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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

CSR Discussion Day: The Heart of Oskar Prinz by Mike Arram

How's your August? Happy to be over? My summer vacation is rapidly coming to a close, with this being my last week "off" so I am cramming in everything fun and relaxing I can. Of course, I spent a couple of hours this month completely absorbed into Mike Arram's story, The Heart of Oskar Prinz, which was a thoroughly enjoyable escape. Did you? If you did, I'm sure you have some thoughts to share in the comments. And you CAN'T miss the answers he shared!! Make sure you read on, comment, and prompt


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading


Catfishing I’m sure you have heard of it, and I’m sure you know what it is, but here is the definition that I found on the word: INFORMAL•US lure (someone) into a relationship by means of a fictional online persona. "he was being catfished by a cruel prankster" Being that we are an online community we are always prime for catfishers to join and then lure possible members to lie to. We do have members who come and for their own personal sense of saf


wildone in News Archive

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug. 18 - Aug. 24)

First off, I need to remind everyone that they have one month to go out and buy me my birthday present Well we are about to head into the last month of the 'Summer Months' in North America. I know the southern states kids, teens and adults are back in skewl and the northern ones and Canada are about to head back in about a week. Not totally clear on how Europe works  Summer here is also a time where we slow down at GA. With College/University Students home for the summer and working or suc


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 776 and Prompt 777

Another week is over and it's my turn to torment, um, I mean offer you some inspiration. Yes, ladies and gentleman I have new prompts for you. Prompt 776 - Creative Tag - First Line "I need to, um, tell you something. Okay?" Prompt 777 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story  - A full moon, a cracked window, an old letter, a skateboard, and a stuffed toy. Those are my offerings to you this week. Luckily, there were some brave souls who


comicfan in Prompts

Classic Author Excerpt: Consolation Parents by Bill W

Did you catch Monday's blog featuring Bill W's story, Consolation Parents? It's a short story written for the 2014 Summer Anthology The Backup Plan. The story is one of many of Bill's short stories written for the anthologies. Have you read them? He explores many different themes, social conventions, and more all packed into tiny bite-sized plots that can capture readers. This one pulled me in as a parent.    I picked this scene because it resonated so well with the emotions and showed


Cia in Classic Feature

Classic Author Feature: Consolation Parents by Bill W

As the year speeds up, seasons change, and my own kids grow and continue to make me older (so not nice of them!) I often find myself pulled toward stories that feature parents. But not every story is always sweetness and light and happy--and life is truly represented in this tale that will tug at your heart and maybe make you reach for a tissue or two as well. One of Bill's many anthology entries, you will have missed out if you haven't read Consolation Parents before.     


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug. 11 - Aug. 17)

So I really have nothing to talk about this week in the Weekly Update preamble, so I thought I would throw out a joke and some useless trivia Why did the chicken cross the playground? Did you know that giraffes only need 5 to 30 minutes of sleep in a 24 hour period They often achieve that in quick naps that may last only a minute or two at a time! Now, onto what happened around these parts this week! Monday, Renee gave us a great story review from @Puppilull: Wednes


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 774 and Prompt 775

Wow. This week has been crazy, but we made it to another Friday. You know what that means? No, not a night out and no work tomorrow! It means I have prompts for you.   Prompt 774 - Creative Tag - Doppelganger It has been a long week and you decide to treat yourself to a nice meal. You spot this nice restaurant as you go home and decide to give it a shot. As you walk in the door the loud noise in the place becomes suddenly silent. You pause as you fear the place might be in th


comicfan in Prompts

Featured Story: Little Ms. Who

Hard to believe that it's already August!  Seems like this year has gone so fast. To start this week off right, we have a review from Puppilull. Enjoy! Little Ms. Who Pmsingtiger Reviewer: Puppilull Status: Complete Word Count: 71,016 Meeting the person of your dreams and then falling in love. A story as old as mankind. But when the person you meet isn’t who you think they are, thing can get complicated. Really complicated. Add a psycho bitch and a small town which may or m

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug. 4 - Aug. 10)

I had an idea today I think we should start a swap your life club here at GA! Why you ask and how? Well, we all live in a area that seems to be effected by the weather right now around the world, so what if you could trade lives with another member that wants your weather for a bit. So @Slytherin for example says she is too cold in the wild north of Scandinavia and @Daddydavek says he is burning up in the Mid West of the US. Well, those two will swap places for a week or two But this mea


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 772 and Prompt 773

We made it to another Friday. That is reason to enough to celebrate, but it also means I've come with new offerings for you. Prompt 772 - Creative Tag - First Line The rain has been falling for hours, soaking my skin, and wiping out my tracks as I do my best to leave the pain behind me while I try to escape before anyone notices I'm gone.  Prompt 773 - Creative Tag - New Day You went with your friends to see the fortune teller that they had booked as a evening's ent


comicfan in Prompts

Bug Fixes and New Goals Widget

We have posted a new version of Stories on the site.  Things are going well so far. It correct a number of small issues.  We've also added the ability to put up a goal box for feedback items. You'll see it on various points on the site. Be sure to do your part in hitting our goals to give Authors more feedback! 


