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  • Valkyrie

    2025 Poetry Anthology Announcement!

    By Valkyrie

    The GA Poetry Anthology is returning for 2025 with the theme "Diversity"!  It's the perfect theme to show off the diverse world of poetry and its various forms.  I look forward to reading what our site poets come up with!  Please note the earlier due date.  The extra few days will give me more time to get submissions ready for the big reveal in April to celebrate National Poetry Month.     2025 Poetry Anthology - Due: March 30, 2025 The 2025 Theme is “Diversity” Feel free to

MDBCs 08 Aug 2023

August 8th 2023 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Ceasefire Day (end of Iran–Iraq War) (Iraqi Kurdistan) Christian Feast Day: Altmann of Passau Cyriacus Dominic de Guzmán, founder of the Dominican Order. Four Crowned Martyrs Largus Mary MacKillop Saint Smaragdus (and companions)


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 737

August CSR Feature: Soul Music: Love Encountered by northie

Summer is still going hot in the north, so why not feature a heated love story by northie?  Plus, I'm always a sucker when one of the characters is described as shy.  Soul Music: Love Encountered by @northie Length: 57,168 Description: Geoff is shy, lacking in self-assurance, and not out to his family. When by chance, he meets Tony, a fellow musician, he can't believe that anything will come of it ...  A Reader said: Just finished reading and I have to say I love this st


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

MDBCs 07 Aug 2023

August 7th 2023 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Assyrian Martyrs Day (Assyrian community) Battle of Boyacá Day (Colombia) Christian feast day: Albert of Trapani Cajetan of Thienna Carpophorus and companions Dometius of Persia Donatus of Arezzo Donatus of Besançon Donatus of Muenstereifel John Mason Neale and Catherine Winkworth (Episcop


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 736

A Comedy of Errors (Thicker Than Water Chapter 3)

Comedy is the hardest literary form to write.  Humor is extremely subjective and can very subtle and nuanced to the point where the joke is missed.  Humor can also be offensive to some while enjoyed by others.  There are many times of comedy from puns (the lowest form of humor, in my opinion) to dark humor (the kind that's so shocking and offensive, you don't know if the person is laughing because they genuinely find it funny, or they're just extremely uncomfortable and don't know what else to d

MDBCs 06 Aug 2023

August 6th 2023 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Blessed Anna Maria Rubatto Hormisdas Justus and Pastor August 6 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan's Accession Day. (United Arab Emirates) Independence Day (Bolivia), celebrates the independence of Bolivia from Spain in 1825. Independenc


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 735

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 30 - Aug. 5)

Well we just had a false alert go off in my GA and I'm 100% blaming Myr  He made misleading comment about one of the better selling gay books becoming a movie. So naturally I ran to Amazon Prime to watch it. To heck with the Weekly Wrap Up until much later  I get to Prime and I'm thinking those rat bastardsions, they are not showing it in Canada!!!  Then go back to the post and see it is only a trailer on YouTube. I seem to be doing this more and more often, not reading everything. Is it ag


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Art Official

Art Official There has been a great deal of talk about the idea of artificial intelligence becoming so much more advance these days, that it may be able to create and weave stories all on its own without really having any real need for authors or artists or models or photographers, etc, at all. And I will admit, I’ve seen some passages ‘written’ by computers that have been fed enough information and influences that it can look pretty convincing to anyone who isn’t experienced with reading in


Comicality in Writing Tips

MDBCs 05 Aug 2023

August 5th 2023 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Abel of Reims Addai Afra Albrecht Dürer, Matthias Grünewald, and Lucas Cranach the Elder (Episcopal Church (USA)) Cassian of Autun Dedication of the Basilica of St Mary


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 734

MDBCs 04 Aug 2023

August 4th 2023 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Aristarchus Euphronius Blessed Frédéric Janssoone John Vianney Molua (or Lua) Raynerius of Split Sithney, patron saint of mad dogs August 4 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Coast Guard Day (United States) Constitution Day (Cook Islands); first Monday in August


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 733

The Plot Genie! - Pulp Fiction Prompts #153 and #154

I've been enjoying some especially bad pulp fiction books, gay features with racy, but certainly not graphic, stories like: 'To Want a Boy', 'Summer in Sodom', and 'Queer Pen.'  These are the pulp fiction books ordinary gay men would buy for stories about other gay men.  Most had a kind of morality tale embedded within the story where despite the main character's best efforts, he couldn't resist his urges.  Or, conversely, blameless, innocent men were lured to their destruction by vice and weakn

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts

MDBCs 03 Aug 2023

August 3rd 2023 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Anniversary of the Killing of Pidjiguiti (Guinea-Bissau) Armed Forces Day (Equatorial Guinea) Christian feast day: George Freeman Bragg, W. E. B. Du Bois (Episcopal Church) Lydia of Thyatira Myrrhbearers (Lutheran Church)


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 732

Anthology 101 - Writing Short Stories

Now that the Secret Author contest is behind us, it's time to start focusing on the anthology.  What better way to kick off this year's Leap of Faith anthology than with a guest article by our Secret Author contest winner, @Libby Drew?  Libby, like me, is a big fan of the short story medium, and has written a superb article about writing short stories.  Remember that anthology stories can be as little as 1,000 words, and when done well, those words can pack a huge punch.  So, read Libby's articl


Valkyrie in Anthologies

Ask An Author 3.0 #31

Did everyone enjoy the Secret Author contest? I certainly did, both writing and reading. But now that it's the first Wednesday of the month, it should be no secret what's coming up. Time for another edition of Ask An Author!  This month, we have @Salander! Let's see what questions we got for 'em... • • • • • Salander 1 Story / 121,143 Words   What brought you to GA? I honestly don’t remember…I started following GA as a lurker back in high school (10-ish years a


astone2292 in Author Interviews

MDBCs 02 Aug 2023

August 2nd 2023 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Ahudemmeh (Syriac Orthodox Church) Basil Fool for Christ (Russian Orthodox Church) Blessed Justin Russolillo Eusebius of Vercelli Peter Faber Peter Julian Eymard Plegmund


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 731

'The dangerous kingdom of love' by Neil Blackmore

The dangerous kingdom of love by Neil Blackmore My rating: 5 out of 5 stars How do you like your Bacon? Francis Bacon is an important cog in early seventeenth-century Jacobean royal circles - not titled, not a favourite, but he has the ear of the king nonetheless. James I (and VI) has been transplanted from Scotland to the English court. Bacon's role as administrator, facilitator, maybe procurer, to the crown means he's a man to be watched. James is different from old Queen Elizab


northie in Review

MDBCs 01 Aug 2023

August 1st 2023 - Holidays and Observances   (click on the day for details) Armed Forces Day (Lebanon) Armed Forces Day (China) or Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Liberation Army (People's Republic of China) Azerbaijani Language and Alphabet Day (Azerbaijan) Emancipation Day is commemorated in many parts of the former British Empire, which marks the day the Slavery Abolition Act 1833 came into effect which a


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 730

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