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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept .22 - Sept. 28)

    By wildone

    Depending on where you live, how many days do you have to get in your entries for the In Too Deep annual Anthology? Calling on Poets, Authors, and even readers to get them in. So how many days do you have to the end of October 1st? 1 days 2 days Oh crap, still not too late but pushing it   I am just back from a relaxing week up in the mountains at the lake where I was having a nice, quiet birthday . I'm refreshed and rejuvenated, got a hair cut today as well. I was going to go f

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct. 24 - Oct. 30)

Boo Did I scare you  ? If not, send me a PM and I'll send you a picture of me getting out of bed first thing in the morning. I will also include a number to call for free counselling . So I would be remiss if I did not mention that if you are reading this Saturday night or Sunday, you still have time to get an Anthology in. Just click on the bright orange banner or links on the Forums page for more information   Now before we get this wrap up done as some of us prepare to get


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

What's With the Theatrics?

As many of you guys already know (Those who have been around for a number of years, or possibly from the very beginning) I was both an actor and a boy model back when I was in my tweens and teens. It was what I wanted to do. I had a passion for it. But the fantasy of it and the business side of that whole industry are two completely different things! So buyer, beware! if that's what you want to get into, I wish you the best...but it's not what many of you might think it is. So you really have to


Comicality in Writing Tips

The Prompt Team Prompts 10/29/21

One of the things I loved about GA when I first discovered the site was reading the weekly prompts and the stories authors wrote in response to those prompts.  There was camaraderie associated with those blogs, and lots of fun and support from other authors and readers, especially for new authors. I was inspired to start writing, and during the first couple of years after I became a member, I wrote many responses to Wayne’s prompts.  My first completed serial was inspired by a short prompt story


Valkyrie in Prompts

October CSR Discussion: Happily Ever After, Ltd. by Richie Tennyson

Did you read this fun, twisted tale from Richie Tennyson before or after I announced it earlier this month? Readers really seemed to like the new take on the old fairy tale genre. What did you think? Share you thoughts before, but make sure you check out my interview with Richie here first!  Do you eat your fruits and vegetables? I certainly do! What’s one location you’d love to go to research for a story? A small country town with colourful locals. I read lots of books set i


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct 17 - Oct 23)

Morning, y'all!  Sorry about the delay, Wildone is away and I completely lost track of the days!  The promoted author updates were pulled late, so if your story is not listed, please comment with a link to your story!!  Since we're already late, let's get right to it! 2021 Anthology #2 deadline is only a week away!  Get your stories in ASAP! Cia was here on Monday and Wednesday with this month's Classic Author feature! Tuesday, Valkyrie visited: Thursday, Cia was back!

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Gay Authors Reading Report for Jan 2021 to Sep 2021

This week's writing article is going to be a little different than usual.  Instead of giving you tips or insights into different aspects of writing, I'm going to give you some insights into what people are actually reading here at Gay Authors. As an engineer, I'm what is called 'data driven'.  Whenever possible, I try to use actual data and good reasoning to predict project expectations of how things are going to go.  Obviously, the best we can do is identify past trends and make reasonable


Myr in Writing Tips

Drama for Authors & Volunteers!

Heads up, Authors! We're still working on creating a great new sub-system for genres for authors, and during Myr's recent mine for data, one thing we noticed was that "Drama" is being used for many stories with no other genres on a TON of stories. Drama is going away with the new sub-genre system, and we want everyone to have a heads up that those stories will need to be moved to the correct new genre or sub-genre. Is your story primarily a romance? Comedy? One of the sub-genres we're coming out


Cia in News Archive

Meet the Anthology Proof Team

With the deadline for the upcoming anthology looming, we thought it would be a great idea for you to meet the dedicated team that does the final proof reads on stories!  Thank you @Valkyrie for putting this together for us!  *** The anthology proof team works hard prior to the release of each anthology to ensure stories meet basic editing criteria and follow GA guidelines.  Proofreading requires a meticulous eye for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and correct word usage.  We’re al

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

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