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[DomLuka] desert dropping ch. 8

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Todays act of nature conservation: Trying to bring the discussion back to the story for the benefit of local wildlife (especially wild dogs and felines):


While I don't think that Grandma Alice is an old, heartless bitch, I agree that she has lots of issues to work on. The first that comes to my mind is her inability to pursue an argument with Rory (or Eddie for that matter).

I believe in demonstrating a healthy amount of respect for your elders, but that does not include a privilege to disconnect the phone whenever you are not content with the way of a conversation. I can image several good reasons for Grandma Alice's doing when she keept the letters hidden for a while - and I am sure Dom will provide us with more insight down the way. But I don't think there will be any acceptable reason for ringing off in the middle of a phonecall.


But all in all that is a good thing: Characters need flaws like that to become somewhat 'real'. And I tend to love friends and family for their merits and flaws alike. ;)



Wind in your fur and stars in your eyes.



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I will abandon the speculation that Benedict Aaron is Alice's secret lovechild, that she actually stole the car because she'd forgotten to get him a birthday present, and now fears disclosure and prosecution if Rory stays in Arizona.


More seriously, I agree that flawed characters are entirely realistic and human and drive a good story. Alice may have realistic and persuasive motves for what she's done. That doesn't necessarily make them good ones. Her motives for speeding and driving unlicensed are realistic and persuasive. That doesn't mean we'd vote to acquit if we found ourselves on her jury.


I will continue sharpening the cactus spikes.

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I agree that flawless characters are annoying. Sometimes flawed characters can be annoying too.


I stand by my "heartless bitch" conclusion on Grandma Alice. Maybe Dom will reform her in the end just to make me wrong. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...
Once you are done with those, Dom should have something ready (if you are still alive).

:king: Snow Dog


Dem books is way too in-te-lectshul fo me!

Me just want Dom.... and Dan !

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My other suggestion to get Dom to write involves me finally getting pissed enough at him that I give him a hard right hook, knocks him on the ground, and then f**ks him for an hour with no lube- 1 hour per day until theirs a new chapter. I think that get him writing.

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My other suggestion to get Dom to write involves me finally getting pissed enough at him that I give him a hard right hook, knocks him on the ground, and then f**ks him for an hour with no lube- 1 hour per day until theirs a new chapter.  I think that get him writing.

And his s/o will be sure to take his anger out on you.


Besides, how do you know Dom wouldn't enjoy the treatment?


:king: Snow Dog

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Since Chapter 14 of TOU is due out any second, I think we should get some predictions going.


I, personally, thing Quinn is going to have another breakdown, and will probably end up hurting Jude's feelings. Maybe one last 'damsel in distress' outbreak, I think.


I think he's going to completely come out to this family, and they're going to take it surprisingly well (mostly, his Mom will need quite a great deal of time to get used to the idea. The optimistic part of me saying that she won't deny the fact that she has a gay son, and either call Mr. Johns, or throw herself into her work ). Hopefully their entire family relationship will evolve for the better. But, then again, there is always the chance that Quinn will come out to his mom during a later chapter -- maybe that will be at the end of the story? Who knows?


If we see any sex at all (I am indifferent but also ignorant as to whether or not Dom mentioned adding any into this story), I have a feeling it's going to be in this chapter.


I have this feeling we're going to be introduced to a new character ... but every shred of logic is telling me that's crazy.


Okay, now -- anyone else? Also, I'm pretty sure a few of my predictions have either already happened in the story (haha, ohh boy) or have always been either denied or confirmed, but cut me some slack. I've been going crazy for the past month ... I need my Dom Fix!!

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Since Chapter 14 of TOU is due out any second, I think we should get some predictions going.


I, personally, thing Quinn is going to have another breakdown, and will probably end up hurting Jude's feelings.  Maybe one last 'damsel in distress' outbreak, I think.


I think he's going to completely come out to this family, and they're going to take it surprisingly well (mostly, his Mom will need quite a great deal of time to get used to the idea.  The optimistic part of me saying that she won't deny the fact that she has a gay son, and either call Mr. Johns, or throw herself into her work ).  Hopefully their entire family relationship will evolve for the better.  But, then again, there is always the chance that Quinn will come out to his mom during a later chapter -- maybe that will be at the end of the story? Who knows?


If we see any sex at all (I am indifferent but also ignorant as to whether or not Dom mentioned adding any into this story), I have a feeling it's going to be in this chapter. 


I have this feeling we're going to be introduced to a new character ... but every shred of logic is telling me that's crazy. 


