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  • Valkyrie

    Miraculous Prompts

    By Valkyrie

    The saying "truth is stranger than fiction" exists for a reason - sometimes what happens in real life is so far outside the realm of possibility that if written in a piece of fiction, readers would doubt its veracity.  I recently experienced such a moment when a family member of mine had a medical episode that should, by all accounts, have left them dead.  It still boggles my mind when I think about it.  90% of people who have this condition die from it, with most of them not even making it to t

Heaven Forbid You End Up Alone

So this won't be a particularly cheerful entry just to let everyone know.   I went to Wal-Mart the other night. Everytime I go I check in the music department for this cd, but they never have it. They didn't this time either. However, on the way out I saw The Fray cd. So I bought it on an impulse. I'd really liked "over my head", of course I'd already downloaded it, but the trouble with that is you don't get to hear the less popular, unreleased songs, and sometimes those are the best (lik



tummies and woohoo...

So here is a part of a chat I had with Rich this morning while he was at work...   Rich: so we were robbed over the weekend Viv: what!? Rich: someone smashed the front door glass and took our snack tray!! Viv: wtf? Viv: really? Rich: yes Viv: that's all they took? Rich: yeah, there is a brand new comp in the box with flat panel monitor in the box...they took the snacks! Viv: Viv: no... snacks? Viv: sniffle* Rich: i brought my $.75 and everything. Viv: awwwwwwwwwww, i'm so sorry



Checking in

Since this is a community of which I am a member I thought I ought to just check in to say hi. Kinda like punching the clock at work, or whatever it is you do to let people know you're still alive.   I should be writing my entry for the summer anthology, but it's far easier to spout off here. I don't have to think of things like... plot, or dialogue - would character A really have said what he said to character B, or are they just as insane as I am.   Hey ho... Taps fingers nervously.   Da



I'm still here

This might be the longest I've ever gone without an entry. I've been having computer problems like crazy, and also not a whole lot of time to spend online. Plus there's the whole dialup/tying up the phone line thing. I had my mom talked into DSL and then it turned out it's not available here. But today we both got new computers (whoo hoo!) and everything is actually working, and going a lot faster even with the dialup.   Of course there's not a whole lot going on here to talk about. We're goi



What I won't do

I want everyone who reads this to know that this isn't a rant......     I recently got a couple of "talking to's" about giving away too much info about my life, so I made a few changes in one of my blog entries....so let me make something clear for everyone.   I'll never post a pic. I'll never post my address or even the street I live on. Yes, I did say what school I went to, but it's like 5 miles from my house and the only reason I even go there is because it's a magnet school and the hig



Why'd I have to think of that?

So I had a good time last night, and I'm going to write all about it (in another entry), but first I want to talk about a...well I guess "sad" thought I had in my head for some reason when I woke up. More of a "what could have been" thought.   It's funny what's in your head when you wake up. Every now and then I wake up with songs stuck in my head (having a song stuck in my head has never particularly bothered me so it's all good). Sometimes other random feelings or thoughts. Well today f



Here's the problem

Warning...possibly offensive statement ahead       The new layout at the top of the page here on Gay Authors sucks!!!!     I'm sorry to Myr or anyone else who might be offended by what I just said, but the fact is that it really does suck. For one thing, the Frequently Asked Questions banner seems to overlap into itself, and that's just the beginning. The second part that sucks is the bold toolbar with the links that read Home, For Readers, For Writers, Forums, For Teens, Site Map andHe



Love's a Hard Game to Play

Chapter 19 of SOOTB is posted, in case any of y'all are interested in reading it or anything ...   So, anyway, I was chatting with Kitty the other night, and we got on the topic of one of my ex-boyfriends here in Taiwan. Of the several guys I've had serious relationships with here, this is the only one where we broke up not because of any problem between us, but because his family was totally insane and totally freaked out that he was gay, not to mention dating a foreigner! *gasp* But that's a



Pocketbook Activism

Here's an Idea:   A lot of people don't know how many GLBT people there really are. Many of our brothers and sisters are shamed or intimidated into staying in the closet. Here's something that you can do without actually coming out and still make a serious statement.   For every $1 bill you get, give ole George a stash and eyebrows.   After we get a few zillion of these out there and everybody has seen them, we let it be know that these are GAYBUCKS.



