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[DomLuka] About Dom: something gone grong (I think)

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I got an email from him when he logged in on Sep 19 - I had previously sent him the info on the San Francisco get-together and checked to see if he might be interested. He thought it sounded cool but he already had a prior commitment for the beginning of Nov.


So - ya, he's alive, just personally busy...


I think we're all just gonna have to wait until the really slow period of his year to hope for new chapters... But I also think everyone will agree, the wait will be worth it ;-)

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Maybe it's time for us to move on as well. Dom has something that is keeping him occupied. We need to find other means or other authors that will keep us occupied as well. There are plenty here that deserve your adoration. Lets face it was going to happen sooner or later.

Edited by Jonathan Diaz
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Maybe it's time for us to move on as well. Dom has something that is keeping him occupied. We need to find other means or other authors that will keep us occupied as well. There are plenty here that deserve your adoration. Lets face it was going to happen sooner or later.

I, for one, am not moving on. Dom will return. Repeat after me, "Dom will return!" Of course, we can keep an eye on Dom's space while reading other authors. I recently read and recommend From Behind Those Eyes by Viv. Have a hanky handy.

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I didn't say that he wouldn't return but we cant sit here and wait either. There are plenty of other authors to keep everyone busy until he returns to writing. Every author takes a leave of absence it was bound to happen to Dom.

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I didn't say that he wouldn't return but we cant sit here and wait either. There are plenty of other authors to keep everyone busy until he returns to writing. Every author takes a leave of absence it was bound to happen to Dom.


:blink: but but but... I just joined this freaking thing. Oy this is highschool all over again. Once the faerie joins the club they dispand :funny:

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:blink: but but but... I just joined this freaking thing. Oy this is highschool all over again. Once the faerie joins the club they dispand :funny:


Yikes :music: :ranger: :read::music: :ranger: :read:

True Domaholics never disband, they just keep themselves occupied while they wait for their omnipotent ruler to return to his kingdom

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To keep yourself occupied, you're all invited at Kevin's place! There's going to be a party and a stripper! :D


And guess who's the stripper?


Hint-- He has a very friendly face and transformed froma pirate into a hot dude! :D



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To keep yourself occupied, you're all invited at Kevin's place! There's going to be a party and a stripper! :D


And guess who's the stripper?


Hint-- He has a very friendly face and transformed froma pirate into a hot dude! :D





Orlando Bloom? B)

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It's getting cold outside. Winter is in the air.


And, Like every other year, That means it will soon be time for some major updates from Dom. Will he finish WT this season? Will he start another project that will keep us on our toes begging for more?


All these questions and more that haven't been asked, Will be answered on this season episodes of DomLuka.


Season to start shortly.

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It's getting cold outside. Winter is in the air.


And, Like every other year, That means it will soon be time for some major updates from Dom. Will he finish WT this season? Will he start another project that will keep us on our toes begging for more?


All these questions and more that haven't been asked, Will be answered on this season episodes of DomLuka.


Season to start shortly.

In spanish, we say "Dios te oiga" (in english, I don

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