Dodger Reviewer: Timothy M. Status: Incomplete Word Count: 883,024 How to review a story which was begun more than five years ago, is the third longest on GA, with 148 chapters, 222 devoted followers and, while incomplete, is still going strong? I admire Dodger immensely for persevering and holding us captive year after year, waiting to find out wh

Weekly Wrap Up (May 2nd-May 8th)

Surprise! No, we didn't go back in time, and it's not an April Fool's week joke. But I am bringing you this week's Wrap Up, so buckle your seat belts... it may be a bumpy ride! It's been a while since I did a Wrap Up, so I hope I don't forget anything.  What's the bumpiest ride or scariest ride you've ever been on? For me, it was an old wooden rollercoaster. I thought my brains would rattle out! 🥴Oh, and FYI it's the final few weeks before the anthology submission. 🕚 Get that writing done


Cia in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 880 and Prompt 881

Well, May is here and so is more rain. At least it is Friday. Ready for new prompts? Prompt 880 - Creative Tag - First Line "Flowers? Okay, what do you want?" Prompt 881 - Creative Tag - Magic Kingdom You grew up on stories of Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty. Then you can across an ad online about a Magic Kingdom up for sale. Curious you contact the email listed and told you can become the owner of your own magical realm if you have the money and can pas


comicfan in Prompts

Master Lists for Writers by Bryn Donovan

In my ongoing pursuit to bury myself in an avalanche of books, I picked up this gem.  This is like a jack-of-all-trades toolbox.  It has Character Traits, Character Names, plot ideas, action words, descriptive words, plot twist ideas, and a lot more.  It is exactly the sort of thing you'd reach for when you're stuck and you want an idea.  Or if you are horrible with names, picking a name from a list.  Or maybe you want to spice something up. Or you want a prompt.    I flagged a bunch of parts of


Myr in Writing

Midway - (2019)

This is a good movie that suffers from the comparison problem.  It's a pretty high bar for those interested in world war II movies to leap over the original 1976 Midway.  The original had Charlton Heston, Henry Fonda, Glenn Ford, Robert Michum, Robert Wagner amount others.  The ensemble cast was a who's who of Hollywood legends.  So, set that aside if you, like me, grew up with your dad watching the movie. The 2019 movie was well paced.  The cast clicked pretty good.  And Dennis Quaid and W


Myr in Movies

Ask An Author 3.0 #5

Is it that time already? I believe so! Boy, oh boy, do we have a special treat today! We're doing things a wee bit different today, and I am so excited about it! Normally on Ask An Author, I get to pester an author about a story, but not today. This time, I got to pester one of our beloved Administrators about THREE stories! That's right, we got ourselves three amazing questions about a series! I hope y'all are ready, because we're diving right in. Here we go!  • • • • • Carthera Takeo

Force of Nature - A "B" Action Movie

I'll have to admit I picked this movie up on a whim. Mel Gibson action movies are usually entertaining.  And Emile Hirsch has had an interesting career. It was a bad movie, if you like brain-off B flicks.  I'll have to admit this groaner though... saw Mel Gibson and my immediate comment was "He's getting too old for this shit". If you see it somewhere on a streaming service and want to kill some time, there are worse ways to do it.  I wouldn't buy it.


Myr in Movies

Plot Gardening by Chris Fox

I am on a bit of a roll this past weekend. I managed to get through a couple of things in my backlog stack of many things.  I picked this up and it was a quick, easy read.  I'm old fashioned, surprisingly, as I still love the feel of paper and a bookshelf I can go do when the power's out, so I have this in paperback.  I also put a lot of Post-it Flags on various pages of interest.  This book talks about a topic and then shows how it is done in a handful of movies that you have probably seen


Myr in Writing

May CSR Feature: Torn in Two by Graeme

Wow, can you believe by the time you read this story and come back to share read my interview with Graeme... the year will be almost half over? I can't either! Yes, it's May! And with May comes this "tearjerker" because sometimes I can't resist a story recommendation like that. Join me in enjoying this short story and come back to share your thoughts at the end of the month!  Torn in Two by @Graeme Length: 9,024 Description: Scott's heart is torn in two directions. He wants

Press Start - Another Book for Lifelong Learners

Would anybody be really surprised to learn that I am an avid reader?  I have a tendency to overindulge on different topics to not only learn, but to see other people's points of view on the same topic.  I'll skip the obvious tie to society's ills over not listening to each other's points of view. I just completed reading a book dealing with Gamification and how it relates to marketing.  The book is "Press Start - Using Gamification to Power-Up Your Marketing" by Daniel Griffin & Albert


Myr in Business

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 26 - May 1)

Well did you tune into Justin Timberlake and NSYNC yesterday and today as they sang their song, Its Going To Be May. Honestly, listen to it   So that brings up some other May holidays May the Fourth (be with you). Cinco de Mayo Revenge of the Fifth (Sith)  Okay, before you all have me committed , shall we wrap up the last week of April?  It was a short week again, but Cia was here on Monday with bells on to bring us the April CSR Discussion Day: The


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Story Folding

There are plenty of times when I like to just throw in a few extras with my stories when I'm writing. Sometimes, it's just for a little nod and a wink to the readers and fans of the many stories that I've written over the years. And other times, I do it to poke fun at myself. Hehehe! Because I think it's important to have a sense of humor when it comes to even my best efforts to be error-free, and to giggle at my biggest mistakes and failures. Either way, it makes for a good time, you know? It's


Comicality in Writing Tips

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