Myr in Technology Archive

Ask an Author 2.0 #22

During the dog days of summer, most South Floridians yearn for cooler, drier weather. If you are unfamiliar with the expression, it refers to days being so hot even dogs want to lay around moving as little as possible. August is the time most of us want to move to the Carolinas’ mountains to escape daily rain, tropical storms, and hurricanes. The Signature Authors profiled this month are well known and don’t require introduction. I’ll shut up now and let them answer their questions.  

CSR Feature: The Heart of Oskar Prinz by Mike Arram

Well, well, well, happy August everyone! This month we MUST stay indoors and beat whatever awful weather is destroying the outside, so what better way to do that than with a nice, loooong story? And, even better, it's part of a series! A looooooooonger series, at that! Mike Arram is an established author who came to share his work with us from other well-known gay fiction sites, so you might have already seen his name, or read his stories, or maybe this is all new to you. Either way, this month


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 28 - Aug. 3)

So no surprise this week. Hopefully you all have been keeping up to date with Shark Week   I have a lot of respect for all the parents out there, I just got back from 5 days of camping in the Rockies with my 3 nephews under the age of 12 with no power or internet or even cell phone coverage  Well now that I'm sure that some of you are digesting that horror of that last statement, shall we see what has happened while I was out playing with bears, mountain lions, and cougars (and 3 kids).


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 770 and Prompt 771

Well, ladies and gents we have made it to August. The year is just flying by. Hopefully, you are finding time to write, and because it is Friday time to offer up some new prompts. Prompt 770 - Creative Tag - Fallen Everything about him is wrong. He is too much of an opposite, and you fight with him every chance you get when you do see each other. However, if you see him near anyone else you feel angry and possessive. You can't deny it anymore, you've fallen, and fallen hard for hi


comicfan in Prompts

CSR Discussion Day: Love is Blind by Nick Brady

Welcome to the CSR discussion day for July with Love is Blind by Nick Brady! Did you have a chance to read this story? Nick was kind enough to do an interview for me and share some of his thoughts on what he learned while writing Love is Blind. He also filled in a few thoughts on his favorite cartoon hijinks character, tall or small, and his hobbies outside of writing! So enjoy learning more about Nick, and then share your thoughts on his story in the comments below.  Who do you like best,

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 21 - Jul. 27)

Well to follow up with another update, I'm still here So let's make it short and sweet this week, and maybe there will be a surprise next week Monday, Renee brought us a great Featured Story which was reviewed by @Parker Owens Then on Tuesday, we had a bit of a celebration going on here at GA, when Graeme introduced our newest Promising Author: Finally Friday, had Wayne bring us another couple of prompts from his prompt cupboard   Anthologies 2019 Fall A


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 768 and Prompt 769

Wow, another week is nearly over. Mother Nature has been baking Europe and sending storms everywhere. I have lucked out with moderate temperatures today, but I hope everyone is okay. If you have been lucky enough to be able to relax, well I have some new prompts to entice you to write. Prompt 768 - Creative Tag - The Arrow The arrow lay on a pillow under glass. You remember it always being on the mantle of your grandmother's fireplace in her den since you were a child. No one in t


comicfan in Prompts

GA's Newest Promising Author: northie

Please join myself and the Author Promotion Team in congratulating @northie in becoming GA's newest Promising Author. Northie has been a member at GA for over three years, and in that time has posted over 340,000 words across twenty-three stories including the popular Never Too Late series about an older gentleman coming to terms with his sexuality. You can find all of northie's stories at their author page, so settle back and have fun reading the stories of our newest Promising Author!  


Graeme in News Archive

External Newsletter Discontinued

After dropping back from 2 years of weekly newsletters to monthly updates in 2019 on our outside email newsletter, we have decided to stop using the outside service altogether after the final newsletter which will be sent on Sunday, July 28th.  Going forward, we'll be sending emails with the news members want and need to know directly from Gay Authors! If you wish to receive the occasional email newsletter from the site, then please go to your Notification Settings and chose one of the two boxes


Myr in News Archive

Featured Story: Becoming Real

Hope everyone is ready to start another new week!  To help you get started off on the right foot, here's a review from Parker Owen's on AC Benus' story Becoming Real. Enjoy! Becoming Real AC Benus Reviewer: Parker Owens Status: Complete Word Count: 55,531 In a series of chapters from a life, a young man’s knowledge about himself becomes a reality. He encounters people who help him along his way, some bearing their own pain and scars. Each successive episode leaves him a

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 14 - Jul. 20)

I have an announcement to make, I'm out of here!! Well now that the cheering and clapping has died down, I'll just say it is a temporary reprieve from Steve . I'm on 2 weeks summer holidays and may or may not be around too much.  So shall we look back on the week that we have had here at the GA Blog? On Monday, Cia danced in to give us this month's Classic Author Feature:   On Wednesday she sashayed back in to give us the Classic Author Excerpt: Finally on Friday


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

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