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I know your asking for other peoples thoughts but then I've never been one to keep my opinions to myself lol. I dunno if its against the rules or not but when i post a new chapter I put the announcement out in the Announcement forum and add it as a post in my discussion forums....I hope thats not against the rules.....

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Bling, all caught up now.


Fast paced chapters, cute concept. I like Anthony -- he's rather an innocent, douche-baggy mess, but now less douche-baggy than he is messy. If that made any flipping sense at all jajaja : D....


This story really reminds me of the stories I used to read when I was younger, when I was still coming to terms with myself and all.


Thanks for this : ) Looking forward to more.

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I get the image of a young Anthony eating spaghetti with his hands in my head. Thanks for that :lol: . As for his douchbagginess (currently trying to patent that word), don't worry. It'll return. Innocent? Maybe in his blinding stupidity. Obviously I think very highly of my characters :rolleyes: . I'm glad you like the pacing of the chapters. It's going to be awhile before we get out of December, story-wise. I'm also glad it reminded you of the stories of yore, though please don't take the advise of any of my main characters. That only leads to pain and suffering (which I hear also leads to sweet Sith Lord powers!).

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Well the title drew me in. But the characters kept me wanting more. Plus i'm sort of a sucker for the character who thinks they have nothing left to live for. Then Anthony is like that bully that you hate but can't help but love. It's just great writing!

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Little known fact: Anthony is very squishy, and thus easily susceptible to hugs. Nah, just kidding. He wouldn't be a jock then. And it IS a very interesting title. On that note, NightOwl, two of your other favorites have the word "Black" in them as well. I probably could've called the story "Black Shriveling Lung Disease" and you would've thought it to be fascinating. In fact, now I'm going to write "Black Shriveling Lung Disease" and see how many people favorite it! HaHA!


Where was I going with this? Oh yes, characters who have nothing left to live for and the girls who love them (now THERE'S a Cosmopolitan article header). I feel sad when my characters get like that, so I try (eventually, after I'm done messing with them) to make things right and get them happy again. There will be ups and downs for all my characters throughout the series, even ones that you don't know about yet. Especially...him.


Glad you're liking the story, HJ! Is that short for something? I think I know what it's short for... :devil:

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Little known fact: Anthony is very squishy, and thus easily susceptible to hugs. Nah, just kidding. He wouldn't be a jock then. And it IS a very interesting title. On that note, NightOwl, two of your other favorites have the word "Black" in them as well. I probably could've called the story "Black Shriveling Lung Disease" and you would've thought it to be fascinating. In fact, now I'm going to write "Black Shriveling Lung Disease" and see how many people favorite it! HaHA!


Where was I going with this? Oh yes, characters who have nothing left to live for and the girls who love them (now THERE'S a Cosmopolitan article header). I feel sad when my characters get like that, so I try (eventually, after I'm done messing with them) to make things right and get them happy again. There will be ups and downs for all my characters throughout the series, even ones that you don't know about yet. Especially...him.


Glad you're liking the story, HJ! Is that short for something? I think I know what it's short for... devilsmiley.gif



Haha. Its a nick name I acquired due to the simple fact my name is Holly and it rhymes with Jolly. My stories are under Parchment_of_Love, but the rare occasions when I was in chat that got a bit lengthy & i'm computer illiterate so I just changed the profile name. Not such a good Idea but thats how it worked out. It would have been just plain Holly but that name gave Lacey nightmares so there for I am HJ. You may already know this story....??If so I'm sorry I repeated it biggrin.gif. I have the memory of a goldfish.

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Hey Young Sage, just wanted to stop in and give you my comps on the most recent chapter.


It was great, as usual and very interesting. While I read it the old saying 'No good deed goes unpunished' kept coming to mind though in this its Shawn who is paying for Anthony's good deed; hence the punch in the face at the end of the chapter. I suppose Anthony is getting a bit too but I mean come one how bad can it be having people think you're using a guy for sex just because your being nice to him? All in all I think Shawn is getting the shorter end of the stick. You've got a very Nephylim-esque feel pushing Shawn from good to bad extremes, though in a substantially tuned down manner.


All in all great work and I look forward to next friday.


BEst wishes,



P.S the chapter set up and the little ~ ~ ~ things work great in my opinion.

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To HJ: I'm still relatively new here, so I don't know the backstories to anyone.


To NightOwl: High school is a trecherous (sp?) place that warps the mind, and not for the better. Up becomes down, left becomes right, yes means no, and quality food means indistinguishable brownish-gray slop. Being considered gay, even if you're not, is a death sentence. Be prepared for no friends for the rest of your high school career. Don't even THINK that trying to date a girl will sway people's opinions about you. You're just trying to cover your tracks, according to them. You might want to stop driving to school, too. Your tires will just get slashed, or your car keyed, or both. Shawn may seem like he's getting the short end of the stick, but Anthony's not in a pleasant place currently either.


