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Second Annual Team Recognition Month


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  • Site Moderator

GA Members wish to recognize the efforts and contributions of the people behind the scenes that make GA a better site and community. Without the contribution of editors, beta-readers, and Tech Support, we wouldn't have the same polished stories, author websites, and timely postings of material that make this the best site for Gay fiction."


Authors, do you have an Editor or any Beta Readers? Do you thank them for their work? If not, or even if you do, why not take a moment now to publicly thank them? We realize that some team members may wish to remain anonymous, and of course that's fine, but how about a shout out to the others!


This event is courtesy of the Writer Support Team.

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On behalf of myself, the many other authors here on GA, and websites elsewhere, I'd like to give a big thank you to everyone behind the scenes who help out with the stories!


THANKS, GUYS! We really couldn't do it without you!


And now, a thank you to my personal slaves Writing Team*:


Dargon|Kayden|Librent |TalonRider



Thank you!


*(In alphabetical order as not to choose favourites out of these stars!)

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As someone who never, ever had anyone read their stories who has gone from nothing to 60 in a millisecond I want to thank every single one of you who has read my stories. A special thank you to everyone who has left a review or commented in a discussion thread. Without you I wouldn't even have written the stories let alone posted them.wub.gif


Most of all I would like to thank Cia who alpha beta and omega reads my stories at the speed of light. This girl literally sucks in a story and has support, suggestions, guidance and enthusiasm on tap at all times... awesome.wub.gif


And, of course, the inimitable Rush... my girlfirend, fiancee and who now owes me three kisses. She edits, she supports and most of all she's there for my ranting, indecision and insecurity.wub.gif


Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you

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I want to send out a huge "THANK YOU" to my wonderful team.


They do awesome work, and my stories are very much a team effort. They are the best, and I cannot thank them enough. :worship:


I'll also add that editors and betas are all too often the unsung heroes of writing. Readers, and especially writers, should let them know that you appreciate them.

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A million thanks to the BEST EDITOR I know...

my very own:


And my two Beta Boys:

Talonrider & Ricky

I didn't receive the

Best Non GA Story of 2009 Award

on my own... you all made it happen... my sincere and heartfelt

Merci Beaucoup, Mon Chers


We're small, but MIGHTY

And thanks to all the behind the scenes folks

here and at ALL the sites. Without you we couldn't do it

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As someone who never, ever had anyone read their stories who has gone from nothing to 60 in a millisecond I want to thank every single one of you who has read my stories. A special thank you to everyone who has left a review or commented in a discussion thread. Without you I wouldn't even have written the stories let alone posted them.:wub:


Most of all I would like to thank Cia who alpha beta and omega reads my stories at the speed of light. This girl literally sucks in a story and has support, suggestions, guidance and enthusiasm on tap at all times... awesome.:wub:


And, of course, the inimitable Rush... my girlfirend, fiancee and who now owes me three kisses. She edits, she supports and most of all she's there for my ranting, indecision and insecurity.:wub:


Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you



Inimitable? hehe! Oh darling, you well know I'd do anything for you!!! From the moment I said "Welcome to GA" to you I knew we would become the greatest of friends. It's only been my pleasure to get to work on your stories and chatting with you. If only everyone could get along half as well as you and I the world would be at peace...

Luv Ya much my dear friend and fiance. Looking forward to those HOT kisses!! :wub:

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Phantom - Eric for his Beta reading

Rush - Sandra for her Editing/Plot help/shoulder to cry on.. lol


And they both do a really good job putting up with my bitching.. and laziness.. and all my other bad habits. :devil:

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What a great thread, and a great opportunity to say thank you to the people that make my stories happen:












More than that, I'd also like to thank all of my readers. If it weren't for them, all of this would be for nothing.

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I don't really have a 'team' but there are those who listen to my ideas, encourage me, talk to me about writing and are just there for me in general. Lugh, Nephy, Sam, Paya, thank you! I never would have posted any stories without you guys.


To those who review and comment in my stories, a huge thanks! I try to respond to everyone to let them know how much I appreciate it but it is always a huge bright spot in my day when I get feedback. It keeps me enthused about writing to know others are reading and actually care to take the time to comment!


