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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out


We're here we're here at the cold beach. Oh it's freezing so we arent going to venture outside anytime soon. I am working on some artwork for my site and Chaz is writing a couple of papers he has due. So everything is calm here. No drama and I am very happy with that.   My ankle is good enough that I can walk on it and I don't get dizzy every time I stand up anymore. As predicted Selene called me this morning asking where the beach house is. I didn't tell her but Chaz saw her drive by the hou




This is not what we really look like but Jonathan made it and I thought it was cool.   Here is the real reason for this though.       For those that follow my Story Mr. Black Sings A Sad Song 2. The next couple of chapters are going to be the turning point to the series. Things are happening that cannot be undone and when it's all over things will not be the same.   GREEN



An exciting day ... NOT!

Today was probably the most eventful day I've had in a while ... I went to see my doctor this morning to get a refill on my sleeping pills (I have really bad insomnia sometimes). It's 2:23 AM now and I'm still not ready to sleep, but I have to wake up at 6:30 to get ready for work ... so apparently the medication isn't helping very much.   I also managed to trek over to the supermarket, Carrefour (a French supermarket chain, although it's unfortunately been "Taiwan-ified"). I had to go because



My thought process and the deleted Blog Entry

Warning.....Rant Ahead   Ok, the first thing i want to say is that I had a completely different entry written and even posted but not published. I deleted it because I didn't want to cause any trouble and hurt anyones feelings. I guess that's how I am. I have a lot to be angry about (in my mind) but I don't want to express all of it because I don't want to cause problems for everyone else.....if I can't handle whatever it was I made my deleted entry about, I can always stop coming here and ask




My boyfriend in a drunken act of Genius has hurt himself. Green fell down the stairs and broke his leg. My boyfriend thought that he could jump the last five steps. He hit himself with the ceiling and fell, spraining his ankle when he fell on it. He also has a concussion. Our trip is no more, but at least we get the house to ourselves. I get to cater to my wonderful but slightly stupid boyfriend.   I really don't know what compelled him to jump. I saw it in slow motion his head hit the ceil



I'd Rather Sleep with Myself

"Sleep With Myself" by Prozzak   Ya I'll dance with you for a while But I'm not going to take you home   I don't even know you last name Let me explain   Been around the world a thousand times Been swept away on distant shores Bedded down with angels Drank their wine And always the conclusion is the same Making love is always grand But eventually Love ends a losing game So let's leave it alone I'm going home   People think celibacy's a crime Not saying I won't love again



Welcome To Green's Party Where You Will Find?

I had a great time last night. We all did. We had so many people here. Selene made an a&$ of herself when she got drunk and sang a really bad rendition of I will survive. David and Steve couldn't keep their hands off each other all night. My brother the Liar seems to have found himself a boyfriend. They were dancing in a corner. Some girl tried to kiss me then offered me something I really had to say no to. She called me a prude.   Chaz's older brother brought enough alcohol to drunkefy



Brokeback Blog

Okay so right now Rich is out getting me some MUCH needed food and I want to blog about SO much stuff and I just know I'll forget it all by the time he gets back and I finish eating and I can't possibly type it all now cause I type so freakin slow! So... I'm going to make a list of stuff I want to blog about so I can come back and do it later Is that cheating?? Oh well! It's my blog and I can do what I want to! Giggle.   1. Brokeback Mountain 2. IQ test 3. Premenstrual food 4. Backrubs an



Okay...can you be happy and sad at the same time?

I'll start out with the sad so we got something to look forward to...   Like Thursday at lunch, I come back to our table from dumping my tray to see Lorena reading a little pamplet about a recorder or something, like one of those things spies wear. I didnt ask and then after we got rid of Lorena and started walking to our class at the building across the street, he shows me that he's wearing this recording thing, or heart monitor . I ask him what for and he said that his mom took him to the d



I got a call a few minutes ago.

My brother called me a few minutes ago. I asked why he was calling so early? He said he just wanted to talk to me. I said alright and walked away from the bedroom. Green is still sleeping so I didn't want to wake him. When I walked into the living room I found David and Selene sitting at the table as Steve made them breakfast. He asked me if I wanted some I nodded but I walked into the living room instead.   So we talked. He said that he wanted to speak to me about all of this. He told me that



Little trouble never hurt anyone... except Green!

We are throwing a party tomorrow. it's Green and David's annual Spring break party. I invited a couple of friends from back home and my brother and sister as well as some friends from school. Green is a little sad about this because Selene will not be there. More on this later. Well back to this party. We went shopping for supplies. Steve came with us as he and Green Decided that they were going to cook for everyone.   We ran into Rob and that creepy guy he's dating. Green darted out of the ai



Decisions, decisions ...

