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  • Myr

    History Genre Deep Dive 5

    By Myr

    Top 10 Most Read Historical - Alternate Nazi's win WWII, Napoleon win's the Battle of Waterloo, Roman Empire never fell without fantasy/speculative fiction items (other than alternate history). The Man in the High Castle Falling Apart by craftingmom Complete Kage Match by kbois Complete Engineer Benson by Wayne Gray Long-Term Hold Do Over by dkstories Complete Capitol Hill - Summer of '22 Book VI by Carlos Hazday Complete Do Over Redux by dkst

Of War, Peace and Asshats

I enjoy a political discussion. Really- I do but so many people are going off half-cocked that if you've got half a brain, you overqualified to debate with these asshats.. err I mean people. I find the ignorance of historical facts and the assumption of a certain ideology to be the most damning offenses. Often you find yourself debating with someone who has nothing more substantial to base their argument on than mama sez...   Let us examine Asshat #1   >>To rightwing moderates....  



The Good Ship GA and its sailors

Dang it! I was half way though this entry when I went somewhere else and lost it! Grrrr. I was saying how impressed I am with the level of wit and intelligence from members of GA, and that, when I first joined, I expected a whole bunch of girly types in frocks, fishnets and stillettos...and that, despite my disappointment (is it as funny the second time around?) I grew to be impressed by the wonderful peeps here and their awesome contributions. Then I went on to say that Kyle/Cody in Green Room



Work, Work, Work ....

It seems like all I've been doing since I moved back to the States is work ... I basically have no social life. I spent five years at college in Florida, then almost six years in Taiwan ... I had my life and friends in those places, and not being in school and not really enjoying going to clubs and stuff, it's really hard to develop a social life and circle of friends from scratch. It really sucks.   Sure, I'd count most of my co-workers as friends, and we do have some social activities (we're



Computer Games... my single greatest vice

I can't tell you how many countless times I have played a game on the computer instead of doing something far more important. Usually the something far more important has been studying. I'm strongly considering handing my computer to a roommate and asking him to hide it from me until the semester is over so I won't have the temptation anymore.   I'm taking in five weeks a number of classes that would normally be taken over the course of four months. I should be studying instead of playing game


Demetz in Demetz

Advanced author? Ooer!

Wot dat? Advanced as in years? Dozen madder, it sounds good. And to think I've waited all these years to earn some kinda award. Yeah, feels good too. In this house I get the pancake award cos I make yummy ones. Cooking is my 'other' outlet. Later, I'll rustle up a batch of scones. Hot and fresh is the ONLY way to pig out on scones. And for din dins tonight I'll throw together a potato (cottage) pie soived with steamed spinach. It's true ya know, the way to a man's heart is via his stomach. After



we're having a baby!

In 1 to 10 days...   We decided to adopt a kitten from the pound for the low, low price of $112 and she is SO pretty! Rambunctious little girl, grey and black tabby. When I went to pay for her, the woman at the window says, "She'll be ready in 1 to 10 days, 10 being the longest." Thanks for the clarification there ma'am. So, now, we are in the process of naming her... and much to my daughter's dismay, she won't be called Princess, Chloe, Sammy, Ginger, Rosie, or any of the other million names



Blank pages

Yeah, that's the way one begins, with a blank page. "What the bloody hell can I write about?" But, dear Breth, all a blank page is is a tease daring you to produce something. It becomes a challenge that any author worth his salt cannot resist. Do you know where that saying comes from? Roman soldiers were paid in salt as well as coins.   Hoo, hoo, hoo. We've got salt! Miles and miles and miles of salt! Oh it's fine to be a genius of course, but keep that old horse before the cart! Yes, ya go



Is it right to mourn the words?