Also for those who let me beta-read or edit for them, Thanks! I really do enjoy reading immensely and getting to be a part of the creative process for others has been a very special experience!


And last but certainly not least!! All the admin/mods here at GA that keep things going!! You guys work behind the scenes but without you none of us would have this wonderful place to post, read and meet with like minded people! Thank you!!

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Team, yeah right....


This thank you goes out to everyone and anyone I've ever cornered and begged to the point of helping me... you know who you are. They've gotten emails with an hour before a deadline (and my total and complete faith they would have it back to me in time for me to edit and code it to get it in on time), listened to me whine (and cry) when I couldn't think of a word (or spelling), done research (often not knowing why), done artwork (again with no clue and sometimes more direction than they wanted), put up with my artistic tantrums, and answered more questions than any one person has the right to ask. That is why I love them.


The most recent people (the ones I can think of at least) are:













and most of the people who regularly attend chat.

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WOW :D What an amazing thread :) I have a fair few editors/beta's to thank :D


Trust me... i'm an Angel - Nephy and Tiger for editing and checking my stupid mistakes :P Thanks goes to these two because without them Angel wouldn't be the sucess that it is :)


Lonely Differences - My off site editor Pete and Prince_AP for beta reading :)


Crossing Blades - ME :D hehe i had to thank myself somewhere :P


Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic : Once again, My off site editor Pete. Without him i wouldn't be great :P


A very special thanks must also go to nephy, she has helped me through alot of things with my writing and with life, she is amazing to me and i don't know how i could ever repay her :D Thanks A Bunch! :D


I'd also like to thank Nephy for letting me beta read her latest story:P


And also to my many readers who i love dearly :D

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  • Site Moderator

I'd like to give a big YOU'RE WELCOME, to the authors I work with.


I've been working with EmulatedLove, as his editor, for 16 months now and he's fun to work with. EM is the one I credit for the idea of Team Recognition. The WST was discussing how to give some recognition to the Editors and Beta Readers. And the rest is history.


I've only been beta readng for CJ for a short time. He's fun to work with.


I've been reading The Scrolls of Icaria for some time now. Out of that we've developed a friendship. I probably one of a few people who knows the story as well as he does. To that end, in early 2009 I began the task of proofreading the updated copies of Book 1 for him. I began beta reading about mid-way thru Book 2, Part 2.


I've been working with Tiger for maybe a couple of years now.


Out of this group, Jamessavik is the one I've been working with the longest.

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I would like to sincerly thank with all my heart the people who make this site tick. The moderators, editors, authors, and especially all the great people on this site. I have made so many incredible friends on this site and this may sound corny, but it really helped me change my life. It truely is a community who cares about each other. I love you all you guys! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know I haven't been an active GA member in a while but I'd like to thank the people who have helped me out.


Benji, Bugeye, Rush, PrincessDuchess, Kevin (two Kevins actually...lol "AFriendlyFace" and "Kevers") and everyone else for their feedback and support. Special thanks to PlugInMatty for his constructive criticism which I honestly feel I have benefit from. I still have a lot to learn as a writer and he's helped me get better so if you want to sharpen those skills, he's your guy. He gives good advice. :)


Writing may be a solitary activity but it's nice having readers, reviewers and fellow writers to remind us that we're not alone.

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I just wanted to jump in here and send out a thank you to Lady Rush for taking pity on a scared little newbie and offering to be my editor and showing me the ropes of GA. I also need to thank my Buddy Jon for the behind the scenes help he has given me over my writing career, and to Cia for pointing out certain things to me.


i also need to thank anyone who has ever read or reviewed my work, it's given me the satisfaction of knowing that someone was out there enjoying and determination to keep going.


Best to all,


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Thanks to the tech folks for maintaining the site: it's clean, bright, easy-to-use. Thanks also to everyone who has ever read a story and left a review or a comment on a forum thread. I've learned a lot from you all.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Behind every creative work there is the contribution of many whose untiring and constant support gets the creativity going. History remembers Einstein and Shakespeare, but we hardly know the names of the persons whose diligent support made them what they were. I don't know who the people are behind GA, still I take this forum to be the place to express my sincere gratitude to them, without whose indefatigable efforts we couldn't possibly get such a nice website.

Thanks to all of you!






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