Okay, now -- anyone else?  Also, I'm pretty sure a few of my predictions have either already happened in the story (haha, ohh boy) or have always been either denied or confirmed, but cut me some slack.  I've been going crazy for the past month ... I need my Dom Fix!!



Okay, so maybe I shouldn't have posted this under this topic, but it sort of seems like we won't be seeming Chapter 9 of DD anytime soon.

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Okay, so maybe I shouldn't have posted this under this topic, but it sort of seems like we won't be seeming Chapter 9 of DD anytime soon.

Are we going to see any chapters of any stories anytime soon? :P


:king: Snow Dog the Domaholic Danderthal


Snow Dog, as Dom post says he wrote out in long hand Ch 14 of TOU and needs to type it on the computer..I am sure we will see it.....in the meantime, well as I have been always told but never believed that old yarn "patience is a virtue"...well, I don't think so but hey, HP and other books and well, job hunting and work and the gym and wondering what other fantasies Vic will post about Gay twins, triplets, hot brothers and the like will have to due for now.....I am sure it will be well worth the wait and that is one cliche that when it comes to Dom's chapters I know is the truth!



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My other suggestion to get Dom to write involves me finally getting pissed enough at him that I give him a hard right hook, knocks him on the ground, and then f**ks him for an hour with no lube- 1 hour per day until theirs a new chapter.  I think that get him writing.


Hmm, for some reason I don't think that approach will motivate Dom to post the story more quickly. In fact, he may decide to distribute TOU Chapter 14 to everyone but you (and a few others on his boycott list) :o


Vic the Domaholic

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My other suggestion to get Dom to write involves me finally getting pissed enough at him that I give him a hard right hook, knocks him on the ground, and then f**ks him for an hour with no lube- 1 hour per day until theirs a new chapter.  I think that get him writing.


Hmm, for some reason I don't think that approach will motivate Dom to post the story more quickly. In fact, he may decide to distribute TOU Chapter 14 to everyone but you (and a few others on his boycott list) :o


Vic the Domaholic

Vic, you haven't got your copy yet? :blink:


oops, I wasn't supposed to say anything 0:)


:king: Snow Dog

keeping with the theme

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I finally got around to reading DD and I must say I'm really really enjoying it. It's a fantastic story and all the characters seem so complicated and read. With that said I really think they all need to be cut some serious slack.


I won't go into a long defense for Rory (other than to say that yeah he is only 16 and his life has been turned upside down and inside out a few times recently),


Luke (he really does just seem to be honoring Eddie's wishes, and he did hint that Rory should go up to the attic),


Eddie (I mean come on Rory was a serious **bad word** to him when they first met, and hasn't really shown himself to be too understanding or accepting, and he definitely is dealing with fear of losing him, and the newness of the whole situation)

or any of the other characters, EXCEPT:


Grandma Alice, boy does everyone seem to have a bee in their bonnet about her. But I really don't think she's all that bad,


I get this image of her as some sort of distant, omniscient gaurdian waiting for everyone to figure things out for themselves, knowing its better that way. And think about it, it's almost bound to turn out that it was in fact better this way if this story's going to have a happy ending. I mean Rory already admitted that he wouldn't have handled the letter well if it really had been given to him RIGHT after the funneral, I agree it seems like she could have given it to him before he moved, but she probably did think it would be better for Rory to come clean with his father and visa-versa than for them to hear it from a 3rd party, albiet Rory's mother. And in fact Rory has just said that he's made that he had to hear it from Aaron and not from the actual people, he also wants his father and friends to come clean with him and not have the easy out of the letter. Could it be that grandma Alice actually knows her grandson well enough to know that for him it's more important for people to tell him something like that themselves than for him to hear it 2nd hand. Besides I get the impression that grandma Alice is supposed to represent a kind of unbiased, neutrality. The fresh outsider perspective if you will. I mean yes she's not doing it the way I would have done it, but that doesn't mean her way isn't best, or in the very least what she thinks is best.


