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Gay Authors News

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Gay Authors News blog focuses on items of interest for our entire site with an emphasis on stories.

Entries in this blog

September C S R Discussion Day: Thaw By Puppilull

Did you have a chance to read Puppilull's story, Thaw, for this month's CSR feature? I hope so!! I've asked her a few questions about herself, her writing, and the story itself so enjoy this month's interview and remember to share your thoughts about her story or the interview below.   What's your favorite room in your house? Do you plot or write there? I don’t really have a favorite room, unless you count the bedroom since sleeping is very nice. My stories are usually plotted in various plac


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

September C S R Feature: Thaw By Puppilull

Are you ready for things to change? It's September so seasons and schedules are all out of wack for many people in the world, but one thing remains the same... we have great stories to feature for you to read! This month we're focusing on Thaw by Puppilull. Make sure you take the time to read this month's feature and come back on the discussion day to share your thoughts or questions.   Thaw by Puppilull   Length: 59,856   Description: The story of Joel and Lucas, meeting


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

August C S R Discussion Day: Treading Water By Headstall

August is coming to a close, and with it summer for the northern hemisphere--the last hurrah for many families having those family/friend barbecues and spending time together. But not all families get to do that--which is exactly what we see in Headstall's Treading Water. Did you have a chance to read it yet? If you didn't, well be careful of spoilers in the comments but you can still enjoy my interview with Headstall.   Who do you like best: Tom, Jerry, or Huckleberry Hound? Huckleberry Hound


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

August C S R Feature: Treading Water By Headstall

August is here, and I'm spending all my time with the family, enjoying our extra time together... but sometimes it's not so easy being part of a family. Check out the drama and hopefully happy ending in Headstall's Treading Water for this month's featured CSR read!   Treading Water by Headstall   Length: 48,955   Description: Craig and Jared, former brothers-in-law, have been tormented in different ways, and lines have been crossed. Can they now find a way to make sense ou


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

C S R Discussion Day: The Window Washer By Zenith

This month we're featuring Zenith's story, The Window Washer. Did you have a chance to read it? Hard to believe the discussion day is already here, but it is. Check out my questions to Zenith, where I pump him for vital information like his clothing habits, and he reveals his favorite places to plot! ​   Have you ever gone out in public, realized your shirt is on backwards, and just don’t care? Not backwards, but inside out. Unfortunately I cared. I was embarrassed. I like things to be ‘perfe

July C S R Feature: The Window Washer By Zenith

It's July! Who's staring out the window to the outside world full of blistering sun or frozen wasteland? Most of us, I think! So why don't you occupy yourself and enjoy The Window Washer by Zenith. This contemporary story has the power to take you out of your world and into theirs to enjoy Jerome and Rob's story.   The Window Washer by Zenith   Length: 40,043   Description: Jerome, a bored accountant, and Rob, a window washer, meet under surprising circumstances.   A Rea

C S R Discussion Day: Things We Lost By Dabeagle

June has absolutely flown by, but I hope you found the time to read this month's CSR story, Things We Lost by Dabeagle. This novella-length story has a ton of drama, but it's not the usual teen story at all! Check out my interview with Dabeagle first, and then share your thoughts or reviews on the story below.   What is the worst thing you’ve ever eaten? That would be, I believe, sweet bread. The name is deceiving. We were at a dinner at the Italian American Community center and this was one d

June C S R Feature: Things We Lost By Dabeagle

June already! This month we only have 3 weeks until our CSR Discussion day, so it's a good thing you're getting Dabeagle's Things We Lost this month as our feature. An adventure story chock full of drama, can the characters find a happy ever after? Read it to find out!   Things We Lost by Dabeagle   Length: 37,449   Description: Ehren's act of kindness pays off when he's most desperate for a place to hide. Tris, though, is more than he ever hoped for. His old life, before

