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The Writing Environment

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I usually type the story or chapter on my laptop. I often close instant messaging to reduce distractions. However, I actually prefer having music. Music inspires me for some odd reason. It depends on the scene. Some scenes I can write with any music. Others, like fight scenes, require something edgy. Love scenes require classical! I have a lot of quirks. :P

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Okay, I now have this very romanticized picture in my head of you at some quaint Parisian cafe, battered leather journal and fountain pen in hand. :lol:

I think that's wonderful.

Believe me, Parisian cafes are not all quaint :( . If you would have lived in Paris as long as I did, you wouldn't say that "it's wonderful". The times when Sartre and Suzanne de Beauvoir worked in the "Caf

Edited by old bob
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I still think they're quaint. Compared to my pristine Starbucks, everything is quaint!


And the cafe waiters are unbelievably rude, lol. I always consider it a personal challenge to get a smile out of one of them each day...


I'm afraid for me it was great news about the cigarettes (I once tried one in a cafe in Paris...one of those nasty things in the blue packages.... Galois or Gitannes or whatever.... just for effect you understand...darn near died...)

Every waiter I've ever met in my many travels to France, and Paris in particular, have been rude; haughty even. Definitely not conducive to creative writing.


Come to "Caf

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  • 3 weeks later...

has anybody tried writing on holiday?


obviously, for people who write for a living, the idea of a holiday is to actually get away from writing. however, I work an office job for a living, and I'm 12 days (and 15 hours and 11 minutes :D ) away from flying out on an overseas holiday. while I'm obviously going to run around and do all the touristy things, I plan to spend a large part of my early mornings/late evenings writing away on my laptop. so, does anybody else find the idea of a foreign location creatively stimulating?


places I intend to write on holiday include: the airport lounge, the aeroplane, the hotel lobby, the hotel bathroom, the ski lodge, the random cafe I'm going to seek out and possibly even the hotel bar.


anyway, in more general terms, I like to write in bed. it's comfortable, warm and best of all, relaxing. I've been writing in bed all morning, actually.


I don't write in the workplace, but as mornings are generally quite relaxed in my workplace, I find I get heaps of time to think about and write down ideas for stuff I've been working on. it's usually just dot points on a bit of scrap paper, but I did write the entire introduction to the piece I'm currently working on at my desk. not only that, I took it out to the receptionist and asked for her opinion on it 5 minutes later! haha.


but yeah, writing on holiday. any thoughts?

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  • Site Administrator

Most of my novel Falls Creek Lessons was written while I was on holiday. I had a small notebook (the type that has paper in it :P ) and I sat near the pool at a resort in Queensland and made lots of notes. When I got home, I just transcribed and expanded on the notes -- those were the quickest chapters I've ever written.


And you might find this amusing, Matty, but I also wrote part of my next novel in Hobart last week when I was there for work....

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has anybody tried writing on holiday?


obviously, for people who write for a living, the idea of a holiday is to actually get away from writing. however, I work an office job for a living, and I'm 12 days (and 15 hours and 11 minutes :D ) away from flying out on an overseas holiday. while I'm obviously going to run around and do all the touristy things, I plan to spend a large part of my early mornings/late evenings writing away on my laptop. so, does anybody else find the idea of a foreign location creatively stimulating?


places I intend to write on holiday include: the airport lounge, the aeroplane, the hotel lobby, the hotel bathroom, the ski lodge, the random cafe I'm going to seek out and possibly even the hotel bar.


anyway, in more general terms, I like to write in bed. it's comfortable, warm and best of all, relaxing. I've been writing in bed all morning, actually.


I don't write in the workplace, but as mornings are generally quite relaxed in my workplace, I find I get heaps of time to think about and write down ideas for stuff I've been working on. it's usually just dot points on a bit of scrap paper, but I did write the entire introduction to the piece I'm currently working on at my desk. not only that, I took it out to the receptionist and asked for her opinion on it 5 minutes later! haha.


but yeah, writing on holiday. any thoughts?




I write for a living (not fiction) , so I do a lot of crafting words to deadlines and to formats. You'd think I'd just want to get away from it, but actually I find holiday writing very liberating. My paid writing often totally drains me creatively so that evenings and weekends I dont' always have the creative energy to work on fiction, despite my best intentions.


In fact, I just got back last night from ten days holidays down on the east coast, not far from where my current story is set. My days were totally free and solitary (my partner was at a conference) so I spent the time walking the beaches and writing (in a notebook, with my fountain pen). I drafted a whole chapter plus a bunch of key scenes.


I also travel some for work, and I write on planes and trains etc.


Hmmm..... It just occurred to me that what I actaully really like is scrawling in notebooks in public places... Is that a kind of exhibiitionism, lol? I guess that's why the cafe thing works for me so well.


Have a wonderful, wonderful time abroad.

