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  • Myr

    History Genre Deep Dive 5

    By Myr

    Top 10 Most Read Historical - Alternate Nazi's win WWII, Napoleon win's the Battle of Waterloo, Roman Empire never fell without fantasy/speculative fiction items (other than alternate history). The Man in the High Castle Falling Apart by craftingmom Complete Kage Match by kbois Complete Engineer Benson by Wayne Gray Long-Term Hold Do Over by dkstories Complete Capitol Hill - Summer of '22 Book VI by Carlos Hazday Complete Do Over Redux by dkst


So prom is Saturday. I really hate to say it but Im kinda excited. Im going with one of my best friends, Laura. We are so alike its amazing. She is also salutatorian and is going to pepperdine in the fall. And shes hot. Like REALLY hot. Like the-only-girl-I-could-ever-get-with-well-not-really-but-you-know-what-I-mean. A total catch. And she asked me! We really only knew each other for the past year but we totally click together. We went shopping for clothes together last week and got the hottest




I usually try and avoid that retort, but at this point, I'm speechless. Quick rant about work and then we'll move on kay? So at work we're having some promotion for the month of May where if you spend $25 on QUALIFYING PRODUCTS (see list that is rather specific) you'll earn two free movie tickets to the upcoming Pirates of the Carribean III. Sounds simple enough right? In fact, what a deal really, cause, out here at least, it's $10 a ticket, so this way you get the tickets AND all the products y



Toymaker, part 2

[Hrm. Looks like my tendency to mushy background stuff is getting in the way. 1700 words and nothing's exploded! Have to fix that in the next piece...]   William finished dressing himself a few minutes later. Gone was the barbarian prince, and in his place was an ordinary, unremarkable merchant. He was wearing a tunic and brown overshirt, belted at the waist, and a pair of dark green leggings. He'd exchanged his doeskin boots for a pair made of sturdy leather. He tugged at the collar of the sh




Rewind.   The year is 1986* and two people, Suzzette and Manuel have just met and are falling in love with each other. They are currently in college and are, for a time, happy. After a few years together they decide to move in together and due to rather unfortunate circumstances, wind up living in Manuels fraternitys basement. To make a bit more money Manuel begins to sell cocaine to other students. Suzzette is unaware of this for a time and after the realization that things are pretty bad and



Goodbye to One of Histories Biggest Assholes

Jerry Falwell, right-wing hatemonger and religious fanatic, was found unconscious in the office from which he oversees the Culture War at Liberty University today. He died a short time later.   Falwell first came to prominence in the late 1970s when he lead a motley coalition of religious nuts, skinheads, neo-Nazis and slack-jawed yokels called the Moral Majority which handed Ronald "Bonzo" Reagen and George Herbert Skippy Walker Bush the 1980 elections and an unprecedented dynasty of politica



Well, here I go

I dont know if people are going to read this and honestly I dont care. Im doing this because Ive been told that I need to get my thoughts down on to paper, whether electronic or not. So here it is.   Facts about me? Well, I'm currently 17 years old and a junior in high school. I live with a 2 great friends of mine: Stephan and Aiden, for reasons Ill probably explain later. I hate my job (data entry at an urgent care) as most people do but it pays well at ten bucks an hour and beats something



The Sickness

Warning:::: Potentially Offensive Rant Ahead     Jerry Falwell is dead. For whatever reason, that news amuses some people. I think there's nothing to celebrate, and the mere fact that someone had the gutter mentality that it takes to celebrate that news on their blog is rather shocking, but then I guess there's not too much to be surprised about.   People love to hate. I don't have anything good to say about Falwell's twisted views on gay's and abortion. I know he said something stupid aft



The Mystery of the Vanishing Nip

When I first looked at my herb garden this year I discovered that my catnip had not over-wintered. This surprised me because catnip is a very hardy herb. Most forms of mint are. So I replanted it a little bit ago. The day after I planted it I noticed it looked like someone had trampled it. Several pieces were broken and it had fallen over. I started wondering whether there was some mysterious disease in my soil or whether the cinder blocks that surround my herb garden were toxic in some wa



