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Team Recognition


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GA Members wish to recognize the efforts and contributions of the people behind the scenes that make GA a better site and community. Without the contribution of editors, beta-readers, and Tech Support, we wouldn't have the same polished stories, author websites, and timely postings of material that make this the best site for Gay fiction."


Authors, do you have an Editor or any Beta Readers? Do you thank them for their work? If not, or even if you do, why not take a moment now to publicly thank them? We realize that some team members may wish to remain anonymous, and of course that's fine, but how about a shout out to the others!


This event is courtesy of the Writer Support Team.

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It goes without saying that my work has been greatly enhanced by the tremendous efforts of Jan. He painstakingly goes through each chapter and tweaks it to perfection (using a secret combination of pure genius and skill!).


So on behalf of myself and all of my readers: Thank you, Jan! Your hard work is, and continues to be, greatly appreciated.


Thank you! :2thumbs:

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My Beta is a girl I went to high school with, and one of the only people I know that would want to put up with my attempts at writing ANYTHING. We've been friends since 8th grade, and I don't get to see her nearly as much as I would like...


I'm not sure if she's ever been to the site, so I doubt she's ever seen the posted work. But I wouldn't be able to do it without her!


Thanks Jill!

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The honest truth is...without Myr and the hard working people here at GA...I wouldn't have a voice at all. It's because of your dedication and energy that this site has grown into such an amazing sanctuary for anyone online who is looking for stories of quality and a family to belong to. I doubt you'll find a greater collection of God given talent than you will at GA, and the fact that you all keep it running so smoothly is a feat worthy of praise.


So thanks to all of the 'men behind the curtain' (Just an expression, but the women too, of course!) for all you do! I owe you guys everything! ((Hugz))

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My Editor is Rush!


And my little Beta Reader slave is my very own ex-husband Phantom (Eric) whom I threaten with bodily harm when he doesn't read my work.. :wub:

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Something that I forgot to mention in the announcement and first post.


This event is courtesy of the Writer Support Team.

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I wish to thank Jan (Talon Rider) for the excellent help he's given me in the past.


I wish to thank Sharon (sat8997) for the outstanding work she does for me now.


I also wish to thank TPTB at GA for allowing me to post here, whether it be in the forum or in eFiction.


And last, but not least, I wish to thank those people in chat who have helped me with tidbits of information, story ideas and many other aspects of my writing. You know who you are.

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There have been so many people who have helped me over the years I have been writing. It'll be hard to thank them all.


Cole Parker was my initial inspiration. I first came across his writing at Nifty and started a dialog with him over the Internet. I learned that we shared a lot of common interests and had some common things in our background. Cole is a very private person and I won't share more than that, but he is an extremely talented writer and one of the most prolific at AwesomeDude - a treasure to us all.


Write By Myself is another talented author who was one of my first editors. He played a significant role in editing my first novel, Love in a Chair, and did a lot to improve the quality of my writing. Most importantly, he taught me to think, and my arguments with him certainly have helped with my internal proofreading.


Captain Rick is my "legal editor". He advises me on all things that involve legal issues in my stories. He is also a fellow author who has a background that is not unlike my own. I only hope he will take up writing again, and soon.


Trab, is a longtime fan and my current beta-reader and proofreader. He has often sent me unsolicited edits of my stories and I finally made him an official proofreader. The amazing thing is that English is not his first language, and yet he does a far better job of catching grammatic errors than my editors do.


Last and certainly not least is someone who has become my best Internet friend, even though there is a twenty year difference in our ages. David of Hope has been my editor, nearly from the beginning. Although he does not write his own stories, he has an uncanny knack of being able to pick up on a theme and write entire sections of material - even entire chapters - in the style of the original author such that they blend in with the original story and enhance the original work. If David thinks something is missing from something I write, he will not only tell me so, but he'll often write it and insert it, and I'll be hard pressed to do a better job. We've now collaborated on a number of stories together, and the results have been phenomenal, so he's not just my editor, but my co-author as well. We have never met, but we tell each other what is going on in our lives - we are friends. I am forever indebted to David, the man from a town called Hope. :hug:

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First and foremost, Jan...His help has been immense in making me the writer I am today. Secondly, Bondwriter...his comments and feedback are always appreciated and a great help. Sharon, who has been always there with her nice additions, deletions and re-additions.. :)


Worth mentioning are the efforts of Julien, Rob, Kitty, Ieshwar, Rose and Colin....




BeaStKid :devil:

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Uh, Many thanks to David McLeod who makes my work more legible and clearer. I notice a major difference between something I've written without him looking at it and something I've written where he has looked at it.


I'd also like to thank Benji and Rush for looking at my work ahead of time as well and providing their own inputs, and asking questions that I have to decidedly go back and look at.



Many Many Thanks :worship::wub:



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Wish I would have seen this sooner, nevertheless, a big big big thank you to David McLeod for all the time effort and hard work he puts in to all the authors he edits for and yet still has time to write his amazing storys to share with us at GA. Also a big thank you to Tiff, Steve, Gabe, and Viv <3 you guys tons.

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Hey, thanks Linxe Termoil, Meeko, and hh5. You guys know better than anyone that the most I've done is rub a little carborundum on the surface and revealed the inner shine that you have created. But thanks, again.


Now: Back to you, Linxe, Meeko, and hh5: Working with you guys has helped my writing, significantly. Seeing someone else's style and voice evolve is a great experience. I've learned from you, and I hope to learn morre.


Others from whom I've learned, and who have been great correspondents include Dolores Esteban, Verm, Jovian, Excuse, and Gardentuber.


I can't sign off without a major tip of the hat to TalonRider and the rest of the WST, as well as Myr and the technicians behind this site (especially Steph, ShadowGod, and JSmith). It's been said, once, but it bears repeating: without you folks, I'd not have a voice. Thank you, all.

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My thanks go to J. and PD. They helped me improve my writing.


Thanks again to David McLeod for editing my submission to the Spring Anthology.


Thanks also to the GA team.


My special thanks to Graeme for organizing the anthology.

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I would like to thank all the editors I have worked with: Al, Sterling, Jan, Menzo, Sharon and Marty.


And also a heartfelt 'Thank You' to my beta-readers for their awesome advice: Bondwriter, Tanya and Tristan.


It's you guys who make my stories shine. Each of you have taught me about how to improve my writing. Thank you again. :)


Take care,

Ieshwar :)

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It seems that the authors sometimes have the easy job of just writing, but everyone else puts in a lot of effort to make the whole thing come together and then posted online.


So first I'd have to thank my editor Frances (Dalmania) for putting up with my long and often wordy style of writing. ANd having to delete, edit, and correct the same problems I've had ever since we started working together. That takes patience and I greatly appreciate it.


Then they're my beta readers, Mike (Meeko) and Pete (YaP). I'm grateful that the two of them can tell me if something sucks or not, or point out areas where I might need improvement. Or even at times to give me encouragement and insight to whether or not other readers would enjoy the material as well.


Lastly, thanks to the Tech Support and all the Admins for keeping things together, making this website possible, and just being there for the authors who want to have a voice, or just to engage in an online community/network where we can just be ourselves.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want to thank Tiff, Revol, Pete (Yap) and BK for their exceptional edits! :)


Lastly, I also want to thank David McLeod for his marvelous edits. He's a great teacher/ mentor!!!! He gives really great advices! More importantly, he's an awesome, caring friend, and someone that I think I can emulate from in real life!

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