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I spent the time walking the beaches and writing (in a notebook, with my fountain pen).


Somehow that doesn't surprise me at all, having read your work. You strike me as the type of poetic soul who would get more inspired on a beach with a spiral-bound notebook than in front of a computer screen.


I also like to write longhand, even though I type much faster than I write, and my handwriting is terrible. There are just too many distractions when I try to sit at the computer and write, you know? Internet, emails, IMs, other things to read. I went on a camping trip a few weeks ago and took a notebook and pen with me, and literally got pages written. Most of it was disjointed and downright terrible, but then, it's more than I've written in months, so I guess it's something, right? I think I get more writing done when I disconnect from everyday life, for instance, when I travel or see new things. So yeah, another vote for writing on holiday here.

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Somehow that doesn't surprise me at all, having read your work. You strike me as the type of poetic soul who would get more inspired on a beach with a spiral-bound notebook than in front of a computer screen.


I also like to write longhand, even though I type much faster than I write, and my handwriting is terrible. There are just too many distractions when I try to sit at the computer and write, you know? Internet, emails, IMs, other things to read. I went on a camping trip a few weeks ago and took a notebook and pen with me, and literally got pages written. Most of it was disjointed and downright terrible, but then, it's more than I've written in months, so I guess it's something, right? I think I get more writing done when I disconnect from everyday life, for instance, when I travel or see new things. So yeah, another vote for writing on holiday here.



Yes, for me inspiration comes with a pen and paper and physically putting the ink on the page. What happens after I input those words and ideas into the computer is craft. Not that it doesn't have it's own kind of inspiration and magic... it does. But it's more...disciplined. I spend a lot more time on a chapter on the computer (as a journalism prof once beat into our heads, "there is no such thing as good writing, only good rewriting", lol) but the heart of it always seems to flow best in ink on a real page.


Turn off your email when you're writing!!!


And to bring this back OT....that's the great thing about writing on holiday. No email (well....ok....so I did have my blackberry....but it didn't usually get a signal on the beach....yeah, I know, I tried...)

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Presuming that time is not an issue, what is your "dream" writing environment? Is there a particular place you like to go? A certain room? A particular table or desk or chair with a window view that inspires you? Do you listen to music? Do you meditate first to clear your mind? Is peaceful and serene your style or is a busy park or restaurant more your thing? Soft, comfortable clothing? None at all? :P


I don't exactly have time to write anything nowadays. I'll answer your questions one by one.


I don't have a dream writing environment. The only requirement my muse poses is that I be able to write in a variety of locations. I don't feel comfortable staying in the same place for more than an hour, so I usually stand up and move my notebook wherever I go (though I don't recommend writing while you cook).


Again, as my (and my muse's) mood changes, I like to hop from the most empty to the most crowded room in the house. There are five rooms here, not counting the living rooms and garage. Writing outside is out of bounds, as both I and my notebook would implode after being exposed to this season's temperatures.


I usually don't listen to music, as I have this very annoying habit of singing even if there are no words (i.e. instrumental) to the melody. Once again, my surroundings depend much on sporadic taste than anything else, which can be a bit inconvenient at times.


One thing I do recommend for you to keep in mind though, is that you should always make sure that you are writing for yourself. Don't let that pesky email from Frantic Reader #314 bother you if your life does not allow time for writing at the moment, as you'll most likely end up wearing out your own interest. Of course, there has to be a balance and you should keep your reasons for writing in mind (as self-absorbed, egotistical, or evil as they might be).


Maddy (:

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Well. Sadly for me, the only times i find that i can write fluently and coherently is when that clock hits midnight. i find that an intriguing idea smacks in the face. and i have to pull out my notebook or laptop and type away.


As for music, i've had some fairly inspiring moments come from listening to something. alot of my revelations in my stories come from music. but i also love to have something playing in the background. such as T.V and not actually pay attention to it.


i'm a tad odd i'm aware. :music:

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  • 5 months later...

ha ha and i was just looking for a thread like this too to see where all you other people write and what you do to get yourselfs into the writing mood.


Perfect environment HA! havent found it yet usually i write at my desk but then my legs fall asleep and the chair hurts my back and my desk is cluttered and distracts me that and im on my laptop talking away to everyone, i'll handwrite on a huge notebook in my bed but then i have to store what i write under my bed in a backpack lol. Now this is the new 1 for me. I write in the bathtub... Yes the bathtub with actual water in the tub and music lots of music i actually fall asleep in the tub its funny. Luckily none of my writing has been destroyed. I'll put the tv tray lid on my knees and my notepad on that and write... now that is the weirdest place. I think i do this because its the most relaxing room in the house or something. That and nobody will come in and bug you if your in the bathroom.


Timewise.. i have all the time in the world but it usually breaks down to how i am feeling. I got like 10 pages i need to type up but never do and keep handwriting more and more lol.

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