Prescott, AR

Don't you hate it when you're traveling and you get to some place that barely has cell service. Kind of between towers. That's Prescott, Arkansas. When I arrived yesterday I couldn't get a signal, so internet access was haphazard at best. So, I slept. Good thing, too, because I'm heading into the Metroplex this morning. Fuel in Irvine, delivery in Fort Worth, and a hell of a lot of four wheelers buzzing about paying attention to no one but themselves and the person sending them a text message, w



A Stupid Mistake

Last week, I did something incredibly stupid that resulted in me spending a few bucks. I'll start at the beginning.   It was a nice late afternoon so I took my laptop out onto the porch to work on a story one of my authors sent me. I got myself set up with everything that I use outside, a chair, something to drink, a bottle with water to put cigarettes in, laptop and a small table to work on. In case your wondering, yes, I have a wireless network set up, not that I need it work on stories. I a




I drove through Ohio yesterday. Mostly across, but a good portion was actually through the state as I drove down State Highways 66 and 48 from Minster to I-70 where I headed west again.   Small town America. That



Some more useless info about moi...

1. EVER BEEN GIVEN AN ENGAGEMENT RING? Yep   2. LONGEST RELATIONSHIP? 14 years this Thursday!   3. LAST GIFT YOU RECEIVED? Hmm, I dunno, but I think I'm getting some tomorrow for Mother's Day   4. EVER DROPPED A CELL PHONE? Yeah   5. WHEN'S THE LAST TIME YOU WORKED OUT? Too long ago   6. THING(S) YOU SPEND A LOT OF MONEY ON? Jamba Juice, Gas, Books, and Shoes   7. LAST FOOD YOU ATE? Spaghetti, salad, bread, and ice cream from Spaghetti Factory   8. FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT THE



Toymaker chapter 01

[i'm feeling the need for some good melodramatic monologuing and denoument (it's all Dio's fault!). Ben and William are always good for that, so while I'm sitting on Busted, and polishing up the last draft of Dirty Basement (the second complete Ben and William story) I give you... Toymaker! Or, rather, the first draft dump of it. That seemed to work pretty well with Busted. My son likes these, so this one's going to be PG, at worst]   William reined in his horse as he crested the hill. The mid



A day out at the gym....

...Really isnt a good idea if you're outta shape!   I swear I'm hurting in places i never knew I had muscles. Chris is a regular gym rat. He's there almost every day (except when I make him stay home lol) So he decided it'd be a swell idea if we went together again. I used to be a regular too but then I just kinda lost it and started using the computer more. The big attraction before was that it was something we did together, but with our schedules conflicting so badly now I guess the whole ro



The "Rude Gesture" Nebula

In the well well known Keyhole Nebula (NGC 3372) surrounding the super-star Eta Carinae is an interesting feature that some astronomers have labeled the "Rude Gesture Nebula".     Since it is several hundred light years away, it is huge- light-years across. It is a gas and dust cloud in which new stars are forming. The odd shapes were created by the hot solar winds and radiation pressures created by the massive young stars in this stellar nursery.   Super-stars like Eta Carinae, or stars



Thunderstorm, at last!

We're having a thunderstorm! Been forever since we've had a decent one. I've been extremely jealous of Andy, who seems to have one on a daily basis lately.   So first things first... A good friend of mine has posted a story on eFiction. Finishing Lyrics by Unbeliever I'm a real fan of his writing for a few reasons. He tends to write short, sharp pieces, which is something I really like. His writing style is different.' It usually has an edge to it, which is also something I like. An




Life's a bitch right now. Seriously... my job sucks, I'm pretty much broke, school is a pain with finals coming up and all these damn projects due, I feel really alone because I cant seem to keep anyone interested in me, and to put the cherry on top, my parents had to put our Golden Retriever down today. 14 years. I've known that dog basically my entire life, and I didn't even get to say goodbye. I don't think I've cried this much since... well, ever.   I'd write more, but I have to be up for



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