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  • Valkyrie

    Miraculous Prompts

    By Valkyrie

    The saying "truth is stranger than fiction" exists for a reason - sometimes what happens in real life is so far outside the realm of possibility that if written in a piece of fiction, readers would doubt its veracity.  I recently experienced such a moment when a family member of mine had a medical episode that should, by all accounts, have left them dead.  It still boggles my mind when I think about it.  90% of people who have this condition die from it, with most of them not even making it to t

Pictures: Me, Lucky, and Timmy

Hey everyone, so I was thinking maybe you guys might want to see what I actually looked like. So dispite my extreme dislike of just about every picture I've ever taken, here's a few. I also have some Lucky and Timmy (I didn't let them look so I don't know if they like them or not, but I think they're adorable )   I'd just gotten out of the shower in this, thus I'm sure you guys can appeciate why it isn't a full body shot. My hair isn't this colour anymore I had it a little darker in an a



Carrying a kid on your back for 40 blocks...

Okay, so today I had to babysit my lil cousin Bailey (she's 4) for like 11 hours. Well that gets to be an awfully long day...don't get me wrong, I love my lil cousin to death but yea. I had asked her mom if I could take her to the park later today and she said that would be fine. Well apparently there was a park a few blocks over, which I didnt know about... ...so I walked to the other park which was like 19 blocks from the house. And...I couldnt expect her little legs to walk that far, and sh



Madman Across the Water

I can see very well There's a boat on the reef with a broken back And I can see it very well There's a joke And I know it very well It's one of those that I told you long ago Take my word, I'm a madman, don't you know ...   Fabulous song! *wipes sweat away from forehead* Whew! I had a busy morning! I had a doctor's appointment at 9 AM, dentist at 11 AM, my final trip to the post office, and I had to stop by the vet to get the date changed on my forms for the cats. So, anyway, when I w



One of those days

Ok, so I've been totally bored today. We got home today from Carolina and I slept all the way home, but I was sharing the back seat with my cousin James and I had to sleep sitting up, so I had a sore neck and a headache when we got home. Then I got online and chatted for a while but my PC crashed and I had to restore it back to it's last recovery point. In the meanwhile, Taylor hasn't called and I'm getting depressed, so I started reading. I found a story by Matt, Unrequited, and it was good.



Mid Summer Blues

I get really depressed for a couple of days each side of mid summer. Don't get me wrong, I love summer, the long seemingly endless days ... it's just now the days are getting shorter, and we're heading slowly downhill into winter... and I loath winter: especially in the UK. Snow I like a lot, but cold drizzle, cutting winds and bugger all daylight - at least when I get up. You can keep winter. Oh, and it's true: The grass is always greener elsewhere.   I'm working on an entry for the 'Summer A



Lovely little distractions

Ok, I need happy distraction, so I am posting kitten pics. These are the babies I still have left. *sighs* I miss Butterscotch.   Little Baby's long-haired black boy and her short-haird tiger girl. (callling them Handsome and Kitten)   Sweetheart's 2 yellow boys and Little Baby's tiger girl. (The long-haired yellow boy is known as Big Boy and the short-haired one is Baby Boy)   Sweetheart's Baby Boy, Little Baby's Tiger Girl and Handsome.   This is Baby Boy, a pretty good pic o



the answers

Okay... after much review... and extra points for creativity... and knowing who cheated I'm going to officially declare Joey the winner   Here are the correct answers...   1. What is my middle name? June... you know how very creative that was since I was born in the month after all.   2. What is my favorite color? Green of course!   3. Which of my kids is older, my son or my daughter? Prepubescent girl wins...   4. Where was I born? LA   5. What is my favorite candy? Jolly Ran




Ok, I'm just going to whine a little here about nothing that terribly important.   You know, I had what I considered to be a fairly decent idea for something for the Summer Anthology. So I started writing it and actually finished it--and it was more than twice the maximum word count. Ok, so no big deal. I just posted it as a story and went on with life.   So then I had what I considered to be a fairly decent idea for something ELSE for the Summer Anthology. So I started writing it and




So a while back, I was talking to my Uncle about me getting a different job, and he came up with like a really good suggestion for me...he told me that when they were growing up, my other uncle used to do Videography and Photography for events like weddings. Okay, so I don't know how clear it is that I'm sorta really like ( ) into photography, but I am , so to me this was a freaking awesome suggestion!   Well back in the day, lol, my uncle charged like $80 bucks for a wedding video, but the



Young Man's Blues

I pitched a bunch of stuff last night, and my apartment is looking emptier and emptier. I also made what was probably my last trip to the supermarket here ... I can safely say that that is one thing I won't miss about Taiwan. But there are a lot of things that I will miss. Despite my seemingly constant bitching and complaining, this place has been my home for over five years, and it's what is familiar to me. So much has changed in America since I've been gone, it's going to take some time to adj



My favorite vid at youtube :)

OK, so lately I've been kind of a you tube junky..lol. I love going there and watching cifferent vids...so, here's one I found that cracked me up. Man I was thirsty....I thought you were gay . Check it out. Not much to talk about right now. Im just enjoying not having to be up at 5 in the morning for anything



a day of twenties...

