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[DomLuka] desert dropping ch. 8

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Woodstock.....a cool hero and he truly loved Snoopy..hmmmm.....sense a theme..hee hee.


Lucy, the first true feminist? she sure took no garbage from the boys but in her own way had a good heart.


we can vibe on the Peanuts gang forever:)




Lucy is no feminist. True, she picked on Charlie Brown, but they are two halfs of the same coin in insecurity.


Charlie Brown is the lovable loser. We like him even though he has low self-esteem, because he is so nice and earnest. Lucy also has low-esteem, and it manifests itself as a superiority complex. You can see this the most in her exchanges with Schroeder, though it bleeds through in other places.

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*Ahe, he, hem* I have a confession to make. It's slightly shocking, and I know you'll probably all be very disappointed in me, but I have seen the error of my ways. *deep breath* Until today I hadn't read Desert Dropping...at first I hadn't read it because I didn't want to get into another unfinished story, but tonight the combination of insomnia (it's almost 7am and I've not slept) and my bf not being here have lead me to read it, something that was long overdue I assure you. I have to say that I'm now a *huge* fan of this story and can't wait for the next chapter! I believe I am now right with the world again :D


Oh, and I've read all these posts and feel I must make one comment, I have to say that not all only children are selfcentred as has been suggested. :)





Well Conner, they also say that it's not the size of the ship but the motion of the ocean...

Yeah, but it'd take an awfully long time to cross the Atlantic in a row boat...

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*Ahe, he, hem* I have a confession to make. It's slightly shocking, and I know you'll probably all be very disappointed in me, but I have seen the error of my ways. *deep breath* Until today I hadn't read Desert Dropping...at first I hadn't read it because I didn't want to get into another unfinished story, but tonight the combination of insomnia (it's almost 7am and I've not slept) and my bf not being here have lead me to read it, something that was long overdue I assure you. I have to say that I'm now a *huge* fan of this story and can't wait for the next chapter! I believe I am now right with the world again :D


Oh, and I've read all these posts and feel I must make one comment, I have to say that not all only children are selfcentred as has been suggested. :)





Well Conner, they also say that it's not the size of the ship but the motion of the ocean...

Yeah, but it'd take an awfully long time to cross the Atlantic in a row boat...


Ben..who says you are self centered? You are such a dear, loving and good natured good sense of humored guy:) so if it was said.....you are not....and you continually prove your kindness all the time and so phooey to that comment that you are self centered...don't let that bother you..we all know better:)


Rainbow Hugs, Hershey Kisses, Rainbow Jelly Beans and in honor of Dave, Rainbow Biscuits...that story he told of eating biscuits, his man next to him asleep, while Dave was on his lap top computer is priceless and just as Dave is priceless..so are you Ben:)


and Ben....I am glad you love DD..its a great story and we could never be disappointed in you!!!!



Edited by Rocketcnj
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I know we shouldn't be expecting an update anytime soon, but anyone have any thoughts about how the story will progress? And also, is it safe to assume that this story will be just as long as the TLW and TOU?


What will happen with Aaron and Rory? Will Luke and Aaron reconcile? What is in Eddie's letter? When will he get it?


Also - I know that there is still a lot of the story left, and plenty of time left in the summer, but do you think Rory will end up staying with Eddie and Jase and Luke? It seems sort of obvious that he will, but he keeps talking about his 'home' and how Eddie's place just isn't it.


This may be the perve in me shining through, but do you think this will be a sexless story? Dom has been turning over that idea in his head for a while - maybe he'll leave it out ... I pray not.


I sort of had this idea, and I think a few of you have suggested it in a poll or something, but maybe Rory won't end up with either Luke or Aaron -- maybe Luke and Aaron will get back together (were they ever "together" in that sense? I forget).


Maybe if we keep talking about the story, it won't seem that long until we get a new installment!


haha, maybe.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Maybe if the controversy gets heated again it will bring us Chapter 9. I think Grandma Alice needs to be seated firmly on a large cactus and left there for an extended period, preferably measured in days or weeks rather than hours.


(1) She's ignored Gina's wishes and violated the trust Gina placed in her.