I've been re-plotting Busted (yeah, I'm keeping that title for now, as it's better than the replacements I've managed) and I've come to the part of the process I really hate -- chopping out the good bits because they just don't work.   Chopping the crap out's relatively easy. Embarrassing, yeah (I mean, I wrote it in the first place, and what was I thinking?), but easy. So that flashback scene to when Chris was a kid? Gone. Poof, and no worries.   Unfortunately it also means that Steve's ra



Sunday sleep in

Lots of peeps sleep in on Sunday mornings. Not this fossil. Up at 6am, exercise for 5 minutes (coughing), switch on computer, boil kettle, take a long pee (by which time the water has boiled), make tea, download email and begin to stir the mental cogs into action (squeak, squeak, grind, grind).   Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Don't you believe it. I'm none of those three. For many years I was breakfast announcer on radio...5am start. "How about you guys cha



Every author's dream

I posted this on a forum but it was rejected because it smacked of spamming. Fair enough. That was not my intention...I just felt elated and wanted to share it, so the blog is probably a more appropriate venue. Here goes...I received this email today about Green Room, the free story posted on my web site (and also Nifty):   www.kellytrader.com   Mr. Kelly:   Wow is probably all I can say to this story. The characters, the plot, everything comes alive as you begin to read this story. You la



Ooer! Somebody loves me!

Now who was it that gave Horace Fink a 5-star review? I'm too excited to remember...bondwriter, I think. Anyway, I was thrilled to bits. What's an author without an audience? I've heard often that books are an author's children, and I agree. I taught mine not to dribble, say dumb things, and to blow their noses before seating themselves at the dinner table. I was invited to Sunday lunch one time at a friend's house and their two little boys had GIANT candles hanging from their noses. PUH-LEEEEEE



"Help me believe, it's not the real me"

Don't try to make sense of this blog in the order in which it appears. Each paragraph is pretty much random and self-contained.   I got that new job. *sigh* It's insurance again, this time life. At least I'll be able to jump in more quickly this time since I still have my active license from last time. I start training Monday, the following Monday I'm supposed to go with someone out on the field, then the Monday after that I'll be on my own. I'm not completely sure how I feel about it. I



Not the full quid

It's 7:20am and I'm adding another entry to my blog? A bloke's not the full quid. But I need to get the fingers and gray soup happening before I finish #27 of Horace Fink.   Sooooooo, what is a gay author? An author who writes about gays or an author who IS gay? Silly question, I know, but like I said it's early. To my knowledge, Agatha Christie never murdered anyone in real life so maybe that's the answer.   I figured out that I'll need to buy a new globe for the loo in 27.3 years. It's on



The war is lost

"Drugs are easier to get, cheaper and more potent...the war is lost." So says an expert on a current affairs program airing at the mo. Meanwhile, the pollies argue in ivory towers that have nothing to do with grass roots. It's a worry. Actually, it's pathetic. The interviewee goes on to say, "ask yourself where is the easiest place to get drugs? And the answer is in jail."   Why any kid would want to put sand in his fuel tank or f**K with the mother board of his computer is beyond me. WE ARE W




I like the word 'piffle', not that I use it often...actually, this could be the first time ever. Piffle, piffle, piffle. Nancy, my grossly overweight neighbor from a few years ago, used 'piffle' occasionally. She wore outrageous hats...big ostentatious floppy things with bows and flowers and assorted wobbly bits. She was known locally as 'the hat lady'. One time I turned an old gas copper washer into (what I thought was a brilliantly creative) planter pot, and moved it to her side of the yard fo



Werewolf stories always disappoint me

So much macho posturing nonsense. Bleah. I hate it when they start off all promising and go downhill too. (They're much like vampire stories that way. At least with vampire stories you know that they're going to suck...)   I made the mistake of reading one the other day. I swear, at some point I'm going to sit down and write one myself, but until then I'll make do with this scene. (I'm not sure if it works without context, but it's funny in my head)       Clay looked down at Max, lying in



Life is.... good?

Alright well I wouldn't say life is perfect right now, but it's gotten a hell of a lot better the past week or so despite my near-death experience on Saturday night.   I'll start with me nearly killing myself. It's rained here on and off for the past week or so. Well I was driving up to Grapevine for a party with some friends and it hadn't rained in a while. The roads were dry... or so they appeared. Now if you ask anyone that knows me, they'll tell you flat out that I'm a speeder. I don't dri



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