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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

Against The Grain

Against The Grain You know...as you get a bit older...you begin to see a bunch of ‘re-runs’ in the world. Or, at least in the world that the mysterious ‘they’ want to present to you. Hehehe, I’ve never understood the fascination, to be honest...trying to control public perception when reality is just….ummm...reality. It just seems so utterly exhausting to me. It’s like going through all of the trouble of kidnapping somebody, chaining them up in a basement with no windows, and soundproofing t


Comicality in Writing Tips

Origin Stories - The Possibilities are Endless

Character development is not an easy, or formulaic, task.  Many of us read and write stories that are character-driven.  We fall in love with a character we create, or read, and follow their life and events as they unfold.  This means a writer can create the character's habits, quirks, strengths, weaknesses, and reactions through the use of narrative.  However, there are times when a writer needs a back story for a character, a motivation, a sort of history that helped form the character's perso

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts

Secret Author Story Contest-Voting Coming Soon!

Well, better late than never! You readers certainly haven't been slack in providing your feeback!! Wow! With just one more story to go, I have to feature how the 10 stories so far have been received, and we still have 1 to go. Keep it up! 10 stories in 10 days 323 Likes 190 Comments 45 Reviews Voting will start next Tuesday, so make sure you read all the Secret Author Contest stories so you're ready to vote for your favorite! Click on our Secret Author below (image)


Cia in Anthologies

Secret Author Story Contest... Still Going!

Yes, Secret Author still has more secrets to unveil! Have you been reading the stories posted so far? Many of you have and then shared likes, comments, and reviews, so thank you! How much fun are you having guessing who wrote what? Just don't tell if you think you have it all figured out! 🫢If you missed any stories, you can check out the story listing below, and follow so you don't miss the last few still to come.  1.       14,000 Days of Virtue 2.       Adrift 3.       Baring My


Cia in Anthologies

Featured Story: Give Me Back My Prompts by Sasha Distan

Hope everyone is enjoying what hopefully is a great summer for you! If you are taking a vacation by chance why not take this interesting story with you and give it a read. It is quite unique to say the least.   Give Me Back My Prompts by Sasha Distan Reviewer: Aditus Status: Complete Word Count: 8,273 If the review blog was a TV show, one would probably call this entry a cross-over episode. The Review Team crosses quills with The Prompt Team. Each chapter of Sasha’s


wildone in Reviews

Take a Hike!

That’s what I’m going to do soon-ish. What about you? Do you like to become one with nature, bug repellent at the ready? Or are you more the beach-dwelling, sightseeing type?   #149 Your MC is ready to leave for their annual time-out. There is this spot by the lake perfect to put up a tent. No electronics, just favorite junk food indulgence, nature, and Henri. Who’s Henri? #150 Your MC is on the phone packing for a weekend trip, trying to tell a friend what they’re do


Aditus in Prompts

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 2 - Jul. 8)

Well a belated happy Canada Day, Independence Day, and let me know if your country had a birthday party too! I know a lot of you are located in North America, but would like to recognize our members outside of Canada and the USA as well! Let us know, heck let us know what day is your country's bday 🎂. In my little plot of land in the massive world, Stampede kicked off yesterday  The place was nuts!! I guess for the first time in years all the hotels are running at over 95% capacity. If you


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Sexual Intimidation

Sexual Intimidation I do realize that there are those of you who simply love to write great stories, and whether they be with gay characters or not, they may not be overly erotic in nature. Even if it’s a romance. And that’s awesome! Keep going, and build your story up to be whatever you want it to be. I admire that and definitely enjoy a good romance myself from time to time without a bunch of naughty bits thrown in when they’re clearly not necessary for the story to work. I grew up on swee


Comicality in Writing Tips

Do You Want to Know a Secret?

Psst… I have a secret…. Few things grab our attention more than knowing a good (or not so good) secret. Secrets add suspense and tension to stories, and are great ways to sprinkle in conflict.  I know something you don’t know…  How many of you heard this from your siblings as kid?     Secrets can be benign or life-shattering.  They are mysterious, dramatic, and powerful. Secrets shape our lives and can be a great tool for character development.  Revealing a secret


Valkyrie in Prompts

Secret Author Contest Going Strong!

Good morning and whew, what a great start to the Secret Author Story Contest. We've already had 45 likes, 39 comments, and 8 reviews on 3 stories, with one story just posting a few hours ago! Thank you all for taking the time to read these great stories and share your appreciation. The author(s) will share the love right back once Secret Author, that sneaky devil, gives them back! Click on our Secret Author below (image) to visit the story listing or follow the profile to get notifications


Cia in Anthologies

Ask An Author 3.0 #30

I'm not sure how everyone else is faring but this summer heat is no joke! Make sure you're drinking plenty of water and staying cool out there. My poor air conditioner's working its tushie off. Before someone argues whether such a piece of machinery would have a tushie in the first place...  Hey, look! Ask An Author time! While everyone is focusing on the Secret Author contest (psst, make sure you follow @Secret Author and check out the daily stories), I've been busy typing up the wonderful
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