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Your Favourite Horror Moment

Sir Galahad

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I don't believe in the supernatural so ghosts and spooks and vampires don't really do much for me.


Halloween and Nightmare on Elm STreet just piss me off: it's a waste of cute teenagers and there aren't enough of those to go around as it is.


I just can't suspend disbelief for these movies to do their thing and I just end up laughing at them.


NOw- the things that do scare me are the things with one foot in reality: give me a plausable monster and we're off and running.


The Alien movies were great. They showed what would happen if the pinicle of some alien ecology had been reached by a parasite. That's some scary biology for any geek. Parasites are so common in nature and destructive to their host. The idea of being an incubator for an Alien and having that thing pop out of you has got to have caused many, many nightmares.

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I will never ever go near a cave after watching the Descent.


But I got to admit, "It" was pretty scary. I had nightmares for a while. Now I watch it obsessively. :lol:


I always loved Hellraiser. I have the cenobites action figures all throughout my room. Clive Barker is amazing, and he was really cute in his younger days.

Edited by ArpeGGio
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Favorite horror moments??


Carrie when she gets covered in blood and then goes on her killing spree. Also the whole "There all gonna laugh at you there all gonna laugh at you" pretty memorable movie. The Sequel was alright.


The Shining is wierd and freaky. Definatly his face in the bathroom door.


Jason doesn't scare me cuz the killing is over the top 1980's Bad then the more and more they made was like meh whatever. Freddy i thought was dumb he kills you in your sleep. Michael Meyers looses his touch too after awhile.


Chucky did scare me though i was a kid and he was a doll lol. Mom had a doll in her room who reminded me of him. I'd make that doll face the wall whenever i was in her room, or throw some clothes on top of it. That went on for years.


Ha ha Martin!. I played Thief 2 and the guards would chase me and i'd be running away trying to kill them and run away at same time lmao. Doom 3 would scare me when the zombies would pop out at my face. Only if i played it in the middle of the night and shut the lights off. Me & my aunts fiancee would be playing that in the livingroom all the time she's in bed trying to sleep and you'd hear me yell out "AHH!!!". and "HOLY f**k!" and then try and calm my heart down. Wolfenstein does that too lol especially with them crazy nazi blonde leather chicks. doing cartwheels at ya. I loved that game for people it didn't want you to kill it would show little like "no smoking" signs around there face. Dude jumped outta no where and im not supposed to kill him. Oops!


Sometimes it doesn't have to be horror movies that scare me it can be normal movies where the bad guy is your bestfriend next door. One movie i watched woman got stabbed like 30times from her husband. Stabbing scenes had me going OMG OMG!! Sometimes bad dreams have me wake up jump in the shower scrubbing and scrubbing away or at the bathroom sink doing the same thing. Or just watching like A&E's Cold Case files gets me all like "OMG! What a sicko!" and all creeped out. Yet i'm not scared walking alone for coffee at like 3am. Going to the bank after midnight. It's a small town and not much happens. And well if it does happen to me then yeah id be scared and change. And it would be some rare occurence that i'd be like "Whelp i asked for it"

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Sometimes it doesn't have to be horror movies that scare me it can be normal movies where the bad guy is your bestfriend next door.


I agree, I saw "The Soloist" not too long ago and I was scared to death when he peeked out his basement window and saw a car, completely on fire, driving through the streets in the middle of the night. I don't know why it scared me, but it did. O_o

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Hmm.. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and the Ring is about as scary as it gets for me..


The closet scenes in the Ring freaked me out.. I fell off the bed watching it..


and, the Stairs scene in TCM is pretty bad as well. I normally don't do scary movies at all haha, but these two friends forced me to watch with them and I did... and they had to stay up all night with me after that. :lol:

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In the game Bioshock there is a scene where you are searching a bunch of cabinets for booty. As you are engrossed in this task, a splicer (genetically modified crazy psycho humanoid) sneaks up behind you. As you turn to search elsewhere, ITS RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF YOU.


First time this happened I threw the controller and almost launched myself over the back of the couch.


- The scene in Alien when the guys chest explodes (I was 15, I was in a strange kid's basement (i was trying to get in his pants ahem), it was very very dark, we were alone, watching a grainy bootleg of it and I was completely FREAKED)

- There's a movie with a crazy dentist in it, all you see is John Lithgow in a dentist chair, and the camera cuts away as the drill starts up.

- Anything with Victoria Jackson in it.

Edited by Hoskins
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I have seen so many.


I think my favourite scene is the one in Shuan of the Dead when he's fighting that zombie in the backyard thinking it's a drunk woman who fancies him.