C S R Discussion Day: London And Love By Carringtonrj

Did you get a chance to read CarringtonRJ's story, London and Love? Set in... you guessed it, London, this story follows the life of a US transplant from San Francisco as he struggles to adjust to his new life in the city where he's all alone. Shy and awkward, usually, Tony learns there's more about himself than even he knew, which is saying a lot since he started out life as Tanya! First, though, check out my interview with CarringtonRJ and then make sure you leave your thoughts and reviews. Th

May C S R Feature: London And Love By Carringtonrj

May already! Have you been enjoying the CSR features and interviews so far this year? Or have you been slacking on your reading? Well don't worry, each month you have a new chance to enjoy a story by one of the great authors posting on GA. This month we're featuring CarringtonRJ's London and Love. This 45k contemporary story might be just up your alley!   London and Love by CarringtonRJ   Length: 45,592   Description: Tony is apprehensive about being sent to London for a y

C S R Discussion Day: Dean Warner Intrigues By Daddydavek

This month I featured Daddydavek's first story on the site, Dean Warner Intrigues. This story has been called absolutely wonderful and great by reviewers. What did you think? Make sure you share your thoughts about this story below, but first enjoy my interview with Daddydavek!   Dean Warner Intrigues by Daddydavek   Who do you like best, Jerry or Tom? Neither. Tom is an oxymoron in that he is portrayed as a somewhat lovable bully doomed to fail. Jerry is a diminutive smart


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

April C S R Feature: Dean Warner Intrigues By Daddydavek

April already! Spring is coming to some parts of the northern hemisphere (my local forecast has a record-breaking 85!) but other parts are still snowing. The southern hemisphere is moving into fall and equally capricious territory... so you know what you could do? Stay inside and beat the heat OR cold by reading this month's CSR.   Dean Warner Intrigues by Daddydavek   Length: 62,293   Description: A bullet crashes into Dean's room and the intrigue starts.   A Reader Sa

March C S R Discussion Day: Short Stories By Renee Stevens

Did you have a chance to read Renee's three chosen short stories for this month's CSR? No? Well why not? Go, read now! You can do it, but make sure you come back here and leave a thought or two on what you read or Renee's writing in general. First, though, we have an interview to share with our very own site Blog Host, Anthology Coordinator, and Signature Author!   Friends First Line of Sight More Than A Pact   Are you a person who makes their bed in the morning, or do you not see


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

March C S R Feature: Short Stories By Renee Stevens

Who's enjoying March? Temperatures are warming for the northern hemisphere and cooling for the southern, with a lot of variations depending on where you live. Some people still have heat waves, some still have snow, but change is coming to everyone. This month we're changing it up again by not having just one story featured, but three!   Friends First   Length: 5,712   Description: Keith thought things were going great, unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) for him, things aren't always as

C S R Discussion Day: The Holly And The Ivy By Aditus

Well it's the once in a four year event, Leap Day! For this special day, we have a special story a lot of readers on GA really like! Today we're featuring Aditus' story, The Holly and the Ivy. I hope you enjoyed reading it this month, and you're ready to share your thoughts and questions with Aditus. First, though, I'll share the interview questions I asked him.   If you were an animal, what would you be? I’d like to be a large dog: cuddly, empathic, protective, and a great companion. But I as


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

February C S R Feature: The Holly And The Ivy By Aditus

February is a month for romance! Many people, even if they aren't part of a couple, really associate this month above all with love and devotion--or overpriced chocolate treats and sappy cards. I wanted to keep with the romance theme, but I didn't want to take readers through a run of the mill romance, not at all. That's why this month, we're featuring an alternate earth tale with aliens and vampires. Enjoy!!   The Holly and the Ivy by Aditus   Length: 45,321   Descriptio


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

C S R Discussion: The Life Of Seeon By Comicfan

Can you believe the first month of 2016 is almost over already? Well, it is! This month’s feature was a story by our prompt guru, Comicfan. The Life of Seeon is a fantasy tale DrPaladin called “very imaginative”. Did you read it? Share your thoughts with our other readers or feel free to ask Wayne your questions about his writing and this story.   The Life of Seeon By Comicfan   Think back, way back. Can you remember what brought you to GA? Honestly, I was looking for something