(2) She's taken a parenting decision out of Eddie's hands and made it for him without his knowledge.


(3) She's sent a recently bereaved teenager off to live with a complete stranger while doing everything she possibly can (intentionally or otherwise) to ensure that Rory and Eddie, at best, get off to a very shaky start.


(4) The theory that she is not accountable to anyone (particularly Eddie) and can impose decisions at will (or whim) and then demand apologies simply defies belief.


Gina wanted Rory to have the letter soon after the funeral. Some delay would be understandable. Seven months is not soon and not forgivable. Gina wanted Rory to know his father's sexuality before he went to Arizona. Gina also wanted Rory to know why his father had been absent from his life. Alice had no right to override Gina's wishes, even if she thought them wrong.


Eddie is Rory's father and now has his care and custody. Eddie, not Alice, gets to make decisions about Rory's welfare. At the absolute minimum she had a duty to tell Eddie she had disregarded Gina's instructions. Bereaved kids have trust issues. Setting Rory up to distrust his father is unacceptable behaviour.


The argument that Eddie and Rory are better off finding things out for themselves is practically and morally deficient. The practical problem is that 16 year olds just don't know enough about the world to shoulder that sort of burden. The moral problem is that, even if closeting Rory and Eddie to each other were a good idea, it's not what Gina asked her to do. No-one died and made Alice king. Gina certainly did not die and tell Alice to send Rory to live with strangers under the worst possible circumstances.


Seriously, what was to happen? A grieving, angry and resentful boy is supposed to waltz up to Eddie at the airport and say something along the lines of 'Hi, perfect stranger that I don't know and don't want to know because you abandoned me, I have no idea why I'm supposed to live with you but I don't have any other choice, and by the way I'm gay?'


On second thoughts, forget the time limits. Alice should live out her days on the cactus.

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I couldn't agree more.  :2thumbs:

Maybe what grandma Alice really wants is to have Rory back with her and this is her way to sabotage Eddie's custody.


Who knows? I have had one more bitter and twisted thought. It's said up-thread that Alice expected Rory and Eddie to open the Box of Doom together. I don't think that's reasonable. Alice actually includes a note threatening Rory if he opens it alone. Now a reasonable 16 year old might not open it. A 16-year old going through what Alice has put Rory through has zero, zip, nada chance of not opening it alone. Gina intended Rory to read her (not Alice's) letter long before he met Eddie.


If Alice wanted the Box of Doom opened when Eddie was there she should have ensured that by sending it to Eddie's office. Sending a private letter by Gina to Eddie to an address where it will almost inevitably reach Rory first is just another way to disrespect Eddie as the custodial parent and probably justifies pouring saltwater on the cactus before seating Alice on it.

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so if rory was supose to get his letter long b4 eddie got his letter then shouldnt we cut rory some slack for opening his letter but not giving eddie his because that is what gina wanted in the first place and now things are happening in order only delayed? :D


ps. maybe it is another thread but i am lazy. i just read ddd chap 1-8 again and i think rory and luke should be together. i have a bad feeling about aaron something is off with that boy.

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so if rory was supose to get his letter long b4 eddie got his letter then shouldnt we cut rory some slack for opening his letter but not giving eddie his because that is what gina wanted in the first place and now things are happening in order only delayed?
Edited by Alan
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I think the punishment might be a bit harsh on Alice. She is probably only doing what she thinks is best for Rory - even if it isn't what's best for him. Of course I could be wrong and she could be a horrible woman who deserves the cactus treatment.


I'll go back to hanging from the ceiling by my fingernails waiting for Chapter 9 now.

Just a quick thought, how are you going to check for Chapter 9 if you are hanging from the ceiling? :P


And does it help with the stress of waiting for a Dom update? I might try it if it does :D Tried chocolate and that didn't help. It was good but it didn't help 0:)

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Oh yeah, I'm really looking forward to the next chapter.


Although geographically impossible (I am unsure), maybe Dom should combine TOU and DD into one story -- the interaction between the characters would be interesting, right?


This is what I do with my time.


Either way, I am really looking forwad to the next chapter.



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