My favourite horror film of all time is Vodoo Moon closely followed by The Crow and there are so many great scenes in those that I really can't pick one. If I really had to I think Daniel and the church spire in the former is so amazing it has to be my fave. Not giving too much away in case you havent seen the film, don't want to spoil it.


But then there is that great scene when THe Crow crashes through the window....


Do you get the idea I just can't make up my mind...?

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Aliens movie series was frightening even if they are dated now.


I love psychological horror. Hitchcock movies are scary and fun, since they leave things to your mind to create. It is not just the psycho in Psycho that scares you, but the slow build up.


As for horror moments upon revelation, there are scary scenes in things like Outer Limits and Twilight Zone that were great.


My favorite scene of shock goes to Twilight Zone "To Serve Man":


"Mr. Chambers! Don't get on that ship! The rest of the book, "To Serve Man", it's... it's a cookbook! "


Best line ever!

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M. Night Shyamalan is a pretty good "psychological" thriller type writer/director.. he keeps you wondering about things while scaring you shitless...


I just don't do scary movies... lol.. I can't get through Signs at all... The Village gave me nightmares as well.. though I watched it completely after it turned out that the people were doing it to keep the kiddies scared to death... and not any real mishapen creatures running around.. haha

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I watched a lot of horror movies as a kid - It and the shinning at the age of three was horrific. I refused to bathe for a month and would run away from the toilet flush everytime lol.


Childs play really messed with my head as well... because a few weeks after watching it, my mum had left her china doll at the top of the stairs one night, forgetting to bring it down, and as i went up the stairs and it came into view i thought i was going to be slaughtered. not to mention it was later moved to outside my mums room that night and I saw it on the way to the bathroom *shudders*


Not many movies scare me now, I think I'm a bit desensitised BUT when I watched hostel and the guy used the drill on one of the dudes I felt physically sick.

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I watched a lot of horror movies as a kid - It and the shinning at the age of three was horrific. I refused to bathe for a month and would run away from the toilet flush everytime lol.


Childs play really messed with my head as well... because a few weeks after watching it, my mum had left her china doll at the top of the stairs one night, forgetting to bring it down, and as i went up the stairs and it came into view i thought i was going to be slaughtered. not to mention it was later moved to outside my mums room that night and I saw it on the way to the bathroom *shudders*


Not many movies scare me now, I think I'm a bit desensitised BUT when I watched hostel and the guy used the drill on one of the dudes I felt physically sick.


Yes the Shining was scary as hell. How could a child go through such horrific events. Jack Nicholson was great for his role though. The twins scared the hell out of me. OH THE HORROR!!

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I watched a lot of horror movies as a kid - It and the shinning at the age of three was horrific. I refused to bathe for a month and would run away from the toilet flush everytime lol.


Childs play really messed with my head as well... because a few weeks after watching it, my mum had left her china doll at the top of the stairs one night, forgetting to bring it down, and as i went up the stairs and it came into view i thought i was going to be slaughtered. not to mention it was later moved to outside my mums room that night and I saw it on the way to the bathroom *shudders*


Not many movies scare me now, I think I'm a bit desensitised BUT when I watched hostel and the guy used the drill on one of the dudes I felt physically sick.


Films like Hostel and Saw do nothing for me. There is nothing that one human being can do to another that shocks me any more... not in the blood and gore stakes anyway. It's the creepy, spinecrawling, don't turn around because there won't be anything there kind of thing that gets my skin crawling and stomach churning

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Films like Hostel and Saw do nothing for me. There is nothing that one human being can do to another that shocks me any more... not in the blood and gore stakes anyway. It's the creepy, spinecrawling, don't turn around because there won't be anything there kind of thing that gets my skin crawling and stomach churning


Watch Salo, you will be unhappily surprised at how deep human depravity can go. Not historically accurate, but I think the visceral and psychological shock value makes it a great film.

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Watch Salo, you will be unhappily surprised at how deep human depravity can go. Not historically accurate, but I think the visceral and psychological shock value makes it a great film.



I will look out for that. I enjoy a challenge :devil:

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The Alien movies were great. They showed what would happen if the pinicle of some alien ecology had been reached by a parasite. That's some scary biology for any geek. Parasites are so common in nature and destructive to their host. The idea of being an incubator for an Alien and having that thing pop out of you has got to have caused many, many nightmares.



Yes! The sequel gains bonus points for me for having the line "GAME OVER MAN! IT'S GAME OVER!" when they get stranded.


The closet scenes in the Ring freaked me out.. I fell off the bed watching it..


:( That creeped me out so bad. Didn't help that later that week my TV turned on by itself in the middle of the night and I hid under the covers for 10 minutes till I was sure there was no creepy girl in my room.

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