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Oddly the plot description for Without Warning in wiki doesn't suggest anything creepy (other than the whole everyone vanished part).


The author does a good job of making it creepy without the use of the supernatural or irradiated farm animals.


When something happens that clearly observable and no one has any clues or answers- now that's scary. At least it is in this context.

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Event Horizon was weird but for me the "scare" was more my imagination, because I wondered where the ship had been.


When I was younger anytime I went through a parking lot at night or a parking garage I immediately thought of Christine.

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When something happens that clearly observable and no one has any clues or answers- now that's scary. At least it is in this context.


Good point. This almost made me read those Left Behind books that were released several eyars ago. i didn't know anyone though who read it so I didn't bother buying the series hehe.


When I was younger anytime I went through a parking lot at night or a parking garage I immediately thought of Christine.


Sorry, who's Christine?

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When i was 11 or 12 my brother went out with his friends so i decided to hijack his computer and watch a movie. It was around 12, pitch black and i decided to watch Stanley Kubrick's The Shining. As soon as the blood started gushing out of the elevator and it cut to the twins i was so completely freaked, I had to stop the movie, and stuck to all the walls on the way to my bedroom so no one could follow me in the shadows :blink:. I watched the movie again with friends last year and we all thought it was pretty funny and then they all laughed at me when i told them i'd avoided the movie for 5 years since i was so freaked D=


Nothing else has really freaked me out as much and i've never lost sleep over a scary movie. The scarab bettles from The Mummy were pretty cringe-worthy (the ones that crawl under your skin and eat you alive).

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Alfred Hitchcock's 'Psycho' did it for me. Fifty years later I still relive the shower scene when I wash my face while taking a shower. But then Hitchcock was the master film maker! :worship:

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OK Well the only horror movies I don't end up laughing at are any of them with demonic possession, crazy killer ghost thingies, or evil animate dolls. But for like weeks I could not sleep after I watched the Grudge she was O so scary.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I used to get scared easily with horror movies but maybe sense i was fifteen nothing has been able to make me even jump.


But there has been one movie thats done the job and it may not even be that scary to most of you but I was in the megaplex, it was loud and it was the first horror movie I saw in the megaplex sense it's been built here. My niece had me go see Quarantine I had no idea what happened to me. I was scared senseless, my hands were shaking i was screaming every other ten minutes and i felt as though i was going to wet my pants. My niece asked me if i was ok and if i wanted to leave, i bolted out of there so fast i knocked this guys drink over and the rest of the night my niece was able to make me jump.


I finally watched all of it when it came on demand and it still got me parniod. Maybe it was just me but I cant watch that movie again.

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Ok, i'm gonna be completly honest. I HATE scary movies. Ever since I was little. When I was young I used to hate vampire movies. I honestly used to think that vampires sucked the blood out of people by biting them in the genitals and sucking the blood from there, don't ask how I thought of it but I did.

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. Now the movie Dreamcatcher when the alien was stuck on the toilet and the guy was sitting on it. I was petrified to use that bathroom I dont think I did a number 2 in a week after that, probably more.



That's priceless. laugh.gif

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I'm not a horror movie fan at all.. lol.. because its all too scary.. :(


When I was young, I was scared to death of the wicked witch and her monkey minions in "The Wizard of Oz"

The creatures in "The Never Ending Story."


I couldn't stand seeing Old Yellow with rabies.


The Ring remakes had jumpy parts, but over all it wasn't all that bad, the scary parts though, shew.

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Good point. This almost made me read those Left Behind books that were released several eyars ago. i didn't know anyone though who read it so I didn't bother buying the series hehe.




Sorry, who's Christine?



Think Stephen King. Christine is a car with an attitude. A very BAD attitude!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is going to be a very disturbing thread...


I myself felt unease after watching The Ring, mainly the ferry scene - but it worked only the first time I've seen it and mainly because it was dark and I was watching it alone.


And anything that is moving under the skin is making me unease too! :ph34r:




Same, but my scene was the last when she came out of the tv. I think i might have cried a little in the theater i was so scared.


scream - i don't do well with the scary music adding to the anticipation of being freaked out


sixth sense - i jumped out of my seat every time, and still do even though i know its coming


Pretty much anything if I'm in the right mood will freak me out, except the gory horror stuff, doesn't bother me, so I don't watch it.

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I still won't watch horror or thrillers, hell I close my eyes and plug my ears during previews of them! All this started after my best friend traumatized me when I was 8 while watching IT. I won't go into it but she was a mega brat that night. To make matters worse, my grandmother has the damn IT clown doll in her collection. I told her when she parcels up the dolls between my sisters and I later on I soooo do not want that thing :P

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Carrie with her hand popping out of the ground and every part of The Exorcist were two that freaked me out when I was a kid and haunted me until I was an adult and saw them again. Okay, the Exorcist STILL freaks me out! The Ring was pretty scary, especially with the well chick climbing out of the TV. IT scared me until the end and then I was ticked off because I spent two days watching that damn miniseries to find the clown was a bug?! :thumbdown:

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  • 2 weeks later...

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