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Another excellent chapter CJ



I dont trust the Shadows ive allmost got a feeling we might have a literal cliff hanger on our hands sometime in the not to distant future

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great chapter as always CJ. Is it me or it was shorter? or maybe it's so good that it made it go too fast.



I dont trust the Shadows ive allmost got a feeling we might have a literal cliff hanger on our hands sometime in the not to distant future


I might not trust that much the Shadows either, but what can they really do at that place without getting kicked out the tour or being prosecuted, or both.


Also, you got that right. CJ won't be able to say, after that one, that he never uses cliff hangers :P

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Caution, possible spoilers below;



I'm a bit worried for a certain Russian engineer by the name of Dimitri :o !! I think his social ineptitude will be a deciding factor on his lifespan with his current employer. It seems like the bomb assembly is going along quite well, and may be done sooner than later. Unfortunately it seems like his transfer to the fertilizer project may be sooner as well.


I must also say the CJ, you handled the technical aspects in a good way. Rather than getting too much into them, you showed your knowledge of the process, but got away from becoming too technical by keeping further conversation between Dimitri and Vladimir not in the story. :great:


I love scenes when the characters wake up in each others arms.... or falling out of the same bed :blink: . I'm glad the Chase got the most important birthday present from Brandon. If there is any question in the Shadows mind about the closeness of the two, I'm sure that Brandon's expensive gift to Chase will reaffirm their suspicions.


Now, with the comment about Brandon going to the closet and "briefly" searching for something, I imagine Chase's attire at the pool will be a bit more risky than the Shadows shorts and t-shirts. Me thinks Conner will be pleased :D (okay, me too!!!), this sounds like it is going to be a great pool party.


I must warn you though CJ, you may have backed yourself into a corner here. How possibly could Instinct and The Shadows go rock climbing around Vegas (Red Rock Canyon NCA possibly?), and not have a scene with one of your characters hanging off a cliff? ^_^ Thus indeed proving your love of cliffhangers :D .


Great chapter CJ, the wait was worth it. :2thumbs:


Steve B)

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Caution, possible spoilers below;



I'm a bit worried for a certain Russian engineer by the name of Dimitri :o !! I think his social ineptitude will be a deciding factor on his lifespan with his current employer. It seems like the bomb assembly is going along quite well, and may be done sooner than later. Unfortunately it seems like his transfer to the fertilizer project may be sooner as well.


The Engineer is not named Demitri ;)


But yeah the engineer is a tad socially inept.


With all this talk of rock climbing and what not, is it safe to call this a preemptive cliffhanger?


See he is the :worship: Queen :worship: even I never did that.

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Padding around the edge of the pool, the sun-baked concrete hot against his bare feet, Eric led the three Shadows into a glassed-in pool house, making a beeline for a potted palm in the corner. With a wicked grin, he reached back behind the plant to retrieve his stashed bottle. Breaking the seal and prying open the top, he took a swig before handing the bottle of tequila to the nearest Shadow.
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I dont trust the Shadows ive allmost got a feeling we might have a literal cliff hanger on our hands sometime in the not to distant future




Oh, I'm thinking it's goint to get real ugly with cliff's involved.... :( ..... and of course, it will be a cliff hanger, and what in the world is the Scar up too......... gravy sakes........


Thank you So much for another wonderful chapter...... :D .....


I'ts going to be interesting......... this slippery slope we are on...... :sheep: ... hehehehe


hugs and blessings


Susan :read:

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Chapter 17 has been posted.


Wow, you're fast, mike! Thanks!!

I sent the files in to Joe late last night, and Joe posted them this morning, before I logged in. You saw them long before I did. :)



Another excellent chapter CJ



I dont trust the Shadows ive allmost got a feeling we might have a literal cliff hanger on our hands sometime in the not to distant future


Thanks Woody!


great chapter as always CJ. Is it me or it was shorter? or maybe it's so good that it made it go too fast.



