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Whew, I'm glad y'all are enjoying it this much. My biggest fear was the action separating them would have turned too many people off of the story. Brian would end up just a passenger on the ship, and the government wouldn't really go for him being along.


Now, as for the pictures (yes, sorry about the broken link in the last chapter...we'll get it fixed soon). Do they help those of you not familiar with military jargon? Me, well I've been out there and seen ships firing missiles, firing guns, and I've been in a combat operations center a time or two, so I have no problem visualizing what's going on. I thought the pictures would help those without those experiences visualize what's happening a little better.


Not all the pictures exactly match (for instance the frigate shown in Chapter 32 after a missile hit is a Perry-Class, not a Knox-Class. However, it IS a frigate that was hit by missiles (USS Stark in 1986 after an attack by an Iraqi jet. 39 crew members died there.) They do come close to the point in the story, though. For those wondering, the last picture of a missile attached to a bomber is a Soviet AS-6 Anti-ship missile attached to the TU-22M Backfire bomber. It has a 2,000 pound warhead and travels at about 1800 miles per hour with a range of over 200 miles.



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I am treating the jargon like any other sci-fi story (think Star Trek and all of the technical terms they use), I don't really need know what it really is, or what it looks like, I just let my mind fill in the pictures. It's the Human story(s) that are driving the plot along.


Have a wonderful Holidays!




P.S. When do we get more of Jarred? :devil::boy:

Edited by Xiamise
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Sorry to hear that Ibsu, I just hope there's some enjoyment in there for ya.


My editor has suggested I combine a couple of the later chapters because they were a little short or didn't flow quite right. I've taken his advice. Chapter 37 will be posted tomorrow on Christmas Eve. We'll finish the story up either on Christmas Day or soon after with the remaining.


I hope you enjoy!

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While I am stunned by this story and it's charactors, and selfishly happy that I can look forward to reading the new chapters over the next couple of days. I also hope that you will be able to take some time out and enjoy some cheer with those you care about durring the holidays.


Blessed be

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Chapter 37 has been posted.


Holy f**king shit! What a place to leave it! Damn it! It's a good thing 38 will be posted on Christmas Day


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Yes.. Christmas Day.. when I get back from the Grandparents. Figure early evening sometime.

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Well folks.. Chapter 38 is up. It was better than 37 as far as that cliffhanger went.


Don't read the spoiler below without reading the chapter first.



I can't believe the twist Dan managed to pull off here. Great. He managed to kill EVERY character in 38 while at the same time, not. Interesting, wouldn't you say?



Happy reading. :)

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Wow, 38 is.....hmm, lets say I like it and can't wait for more. I assume this ends with 40, since those two chapters are listed, but no yet available? Merry Christmas all, and thanks for all the hard work, Dan, Myr and everyone else on here :D






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Dan has told me he has 40 chapters for this book. I'm sure he'll make some comment when he gets here.

This has moved up to one of my favorite stories. I think Dan could make some money selling a novel or two. :) I know I'd buy a book from him, even without gay stuff in it. Though I'd be radically turned off if the het stuff was too visual.


I tried to make the main page for Do Over a little easier to navigate. I also changed the colors of the logo and index page to match the story pages. :)

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Thanks Jesse (welcome to the site btw), Orn, Myr and others. Chapters 37 and 38 were the 'big' ones for me, although 39 (which is now in Myr's in-box) does have a lot happening.


I hope folks enjoy the last two chapters that wrap up the "Do Over" series. Will there be more?


Only time will tell.

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