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

C S R Feature: The Life Of Seeon By Comicfan

The start of 2016 is already here, as hard as that is to accept. Where does the time go? I just realized today that we’ve been doing the CSR Features for 3 years now! Is it still popular? Do you have any ideaas for tweaks from the usual feature? Let me know! In the meantime, this month we’re going to enjoy an oldie, but goodie, in Comicfan’s story, The Life of Seeon.   The Life of Seeon By Comicfan   Length: 28,566   Description: Seeon Toleran is the fifth child of the rul


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

C S R Discussion Day: Holiday Short Stories

Wow, we've come to the end of the year and the final CSR of 2015. This month I featured 4 holiday short stories of all different types for readers to enjoy. Since we have 4 authors to feature, I did something a little different. Enjoy their take on these questions and their fun little micro flash giving you another taste of their stories. Don't forget to leave your thoughts and reviews! ​HOLIDAY SHORT STORIES Mann Rambling with Rudolph's Tijuana Christmas   Do you have a favorite holida


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

C S R Feature: Holiday Short Stories

The holidays can be hectic, crazy, wonderful times! I figured, why not show that off with a variety of short stories, from 1,852 words to 36,353 words. You may have read them before, or they might be new to you, but this is your chance to get into the spirit of the season through some great stories. Enjoy them now, and be ready for the Discussion day on Monday, December 28th. The authors have all agreed to pop in and respond to your questions and comments.   Katie's Sketchbook by AC Benus Leng


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

C S R Discussion Day: A Rescued Life By Lilansui

Did you have a chance to read Lilansui's A Rescued Life for our November CSR Featured story? We had a lot of time, so I hope readers enjoyed the 50k tale. If not, well maybe this interview and the reader comments below will help motivate you to check it out. Make sure you leave your comments and review for Lilansui, who promises to pop in throughout the day/night as possible.   Single people often have more time to write. Are you single? Yes, I’m single. . It is a source of stress sometimes, b


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

C S R Feature: A Rescued Life By Lilansui

Who else thinks this is a good month to curl up with a story and a hot/cold beverage? I do, I do!! This story has been called beautiful, fabulous, and wonderful, so I thought it could use some feature time. Check out this month's featured story, read it, then be ready to come back and share your thoughts on the discussion day at the end of the month!   A Rescued Life by Lilansui   Length: 53,313   Description: Stabbed and left for dead, Toshiro Shindo is at the end of the


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

C S R Discussion Day: Halloween Short Stories

'Tis the witching week! Perfect timing to talk about the three short stories we featured this month by GA authors, Gee Whillickers, Cynus, and Bill W. Did you make time to read them? They're only about 5k each, so if you haven't, check out the announcement blog post with links to each one. If you did, now's the time to add your comments and reviews! First, of course, I have a great interview with each author to share.   Cynus:   What’s your favorite Halloween memory or tradition?   This me


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

C S R Feature: Halloween Short Stories!

It's a month for a variety of spooky treats, so I thought I'd bring you a few snack-sized Halloween short stories. These are 3 short stories by our site authors featuring a corn maze, a costume party at a bar, and a few zombies--what would Halloween be with a few ghouls, right?   A Halloween Nightmare by Bill W Length: 5,895 Description: Colby is a college senior who’s looking forward to dressing up in his costume and spending Halloween having a good time at a gay bar. However, his evening of


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

C S R Discussion Day: The Rainy Day By Graeme

Graeme's The Rainy Day is the CSR feature for September. I asked Graeme a series of questions about his time on GA and his story, which, considering the story is from a past anthology was kinda tricky of me. I hope you'll enjoy learning more about Graeme and his writing. He is a busy man, but he will be "live" on the site at 6 PM his time zone, which is 10 PM Pacific and 1 AM Eastern. For our night owls, YAY, and for the rest, make sure you add your questions beforehand so he can answer them the


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

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