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[DomLuka] desert dropping ch. 8

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Ever notice how the one story Mr. Luka has put on hold has taken to be the most talked about on his board? :wacko: I mean this is currently at 193 post and the only other one to be this high is 149 posts. Looks like the pressure for dear Mr. Luka is now on, but then I guess it is expected with his fan base and for leaving it to hang at such a dramatic point. :lmao:


Also is Mr. Luka becoming so famous that he is starting to take on the Stars habbits? :blink: What I mean is, a star will say they are doing one thing only to add hipe to get the fans to want it more. Mr. Luka might just have found a new way to keep us on edge. :devil:


Ok maybe not, but I just felt like making up gossip. :sheep:

Shame on me... :thumbdown:

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Guest patrick

I just got back from a trip to northern Arizona, and now I have a hankerin' for some more Desert Dropping. I never realized how beautiful Arizona is...I used to think that it was just flat sand with a cactus every now and then (which I suppose that must be what the southern portion of the state is like), but its very beautiful country. I just spent two days in Williams, near the Grand Canyon. I wanted to buy a cowboy hat so bad, but they were like $50. Oh well. I'm off topic now, so I will go. But I really want more DD. :(

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I'd LOVE to see another chapter of DD soon (I'll have to set up a consultation with Snowdog as I think I'm exhibiting the symptoms of C.H.A.D. :( ).


I'd thought about sending Dom an email every day asking for the next chapter of DD but then he'd spend all his setting up spam blocking on my emails when he could be writing...

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guys, we all love DD, and Dom is an awsome writer (IDer I'm sounding like Michael, Mark ..., Sharon ...., Vic .... anyone, shoot me now) and he has to go where his muse takes him. Rory and his dad are faced with serious issues, they have yet to tell Dom how it all works out. There is nothing Dom can do but write the stories that the characters give him. When the characters are silent there is no story. Have patience, think of the delay as a cliff hanger in and of itself. Yea, fractal cliff hangers. Now there's a concept.



:king: Snow Dog the Domaholic Danderthal

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Your right Snow Dog. My main problem is that ALL of Doms stories are so addicting that I start to have withdraw symptoms from a lack of new reading material...what can I say?? :wub::wub: :wub: I love Doms work :)

That is the reason we all joind Domaholics Anonymous. Through mutual support we can get through these hard times together.


:king: Snow Dog the Domaholic Danderthal

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My god people, I just don't know how you do it.


I just finished desert dropping 8, and I am just about to fall over. I am shocked and amazed by everyone's . . . ability to continuing living even.


In the other stories, we've gotten more of a controlled emotional ride with all the ups, downs, lefts, and rights, but this one takes the cake. Being hit by so much all at once, its almost like having a direct shot to the arm.


I love all the stories, but at this point I am almost regretting having started with DD. Well, I would be if it weren't just so great.


I just have to say: I agree that he is quite a blind young man to be living with two 'brothers' and his 'cousin' hitting on him for two weeks.

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  • 2 weeks later...
My god people, I just don't know how you do it.


I just finished desert dropping 8, and I am just about to fall over. I am shocked and amazed by everyone's . . . ability to continuing living even.


In the other stories, we've gotten more of a controlled emotional ride with all the ups, downs, lefts, and rights, but this one takes the cake. Being hit by so much all at once, its almost like having a direct shot to the arm.


I love all the stories, but at this point I am almost regretting having started with DD. Well, I would be if it weren't just so great.


I just have to say: I agree that he is quite a blind young man to be living with two 'brothers' and his 'cousin' hitting on him for two weeks.


It didn't help that he cut us all off cold turkey. Despite the action that TLW and TOU have, as well as having the advantage of being completed (TLW) or much farther along (TOU), DD is definately my favorite of the three stories, with ignorance and innocence that Rory exhibits at the same time (keeping the letter, but being clueless to his surroundings until now). He reminds me of me, doing what he wants, even if he doesn't have much to show for it.


*sigh*, at least we all have the comfort of knowing that he hasn't ceased to write, as TOU continues to reveal new chapters, and with each chapter comes a new twist...

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Snowdog, as one of our resident geniuses, have you attempted to clone Dom so we could get twice as many chapters???? Think about it... Dom1 could work, have a life and spend time with the bf and Dom2 could be dedicated full time to writing!


Just a thought in case you're looking for something to do on the long weekend. :D

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Snowdog, as one of our resident geniuses, have you attempted to clone Dom so we could get twice as many chapters????  Think about it... Dom1 could work, have a life and spend time with the bf and Dom2 could be dedicated full time to writing!


Just a thought in case you're looking for something to do on the long weekend. :D

libbonobo would be closer to that community than I would (I hated biology)


:king: Snow Dog

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O_o if its physics that your good at then go into the future and get the sotries so we dont have to wait :P that would be so much faster than cloning. and a few lottery numbers.....

Edited by Bao
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I love biology and biochemistry, so I might try this a little bit. The supplies I need for human cloning (in case one of you is super-rich and willing to fund this) will be a) a female human sex cell, B) an adult cell from Dom (excluding red blood cells as they have no nucleus), c) an electron microscope with highly advanced light amplification by simulation of emission of radiation cellular detachment device, and d) an advanced growth chamber. Anyone want to fund this?


-psychic psychopath

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even if you take in the consideration of how long it takes to clone some one you still have to factor in the time it would take for them to write. so it isant practical. i say. TIME TRAVEL get the chapter and bring it back. lol screw the time it takes to write.

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Have you ever heard of the time paradox? Ever heard a synopsis of "The Time Machine"? Time travel is messy and unpredictable stuff. Say Snow Dog travels to the future, gets the stories, and brings them back. We have the stories, so there is no need for Snow Dog to create time travel and go to the future to get them. Thus he never went to the future, so we don't have them. Thus he went to the future to get them, which means that there is no need for him to go to the future, etc. This is called a time paradox, and it can unfortunately destroy the universe (or cause one bad case of diarrhea). However, I bet that if this happens, the Flying Spaghetti Monster would save us.


-psychic psychopath

Edited by slaveboy
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What's more likely is that a new universe gets created every time Snow Dog time travels and the chapters are still unavailable in ours. I still say that pressing the reload key every five minutes or so will work. Eventually.

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  • 4 months later...

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