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  • Valkyrie

    Write, Write, Write!

    By Valkyrie

    The deadline for the 2024 anthology is just about two weeks away, which is not too late to submit a story to the proof team!  Here are a few tips about participating in the anthology: Stories can be as short as 1,000 words The link to the theme can be tangential - it doesn't have to hit us over the head.  So, keep that in mind if the theme isn't speaking to you.  Participating in the anthology is a great way to get new readers.  A lot of people read all the anthology stories, so i
    • 1 comment

Ask An Author 3.0 #3

Good news, Renee hasn't fired me yet! Even better news, it's time for another Ask An Author! As requested, we got ourselves a nice love story that will just melt the hearts of any Valentine's Day haters. I haven't even brought out the questions yet, and I know this is one heck of a Q&A session! We got some juicy ones for you in this interview with @Dabeagle, one of GA's Classic Authors!  • • • • • The Right One Dabeagle Corbin's girlfriend is late after their first time. Add

March CSR Feature: Yeoldebard's The Elf Hunt

Welcome to March. Wow, the seasons are changing already. Well, I hope they are. And this story is about changing perceptions... are those you think bad really bad? Hmm Well, let's see. Have you read Yeoldebard's story The Elf's Hunt? Why not give it a shot this month, then come back on the discussion day to share your thoughts! The Elf's Hunt by @Yeoldebard Length: 37,827 Description: Hope is a rogue. But that doesn't mean he's bad. Not that the world cares. All they see is a

Weekly Wrap Up (Feb. 21 - Feb. 27)

So the last week of February already! Monday we are into March and I think some people are looking forward to an early spring! Me, an early spring is the last week of April . Well lets hope that maybe, just maybe, we can have a good spring and jump into a summer of hope  I'm holding out for it. This week was yet another busy one. Do you realize we now have 6 days a week of GA blogs, on top of the daily Word of the Day . There is so much to take in I'm glad we have a team of staff and very d


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


If any one of you...male or female...says that you haven't done it before... ...I'm calling BULLSHIT!!! LOL!!! Don't you DARE tell me that you haven't seen a gorgeous boy or girl on screen, and got all excited over what it might be like to have them be...you know...'yours'. And there's nothing wrong with that. It's ok. Hollywood picked that actor to make sure that your naughty parts keep tingling whenever you see them on screen. It's perfectly normal. Consider it a guilty pleasure


Comicality in Writing Tips

Prompt 862 and Prompt 863

February simply flew by and March is next week! We just keep going. Hopefully, all is well with you. Since we have reached Friday I have new prompts for you. Prompt 862 - Creative Tag - The gift For years the world dealt with a pandemic that was slowly killing everyone. It took five years before a cure was found and a vaccine was created. A side affect of the vaccine was found in the first generation born to parents who had been vaccinated. Their children developed a super power a


comicfan in Prompts

Anthology Entry Revisited: Hill of Candles

Upcoming Anthology Due: April 1, 2021 Top Themes On the Road Forbidden Pot Luck Themes But Wait; There’s More     -     Through a Glass Darkly     -     Of Gods and Monsters     -     It Takes All Kinds     -     Darkness Falls Boys of the Hills     -     You Wouldn’t Understand     -     On the Beach     -     Great Balls of Fire     -     Laughter, the Best Medicine

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

New Story idea and updated Editor/Beta request

As it appears, there was very little interest in an old school Wilderness survival story, I've discontinued work on it. It will just go into my pile of abandon story ideas. Even so, I have just updated my request for editor/beta reader based on a new concept: Modern Romance Fiction editor/beta request thread I got inspired by a question in my mind after reading a few more Romance gay stories: What happens next? Then, I reflect on my own life and wonder, would I have ended up



February CSR Discussion Day: Warlords by Sasha Distan

February and we go on! This time we're back in space because... well, I can go to space if I want to two months in a row. Hopefully you enjoyed the scifi fest with me! What did you think about Sasha's story? Share your thoughts below after you enjoy this great interview! If you were an animal, what would you be? Is this a trick question? I am a wolf! What’s one location you’d love to go to research for a story? The Arctic circle. I want to see the Great Spirits and sit in the


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Welcome to the CWB Groupie Awards

The “Most Promising Newcomer” award - @CaJu The “Hercule Poirot” award for Best Deduction Skills - @ReaderPaul The “Sigmund Freud” award for Best Character Analysis Skills - @NimirRaj  The “Awesome” award for Best Distillation Skills - @chris191070  The “Ghandi” award for Patience -  @Summerabbacat  The "Best Supporting  Award" All those who registered their reaction to the story.

Refractory - Word of the Day - Sun Feb 21, 2021

I'm dedicating today's word to my dad.  I lost him six years ago today.   Dad never let people drive his golf cart...  I think he thought everyone drove like this... Funny part of that last story is he got busted all the way down and promoted back to PFC by the same Colonel on the same day because the job he was doing in the location they were required the rank and no one else knew how to do the job. I also want to thank my dear friends here on the site that helped me through


Myr in Word of the Day

Weekly Wrap Up (Feb. 14 - Feb. 20)

How was your Valentines Day?  I'll be honest, I didn't even know it really happened  The advertising and hoopla seemed to be almost non existent this year, well to me it was. I did hear one couple I know went out for dinner yet still had over a two hour wait! Oh well, for those dead set Valentiners if you missed it I'm sure it will be back next year bigger and better. I know that all over the world there is different and crippling weather all the time. I would be remiss if I do not mention


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


One thing that I've discovered while writing my own stories over the years, is the 'lacking' presence of added depth when I only have one situation going on from beginning to end. Now, this may be just a personal preference of mine...but when I'm focused on two boys and one issue, the theme of the story itself feels really basic and seems to fall 'flat' to me sometimes. Like something is missing. Nothing major, really...but it's similar to a cook tasting their food and thinking, "Hmmmm...I need


Comicality in Writing Tips

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