I might not trust that much the Shadows either, but what can they really do at that place without getting kicked out the tour or being prosecuted, or both.


Also, you got that right. CJ won't be able to say, after that one, that he never uses cliff hangers :P


The chapter was a bit shorter, by just a few hundred words. My chapters average about 6000, and this one ran in the mid 5000's. Part of that is that's just the way it turned out, but it could be (even I'm not sure) that I was in a hurry, trying to write it fast so I could get caught up again and back on schedule. :)


Caution, possible spoilers below;



I'm a bit worried for a certain Russian engineer by the name of Dimitri :o !! I think his social ineptitude will be a deciding factor on his lifespan with his current employer. It seems like the bomb assembly is going along quite well, and may be done sooner than later. Unfortunately it seems like his transfer to the fertilizer project may be sooner as well.


I must also say the CJ, you handled the technical aspects in a good way. Rather than getting too much into them, you showed your knowledge of the process, but got away from becoming too technical by keeping further conversation between Dimitri and Vladimir not in the story. :great:


I love scenes when the characters wake up in each others arms.... or falling out of the same bed :blink: . I'm glad the Chase got the most important birthday present from Brandon. If there is any question in the Shadows mind about the closeness of the two, I'm sure that Brandon's expensive gift to Chase will reaffirm their suspicions.


Now, with the comment about Brandon going to the closet and "briefly" searching for something, I imagine Chase's attire at the pool will be a bit more risky than the Shadows shorts and t-shirts. Me thinks Conner will be pleased :D (okay, me too!!!), this sounds like it is going to be a great pool party.


I must warn you though CJ, you may have backed yourself into a corner here. How possibly could Instinct and The Shadows go rock climbing around Vegas (Red Rock Canyon NCA possibly?), and not have a scene with one of your characters hanging off a cliff? ^_^ Thus indeed proving your love of cliffhangers


Steve, fear not, I can assure you that no russian engineer by the name of Dimitri will be harmed in this story (Echidna, you can't make me into a pincushion for that, becuase there is no Russian engineer by the name of Dimitri, so that's no spoiler!)


As for Vladimer, well, like some engineers I know, he's socially inept. Seriously, that's more common in engineers than you might think, especially when they're working on something and are distracted.


And I must say, the ending of this chapter surely bears obvious fingerprints other than mine!


there's just something about being on a cliff that makes you feel closer to God," declared the leader of The Shadows.


Now, reverse the order of the key words (Which I just highlighted)... Yep, it's a Shadowgod Cliff hanger (being on a cliff means hanging off one, in this case) and he even signed it! (and the leader of the shadows is even named Steve!) :o


Well, we all know that I never use cliffhangers, right? So it has to be Shadowgod, and in this case, he even signed it. :worship:


The Engineer is not named Demitri ;)


But yeah the engineer is a tad socially inept.


With all this talk of rock climbing and what not, is it safe to call this a preemptive cliffhanger?


See he is the :worship: Queen :worship: even I never did that.


Now, now, you did so do that! I recall several places where you've left us hanging for several chapters! Matt and those pills in LiS, for example, you left us hanging for several chapters as to whose they were, and what they were for.


And, umm, please note here Shadowgod's use of "Even I", which in this context clearly means that he's at last embracing his role as King of Eeevil Cliffhangers! :worship:

Eric? Tequila? In the same place at the same time? NNNOOOOOOO!!!!


Why do I think that something is going at the party, and CJ is just dragging things out to make us wait?


And CJ ends a chapter with a paragraph containing the word "cliff", as well as leaving us all wondering what is going to happen. :P


Steve still has ill feelings towards Brandon and Chase. I have the gut feeling that it's not going to be an uneventful day after the Vegas concert....


I agree that Vladimir's life expectancy after the bombs are completed isn't looking good, but we always knew that was a possibility. It sounds like it's now a probability.