I haven't read any of Nephylim's stuff, so I don't know how exactly to take your comment. I'm going to run with "compliment" to save myself a serious disheartening (No offense, Nephy). Besides having his life saved, TWICE, I don't see how Shawn is being thrust into positive extremes. It's not like he's living his dream. But that's just me. Thanks for the comments.

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To HJ: I'm still relatively new here, so I don't know the backstories to anyone.


To NightOwl: High school is a trecherous (sp?) place that warps the mind, and not for the better. Up becomes down, left becomes right, yes means no, and quality food means indistinguishable brownish-gray slop. Being considered gay, even if you're not, is a death sentence. Be prepared for no friends for the rest of your high school career. Don't even THINK that trying to date a girl will sway people's opinions about you. You're just trying to cover your tracks, according to them. You might want to stop driving to school, too. Your tires will just get slashed, or your car keyed, or both. Shawn may seem like he's getting the short end of the stick, but Anthony's not in a pleasant place currently either.


I haven't read any of Nephylim's stuff, so I don't know how exactly to take your comment. I'm going to run with "compliment" to save myself a serious disheartening (No offense, Nephy). Besides having his life saved, TWICE, I don't see how Shawn is being thrust into positive extremes. It's not like he's living his dream. But that's just me. Thanks for the comments.


Thats okay I'm the same way. Not really new but I'm new to being active.

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Just a heads up: I'm not dead! Chapter 12 will be a little late today. I got seriously booked this past week with schoolwork, so I didn't have time to edit the chapter and I'm doing that now. It'll be up in about an hour. On the plus side, I guarantee that you'll like it... :whistle:

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Great chapter Young Sage, it was my favorite kind, informative and interesting.


I noticed your bit about sex scenes at the end of the chapter. I know how you feel, I at times struggle when I write my own. I seriously considerd ommiting sex all together in my my stories as I constantly worry about if they're good enough but then I considered how realistic that would be given the sorta planned lengths of my stories. For what its worth the scene you wrote in was nice in my opinion. I think your detail was descriptive enough and Shawns reactions were very beliveable.


Best Wishes,


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Great chapter Young Sage, it was my favorite kind, informative and interesting.


I noticed your bit about sex scenes at the end of the chapter. I know how you feel, I at times struggle when I write my own. I seriously considerd ommiting sex all together in my my stories as I constantly worry about if they're good enough but then I considered how realistic that would be given the sorta planned lengths of my stories. For what its worth the scene you wrote in was nice in my opinion. I think your detail was descriptive enough and Shawns reactions were very beliveable.


My favorite kind of chapters are the ones that are posted regularly (*glances at Camilo*). If/when sex happens in BSC, it will happen naturally. I don't think sex in the locker room is really that common anymore (though it could be; I never hung around the locker room, waiting for some fleshy action to happen). I don't want to become one of those writers who over-describes every, single, little thing that happens, sex scene or not. I'd just quit writing then. I try to make reactions to everything that goes on believeable.


Little known fact: chapter 12 was originally split into two parts, Part 1 and Part 2. I combined them both for you guys, which is why it's way longer than normal. There are a couple 2-part chapters out there. You'll recognize them by their length. I can't promise that they'll all be combined into one. But most chapters are around the size of chapter 11, which is around 3,000 words.

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darn and I thouhg I had covered that up. By the way that ruler hurts! I would be very sad if you didn't write a sex scenesad.gif, and as long as you post I can live with short chapters lol. Love ya!



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I never said that I actually HIT you with that ruler. I just said that I picked it up. And measured things with it. You ASSUMED I hit you with it because you're secretly a masochist. Chapters will continue to be posted until they run out or I am physically unable to post them (or technical problems arise...again).

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devilsmiley.gif You can hit me with a ruler if you like... I like it :)


You haven't done anything wrong...and I'm a horrible Master.




In other news, I've got the next couple of chapters all edited and stuff, so less wait on Fridays for y'all (why do I use that word? I'm nowhere near the South.).

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You haven't done anything wrong...and I'm a horrible Master.




In other news, I've got the next couple of chapters all edited and stuff, so less wait on Fridays for y'all (why do I use that word? I'm nowhere near the South.).


I don't live in the south either but I use it cause my whole family is fromt he south and they use, plus I jus tlike the word.


Hey can i get in on the ruler action...though I'm more Dom then a Sub hehehehe jk.




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No one is getting the ruler! That's all your "punishment."


Dear legions of fans,


I got caught in a meeting on campus, so expect the chapter to be a little late again today (speaking of punishments...). I'm sorry! I can't control these things (that's what he said). I'll post the chapter as soon as I can, which will be later on in the day, but it will STILL be sometime today!


