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  • astone2292

    Author Guess Who #22 - Reveal!

    By astone2292

    Time's up! Two weeks have come and gone. Now let's see who put their best guessing hats on. If you just so happened to miss the Author Guess Who interview for this month, make sure you click...   > > > HERE < < < ... to see what this month's mystery author had to say! Without further ado, time for the big reveal!   This author... has posted over three million words! This author... has over seventy stories for you to read! This author... is... 

I've Spotted It!

What have I spotted you may ask? Simple, my kitchen counter, and I'm not at all happy about it. :wacko: It looks awful.   A year or so ago my grandmother was diagnosed with Alzhiemer's, and since then my grandfather has taken to looking for food, drinks, and other natural remedies which may help her (she is taking her meds too , though often goes through periods where she refuses to). Anyway one of the things he found out was that turmeric may help. Turmeric is the ingrediant which makes



I know he didn't just........

It's funny what a few days can do......my last entry was about hoping we would get snow, this one's about swimming in the ocean today....really. Here's what happened......... Yesterday when I got home from school my stepmom checked the messages and my cousin James had called and wanted to know if me and Taylor wanted to go camping with him and his new bf....well, it was way too cold last night, so we asked my dad if he would just take us this morning to where James and his bf were camping at.



I ran, I ran so close away!

I went out with Chaz tonight we werent going anywhere fancy so I took my laptop with me. Chaz was a little annoyed but he ultimately understood that I'm not a freshman and I can't afford to slack. So as I did my work we alked and shared a nice conversation at our table when he told me something that I thought neither of us was ready for.   "Green I love you," I looked up from my computer and in a lower scared voice he says, "even when you ignore me."   I panicked and I grabbed my laptop near



Where do you keep the cigarettes?

Ok, I've been asking the aformentioned question all day today in my oh-so-perfect two-pack-a-day voice. It made my sister laugh so hard she almost peed herself. Just imagine a fourteen-year-old kid with a gay-sounding lisp and somewhat high pitched voice asking that. I sounded like a Russian Prostitute.   So, I finished a story that I've been working on for quite some time earlier today. Head on over to The Domaholics forum and check it out under "Member Poetry and Short Stories". I hope



I Guess That Makes Me a Vegetarian Too

LOL today at work this lady came in and ordered turkey, then as I'm finishing it up she say's "thanks, it's for a vegetarian." Now this did catch me off guard, and while I'm sure I shoulda just kept my mouth shut I was thinking there must be some mix up or something so I'm like "wait, the turkey is for a vegetarian?", and she responds "yes, he doesn't eat pork". At this point I decide it's definitely best to shut up. But considering I don't eat pork either, I guess I'm a vegetarian   In ot



I am excited about this.

I have made a thread found here Character of the Year. It's a thread to nominate some of the great authors out there. I am working on a format but here are some of the categories I want to work with a panel of judges. We can let the Members nominate and the judges can pick the winner.   Story of the year   Best leading character   Best supportive characer   Best villlain   Best sequel or spin off story   Best writer   Best GA hosted story   Best GA Hosted Author   Best Non GA a



Birthday Boy!

*sigh* Im old   I hate being 25 already!     Chris gave me a new laptop for my Bday which im super pleased about. Its a great little thing I also got a really cool braclet thingy from my Sweetie   Mum and Dad are coming over later to take us out to dinner, Im worried.....Chris and my mum have been planning something all week, Im totally sure of it. Not such a bad thing you might think but when the two of them get together I get VERY worried lol.   A special thank you to Dom for



The Cherries aren't the only ones Jubilant

So today was awesome!   I got a full night's sleep (about 9 and a half hours), I usually try to do pretty well for sleep, but lately I've only been getting between 6-7. Anyway today was the last regular day of classes for me, next week is finals. Of course sleepoing in resulted in me missing my first class (it was on purpose BTW), but I think that's ok, because all we have left is the final, and it's only over one chapter, so hey, I'll just read the sucker.   Anyway then my 2nd class went



ugly, broke, and sober...

Well, tonight was my daughter's Christmas musical at school, and again it was great and of course she was awesome! What? She is my daughter after all Anyway we had to drop her off a half hour before show time with an adult so Rich stayed with her while I ran down the street to the bank to deposit my paycheck and to the grocery store to pick up the cookies my daughter informed me that we are supposed to bring tomorrow :wacko: for her holiday party. I know, I am the super mom and should be baki



The haircut from Hell

Mephostopheles himself attacked the haircutter that gave Hot Cross Country guy this haircut. Well, I guess that's being a little dramatic, but it's seriously the ugliest haircut ever. I mean, don't get me wrong, he's still really hot, but the hair was kinda the icing on the cake for his beauty. I almost cried when I saw it.   We had many academic team competitions this week, which I rock at. But, I am pissed at the varstiy team captain, becuase we had a competition where there is a compute



The Bunny Wars Redux 2

I hvent seen my lovely neighbors in quite sometime and that made me happy. Today I saw them and as usual the mother was yelling at her oldest. He looked at me and I swear he was wishing a horrible death upon me. I have a restraining order so he can't do anything now. Of course that doesn't mean his brothers can't.   So I went to do some errands when I came back home I found the police at my house and David was yelling in his boxers as a police officer held him backfrom coming out of the house.



everday necesities...