A good chapter, CJ. Thanks! :2thumbs:


Hmmm?? Graeme, I don't know what you mean... Eric, plus Tequila, plus rock climbing.. What could possibly go wrong???? 0:)


And as for ending a chapter with a paragraph containing the word "cliff", well, umm, I did that once before and that wasn't a cliffhanger... (In FTL, where the chapter ended with Steve's cries echoing off the cliffs, just after they'd been left to, um, work on their tans.)

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I dont trust the Shadows ive allmost got a feeling we might have a literal cliff hanger on our hands sometime in the not to distant future





Oh, I'm thinking it's goint to get real ugly with cliff's involved.... :( ..... and of course, it will be a cliff hanger, and what in the world is the Scar up too......... gravy sakes........


Thank you So much for another wonderful chapter...... :D .....


I'ts going to be interesting......... this slippery slope we are on...... :sheep: ... hehehehe


hugs and blessings


Susan :read:


Hi Susan!


We cross=posted so I'll repl;y here.. Thanks!!


The Scar is, I will admit, up to something. I just can't say what. 0:)


Thanks Susan!!


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The Engineer is not named Demitri ;)


Ooops, my fault for not being more careful :wacko: . I must have still been in shock that not only did CJ end this chapter in a cliffhanger, but he announced that he would be putting seven key characters in a situation of a cliff hanger :o .


Although I do believe LiS 26 was a doozy, I have a feeling it will pale in comparison to what is coming up for the guys in Instinct.

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Eric? Tequila? In the same place at the same time? NNNOOOOOOO!!!!


I thought the same thing Graeme. Just what we need.


Only by reminding himself repeatedly that the engineer was irreplaceable was he able to resist the urge to beat him to death with whatever blunt object was at hand.

I think CJ covered why Scar didn't kill Vladimir right then and there.



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Far be it for me to be contrary but... :D



Vladimir better hope he's taken out LOTS of life insurance if he has any family he wants to take of. I'm thinking his life span will be measured in minutes once the bomb is completed unless a certain Russian security guy continues on his slow progession to liking the engineer.


While I'm also a bit concerned that Eric & Jon have procured tequila (You think Helen would have a standing order with the hotel that no Tequila was to enter their floor of the hotel!) but I suspect that there's a method to the madness. I got the empression that Eric & Jon are up to something and that Brandon is trying to push the issue to see if his sexuality will become an issue. Could the Shadows end up dumping their lead singer before too long just like Instinct?


Great Chapter CJ... I'm ready for the next chapter any minute now please.



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After the long wait that chapter just flew by. ......


"No man, you gotta try it. Climbing is such a rush; there's just something about being on a cliff that makes you feel closer to God," declared the leader of The Shadows.


Darn I didn't get the chance to talk about that before CJ mentioned it. I just knew he was gonna use that to say it was ShadowGods cliffhanger. :blink:


I have major trust issues with the shadows now. This situation definately shows the downside of someone being a poor liar for sure.


I definately agree about Eric + Tequila = TROUBLE :wacko:


Its such wonderous humor to see authors laying claim to the titles bestowed upon them (cliffhangers) :worship:



Is our next chapter still scheduled for this coming Tuesday????? :2hands: :king: :ranger: :ph34r: :king: :mace: :nuke:



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You know , with all of us fussin' and carrying on, it wouldn't surprise me now at all if absolutely nothing happened at the cliff's.......... hehehehehehe.............. <_<


However, knowing our wonderful goat leader......... there is going to be something going on........ especially as we all know, Eric + Tequila.......... well........... it's gonna get uuuuuuuuuuuuuuugly.............. heheheheheheh :wacko:


thanks again C James............. your doing an amazing job....


hugs and blessings


Susan :read:

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Ooops, my fault for not being more careful :wacko: . I must have still been in shock that not only did CJ end this chapter in a cliffhanger, but he announced that he would be putting seven key characters in a situation of a cliff hanger :o .


