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  • Valkyrie

    2025 Poetry Anthology Announcement!

    By Valkyrie

    The GA Poetry Anthology is returning for 2025 with the theme "Diversity"!  It's the perfect theme to show off the diverse world of poetry and its various forms.  I look forward to reading what our site poets come up with!  Please note the earlier due date.  The extra few days will give me more time to get submissions ready for the big reveal in April to celebrate National Poetry Month.     2025 Poetry Anthology - Due: March 30, 2025 The 2025 Theme is “Diversity” Feel free to
  • Myr

    History Genre Deep Dive 5

    By Myr

    Top 10 Most Read Historical - Alternate Nazi's win WWII, Napoleon win's the Battle of Waterloo, Roman Empire never fell without fantasy/speculative fiction items (other than alternate history). The Man in the High Castle Falling Apart by craftingmom Complete Kage Match by kbois Complete Engineer Benson by Wayne Gray Long-Term Hold Do Over by dkstories Complete Capitol Hill - Summer of '22 Book VI by Carlos Hazday Complete Do Over Redux by dkst

Knight in Shining Armor

I'd like to thank Nick for throwing a leg over his stallion and riding to the rescue of this particular damsel in distress. And for calling me 'dude'. Hehe. I haven't been called 'dude' in ages. I'd send him a jar of home-made jam (jelly) and oatmeal chewy cookies but he's waaaaaaaaaaaaaay over there in the northern hem.   Nick says he likes to serve the Lord. Pardon my hair-splitting but I prefer to call it serving the cause, which is the cause of tolerance and understanding. He's quite the s



Take a deep breath, now exhale and......

....take a chill pill. People are taking things way too seriously these days. Not just here on GA, but irl too. Here's a prime example of what I'm talking about::::   I was driving to school this morning and happened to be driving through a school zone. Now, the flashing sign said 25MPH, but i was going about 15. Anyway, the crossguard (a big blubbery old lady) practically steps off the curb to yell at me to slow down. Now, before I go any further, I should mention that I was the ONLY car go



Bits and Pieces, Here and There, This and That

My older daughter graduated just a week ago. Everything went off without a hitch, and she managed to cross the stage without tripping. We even managed to have a nice dinner after with assorted family members (after having to corral a couple who headed to the wrong restaurant) and, lo and behold, everyone actually got along for the duration. The best part of the entire process was my mother



Happy Birthday Chris!

So yeah, it was yesterday, the big 26 for my Darlin' And yeah this blog is a day late... sorta like his present :wacko: Thank you U.S. Postal Service and Royal Mail.   Anyway, I hope you had a fantastic day and I wish you a year full of happiness, and love, and health, and smiles, and hugs, and crazy hot sex and... well you get the idea I haven't talked to you in WAY too long, and I miss ya like crazy, but I keep tabs on ya cause I love ya, that and I have a GREAT source     Happy Birth



Christian forgiveness

I found myself in a discussion with one of those adamantly believing Christians. Initially I merely expressed somewhat incoherently the failure of religion to support my mom. You see... every few years my mom starts going back to church because she feels she can not cope with life otherwise. For a while she'll feel great having been "forgiven" for her sins. Then she'll feel guilty for not imposing christian "values" upon myself and my brother and for not having consistently imposed them on herse


Demetz in Demetz

Canada's Hot New Star: MOST

Canada's space telescope cracks open a massive star UNIVERSITE DE MONTREAL NEWS RELEASE Source Link Posted: May 18, 2005   The MOST space telescope has given astronomers new clues about an exotic star, at least ten times more massive than our Sun, spewing gas into space at a rate of more than 100 trillion tonnes per second.   And according to results presented at the Canadian Astronomical Society meeting in Montreal, Canada, the star - with the misleadingly bland name of WR123(*) - is ev



By request...

People have asked for a picture of my boyfriend so I might as well post one. This picture is compliments of Jeff being an ass... hence it is not a good picture and why I'm giving him a "what the f**K?" look. And his hair is getting long which is going to bug me in about a week or two when it's too long to do anything with, but don't tell him I said that   Anyways, there you go...



