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  • Valkyrie

    A Hard Habit to Break

    By Valkyrie

    We are creatures of habit, and sometimes those habits can be a bit strange, especially to other people.  My best friend in high school preferred to walk on the right side of people.  If I forgot and walked on her right side, she would make me switch over to her left side.  It became a bit of a  joke between us, and it became a habit for me to walk on the left side of people, even if she wasn't around.  Over thirty years later, I still walk on the left side of people and feel uncomfortable if I w
    • 1 comment

Bye For Now & Weekly Wrap Up (May 27 - Jun 2)

Before we even get started with the wrap up, I want to say:   Graeme!!!!!!   Graeme has been a long time member of GA's staff, and has been promoted to Site Administrator as well as Author Promotion Team Leader. We are very happy to have him as part of our team, so please visit the announcement thread to congratulate Graeme on his well deserved promotion!   Now, for some other news. I don't usually use the staff blogs for personal stuff, but the time has come f

Writing Prompts #672 & #673

I hope everyone is having a great week! It's time for this weeks prompts, supplied by our prompt guru, Comicfan. Just a reminder, and for those who haven't worked with the prompts before: prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.   Prompt 672 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story – a computer, an engagement ring, a dragonfly, an orange rug, and a forest painting.   Prompt 673 – Creative

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Improve & Encourage #12: Stars for the Star

I hope you all enjoyed the last Improve & Encourage feature, because it's time for another one. These features are meant to both provide feedback to authors and, similar to story reviews, point out stories that readers might not otherwise have found. It's similar to a review, in that the person doing the critique tells you what they liked about the story, but it differs in that they also provide constructive criticism. Each author signed up to participate, and sign up's are still open!  Thes

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Critique

Tech Tuesday - When Tech Breaks

I've just enjoyed, and I use the term loosely, an Internet free weekend.  This was not my desire in the least.  The several-year-old network interface board for Verizon FiOS decided to die Friday afternoon.  The tech was able to replace it fairly quickly, thankfully.  Unfortunately, it wasn't until Monday morning that they got around to getting here to do it.  The only internet access I had over the weekend was through my phone.  That means that time I would normally have for taking care of stuf


Myr in Technology Archive

May CSR Discussion Day: Lie of the Serpent by Craftingmom

Welcome to the end of May... how did that happen? No, seriously! It's crazy how fast the year is flying by, and we're almost halfway done with 2018. And what does flying have to do with this month's author and featured story? Well, did you read Lie of the Serpent? Or you can check out my interview with Craftingmom. And don't forget to share your thoughts on her story below.    If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Of course, I've recently watched the Infinity Wars m



Weekly Wrap Up (May 20 - May 26)

I hope you all have had a great week this week!  Have you had a chance to check out the Spring Anthology yet? Nine brand new stories for you to sink your teeth into. Before we get started this week, a couple of reminders for you:   Reminder #1: New authors are automatically put into the moderation queue and have to be approved by staff. Please read the FAQ on posting stories prior to uploading your first story. One common mistake new authors to the site make is uploading multiple chapt

Spring Anthology: Now or Never & Encounters *Now Live*

I know a lot of people have been looking forward to the release of the Spring Anthology. Luckily, the wait is over! Nine new stories have now been released for your enjoyment. I hope you find something you enjoy and don't forget to leave the author's a review to let them know what you think of their work! Thank you to all the Authors and their teams, the Anthology Proof Team for giving the stories a final polish, and Mann Ramblings for the Anthology banner! A special thank you to Valkyrie who to

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

May Classic Author Excerpt: Stonegate Stables by Gabriel Morgan

Did you catch Monday's blog featuring Gabriel Morgan's sexy contemporary Texas story, Stonegate Stables? If you're a fan of his story, don't forget to download the signature graphic to share it through the month. If you haven't read the story yet, maybe this excerpt will help change your mind!    I chose this short excerpt from chapter three because it's incredibly descriptive in a way that makes you desperately want to see what the characters are seeing, for one, and two, because it



Tech Tuesday: Forum Update 4.3.3

As we roll ever closer to Armeggedon... er.. the go date for GDPR, Invision, the software company for the forum software is releasing another update to specifically address the ongoing concerns of pretty much anyone running anything on the Internet.   We will be rolling the update ASAP.  It is set to release Tuesday (Today).  Some features in it: Downloading personal data.  One of the requirements of GDPR is to be able to provide what personal data is tracked.  They've added a featur


Myr in Technology Archive

May Classic Author Feature: Stonegate Stables by Gabriel Morgan

All you have to do is look at the title to know there's going to be a lot of *coughs* fun going on in this story. Because where there are stables, there are horses, and where there are horses, there are guys dressed in tight pants who ride horses... and... I'll let your imagination take it from there. Or, you could just go read Gabriel Morgan's Stonegate Stables if you haven't already!      Length: 221,486   Description: Against the backdrop of a horse stable in Te



Weekly Wrap Up (May 13 - May 19)

