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  • Valkyrie

    Auld Lang Syne - A Tribute to Carlos Hazday *Now Live*

    By Valkyrie

    Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot in the days of auld lang syne?   To answer the question in the song - no, old acquaintance should never be forgotten, especially when they were a force named Carlos Hazday.  It's hard to believe our friend has been gone for over a year now.  Based on the stories submitted for this tribute, it's clear that his influence lives on.  So, let's raise a glass and toast to auld lang syne and fond memories of

Featured Story: Silverwolf

Good Monday Morning . If it isn't, things should be on the up and up after you read this great review done by @chris191070 for the Review Team. Enjoy!!     Silverwolf by Wayne Gray Reviewer: chris191070 Status: Complete Word Count: 43,705 Well let's dive into the world of the supernatural this month. We are treated to something very different from Wayne.  We meet Jed, a man with many talents who is used to life in Northern California. But things begin to change


wildone in Reviews

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 30 - May 6)

Hey all So, if your city, town country, etc. has a beer festival and you don't fight the demons of the alcohol , I suggest you might want to check it out!! Today I went to the Calgary International Beer Festival and somehow I'm still of the mind that I think I can right this blog  Myself, I'm more a straight kind of pilsner kind of guy, seldomly venturing into the the likes of IPA's, stouts, ales, and all the others. Well, I surprised myself . I had a great day at the festival and think t


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

The Neverending Story

The Neverending Story Last Summer (In late June, early July)...I lost one of the best friends that I’ve ever had before in my life. We had known each other since the fist grade, and shared a life of late nights, movies, video games, and laughing until we fell over holding our stomachs with tears in our eyes. He was the kind of friend that you only make or twice in a lifetime...and one day, he was just...’gone’. Went to bed, heart failure in his sleep, and that was that. A huge part of me was


Comicality in Writing Tips

Upcoming Writing Events

Now that our awesome poetry anthology has wrapped up, it's time to take a look at what's coming up next. Submissions for the Secret Story Contest are due to Cia by July 1st.  More information can be found here: Submissions for the Leap of Faith anthology are due to the proof team by October 1st.   I am working on updating the guidelines and will post them soon.  In the meantime, get started on those secret author stories!  Just don't tell us about it   



Ask An Author 3.0 #28

For the NSYNC fans out there, I hope y'all had a merry transition from April to May. As with a new month, Ask An Author comes to showcase a deserving author. An anonymous reader sent me a list of questions for @Laura S. Fox. Let's see how she responded. • • • • • Laura S. Fox 13 Stories / 1,588,251 Words    How long have you been writing gay-themed fiction and what got you started? I have been writing this type of story for as long as 16 years if I'm coun

Pumping Iron, Running a Marathon, and Prompts

Prompts are about creativity, trying new things, and exploring your talents.  They are meant to stimulate storytelling, make you stretch and hone your craft, and practice things you aren't comfortable doing.  For example, I don't like writing dialogue.  I always feel like it's somehow stilted or unnatural.  My tendency then would be to avoid dialogue using it sparingly if at all.  However, using your words is like exercising a muscle.  It will only get better with use.  So here are a couple

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts

May CSR Feature: Dejection and Hope by Demiurge

Well May's a nice, loooong month, so you get a nice looong story. Let's see if you can get past the urge to just keep reading. I know I started to check which story I wanted to feature, and once I read chapter one, before I knew it I was on chapter ten... so I knew this was it!  Dejection and Hope by @Demiurge Length: 129,052 Description: All Seth wanted was ramen. A small, androgynous, blond was not on his shopping list. Nor was an outspoken new friend and therapy. He’d obvi

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 23 - Apr. 29)

It appears that spring has finally sprung in my neck of the woods. All week we are supposed to be above 20 (68F) and by Thursday up to 27 (80.6 F)  I will need to be bringing out the SPF 2200 for that day 😊 Sure enough, I head back to the office grind on Monday, but I really can't complain about the temperatures as I was not going to let the weather dictate my vacation so I wore shorts and sandals every day 😎I do however hope that everyone that are experiencing adverse weather in their area are


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


Wordy Whooo….now here’s a challenge that I can wrap my head around. How to write an article about being ‘too wordy’...without, in fact, being ‘too wordy’. Hehehe, wish me luck with this one, people! ::Fingers Crossed:: One repeated bit of constructive criticism that I often get when it comes to my writing has been pretty consistent. And that is...I am too wordy in all of my stories. And it’s the truth. I definitely have to concede defeat when it comes to trying to defend that despe


Comicality in Writing Tips

2023 Poetry Anthology: Exploration - Wrap Up!

I'd like to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped make the return of the GA Poetry Anthology a huge success!  We had 14 poetry submissions to read, all of which are linked to below.  If you haven't already, I highly recommend checking them out and leaving our site poets a comment, reaction, review, recommendation, or all of the above!  Based on the reception of this year's anthology, I think it's safe to say it will be back again next year.  So thank you, site poets for your incredibl


Valkyrie in Anthologies

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