My stomach bug has cleared up for the most part, thankfully. On the down side, the few extra kilograms that I was hoping I would lose from it didn't go away, so I might have to actually start exercising or something ... *GASP*   Ch. 5 of SOOTB is already posted on my website for those who can't wait for Nifty. It will be up on Nifty late Friday night or early Saturday morning, probably.   I'm still fretting about my future. I know I'm not "old" at age 28 (although I certainly have been feeli



Welcome to CA...

So I'll warn you up front that this is going to be a HUGE random dump of info...   So I decided I would print out DD 36 to read it, instead of sit here at the computer like I usually do to read it. Rich wanted to play some new game so... anyway I copied and pasted it into word and... Holy S**t! It was 64 pages long! But after refilling the paper twice AND changing the ink cartridge once... I had 64 pages of the most awesome story to read... and then... I stayed up till almost 1 a.m. reading it




So it's pretty much clear that Selene is persona non grata at our house until she stops her nonsense. She came by last night demanding that I speak to her. I pulled her outside to the backyard and we spoke, well rather I spoke and she yelled. She cant believe that I am dating someone that would hit me. I told her that Chaz didn't hit me on purpose for the upteempth time. She then pointed out that it's the reason why I have stitches and I told her that it was. I reiterated the fact that it wasn't



Something I Just Don't Say

So first off I should probably warn you not to read this until you've read DD 36.   I just finished it; the most moving part for me was definitely the hospital scene with Aaron explaining what happened:  



The Drunken Idiot Song

The Drunken Idiot Song     I'm a drunken Idiot but that's OK, I drink all night and I sleep all day.   chorus: He's a drunken Idiot buts that's OK, He'll drink all night and he'll sleep all day.   I drink beer and I drink scotch and occasionally even gin. I go to the lavatory. And barf and drink agin.   chorus: He drinks beer and he drinks scotch and occasionally even gin, He goes to the lavatory, And barfs and drinks agin. He's a drunken Idiot buts that's OK, He'l



Stuff for a normal day...

Chaz went to Selene's house a few minutes ago. Like me he's had enough of her crap. I dont get it to tell you the truth. She has always liked Chaz and she never had a problem with him. Oh man I just want a quiet week. Chaz and I have spring break and we're going to New York. I want to see my cousins and Jonathan. David is coming with us but he's going to see his brother and meet his brother's friends. This is just what we need. We need to get away from everything for a while. I cant wait.   Ju



Addiction, obsession, or crazyness? Maybe hate?

Green is so much a music fanatic that he has filled a 60 gig ipod. Have you ever heard of anyone able to do that? I mean he likes everything from rap to Brazilian folk music. Yesterday we were cleaning the closet and I found his collection of CD cases. He has 340 of them. Half of them weren't even open yet so he decided that he needed to listen to them. It's not over I am forcing him to get rid of them. He's crazy to keep so many around considering that he has a box full of them at his mother



People Are Just Great

I mean it! I love people! They're definitely one of my all time favourite things.   So I had a very nice day. I got up at 6am this morning so that I could study for my anthropology test, because I usually elect to just go to bed when I should probably study instea. Yeah it's like the exact opposite of how most college students behave, but if I've got homework, a project, or a test, I think, "well this is the perfect excuse to go to bed early!" So I do, then I just get up and do it the nex



Side effects

May cause cramps and bloating...   If you have an erection lasting more that 4 hours...   May cause diareah and nausea...   May cause sexual side effects...   May cause tremors, forgetfulness and hallicunations...   Don't drive a car or operate heavy machinery for 4 to 6 hours after use...   May cause sinus infection or nosebleeds...   If you experience depression or suicidal thoughts please call your doctor...   May cause delerium, euphoria or dementia...     Screw it! I'l



I'm hungry for more

Today I got some really good news. I'm hosted at www.CRVBOY.org :pickaxe: I got such a good feeling when I opened the link to my story. I felt like I was sitting on a cloud. Then I opened my email and was suprised to see that I had email about the story already, so I hurried and opened it. The first email I read snapped me back into reality. It was a flame, and to be honest, I'm so grateful for it. It let's me know that just because I'm hosted on a really respected site, that doesn't mean tha




I've had a horrible stomach bug for the past few days ... I won't go into details, but it hasn't been pleasant. Needless to say, I've spent most of the past several days in bed (or in the bathroom), and haven't gotten anything done. Not that I have the motivation to do anything, but I still need to at least finish what needs to be finished. Hopefully tomorrow I can make a little headway on my Ph.D. research proposal, and finish up with Ch. 9 of SOOTB.   Speaking of which, Ch. 4 should already



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