So, two more guys at work got fired for dishonest acts I mean what the hell is going on? I swear, at this rate I will be the only employee left by Christmas Okay, actually that's a very scary thought. So now Hot abercrombie and cute guy 'C' are gone too. My boss seems worried, and he should be, I mean Christmas is just 17 days away... GASP!! 17 days and I literally have not bought one present yet I'm officially worried. I told him I'll wear my super woman cape and save his ass again   I r



Down Boy!

The time for finals has approached and it hs apparently made everyone horny. I had to peel Chas of me because I had a paper due an I couldn't be distracted. Rob and Dave have been going at it like rabbits and Unfortunately I had to hear them. Selene keeps telling me about her disgusting sexcapades.   I mean seriously I really want to do these thins with Chas but the timing's wrong and I know once school breaks he wont want to do anything. Just my luck. Today he teases me by walking by me in h



Wow....like really messed up vibes

Okay, as you all know, I'm in love with my best friend Justin....and you all know that even if I could get up enough courage to tell him at least that I'm gay, he's been seduced by an evil siren whore aka Whorena. But then theres still the chances that he's not gay :( ... well last Friday and up until today, our chorus class has been excused from regular classes for our christmas concert rehearsal. There's this kid that sits next to me named Brandon and he's kinda cute and over the past couple



"Give me 5 min. and I'll think of something flirty

So let's see, here's what I've been up to. I went out of town to meet my mom for dinner as I said in the previous entry. But it was Sunday so I wanted to go to Church. So anyway I figured if I went in the city I was meeting her in, as opposed to my own city, we'd save sometime, since I'd already be there when it was over. Anyway so we met about 5:30 in a church parking lot, with me intending to go to 6:00pm mass. Anyway we wanted to go see "Rent", but the times were 7:00, and 9:50, which di



Snow? I hope so

Well, it looks like it might snow sometime soon, and Im super excited Me and Taylor are gonna ride our bikes to the slipperiest part of the road we can find and build a ramp and jump them....well, only if it snows and they call off school tomorrow.     Ok, here it is....when I see someone I think might be cute, I make comeplete eye contact and smile as sweetly as I can.....if theyre gay, they like it...if they're straight, they'll look away....it works almost everytime(like I said in my r



penis envy... me?

So I was talking to 'the man' the other night while I was up late TRYING to write some, and I told him that I find the sexual or erotic scenes the hardest to write. I'm not exactly sure why, I mean it's not like I'm new to the whole sex thing but I have realized that a HUGE part of my problem is that I don't have a penis I know, before you all say it... that IS a problem hehehehe. So I was asking 'the man' how it feels different having someone else's hand on you... there, instead of your own



The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

Ok so all day at work today we listened to Christmas music. It was really fun. It's ashame it was actually kinda HOT outside today, but I guess that's what I get for living in a furnance,,er I mean Louisiana   I think it would be fun just once to have a "white Christmas", but that'll probably never happen until I move, oh well. Today was kinda fun, I actually kept getting hit on by pretty girls. It's ashame I'm not in the market for one right now. It's also really strange, when I MIGHT




I did it!!!!! I finally managed to get every chapter that I've posted so far transfered over to the new e-fiction forum....Myr, just so you know, I didn't break anything..lol. Actually, it's a really crispy layout. Im glad that Myr was able to get that for us...now all of my chapters are under one heading....anyone who is currently posting in the library should go check this thing out....it's mad nice. Ok, so now that I have 33 chapters of my story posted, Im working on chapter 34...Im not sure



alright I admit it... I stole it!

So, not much to update really. I spent all morning at a Christmas craft fair with my girls and it was fun and I got a new halo so yay!   So, I stole the following from something one of Rich's friends sent him, but it was so funny I had to share it... enjoy!   Things I Learned From Movies   1. If being chased through town, you can usually take cover in a passing St Patrick's Day parade - at any time of the year.   2. All beds have special L-shaped top sheets that reach up to armpit l



My Delightful Hormone Imbalance

Ok so today I was freakishly happy all day. I'm usually a pretty upbeat person, but today was just plain crazy (in a good way obviously). I mean I literally had to stop myself from grinning at people all day. And several times during the day I'd just be having a regular conversation with someone and feel like this wonderful flood of positive emotions. What's the reason for all this you may ask. That's just it, there really isn't one. I mean yeah I think I've got a pretty good life, and lot



The new Efiction section....ugh!

Ok, I admit it.....Im confused. Im afraid Im going to break something. The instructions in the new efiction section of GA look so simple. But when I get to the part where I have to actually follow them, I get messed up. I guess Im supposed to pick a category to put my story under....there are 4, and none of them are acurate for my story. Also, theres this whole thing about a disclaimer. I guess I could copy and paste the sample one, but Im not sure if that's ok or not.....also, how should I ra



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