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  • Valkyrie

    Auld Lang Syne - A Tribute to Carlos Hazday *Now Live*

    By Valkyrie

    Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot in the days of auld lang syne?   To answer the question in the song - no, old acquaintance should never be forgotten, especially when they were a force named Carlos Hazday.  It's hard to believe our friend has been gone for over a year now.  Based on the stories submitted for this tribute, it's clear that his influence lives on.  So, let's raise a glass and toast to auld lang syne and fond memories of

Welcome Valkyrie, GA's Newest Admin!

Yes, we've conscripted another one!  In honor of all the hard work Valkyrie has been doing for the Prompt Blog, coordinating the Anthologies, Writing Contests, and in general awesomeness volunteering her time on the site... we've tagged and bagged her officially. Please join us in thanking and congratulating Valkyrie in becoming GA's latest admin!  @Valkyrie Author * Prompt Promoter * Anthology Organizer


Cia in Announcements

Featured Story: Jay's Loelife

Hi all. So after missing last month's blog, I got my act together. Thanks @Timothy M. for kicking my butt. So with much ado, enjoy!     Jay's Loelife by Mrsgnomie Reviewer: chris191070 Status: Complete Word Count: 180,437 This is a truly amazing story from Mrsgnomie, everything is just perfect about it. But before attempting to read this story you really need to read Boss Nanny first.  We follow Loren as he becomes top of the Social Media industry. Loren didn't


wildone in Reviews

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 2 - Apr. 8)

Pssssst, did you hear!   Yes, this is week one of the Poetry Anthology being released 🕺 Now it is up to us readers to go take a look and thank our great members that participated with a review, comment, even a like. It lets them know how much you appreciate their contributions. It is Easter weekend, and has anybody bought all their chocolate? How much are you going to share  ? If you are not a chocolate fan, you can always grab some when it is being cleared out on Monday and drop it in


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Notifications on Your Phone - Now Including iPhone/iPad iOS 16.4+

For people that want an App-like experience on your smartphones or tablets running Android and iOS 16.4+, you can now do so. This will make your phone buzz just like a text for each notification you'd get on the site. Tech details: https://invisioncommunity.com/news/invision-community/iphone-notifications-web-app-and-more-r1278/ How to do it... On your Android/iOS devices in the web browser, go to Gay Authors. The words vary by device and browser, but can be "Add to


Myr in Site Tech News

2023 Poetry Anthology: Week 1 Now Live!

Welcome to week 1 of the 2023 Poetry Anthology, and the release of several great poems or poem collections by some of GA's authors & poets. This year the theme picked is so open, authors really can take readers anywhere on a journey of...   Exploration   *Additional poetry chapters posting this week:  AC Benus' Miracles & Aditus' Delicious Delights.  Don't forget to like, comment, and review! 


Cia in Anthologies

Ask An Author 3.0 #27

If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?  Pilgrims.  No? Bad dad joke? I thought it was hilarious.  A big thank you to the anonymous members of our community that BOMBARDED me with questions. Holy smokes... My inbox went from 29% full to 36%. Y'all are insane, and I love it. I have a pile of questions and responses to last me until October-ish. Maybe December. Regardless, I appreciate the site's involvement.  Let's get down to business. Now, it may seem

April CSR Feature: A Love to Last by Vanalas

For me, April feels like it stretches on forever. So I picked a slightly longer story, and the title matches that feeling. Enjoy this month's selection and don't forget to come back and share your thoughts on the discussion day!  A Love to Last @vanalas Length: 120,112  Description: Ben and Jim are half-brothers and sons of self-made billionaire Jerome Henandez. The Henandez sons are handsome, charming and intelligent, groomed to lead and head the multi-million empire set up

Weekly Wrap Up (Mar. 26 - Apr. 1)

So don't be like me and Valkyrie   Valkyrie as Spike and me as Chester.  So to avoid getting a back hand (paw) or two, I promise I will not ask her daily for when the Anthology will be out  I will though be sitting patiently by awaiting the release! I know entries are making their way to out super duper Anthology Proof Team and then when everything is looked over and ready to go, Val will turn on the power   Now that is is April 2, did any one get April Fooled?  I worked


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Exposition Part III

Exposition Round III - Are we back for one more round, hehehe! Yes, folks! I believe that we are! When it comes to exposition, that is an entire book in itself. Learning what it is, how to use it, when to use it...when it’s too little, when it’s too much...it would be an absolutely exhausting effort to try to fill you guys in on all of it at the same time. And that’s just with the limited amount of experience that I have had with it, personally, over the years...most of it being stuff


Comicality in Writing Tips

Dessert Prompts - Part 2

We had a request for more dessert prompts, so here is part two of deliciousness or disaster! PT Prompt #127 A line cook at a Michelin starred restaurant is cooking the pastry chef’s signature dessert and accidentally spills something into it.  The dessert was meant for a table celebrating their anniversary; however, it is sent instead to an undercover food critic notorious for destroying restaurants’ reputations.  What was spilt, and what is the outcome?   PT Prompt #12


Valkyrie in Prompts

National Poetry Month - Anthology

April first is an important date for a couple of reasons - and it's no April Fool's joke!  April 1st is the deadline to submit poetry to the 2023 Poetry Anthology - Exploration.   It is also the start of National Poetry Month.  I chose April to feature the poetry anthology for this specific reason.  What better way to celebrate this writing form?  There is an annual challenge as part of National Poetry Month, and that is National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo).  The challenge is to write one p


Valkyrie in Anthology

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