Okay guys and gals...   Here is a link to my site, officially hosted by Gay Authors... thank you for the space and the opportunity. http://viv.gayauthors.org/   Okay and as promised and just for fun... Here is a quiz about me, who else? It is my birthday after all   1. What is my middle name?   2. What is my favorite color?   3. Which of my kids is older, my son or my daughter?   4. Where was I born?   5. What is my favorite candy?   6. What are the names of Viv



I'm driving, they're griping

So the other day my mum says "Your Dad and I are going to drive to Dallas Monday."   You see, this is really my Mum's tactic for getting me to drive them to Dallas.   Two 80 year olds, 1 car, ~500 miles = recipe for disaster. Dad says he can drive just fine. The Parkingstons shakes and the inability to stay awake for longer than 20 minutes at a strech? Heck, I guess he'll walk it off. My Mom says she can drive just fine- despite being scheduled for cataract surgery in July and being unable t



The end of a chapter ...

A little over two weeks to go before I head back to the States. It's kind of hard to believe that I've been here for over five years ... it really doesn't seem like it's been that long. I've still got a bunch of stuff to get done to prepare for my departure, some people I need to say goodbye to, and stuff like that. Fortunately, I got an early start on shipping boxes home (which my parents have told me have already started arriving) and getting stuff taken care of for my cats. I still have a bun



Fathers Day!

Some of you who were here late last year may remember my Dad got sick in November last year. For a while I really did think we'd spent our last days together, It seems a miracle he's here for this fathers day.   So simply this is to Dad. :2hands:   Thank you for being you, you've shaped me into the person I've become, I love you and will be forever thankfull your my Dad.   Happy Fathers Day!   Love   David



I Wonder...

I tend to wonder about a few things. Here's a sample:   About This Site   I wonder how I can change the email address on my profile when I don't know my password (it stores it and logs me in automatically), and can't get it emailed to me since the email address isn't correct.   I wonder what RSS feeds are.   I wonder why it only lets me quote 10 times in a post (then it just shows the words "[ quote ___ ... / quote] " ), but then if I try to add a second post right behind that to finish



what the hell!?

Alright this is gonna be try number two for this entry! I was almost done and clicked something else and then... it was gone and now this is me... debating wheter or not to just say f**k it or write it all over again! Whatever...   I have a pretty crappy job and it doesn't pay horribly and almost anyone could do it, but still every day I show up, on time, and do my best and go above and beyond cause I take pride in my work. I like feeling like I am valuable and needed. So I was off work Mond



ooooh, it's happening

Ok, so I finally resigned myself to the fact that I was going to have to submit the story, My Jump Off, to Nifty. Well, I felt really bad about it the first day and into the the next day. But then, something funny happened........the first thing I noticed was that I had 200 hits on my page that werent there before. The second thing that happened was that I noticed I had moved back into spot 26 on the Top Site List here at GA. The third thing that happened was that I noticed my inbox was full. Th



Been a couple weeks

Yesterday I realized again just how much I love Silven. Just the thought that it might not be until December that I see him had me upset...   I suppose in a way its a good thing that I'd get upset at the idea of not seeing him sooner...   Anyway... I was pretty annoyed with myself last night, I got home too late to talk to him, he'd already gone to work. And now this morning my Internet connection was cut off, so I couldn't get on until seven... I guess he's asleep now... hopefully sleeping


Demetz in Demetz

New Nukes

The Bush Administration has proposed creating a new generation of small, clean tactical nukes for use against super-hardened bunkers in places like Iran and North Korea.   I've always thought that small, tactical nukes were a very bad idea. A small nuke that doesn't lay waste to a continent is much easier to justify using. How is an enemy going to respond to one?   What is really sad is that so few people understand the science behind these beasts. Sure- there are significant engineering c



A little update on Xander

Okay, so Xander is now on Iams, which I've read still isn't that good for him, but in my book, it's waaay better than Ol' Roy.   So we were eating dinner today and Jayne just started barking like crazy...we look outside and there was some collie wandering around by the kennel. Well Jayne being such a bad dog, you guys know, was just going psycho, doing all she could to try and get at the other dog. Well I don't see Jayne's logic in this, but for some reason, she thought that she should take it



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