Queen's birthday (in Oz)

So, what does one do on the Queen's birthday? Silly question...what every queen does...washing. Rattle, rattle, bang, clump, silence. The load's out of balance. Rattle, rattle, bang, clump, silence. Re-arrange load. Nope, no workies. Try several re-arrangements. Voila! Spinning beautifully! That's the prob with centrifical force...balance. Bleh. Forget all the physics, I suspect the real reason is that washing powder is the equivalent of booze in humans.   Then, make more pancake batter and bo



Duh...I am SO slow sometimes

I JUST discovered the "Gallery." I am not going to ask how long it has been there because then I would have to face the exact degree of my slowness.   But now that I have found it... Been happily scanning pictures from various photo albums. There are SO many more, but I promise only to post the ones I really like. I am by no means a great photographer. But every once in a while my camera accidentally finds something that is beautiful (take enough pictures and that will happen by random c



A Fun, Interesting Week

This past week was an interesting one for me. I bought a new car, worked on some new chapters from Empathy and Nick, bought a new car, received a book to edit for CPL, attended Coaster Madness 2007. And did I mention I bought a new car?   On Friday, I went to Coaster Madness, an annual event hosted by Dorney Park and Wild Water Kingdom for coaster and amusement park clubs. From 8:30 a.m. til 10:00 a.m., before the park opened to the general public, we Exclusive Ride Time (ERT) on Thunderhawk,



A Blog a Day Keeps the Elephants Away

Yes, dear Breth, when I saw a herd of elephants in my yard yesterday I was reminded that I'd neglected to make a new entry in my blog. Don't get me wrong, elephants are cool but... nuff's nuff. Okay, now that I've started this entry what the bloody hell am I gonna write about?   How about whiskers? Can anyone tell me what God was thinking when he gave us blokes whiskers? I hate shaving, but I hate whiskers even more. Was Adam created with whiskers? And did he sprout hairy earholes as he aged?




So graduation was today - actually I just got home. It was interesting watching all the seniors walk across the stage. I mean, I've known most of them through choir or soccer or whatever, for about seven years. And now theyre gone. Laura is off to Pepperdine and Gavin, MIT. Taylors going to UCLA, and Sam and Maryann are going to NYU. All these people are gone now. There's promises of keeping in touch or whatever, but truthfully, thats it. They are gone now and I'm now a senior. Its a bit depress



Jeez, not ANOTHER title!

Yes dear Breth, chapter 14 of Horace Fink is now posted: http://www.gayauthors.org/eficiton/viewstory.php?sid=349   Actually, I just finished chapter 28 today after quite a struggle. But, ya know, creating something worthwhile, no matter the effort, is most rewarding. AND PERMANENT!   I was thinking today about the mix of GA members, the generational differences, the fossils and apprentice fossils, and it's a wonderful thing...the way the whole world should be. 'From out of the mouths of ba



name this blog?

Too many titles to choose from. Since when does that happen? I mean, usually, I'm sitting here trying to think of something clever and catchy... So, this time the choices were...   Zoey's home!   FBTE is out... finally   Joey made me do it!   Thank golly for cell phones!   Maybe you can help me decide on the best one...   So, to elaborate on each possibility....   Zoey is, in fact, home! She is the little kitten we adopted and she's fantastic! There is a little something wron



Reality Setting In

It's been a while since my last entry, and it's because I've been feeling sorry for myself over things that happened here at home and not up to posting anything. Until yesterday.   Let me start from the beginning.   I got my license on May 21st and was soooo excited about driving my car to work. Unfortuanately, my dad needed my car because he had to drop his off at the dealership, so I took him to Charles Barker (the dealership) and then drove to work. he dropped me off and all I could think



Prima donnas and bitchers

Before I fergit, I posted chapter 13 of Horace Fink today: http://www.gayauthors.org/eficiton/viewstory.php?sid=349   Okies, now about prima donnas and bitchers. During my 'career' in mass media and advertising I met quite a few, which is the reason I would NEVER return to that business. It's way too ego infested for my liking. But, guess what? Yeah, GA has them too...not many, mind you, but a few. That's to be expected, right? PDs and Bs are everywhere. What I wanna know is how NOT to let th



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