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Thoughts On Orlando





Shock, anger, sadness, resentment, and thoughts of revenge.


Those are the thoughts and feelings I am personally dealing with this morning waking up to the news of what happened early today in Orlando, Florida.


I’m sure there is much more we are all feeling and trying to work our way through right now.


As of the last report on CNN, there are 50 dead and 49 injured in a mass shooting at a gay club in Orlando called Pulse. It happened at 2 AM just around closing time. The gunman, who the FBI have reported as having ‘radical Islamic views’, parked his van outside the club, started opening fire with a semi-automatic rifle and handgun in his possession and continued into the club where he took hostages and continued his slaughter. Police SWAT teams swarmed the club 3 hours later and shot the gunman.


I’m sure this account will be changed as more information comes forth.


All of our thoughts, and if you are religious, prayers go out to everyone affected by this not only there in Orlando, but wherever you are as well.


The fact that this now has been the deadliest mass shooting in US history, I can’t help but feel the above emotions on the fact that so many lives have been lost, with the added weight of knowing that the gay community was specifically targeted.


We all know that our identity is hated by certain groups of people, but the fact that someone went so far as to target a large group of our community is really troubling to all of us. The idea that terrorism can make us afraid and question how we live our lives; this is the real blow to any community touched by heinous acts of terror. Will I feel safe going to a pride event, will I be okay to go to a bar, and will I be okay openly saying that I’m LGBTQ?


The one thing that helps is talking about this. How do you feel? What are your fears? Put them down on paper or share them with us here. Writing this has me looking at the tragedy a bit different. Maybe even a glimmer of hope?


If we can learn from the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, we need to show our support, but more importantly our resilience. Go back to the club, go to a Pride event, and don’t let this stop you from being who you were born to be!!


Some other thoughts. Yes, religious ideology may play a role in this, but please remember that a small group of radicals or maybe even one lone wolf is responsible for this. Don’t condemn an entire religion or race just because this person may have been associated with a radical sect that isn’t reflective of the entire group. If you are in favour or against gun reform, don’t hate the people who are on the other side of the fence. Go out and join a group you identify with regarding guns. Be it the NRA or the anti-gun lobby, join, and make your voice known. Most importantly, learn from this and talk to your opponents rather than lash out at them.


Generally, blogs are open for politics and religion. Due to the tragic nature and the sensitivity of this subject, even though I have touched on religion and politics here, please do not post comments on those subjects, they will be deleted without notice. The Pit is open and ready to have your discussions on those matters. What we would like this blog to really be about is empathy for the victims, your feelings, your fears, your resolve, and your hope.


On Behalf of the GA Site Administrators

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I'm at a loss for words...so I will brief.


Stand up to ignorance.

Count your blessings.

Reach out to your loved ones.

Choose to make them a priority.

Don't live in regret.

Love hard. 

And be kind.


Lastly, please go donate blood to help all those affected by this tragedy. 

No likes .. :heart: beautifully said ... 

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Wow... I hadn't heard about this until I fell on this blog.


My best and dearest wishes for the victims and their family; and for y'all who live in the US.


When it was our time to be struck, many of you, be it as a citizen of your country or as an empathetic soul, expressed kind words and compassion toward France and its people. Many, many thanks for that and please be assured of our support; the people I know who've heard of this tragedy know and share your pain - even the one who's rather closed-minded about LGBT.



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I'm still processing.  I can't even believe that something like this could happen.  My heart goes out to the victims and their families...this is just so horrible.  

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As if I wasn't paranoid enough, now I probably will never experience a gay club because of this added anxiety.


RIP to all the victims, quick recovery to the injured, and prosperity to the mourners. Never forget 6/12.

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