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Bill W - Bill W Needs your prayers

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Bill Watts is having very severe eye problems. In fact, he is almost blind right now...All he can see is some shapes and forms...He can no longer use the PC and he can no longer write or post stories at this time. He is undergoing various tests and biopsies to determine what is causing this situation that started right at the beginning of December and has rapidly caused his failing eyesight. So far, no one knows....


He asked me to make a post and let his readers know that he is sorry if he hasn't answered e-mail and hopefully his eyesight can be restored.

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  • Site Administrator
Bill has had some improvement and hopefully will be able to post his condition himself in a few weeks.

Thanks for the update. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is bad to hear, it's nice that he's has some improvement as the loss of sight would be one of the worst things. I hope he keeps improving.




Get will soon Bill W. :hug:





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First, I wish to thank everyone for their prayers and support. Believe it or not, I am actually posting this message myself. My vision deteriorated rapidly after Thanksgiving and I could hardly see by the Tuesday after. I have had MRI's, CAT scans, PET scans, blood test, lumbar punctures and various other tests. It was suspected I had lymphoma (and I may still have) but the steroids I'm on have cleared it up enough for me to see again, although the quality of my vision varies throughout the day.


What happened was that I had lesions on the optic nerve, temporal lobe and brain stem. If they are indeed cancerous, they will eventually have to be surgically removed. For now, however, the steroids have caused them to shrink or disappear completely. If they don't return, then they were caused by an inflamation, infection or an allergic reaction and won't be a problem in the future. However, if they do return it would probably mean lymphoma and I will undergo surgical proceedures to remove them. Only time will tell.


I truly miss posting and will try to do more while I am still capable, but please bear with me. You can't realize how much the support I've been shown from the members of GA and my readers has meant to me. I've had friends reading my emails, etc to me and responding on my behalf. It is nice to know you are part of a community that truly cares.


My sincerest thanks to all have have responded or included me in their thoughts and prayers.

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  • 1 year later...

Thank you Jonathoan and everyone else that replied earlier. The vision isn't great, but at least I can see well enough to hold my own. Just having to use the large text edition of things.


Thanks again.







Oh no that you lost some of your sight , i've been blind for a few weeks before and its not a fun experience :(


But yay! that you are back


( sorry i only just saw this post )

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Another serendipitous benefit of the new software is that there are some 11,000 "new posts" every time I check for new. I just discovered this thread and am warmly gratified to see the outpouring of good wishes that followed the initial announcement and later to learn that things are not as bad as first thought.

Be well, be strong.

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