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  • Valkyrie

    A Hard Habit to Break

    By Valkyrie

    We are creatures of habit, and sometimes those habits can be a bit strange, especially to other people.  My best friend in high school preferred to walk on the right side of people.  If I forgot and walked on her right side, she would make me switch over to her left side.  It became a bit of a  joke between us, and it became a habit for me to walk on the left side of people, even if she wasn't around.  Over thirty years later, I still walk on the left side of people and feel uncomfortable if I w
    • 1 comment

Tech Tuesday - Following Blogs

Today we are going to talk about how Follow works.  In the forum software, Follow works by notifying you to new content in the item you wish to follow. So, if you follow a blog, you get notified of new blog posts.  If you follow a blog post, you get notified of comments to that blog post.  If you follow a Forum, you are notified of new topics to the forum.  If you follow a topic, you're notified of new replies to the topic.     When you click the follow button, you get these


Myr in Technology Archive

July CSR Feature: The Tampa Chronicles by BHopper2

What? Another 2 story series? Yes, that's what's on tap for this month's CSR feature too! Of course, instead of two short stories, we're featuring a prompt and a novella-length story written by BHopper2. This contemporary coming of age story is rife with feels, but also contains some graphic content (no sex) so please make sure you check out the tags and the story description. It's quite popular already, so I'm hoping we'll have a great Discussion day on the last Monday of the month. And hopeful

Weekly Wrap Up (June 24 - June 30th)

Greetings all on your Sunday, or maybe even your Monday! We survived another week at GA and I think if you look at what we had featured this week, you will agree it was a great week!   Monday, Cia kind of began bringing June to a close with the CSR Discussion Day:   Tuesday was Myr's time and he gave us an update of upcoming changes with the Story Archive on the site:   Wednesday Cia shared some great tips for Authors new to the site on posting and a good reminder


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #678 & #679

Surprise! I'm popping in this week! Cia's offering an extension, so if you want it, you still have a little time for just today to write something (even a short paragraph or two fictional promo blurb for the headline you choose is okay if you make it creative enough!) for the Gay Pride Headline Prompt Game for the newsletter. You can get your work linked in the site's newsletter and featured in the forum game topic if you can send her a submission by midnight Pacific (US) time. Play along with f


Cia in Prompts

Anthology Flashback: Summer 2012 - Choices

Welcome to another week of Anthology Flashbacks.  This week brings back to the summer of 2012...       Do you like these weekly flashbacks?  Let us know in the comments below.  Click Follow on the Anthology News Blog at the top of the page.  And, of course, be sure to review stories to let the authors know how you felt about their stories!


Myr in Anthologies

Cia's Torturing Me: Mod Queue Tips

Cia’s Torturing Me! by Cia   If you’re an author, I’m sure you’ve thought that at least once, right? I swear, it’s nothing personal! GA’s posting system is complicated, and there is always a learning curve for new authors to figure out the ins and outs of posting here. I'm also the primary staff member who reviews Stories submissions, so I am not picking on any one person if you receive more than one PM; I'm simply the staff member who reviews everything in the qu


Cia in Writing Tips

Tech Tuesday - Story Archive Next Version

So I shared a sneak peek of this post in our Writer's Circle.  I encourage authors to join the club if you haven't yet because there are a ton of great posts in there, and sometimes early information about upcoming features for authors.   So, we've got the new Stories user interface worked out, and we're fixing the bugs.  Here's a sneak peek at it:      The quick Title search will now be on every page.  The previously empty search field now has "Search stories..." to g


Myr in Technology Archive

June CSR Discussion Day: Anthologies by Mark Arbour

June flew by! Alas, all too many years have passed since these times in the stories written by Mark Arbour in this month's CSR selections, Furlough and War's End. Did you have the chance to read these anthologies? They do tie together, so you really should read them that way so you can review both of them. If you haven't, first enjoy this interview with Mark and then go check out the anthologies and then come back and share your thoughts in the comments below! If you had 30 minutes of free

Weekly Wrap Up (June 17 - June 23)

First off, let's do a plug here at the beginning of the wrap up to recognize GA's original Hosted Author, on his 20 years of posting on the interwebs, Comicality. He is definitely one of our largest drawing authors to this day. So putting Tuesday in front of Monday, lets see what Myr and others had to say:   So back to Monday , Cia introduced us to a new Classic Author for June.   Actually this worked out good going from Monday to Wednesday, Cia followed up more with our Cl


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #676 & #677

I hope everyone is having a great week! I'll be filling in for Renee for a while. It's time for this weeks prompts, supplied by our prompt guru, Comicfan. Just a reminder, and for those who haven't worked with the prompts before: prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Prompt 676 – Creative Tag – The Myth There are myths all are all around the world to explain nature. Your task is to write a ta/’le explaining why volcanos explode.  