Then there's Aaron, (yeah this is going to be long)

So many people seem convinced he's nothing but pure evil, but I just don't think that's true. Let's back up, to the beginning and look at things from his perspective. He's living in a household that he's sure can't accept him as gay, and as such he has many insecurities and hang ups about it (think Quinn). Then along comes Luke, and Luke opens up to him, and trusts him, and almost certainly becomes very important to him. So yes he does a lot of very stupid, careless things possibly in an effort to impress Luke, and hide his own insecurities (yeah it's totally stupid but he was like 15 or 16 at the time, and I think everyone can remember doing stuff they knew was stupid to impress their friends when they were that age). Then oops they get busted. Well then one very basic and primal emotions kicks in. Fear! What's going to happen? Will his parents kill him? will he get thrown into jail with a bunch of rough convicts who might rough him up (especially if they learn he's gay). So his throughts immediately turn to self-preservation (not very noble, but painfully human) and he realizes "hey Eddie's a great lawyer, he can get Luke out of this bind (he was right by the way), and besides if Luke's really my friend he'll forgive me and know that things would be worse for me if I took the wrap (still remains to be seen, but I'm sure that he did try to justify it in a similar fasion)"

Now the next phase for our poor friend, Aaron. His story more or less works, he gets out of trouble, but uh oh, he's lost his best friend (and perhaps the guy he was in love with). That's gotta hurt even if it is your fault (and he does admit that it was his fault), what's worse is that Luke was probably the only person who he really trusted and who really knew about him. So here his is still dealing with all the normal anguish he would be experiencing as a gay teen who's parents won't accept him, and to make matters worse he's just lost the only person he had a real relationship with (think Quinn on gay issues and Owen on lost my only real confident). But his problems and pain don't even end there. Now none of Luke's friends will have anything to do with him either (I'd assume that they had alot of the same friends to begin with, and also based on personalities that Luke was more popular in the first place). So now not only has he lost his best friend, but more or less all his other friends, and since Luke keeps telling people, he's even lost the chance to make new ones. What is the boy to do? He has tried apologizing and it didn't help, he has no friends and no chance of making new ones in his current situation, then along comes Rory.

Once again he sees a chance to make a friend, and possibly a boyfriend. and they hit if off really well. Then Luke pulls that rug out from under him as well. This isn't the first time, and it's probably getting more and more frustrating, so yeah he becomes a little possessive and creepy, but I still believe most of those early "chance" encounters were by chance. So then he finally opens up to Rory, tells him flat out that he's attracted to him and wants to be with him, and just pleads with him to talk to him about it. And what happens Rory USES him to get around town, yells at him, tears him away from his lunch, drags him back to his house, and then kicks him out. When all the poor kid was trying to do for most of that was help Rory, be the voice of reason, and talk about their feelings for each other.

I admit the kid isn't perfect, but he's far from evil. He's just human, and his growth is further evident by the fact that he ISN'T spewing all this stuff as his defense, he's just admitting that he made a mistake and what he did was wrong. He's tried to apologize to Luke, and he doesn't seem to hold it against Luke, far from it, he seems to still care about Luke (talking about what a nice guy Luke is, and how hot he is etc.). And he said he's changed, that he's grown up and matured, and yes I'd like to believe he has.


(oh yeah I think the whole "outing everyone to Rory" is a total non-issue, he had every reason to believe Rory knew, ok he may have missed a few signs that Rory didn't know, but he was probably wrapped up in what he was saying and thinking and we still can't begin to compare that to how self-involved Rory's being this whole time.)


Ok so that was fun playing devil's advocate, hope I didn't offend anyone, those are just my opinions on the matter. And as far as who I think should end up with who....well that's complicated. I obviously think Aaron needs and deserves someone, but I really can't find any fault with Luke whose reactions I think are all perfectly normal, and after a little soul-searching he even told Rory to make up his own mind about Aaron, (besides he must have been seriously hurt by the whole thing, I just hope he does forgive Aaron). So anyway I like both Aaron and Luke, and while I don't hold any of this stuff against Rory I kinda think he should just focus on his family issues right now anyway, besides Aaron and Luke have a past (even if not a romantic past they have a past). So yeah I guess I'd prefer to see them get back together, with maybe a new character introduced towards the end for Rory (at the very least I hope the one that of them that does get left out, finds SOMEONE). Anyway just my thoughts

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Great analysis, FriendlyFace! :great:


You were also successful in revising my views on Grandma Alice. I'm certainly more prepared to give her the benefit of the doubt in re-orchestrating her daughter's wishes. Rory's mom is still on the hook anyway for not giving her son the chance to have a father.


What still bothers me about Alice is that she's just so relentless; she gives no quarter to anyone but expects it from everyone. :angry:


I'm totally with you on Aaron. I'm hoping he and Luke at least reconcile with one another. Aaron's behaviour is understandable - yes, he's human like the rest of us. However, he's still in 'victim' mode and that just doesn't work. He needs to stand up and be counted or forever remain on the perimeter of life.



Conner :boy:

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