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  • Myr

    History Genre Deep Dive 5

    By Myr

    Top 10 Most Read Historical - Alternate Nazi's win WWII, Napoleon win's the Battle of Waterloo, Roman Empire never fell without fantasy/speculative fiction items (other than alternate history). The Man in the High Castle Falling Apart by craftingmom Complete Kage Match by kbois Complete Engineer Benson by Wayne Gray Long-Term Hold Do Over by dkstories Complete Capitol Hill - Summer of '22 Book VI by Carlos Hazday Complete Do Over Redux by dkst

HP Fanfics--an entire life ago

I was talking to Andy tonight and mentioned I had met someone on a Harry Potter site (I actually met several people who are still very important to me on that site, and some who were once very important to me but who have faded away...). *rolls eyes* Yeah, I know...Harry Potter... Hey, it was a long time ago and a lifetime ago and I was very into Harry Potter.   But actually, if I had never gone to that site I would not be writing now. I stopped writing for YEARS and only started again w



I'm not a slut...

I was looking back at a lot of my blog posts and noticed a lot of them had a common theme of always rambling on about a guy... usually a different one every time. But I'm not a slut. Most of the time nothing ever happens with the guys I mention in here. Maybe it's a curse...w hich is also why I've decided to stop talking about them in here for the most part. I was going to blog about a guy tonight, but decided against it.   Well, since I decided not to talk about a guy, I don't have much else



I can't go on

I feel so guilty for what I'm about to do. I've bugged everyone aroud me for the chance to prove I can hang with everyone around me. I worked hard and made sacrafices to rise above the naysayers who said I wouldn't last. I had to prove them all wrong and at least give it a try.   I failed.   Still, I'm glad I tried. If nothing else, I can say I hung in there, but in the end, I was way out of my league. Some people even tried to warn me that I wouldn't be able to see this through, but I woul




Have you ever listened to the ads on your local radio station and wonder if anyone was actually there?   Tonight, as we were heading to our favorite Mexican restaurant, the station played an ad for the local daffodil festival, which just happened to occur today. They were expounding on the Grand Floral Parade encouraging listeners to flock to downtown Tacoma, Puyallup, Sumner, and even Orting. The ad was completely worthless; and, who wants to go to Orting? They practically closed the town thi



Springtime in Dixie

English Dogwood (white), Azalea (red & pink)     Louisannia Iris     Red Azalea     Hibiscus     Dogwood     Blue-eyed Grass- a wildflower that appears if you don't mow your grass too soon



Steven says....

So my Prince and I were just talking and playing around taking fun little quizzes and I gave him this link



No, I didn't die, but....

Okay, so I know I always make this excuse, but I get busy with school and all the crap that I'm in that I seem to put off coming to GA on occasion throughout the year and then I feel really shitty when I come back how many months later and yeah .   Anyway!   Spring play! We did Peter Pan! I got a somewhat big part this time....Smee! You know, Hook's fat little assistant stupid guy . It was awesome! I got to wear this fat suit belly thing, lol. And our school doesn't have a fly-space, so I




Ok, so I got a lot of reading and writing done today, and I can honestly say that I'm all caught up I've been a little preocuppied this week with Taylor and his new car. We took it for a spin as soon as he got his license on Friday, then we spent about four hours in his garage polishing the rims with Mothers. Man, talk about a good arm workout :pickaxe: :pickaxe: :pickaxe:   To those of you who are wondering, I just sent chapter four of Time In A Bottle off to my editor, the Great Talonri



Busted end notes

Right, some notes for the end of the story, and (hopefully) an entry to hang people's comments about things that need fixing or addressing. Yeah, it's quiz time -- please weigh in with the problems you had with the story. I've got my list, but I can't fix what I don't realize is wrong. (This is not the time to be nice)   I need a title! I don't know that 'Busted' really fits all the way through. The folder on my hard drive's labelled "Ghost Cop" but that's not all that good either. You've got



Saturday and Bored

I will be so glad when I get back to work. The past three and a half months have been totally not fun. The truth be known, I've always had a tendency to poo-poo co-workers with sprained joints for all their complaining about not being able to do anything. I mean a broken bone is definitely something bad, but a sprain? Come on, the word doesn't even sound bad. Broken bone, torn ligament, bruised tendon, now those sound painful and probably deserve a get well card, but a sprain, or even worse, a s



Busted chapter 74 + 75 (fin!)

[Ah, I can't wait, so instead I edit and re-release. I'm done. Yay!]   Snuffles may have cleared Chris head, but he also broke the spell that hid Joe. The maniac stiffened as he realized they weren't alone any more.   "You! How are you



I got a 44...

... so did Davey even with half of our answers being different... Rich got a 36 Pretty accurate if you ask me...   Below is Dr. Phil's test. (Dr. Phil scored 55; he did this test on Oprah - she got a 38.) Some folks pay a lot of money to find this stuff out!   Don't be overly sensitive! The following is pretty accurate and it only takes 2 minutes.   Answers are for who you are now --- not who you were in the past. Have pen or pencil and paper.   This is a real test given by the



the rules of the car...

... as told by a five year old.   Rule #1 - Kissing.   Rule #2 - No smoking.   Rule #3 - No eating.   Rule #4 - No drinking.   Rule #5 - If you run out of gas, then put gas in your gas tank.   Rule #6 - If your tire is out of air, fill it up with air.   Rule #7 - You turn on the radio and listen to music. If it's too loud, then turn it down and if it's too quiet, then turn it louder.   Rule #8 - You have to keep your seatbelt on until Mom or Dad turns the car off.   Rule #9 - I



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