Myr in Prompts

Anthology Flashback: Spring 2012 - It Wasn't Me

The first thing I need everyone to do today is click on the Follow Button.   This blog is something Authors should be following as a great way to participate in the community.  Whether it is writing an anthology story or two or three for the Fall Anthologies or reading the ones below and leaving a review, participation is a great way to get yourself or your stories in front of more people.  And in case you need this... *hint* *hint*   This week's flashback brings us up


Myr in Anthologies

Classic Author Excerpt: The Union of Darkness and Light by Lugh

Well, it's Wednesday. Did you check out this month's Classic Author feature on Monday, or download your copy of the graphic for your signature? It's definitely an unusual little tale and has an ending I don't think you'll expect. Well, if you read Lugh's stories, you probably already know that the story won't go like you think it will and the ending is never far from assured. But let's talk about another part of the story, because there's a hint in the beginning that just captures the attention


Cia in Classic Feature

Happy 20th Anniversary Comicality!

Instead of the usual Tuesday Tech Blog this week, I'm taking the day to wish my first online author friend a very very happy 20th Anniversary of him posting his stories for us all to enjoy!      On June 19, 1998, 20 years ago today, Comicality posted his first chapter of New Kid In School on Nifty.  https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/new-kid-in-school/ (If you look at chapter 1-2, you'll see the date stamp)   Comicality hooked me right away on his stori


Myr in News Archive

June Classic Author Feature: The Union of Darkness and Light by Lugh

June is transition month... hot to cold, cold to hot, the spring equinox. The month of weddings for many; gay pride month. The end of the school year and the start of summer vacation. And this month, June is also the month we're featuring a different kind of transition, and union, with Lugh's short story, The Union of Darkness and Light. An interesting tale spanning years in the lives of the characters, we see the tale from multiple POV and learn that all we think is good and light and bad and d


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (June 10 - June -16

One down, 20, 30, 40 maybe 50 more to go  Well let's hope not  . Let's look at the week we have just finished up here at GA.   Monday, Cia shared a story review from Timothy M.      Tuesday Myr got us up to date with the somewhat new look of the Clubs. Why don't you join, the more the merrier!   Wednesday was a repeat, but well worth it. Wednesday was a repeat, but well worth it.     Thursday, Myr took us on an Anthology Flashback.


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Special Newsletter Prompt Game: Gay Pride Headline!

Today, we're doing something a little different! This is the newest newsletter prompt writing game. So, play along with some other authors, have fun with any headline that catches your eye, and get a link to your story featured in the site newsletter!    HEADLINE PROMPT GAME Happy Gay Pride Month, everyone! How are you celebrating? Does your city do a parade? Special event weeke


Cia in Prompts

Tech Tuesday: Clubs

I thought I would swing around to Clubs again for this Tech Tuesday.  Clubs are semi-private groups here on Gay Authors.  We have a few different clubs available currently, and you can find them under the Club Link on the main red menu.   I strongly encourage our authors to join the Writer's Circle.  There are a lot of ongoing discussions in there, and our friend @BHopper2 has been nice enough to start his own ongoing topic discussions each Tuesday which have brought forth some g


Myr in Technology Archive

Featured Story: The Lilydale Leopards

What's better than another great featured review from the hardworking review team here on GA? When it's about one of my fellow admins (you're reading that right, if you missed that Graeme is now stuck on our unruly team) that members might not know is also an accomplished author with a very popluar sporty epic. Sound intriguing? Check out Timothy's review we've been keeping under wraps to surprise @Graeme with today!    The Lilydale Leopards Graeme Reviewer: Timothy M. S


Cia in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up (Jun 3 - Jun 9)

We shall see how this goes   It seems that when Renee takes a week or two off, I never seem to get it right . So let's see if this goes good, or the opposite of good I'm sure all the readers of the Weekly Update will be more than willing to share with me what is not quite right   So let's take a look at what has happened this week!   Monday, Cia introduced us to this months CSR Feature:   Tuesday, Myr let us know about the interaction of GA and Social


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #674 & #675

Hope everyone has had a great week so far. It's time for this weeks writing prompts. If you're stuck, or you're considering writing for the first time, these might be perfect for you. Don't forget that stories under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.     Prompt 674 – Creative Tag – First Line “What do you mean, I’m the father?”   Prompt 675 – Creative Tag – First Date You set up a romantic first date, but y

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Ask an Author 2.0 - #8

Welcome to a special edition of Ask an Author. Some members may not realize the individuals who help Gay Authors thrive are themselves authors. Most of them have stories on the site. My thanks to Renee Stevens for the suggestion leading to this blog entry.   @Renee Stevens provided the inspiration for this edition of Ask an Author so let’s start with her. Im hoping she gets to read this before Baby J comes bounding out! This is her take on an issue that has been previously discussed on

June CSR Feature: Anthologies by Mark Arbour

This month I thought we'd try something a little different. Instead of a single story, I picked two of Mark Arbour's shorter works (instead of his epic series, sorry to his fans!) from his anthologies. I hope you're in the mood for a trip into the past, something Mark does all too well, with his stories from the Carpe Diem and the I'd Never Do That anthologies.    Furlough      War's End    by Mark Arbour Furlough Length: 4,853 Description: Two wounded men meet in P
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