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  • Valkyrie

    Auld Lang Syne - A Tribute to Carlos Hazday *Now Live*

    By Valkyrie

    Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot in the days of auld lang syne?   To answer the question in the song - no, old acquaintance should never be forgotten, especially when they were a force named Carlos Hazday.  It's hard to believe our friend has been gone for over a year now.  Based on the stories submitted for this tribute, it's clear that his influence lives on.  So, let's raise a glass and toast to auld lang syne and fond memories of
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Jekyll And Hyde

Jekyll And Hyde Something that can really stand out in a story while you’re reading it...and not in a good way...is the flip flopping nature of the characters that are supposed to be carrying the whole project on their shoulders and moving things forward. You see...there’s a point when the characters use the story to grow and evolve, and times when the story uses the characters to grow and evolve. The problem comes from writers who don’t keep it in mind that these two motivations have to be


Comicality in Writing Tips

Secret Author Contest Rewind #3 - April Fool's

2017 brought us the next edition of the GA secret author series, and that's no joke!  Even though it's June first, not April first, check out the ten stories in the April Fool's contest here:   https://gayauthors.org/stories/browse/category/89-2017-april-fools/   Information on the current secret author contest can be found here:   



Going for a Joyride

What did you think when you read the headline? Did you remember the song from the nineties? Or the film from 2022? Or even a cool trip and you can’t wait to tell us all about it? Insert *eyebrow waggle* here. Anyway, here are this week’s prompts:   PT #137 Your protagonist spots an irresistible offer to rent their dream vehicle for a weekend and invites a special person for a joyride. Even though I want to know everything, what kind of vehicle, who has been invited, where they go t


Aditus in Prompts

May CSR Discussion Day: Dejection and Hope by Demiurge

Did you read Demiurge's story, Dejection and Hope that was featured for this month's CSR? What did you think? Or you can share your thoughts on Demiurge's responses to my interview questions as I dared to let us all get to know them!! 🫣 Well, first (From Demi): Chocolate or Vanilla? Neither. What’s something personal about you people might be surprised to know? I’m an emergency dispatcher. What something you like to do when you’re not writing? I really en

Weekly Wrap Up (May 21 - May 27)

Another week, another day, another hour  . I had a nice short week last week as in Canadia we had the Victoria Day Long Weekend last weekend, and I believe some 'mericans have the Memorial Day Long Weekend going on right now. I believe our friends back across the pond in the UK have this weekend as one of their Bank Holidays. Tomorrow I do believe the French have Whit Monday, I also think in the Australian Capital Region they have Reconciliation Day on Monday, but does the the rest of Australia


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Rough Drafts

Rough Draft When I first began writing stories for Nifty, my very first gay themed stories ever, everything that you see in the Nifty Archive are all first drafts. For the first two or three years, in fact. I didn’t have a whole lot of space, didn’t have a lot of privacy, and I didn’t have a lot of time. Plus, I was working out how to write and format using HTML code for the very first time, and even though I had a pretty good idea how to structure and put a story together...to say that I ha


Comicality in Writing Tips

Talk to the animals...

Recently our cat Boo had an infection.  It was difficult, both emotionally and mentally, dealing with his illness and his suffering.  He is part of our familiy, there when we get home, when we wake up, and go to bed.  He's Randy's most constant companion as he works at home.  But animals can't tell us what's wrong.  They communicate pain, discomfort, and other physical experiences the best they can, but how much do we really know?   That made me select the following two prompts.   #135

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts

Secret Author Contest Rewind #2 - Secret Admirer

It's time to revisit the next of our past secret author contests.  Here are 13 stories from 2016's Secret Admirer contest.  Be sure to check out @Cole Matthews winning story Jager.  IMO, it's one of the best stories on the site.   Link to Secret Admirer stories:  https://gayauthors.org/stories/browse/?filter_categories=82&   It's not too late to start writing your own secret author story for this year's contest!  @Cia has received one story already, so let's keep working



May Signature Author Feature: Zombies Like Us by Dodger

May came in like a scorcher here, and I felt like a vampire hiding from the wicked, evil sun (more than usual). In this story, Zombies Like Us, by Dodger one character doesn't even have to try when it comes to creating his costume... and he's got plans for a select few. I liked this short story shared in one of our anthologies back when I first read it, and I hope you'll like it now too!  Length: 10,930 Description: Jody doesn’t need to dress up for Halloween, he’s already a zomb


Cia in Signature Feature

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