Although I do believe LiS 26 was a doozy, I have a feeling it will pale in comparison to what is coming up for the guys in Instinct.


What cliffhanger? Has Shadowgod been adding them again?? ?


I thought the same thing Graeme. Just what we need.


I think CJ covered why Scar didn't kill Vladimir right then and there.




Eric does love his Tequila, doesn't he?


I don't know why everyone is so suspicious of Dimitri and The Scar. Has there ever been anything to say they're bad guys? Sure, they can be a little rough around the edges, but nobody's perfect. 0:)


Far be it for me to be contrary but... :D


Vladimir better hope he's taken out LOTS of life insurance if he has any family he wants to take of. I'm thinking his life span will be measured in minutes once the bomb is completed unless a certain Russian security guy continues on his slow progession to liking the engineer.


While I'm also a bit concerned that Eric & Jon have procured tequila (You think Helen would have a standing order with the hotel that no Tequila was to enter their floor of the hotel!) but I suspect that there's a method to the madness. I got the empression that Eric & Jon are up to something and that Brandon is trying to push the issue to see if his sexuality will become an issue. Could the Shadows end up dumping their lead singer before too long just like Instinct?


Great Chapter CJ... I'm ready for the next chapter any minute now please.




Thanks Steve!!


I can't say anything about what will happen, but great observations!


After the long wait that chapter just flew by. ......


Darn I didn't get the chance to talk about that before CJ mentioned it. I just knew he was gonna use that to say it was ShadowGods cliffhanger. :blink:


I have major trust issues with the shadows now. This situation definately shows the downside of someone being a poor liar for sure.


I definately agree about Eric + Tequila = TROUBLE :wacko:


Its such wonderous humor to see authors laying claim to the titles bestowed upon them (cliffhangers) :worship:



Is our next chapter still scheduled for this coming Tuesday????? :2hands: :king: :ranger: :ph34r: :king: :mace: :nuke:




Thanks!! ... I think we'll have to call Ch 17 the one with Shadowgod's cliffhanger. I like the sound of that! 0:)


I do agree, it's great to see Shadowgod embracing his title, especially when planting cliffhangers. 0:)


For what it's worth, there are clues in the chapter regarding what is going on, but they aren't easy to find. (I always tent to place clues to upcoming things in prior chapters, though sometimes several chapters in advance.).


Okay, chapter posting schedule. This is tentative as I don't have them back yet, but I think we can do it.

Ch 18, **Shadowgod gets to name this chapter**, will be posted a week from today. Then, a week and a day later, we can get back to Tuesdays with Ch 19, "Then there were Two" posting on Christmas day (a Tuesday this year). and on New year's day, Ch 20, "The Show Must Go On".


You know , with all of us fussin' and carrying on, it wouldn't surprise me now at all if absolutely nothing happened at the cliff's.......... hehehehehehe.............. <_<


However, knowing our wonderful goat leader......... there is going to be something going on........ especially as we all know, Eric + Tequila.......... well........... it's gonna get uuuuuuuuuuuuuuugly.............. heheheheheheh :wacko:


thanks again C James............. your doing an amazing job....


hugs and blessings


Susan :read:


Thanks Susan!!


I'm having a blast with this, and thank you all for your comments. As dkstories says, Feedback is an author's life blood, and I really appreciate it!


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Okay, chapter posting schedule. This is tentative as I don't have them back yet, but I think we can do it.

Ch 18, ***Edited by CJ to say:Okay, Okay, Shadowgod gets to name this chapter, will be posted a week from today. Then, a week and a day later, we can get back to Tuesdays with Ch 19, "Then there were Two" posting on Christmas day (a Tuesday this year). and on New year's day, Ch 20, "The Show Must Go On".


:pissed::( you promised...




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I have understood it. CJ uses cliffhangers so that we can feel closer to God. How thoughtful of our Queen! :)


And I was wondering if 'The Shadows' are related to our King, Shadowgod...


