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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter

Ask an Author 2.0 #31

It’s that time again, folks. We’re running dangerously low on material for future issues, and I need your help. Think of something you’d like to ask any GA author and send me their name and the question. I’ll take it from there. Privately, I answer most generic questions sent in. This one was tough. Is it wrong I’d like to meet one of my own? Anyway, I found the question and the responses of the authors I pose it to fascinating. ◊◊◊◊◊ Is there a character you read about in a story

May CSR Feature: Timber Pack Chronicles by Rob Colton

Okay, so I admit it... this month's feature is all about a comfort read for me! I recently re-read Rob's Degan Chronicles stories, cause... awesome. Yes. I've loved Rob's work since I found him way back when on another site, and I cheered when he came to GA. His fans are legion, of course, so I know a lot of GA persons have read this story as well. If not... well, maybe many of us have some time on our hands while the whole world tries to stay healthy? What better way than reading?   

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 26 - May 2)

Whoa, just about forgot to do up the weekly update today. Why you ask? I've occupied most of my day playing with myself  Now get your minds out of the gutter. I woke up this morning and having nothing pressing to do, I sat down in front of the computer and played solitaire by myself. Then after some lunch, I fired up the PS4 and played the Campaign on COD 🔫 . Well that kept me occupied for a lot of hours. After dinner, I was tired of being online, so I looked in a not often used cupboa


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 838 and Prompt 839

May day! May Day! Well it is the first of May. At least we are all still going. Speaking of going, time for some new prompts. Prompt 838 - Creative Tag - First Line "Where the hell do you think you are going?" Prompt 839 - Creative  Tag - Lusty May Work has kept you busy and now that May has arrived you finally have vacation time. Deciding to go away and travel far from home. You barely check in when you find yourself the object of desire for two completely differen


comicfan in Prompts

April CSR Discussion Day: Clockwise Series by Aditus

Well, it's come already. Can't believe it! How has spring come had flown so fast? We're already approaching May, but not before we chat about this month's featured short series, Clockwise, by Aditus. Did you read the series? Do you have a favorite story out of the four? I wonder if it matches his favorite? Read on to find out!! Do you eat your fruits and vegetables? I’m vegetarian, so, yes I eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Chocolate or Vanilla? What’s vanilla without chocolate?


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 19 - Apr. 25)

Help So, did I get your attention  ? Seriously, we need help from as many members as possible! I have been in conversation with @Carlos Hazday and he has 1 question left to ask an author(s) for Ask An Author. Needless to say, no questions, no Ask An Author . Your question could be about anything you want to ask. You can specify an author or authors you want directed to, or just ask the question and Carlos will put it out there still. If you click on his name above and then click o


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 836 and Prompt 837

Welcome to another Groundhog's Day, um, oh I mean Friday. Other watching the television, reading, and raiding my fridge, I have been writing. In fact, here are two new prompts for everyone. Prompt 836 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - an airline ticket, a silk robe, a blue suitcase, a corgi, and a cursed gold coin. Prompt 837 - Creative Tag - Cursed Your mother used to tease you that if you didn't have bad luck you'd have no luck at


comicfan in Prompts

April Classic Author Excerpt: Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Did you catch Monday's blog post featuring a fanfiction story? Yes, we do have fanfiction on GA, and the Harry Potter world is always a big favorite! Did you download the graphic, read the review by a reader? Or are you just popping in to see what excerpt I chose to tempt you into clicking?  Well I shall not keep you in suspense any longer!  Want to read more? Click here! 


Cia in Classic Feature

April Classic Author Feature: Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Well, no foolin' April is half over! Serious! We are rolling right along into a new season, the year is a third over already, and there's no time like the present to take some time for yourself to enjoy a story. How about a fanfiction of Harry Potter? The wizarding world is always a fun vacation stop!     Length: 133,106 Description: Harry Potter's sixth year started with Draco attacking him in revenge for his father's capture at the Ministry of Magic A Reader sai


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 12 - Apr. 18)

Soooo, The other night I woke up with my pillow on the side of my face and I had hair in my mouth and in my nose  I've never had a beard for more than a week before in my life, but I let it grow out over the past 5 weeks. The unibomber had nothing on me  And the eyebrow,s even Albert Einstein would be jealous  So enough was enough and woke up today and got out the cordless waterproof clippers and got rid of the damn beard! Next, got out the actual hairdresser clippers and started to use a #


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 834 and Prompt 835

Welcome to Friday. It is Friday isn't it? I hope so. Anyway, did you know Friday is named after Frigg, wife of Odin? Why do I mention that? Read the prompts. Prompt 834 - Creative Tag - Friday  Having seen your child hurt by bullies you curse and wish that Friday would just vanish, Instead a large woman pounds on your door. "Why would you curse my day?" The woman demanded. Not knowing who she is you explain what is going on. "My name is Frigg and I shall teach you an important les


comicfan in Prompts

Stories System Updated 4/15

We have patched the site with the latest update.  There are a handful of requested changes in this update. Story System Reputation First up, on the Authors listing, we can now sort by "Highest Story Reputation" Under an author's icon, you'll now see 2 numbers.  The Green number is the Site Reputation Total.  (The likes across the entire site).  The number in the gray box is the Story Reputation. (This is the likes from just the stories/chapters/comments in the story system)


Myr in Technology Archive

Featured Author: Myr

Well, usually it would be a single story review for our feature today. But, we thought it might be nice to turn the focus onto our fearless leader. With that in mind, we visited Myr's stories and picked some of the various comments from readers to highlight the many stories that Myr has on site. Myr specializes in short stories in the fantasy and sci-fi genres. He generally leaves his readers begging for more, probably because most of his spare time is spent on improving GA and dealing with tech

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 5 - Apr. 11)

Has the past month flown by for you too?  It seems like only a little while ago that we were being told to baton down the hatches and start practicing physical distancing. Work days blend into supposedly days off and daily chores and tasks are being done more. As even one member commented, her Dad was washing walls, walls!!!! I see the blogs are starting to really take off. Interesting reading how so many people are dealing with the times as well as their thoughts on it too. Some of your status


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 832 and Prompt 833

Well we have reached the major holidays of spring in quarantine. However, at least we are still here for Passover and Easter, I have new prompts to get you in the spirit. Prompt 832 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - a dinner invitation, an egg, a bitter herb, a new shirt, and a bowl of soup. Prompt 833 - Creative Tag - The Egg Hunt When your mother asked for help at the local egg hunt you figured it would be helping to hide the eggs


comicfan in Prompts

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