He's so cute when he's asleep

So lest you guys think there's a new guy in my life I'd better reveal now that the he in question is my adorable cat, Timmy. He's out like a light! wiggling his tail, twitching his paws etc. This is the second afternoon in a row he's chosen the same spot to take a very serious nap! It's a bit unfortunate since I'm planning to buy a filing cabinet to go right there, but I'm sure he'll adapt.....actually he'll whine and be upset like he always is .   Speaking of a new guy in my life I'm p



the twenties...

What an eventful few days...!   So I got this really snazzy orange card in the mail that said I have a package to pick up at the post office from Davey but I couldn't go get it cause Rich had my car so I went the next morning and picked it up. He made me promise not to look at the bottom of the package because the customs form was there and you have to list what is in the package and then I would know what my present is. I didn't peek! I swear! The instructions were to take the present out



Hit & Run Drivers Should Be Castrated

I suppose I should feel lucky that I've managed to survive five years in Taiwan without being involved in a single traffic accident (although I've seen my share of dead bodies lying in the street), considering how Taiwanese DRIVE LIKE FRIGGIN' INSANE MANIACS WITH NO CONCERN FOR ANYONE ... and that may sound like a broad generalization or stereotype or whatever, but it's not ... every single Taiwanese person who operates a motor vehicle drives like a reckless lunatic with no regard for safety, th



Opinions are like*******........everyone has one

Ok, I have a confession to make.....everytime I try to use the size, font or color options above I get messed up     So, Nick, you ask, what does that have to do with your entry???? Nothing at all. I just thought I'd point that out before I went on my little rant     Warning......rant ahead       It seems like everyone has an opinion about something. Crazy right wingers have a low opinion of gay marriage. Crazy leftists have a low opinion of the war on terror. George Bush, all the repu



The "other" kittens

These are the kittens that are in the "Kitten Room."   Sweetheart's Kittens: (these are the youngest, 6 weeks old now):   Long-haired boy   Another little boy--he's the bravest of the yellow ones.   Anothr little boy--he is very timid and doesn't really like to boe held. That's Sam he is climbing on--or trying to get off of, really.   Her little girl--she looks black but she actually has white hairs all through her fur, giving her a brindled look. That gene is very strong



Just another manic Monday

Well, I expected today (Monday morning here in Taiwan) to be yet another day from hell, but it actually wasn't. I got everything I needed to do completed in only two hours (including commute time), which included picking up my scholarship money, stopping by the Chinese department office to make sure my thesis wasn't missing anything before I took it to the printer, then off to the Computing & Networking Center to get my account # and password so I can upload my thesis onto the school library



So many changes

Wow....I'm not sure if I should be imtimidated or happy. I got on the site today and I noticed a bunch of new stuff. It looks great, and I'm sure it's going to help out a lot. Of course, I was a little dissapointed that one of the new features I had noticed a while back was gone, but maybe they're working on it or something. Or maybe they decided it wasn't needed. Either way, I like what they've done. While Myr's been busy working on his site, I've been busy working on mine too. I have a lot o



big and meaty... for you angel

Holy crap it's HOT! It was like 97 here today in sunny southern California. It's 10:30 pm now and it is currently 75 degrees...   What I love about the heat... I don't have to wear a sweater everyday, boys wear less clothes my feet stay warm in my flip flops...   What I don't love about the heat... man boobs hanging out of tank tops   Okay so I just have to get this off my chest and be done with it... This morning Rich and I stayed in bed for quite a while and well, I'm pretty sure yo



Hehe, I was naughty...

Okay, so you guys know how my mom is always such a gay basher. Well today we had it on MTV while we ate and "Next" came on and it happened to be a lesbian version, and my mom just started spazzing out, how she thought it was so disgusting and freaky. I try telling her that she cant be saying shit like that because it's gonna get her in trouble some day and whether that's how she feels or not, she shouldnt be expressing like she does and making such a big deal out of it; just keep it to yourself.



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