Hope everyone has had a great week this past week. Let's take a look at what happened in the various GA staff blogs.     Anthologies 2018 Fall Anthology: Fight Back - Due Nov 15th 2018 Fall Anthology: Good Intentions - Due Nov 15th   Blog Opportunities Story Critique: Open to all GA authors. Sign up here. Ask An Author: Send your questions for your favorite authors to @Carlos Hazday (no questions = no Ask An Author)

Writing Prompts #670 & #671

Hope everyone has had a great week so far. It's time for this weeks writing prompts. If you're stuck, or you're considering writing for the first time, these might be perfect for you. Don't forget that stories under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.     Prompt 670 – Creative Tag – First Line “After this, I never want to see you again.”   Prompt 671 - Challenge Tag – Historical Fiction Authors like to write

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

GA's Newest Promising Author: Aceinthehole

Please join the Author Promotion Team in congratulating Aceinthehole as GA's newest promoted author! Aceinthehole has been a member of GA for approximately two years and during that time, he has written five novels and over 800,000 words to share with the members here at GA! His current story Tales of the Underground: Blinded is over 175,000 words. If you want to read more from Aceinthehole, you can visit his author page (and check out his new banner while you're there).   Please join

Tech Tuesday - Reading Away in 2018

A few weeks back, our tech guru extraordinaire, A.J., compiled the reading stats to date for me.  I poked them around to see what I could see and I made a little pie chart for everyone.   Now, any math person will tell you that you need context to understand what that means.  So here are the relevant details: Data is compiled based on "reads" from Jan-April 2018.  This is about one quarter of the year. The data shown here represents 2.89 million views, which comprom


Myr in Technology Archive

Featured Story: Button

Well, it's the start of a new week, and for today's schedule, we're bringing you BlindAmbition's review of Button by Cole Matthews. Featured story days are a great way to highlight one of the many stories that can be found in GA Stories. With so many stories, it's easy for a single story to get lost in the shuffle. Now, onto the review. Hopefully you enjoy BlindAmbition's review enough to go check out Button for yourself!   Button Cole Matthews   Reviewer: BlindAmbitionS

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens

Weekly Wrap Up (May 6 - May 12th)

⚠️ Only 2 days left to send your anthology entries to Valkyrie to be proofed!!!!  ⚠️   Now, with that being said, let's take a look at what happened in the GA blogs this past week!     Anthologies 2018 Spring Anthology: Now or Never - Due May 15th - 2 days away!!!!! 2018 Spring Anthology: Encounters - Due May 15th - 2 days away!!!!! 2018 Fall Anthology: Fight Back - Due Nov 15th 2018 Fall Anthology: Good Intentions - Due Nov 15th

Writing Prompts #668 & #669

Who's been waiting for their weekly prompts?! Just a reminder, and for those who haven't worked with the prompts before: prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.     Prompt 668 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following in a story – a campfire, a ripped tent, a skunk, a rain storm, and a book.   Prompt 669 – Creative Tag – A Wish It’s your birthday, but you’

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Author Promo: Dodger

Time for a new author promo! This month we're taking a look at Dodger. Dodger was asked to pick three stories and answer the three questions: What gave you the idea for this story? What was your favorite thing about writing this story? & Please tell us something about this story that is not already in the description. If you would like to do an author promo for the blog, please check out the blog feature opportunities thread. Now, let's take a look at what Dodger has for us. Dodger

Tech Tuesday - Privacy and Site Terms

There has been a lot of news lately about Privacy and information breaches all over the place.  Combine that with the new EU law, GDPR, going into effect on May 26th, and every internet company on Earth has been bombarding you with alerts, messages, and requests for re-agreements.  The amount of regulation that you have to deal with as a small business is frankly crushing.  As the laws were written by technical half-wits (and I'm being generous), the law is written in such a way as that everyone


Myr in Technology Archive

May CSR Feature: Lie of the Serpent by Craftingmom

It's May... already?! How did that happen? I swear the time keeps flying by, but that just means we have to remember to take some time out to stop and enjoy ourselves. This month, that means you get to read Craftingmom's story, Lie of the Serpent. This contemporary crime mystery will hopefully keep you on the edge of your keyboard from start to finish!  Lie of the Serpent Lie of the Serpent by Craftingmom   Length: 70,591 Description: When Bryan finally finds the ma



Weekly Wrap Up (Apr 29 - May 5)

Hope everyone has had a great week!  I have a couple reminders and an announcement, so let's get right into it!!!   Announcement: Keep an eye on your email! Due to the pending GDPR legislation the EU has hit everyone with, GA has to send out a new sign-up form that must be filled out if you wish to continue to get the site newsletter. ALL members who do not fill this out will be unsubscribed based on the legislation that we have no choice but to follow. There will be several reminders

Writing Prompts #666 & #667

The prompts are back this week! Yay!!!! Just a reminder, and for those who haven't worked with the prompts before: prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.     Prompt 666 – First Line Tag – First Line “Shut up and kiss me already!”   Prompt 667 – Challenge Tag – The Customer We’ve all seen that one person who causes a scene at a store or restaurant. Create a scene with “that customer” who f

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

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