But the chpater was really good. It had the nice flow and was, as usual, very easy to read. I don't know what to think about The Shadows. The last para isnt very reassuring...


Great chapter


Thanks CJ! :D


Take care,


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While I'm also a bit concerned that Eric & Jon have procured tequila (You think Helen would have a standing order with the hotel that no Tequila was to enter their floor of the hotel!)


Eric probably brought it with him since they are now on the road, or he's got a source within the road crew. I would imagine Helen would take care of the hotels not sending any alcohol to the suites.



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:pissed::( you promised...





ACK, yes, I did promise, and my apologies. I've edited my post above.

Okay, just so everyone knows, Shadowgod wants to name, and announce, Ch 18. See, he gets very upset if he can't add what he wants (Now you know where any cliffhangers come from).



I have understood it. CJ uses cliffhangers so that we can feel closer to God. How thoughtful of our Queen! :)


And I was wondering if 'The Shadows' are related to our King, Shadowgod...


But the chpater was really good. It had the nice flow and was, as usual, very easy to read. I don't know what to think about The Shadows. The last para isnt very reassuring...


Great chapter


Thanks CJ! :D


Take care,



No, no no! It's the leader of The Shadows who is saying "feel closer to god". A Shadow's God. Shadowgod!

See? It's an original Shadowgod Cliffhanger!!


And what is the leader of the shadows named? Steve! And he loves cliffs!! Yuppers, that's a shadowgod cliffhanger!


Eric probably brought it with him since they are now on the road, or he's got a source within the road crew. I would imagine Helen would take care of the hotels not sending any alcohol to the suites.




I can't say anything about what is coming, but we don't know if anyone besides Eric knew of the Tequila. :devil:

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No, no no! It's the leader of The Shadows who is saying "feel closer to god". A Shadow's God. Shadowgod!

See? It's an original Shadowgod Cliffhanger!!


And what is the leader of the shadows named? Steve! And he loves cliffs!! Yuppers, that's a shadowgod cliffhanger!



:whistle: .......Kinda stretching Shadowg_d's role here........



I can't say anything about what is coming, but we don't know if anyone besides Eric knew of the Tequila. :devil:


B) ...........Even I know that a tip to a bellman can get almost anything you want in a hotel (Just ask Jack @ Vegas) room, It is really not hard to figure this one out.

Edited by Benji
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... but nobody's perfect. 0:) /

Especially our beloved goat author :P


Okay, chapter posting schedule. This is tentative as I don't have them back yet, but I think we can do it.

Ch 18, **Shadowgod gets to name this chapter**, will be posted a week from today. Then, a week and a day later, we can get back to Tuesdays with Ch 19, "Then there were Two" posting on Christmas day (a Tuesday this year). and on New year's day, Ch 20, "The Show Must Go On".

You are just plain mean and nasty. I was already wondering if something was going to happen when they went cliff climbing (assuming they actually get there), and those last two titles have very negative connotations.... I just hope they don't mean what I suspect they mean. :angry:

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Even I know that a tip to a bellman can get almost anything you want in a hotel (Just ask Jack @ Vegas) room, It is really not hard to figure this one out.

Can he get some Kryton switches? :D

Edited by MikeL
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You are just plain mean and nasty. I was already wondering if something was going to happen when they went cliff climbing (assuming they actually get there), and those last two titles have very negative connotations.... I just hope they don't mean what I suspect they mean. :angry:


I think that I have a pretty good idea behind the two chapters, and I have a funny suspicion that if you look further into the past chapter, the explanation of the names of Chapter 19 and 20 might be hidden there B) .


Hopefully this doesn't count as a spoiler, it's too damn cold outside to try and pull spines out of my body right now with mittens on. But since I'm not a alpha, beta, omega, delta, gamma, or zeta reader, I'm just guessing.



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