Hiding from the thrown objects,

Young Sage

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Chapter 13 is now up (yay!). I forgot to say this in the notes, so I'll mention it here and in the notes in chapter 14:


Ask Shawn and Anthony!


If you've ever felt like asking Shawn or Anthony a question, any question at all, then ask away! It doesn't matter if they have to do with the story or not (ex. "What's your favorite color?", "Which hamburger is the best?", "How about that weather?"). Your only limitation is to NOT ask about things that happened after 2007, as that is the year in which BSC takes place. Any questions asked will be answered by Shawn and Anthony themselves (aka: me doing my Shawn and Anthony impersonations)! I look forward to cussing you all out. :D

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DUDE!!!!! I think I had a vision of your Announcement Summery for this chapter. I SWEAR I've read it some place before, it just SO familer... are you sure you didn't use that one already? Who's going to sue you?


Anyway great chapter man, very clever, very funny. I liked the scene with Shawn and his mom, although i dunno why. The christmas scene was pretty cool too, Shawn and the gifts and all. Over all it was a great chapter, I look forward to next weeks chapter.


before I go I ahve a few questions for Anthony:


Favorite Pizza toping,

how long you've been afraid of the dark,

and....hmm I forgot the next one lol


Best Wishes,


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DUDE!!!!! I think I had a vision of your Announcement Summery for this chapter. I SWEAR I've read it some place before, it just SO familer... are you sure you didn't use that one already? Who's going to sue you?


Please tell me you're kidding. Please? Give me some comfort in humanity.


Question 1: Anthony (this will actually be covered in a future chapter, so lucky you!): "Dude, you know what's awesome? Pineapple. Try it, dude. Totally worth it."


Question 2: Anthony: "What the f**k, dude?! Did that ass Shawn tell you that?! He's f**king lying! He doesn't know what he's f**king talking about! I ain't afraid of the dark! Look dude, if he's bringing that night at the house shit up in his defense, I went into the bathroom that night for a drink of water and was too tired to turn the light off. And the shades were open because I wanted to check on the weather, dude. That's it. Anything else coming from Shawn is a lie."


Shawn (to the reader): "Suuuure, let's believe the guy who changes his mind about EVERYTHING every five minutes."

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Please tell me you're kidding. Please? Give me some comfort in humanity.


Question 1: Anthony (this will actually be covered in a future chapter, so lucky you!): "Dude, you know what's awesome? Pineapple. Try it, dude. Totally worth it."


Question 2: Anthony: "What the f**k, dude?! Did that ass Shawn tell you that?! He's f**king lying! He doesn't know what he's f**king talking about! I ain't afraid of the dark! Look dude, if he's bringing that night at the house shit up in his defense, I went into the bathroom that night for a drink of water and was too tired to turn the light off. And the shades were open because I wanted to check on the weather, dude. That's it. Anything else coming from Shawn is a lie."


Shawn (to the reader): "Suuuure, let's believe the guy who changes his mind about EVERYTHING every five minutes."


I have no idea what you're talking about, are you feeling well?


I love Pineapple and ham it is awesome.


I was just joking bout the fraid in the dark thing, really, honestly, I BELIEVE.


Shawn be nice lol.


I'll think of some questions for Shawn later,


Best Wishes,



P.S GOTCHA!!!!!!!!!! be honest did I really have you going?

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I have no idea if I can get away with swearing in my own thread and not incite the admins' wrath, but

Shawn be nice lol.


Shawn: "F*** you." *flips you the bird*


New chapter up. Also, I forgot to mention this earlier: the whole "ask Shawn and Anthony questions" thingy is a permanent topic in this thread. So at any point in the story you wish to ask them or any other character I'll allow a question (a new character will be added to this list next week), you may, and I will answer them according to the personalities of the character(s) at the most recent chapter at the time. So asking Shawn a question now may yield a completely different answer than if you ask him a question 20 chapters from now.


F***, there's a bee in my room, and I'm allergic to bees. And my cat refuses to kill it. Stupid cat. I knew she was against me.

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I love this story so... some questions.


For Shawn....


Okay I know you did it in the beginning but considering the frustration level why have you not hit Anthony by now.... drowned him... suffocate him with a pillow or otherwise damage him?


Why haven't you given up by now and found someone else more worthy?


Why have't you tied him to the bed and raped the f**k out of him? Okay maybe the last one is going a bit too far but I have some chains, hancuffs and whips if you want to borrow them,


Are you free on Saturday ;)




Sigh... has the possiblity of mental health problems ever been suggested to you? Schytzophrenia maybe ( btw i ALWAYS spell that wrong)


What's your favourite colour?


How long have you had the sleepwalking problem?


Have you ever considered the concept of honesty?


How do you feel about threesomes :P

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